Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Number 1111 is made up of the powerful influences of the number 1, amplified and magnified by four. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings and starting afresh, independence and individuality, initiative and assertiveness, ambition and motivation, success and leadership, courage and strength, creation and creativity, self-reliance and tenacity, attainment, happiness and fulfillment, innovation, self-development and oneness with life. Number 1 reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and actions.

The repeating number 1 sequence (in all it’s forms) is most often the first sequence that appears to many people. Once the 1111 is acknowledged, the number sequence changes to another combination along with new messages, life experiences, directions and opportunities.

Many people associate the repeating 1111 with a ‘wake-up call’, a ‘Code of Activation’ and/or an ‘Awakening Code’, or ‘Code of Consciousness’. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, and reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, rather than physical beings embarking upon spiritual experiences.

Upon noticing a frequency of 1111’s appearing repeatedly, you may begin to see an increase in synchronicities and unlikely and miraculous coincidences appearing in your life.

At times, when you are about to go through a major spiritual awakening or an epiphany of some kind, the number 1111 may appear in your physical reality and experience to signal the upcoming change or shift.

When noticing the Angel Number 1111 appearing, take notice of the thoughts you had right at that moment, as 1111 indicates that your thoughts and beliefs are aligned with your truths. For example, if you held an inspired idea at the time of seeing 1111, it would indicate that it would be a positive and productive idea to take action on.

When Angel Number 1111 appears repeatedly it signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into reality. The message is to choose your thoughts wisely, ensuring that they match your true desires. Do not put your energy into focusing on fears as you may manifest them into your life.

Angel Number 1111 is a message from your angels to be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and mind-sets are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance and balance into your life. Be aware that you will manifest your thoughts, therefore, do not think negative thoughts as these are what you will draw into your life. Use the positive energies of the Universe to bring to fruition your deepest desires, hopes and dreams.

Angel Number 1111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality. There is an opportunity opening up for you, and your thoughts are manifesting them into form at lightening speed. Angel Number 1111 is similar to the bright light of a flashbulb. It means that the Universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting your ideas, thoughts and beliefs into material form, creating your experiences and realities.

When you recognize an Angel Number 1111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. When a series of 1111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want. Choose your thoughts wisely and do not put your focus towards your fears, as they may manifest.

Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will help to manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you with serving your spiritual life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 1111 encourages you to look to new beginnings, opportunities and projects with a positive and optimistic attitude as these are appearing in your life for very good reason. Your angels want you to achieve and succeed with your desired goals and aspirations so do not hesitate in taking positive steps and striving forward. Do not allow fears, doubts or concerns to hold you back from living and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 1111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination and enlightenment to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your lightwork.

Angel Number 1111 shows you how to begin creating your reality, and is confirmation that your intentions are in the process of manifesting.

Number 1111 also relates to the number 4 (1+1+1+1=4) and Angel Number 4.

Also see:  
Repeating 1’s  (1, 11, 111, 1111 etc)
Angel Number 1
Angel Number 11
Angel Number 111



  1. Thank you! I have been seeing number sequences so much lately, especially 1111s!

    1. I've been seeing 1111, 11:11, 1:11 for years. Then my partner of 18 died 3 years ago on 1/1/11. Now the frequency is just magnifying at a staggering rate. I'm even getting missed phone calls from 111-1111. So now maybe I know what to do with this

    2. I also get the similar experince... my watch stopped on 11/11/11 @ 1:11 & 11/11/13 @ 1:13(n i was getting watsapp and facebook alerts, without internet is switched on in my mobile)... i get my boss cal me at 11:11 or i'll get call from a delivery person for a stuff i ordered or i'll get customer care call etc., i see 11:11 in many other places as well...

    3. Me too! I feel like it must mean something, but unsure of exactly what.

    4. I too have been seeing these numbers. 10:10 11:11 12:12 and 1:11. Now for a year! Last time I seen 11:11. Was 32 yrs earlier I knew my daughter was going to be born at 11:11 and she was born at 11:15. The doctor forgot his forceps. Now I'm seeing these numbers again. But there strong like of the most urgency I can feel it strongly at first it wasn't but now that time has gone by its strong. I will be sitting there not even thinking about my phone its like someone takes my hand and draws it towards my phone to pick it up like out of no where and I will see 11:11 that number is the one I see the most of. I need to mention I also have a gift without a doubt I have visions I see they don't go away until that vision happens than they disappear. Until I get a new vision. I know at the time I see these numbers what I am doing or thinking of at the time is what this president is putting our Country through. I do not like this man in office I do not trust him and his time in office is almost up which isn't good...because his agenda will be complete. I have a vision of Obama and Romney, in the Oval office! I see Romney, sitting in the Oval desk waving and signing a piece of paper! I see Obama, standing against the door frame the door that leads out of the room. I see what their nothing wearing I see Obama's hands, feet, shoes, arm and head. But his face is blurred out can't see his face. I see men in suits downstairs on the front foyer by the fire place many of them walking around looking at one another scratching their heads.. I still see this vision. Maybe someone might know what this could mean and if the numbers has anything to do with this.

      Sincerely Roberta

    5. I just signed into my account and looked at the time on my tablet and it showed 1111 and I just looked up what that means because I see it and lot and that was table time on my upper right hand corner, how weird is that.

    6. it's weird that at this exact day also, someone wondered about 11:11/1:11/1s as I was just reading about Synchronicity. I showed a video I had on my phone to a friend, telling him that weirdly enough the year was 1970 when I only took it last month this year (2015). Then for some reason my eyes were drawn to the time the video was taken, and it is 1:11PM (in reality, I took it around almost 10PM). I went back to the Synchronicity website, and then on the side I saw this post about 11:11, and it led me here.

    7. The last full moon of the year is tonight, December 25th. The time UTC that the moon will reach it's fullest is said to be 11:11.

    8. Someone please explain to me.I for 11 months now been seeing the numbers 911 and 1111. Everyday I lost my sister 7 months ago who I used to care for she was handicapped. I then lost 3 UNCLES within the 7 months and also my brother now on the 1!th . I had my hysterectomy on Jan 11 exactly now on Feb 11 my brother passed away and 911 hasn't been seen but now everything is 111! . I was raised at the adress of 1111 JARAMILLO RD . I then married my husband and his name is jaramillo so that's my last name . Am I a light worker

    9. We are starseeds usually and you are watched by physical alien and nonphysical beings that love us all very much and all your struggles in life are being watched and felt never feel alone if you don't want to. I also see 9:11, 7:11, and 11:11 regularly today it was 7:11 AM when I glanced at the clock today. This is one of the reasons I am doing this today. Give love to these beings and god/the Ancient one, return love they give you and life will begin to bless you far more than usual. :)


    11. I see 111 and 1111 all the time along with other numbers.

      I picked up a bag of fertilizer I bought last year and checked the expiration date. It was 11/11/2018. Three 11's!

      Yesterday I saw my first 5-digit 1, which was the count of Views on a YouTube video: 11,111.

    12. Wow, this is really strange to hear so many people noticing the same thing. My eyes also have seemed to gaze at the clock precisely at 11:11 at least 4 or 5 time a week for almost the last year. Many nights I've woken from a sound sleep for one reason or another and sure enough, it's 11:11. Based on this article, I wonder if it's at all related to the non-profit organization that I'm finally getting started....weird!

  2. I have also so thanks for the info. i feel like I have a connection with the world around me better now.

    1. Remember that it is GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that invoke this Angelic activity: THE Highest Power to the Highest degree. *Keep you thoughts & intentions pure; mesh them with love and forgiveness...And the messages will be clear while the process expedites.

    2. I have 12 12 12 12 everywhere. ?? Means what??

    3. Amen. Thank you jesus!!

    4. thanks jeff, i needed that. im remaining positive, though here and there negative thoughts tries to sneak up on me, i quickly take that neg thought and recycle the shit out of it, prosperity and abundance to all and every

    5. I see these numbers a lot. I'm not big into angels because it's hard to know if it's from God himself or demonic angels wanting you to be superstitious which is a sin I struggle with. Our hope really think if we just trust God in all circumstances no matter if we see repeating numbers or not it all works out for His good. I should have my nose in scripture more than relying in number sequences to determine life situations and not relying in numbers to encourage me. Just a thought. I'm not trying to put others down if this comforts you. Just writing what's on my mind today as I look for answers in other places instead of trusting God more.

  3. I see 11:11 almost everyday, sometimes twice a day. I also see 1:11,
    2:22, 3:33 triple numbers.

    1. I do see in fact that you posted on 10-11 at 9:11.

      lol Nice

    2. wow. 10/11/12 at 9:11!
      (9/11 (04) my mom passed on)
      ..and it's 10/11/14 today! D:
      I've gotten a series of 1's in the last HOUR!
      top YT comment had 111 likes saying "song contains only 11 words", followed by me scoring 1111 pts. in a game. Minutes later 11.11.11 in a movie trailer!
      And that's what brought me back to this page again today!
      as I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. Or should be..

    3. Also October 11 at 9:11 hrs. Interesting. I have also been noticing 11:11 on clocks, and this has been happening for a while now.

      I have had many spiritual experiences and thought for a while that I had been abandoned as my last vision was in effect end game. I will not go into that vision, but it has not happened yet but if it does every single one of us will know about it, and not it is not nuclear war, something far more devastating and natural, but eh, maybe I am just crazy.

      Anyway, I thought I had been abandoned as I have not had any visits from them or any visions for several years. So seeing these numbers all the time and really just fully acknowledging now after several months that these numbers I am seeing may actually mean something as it is to coincidental that they keep popping up, leads me to believe they have not abandoned me and soon they will want to show me something else after that terrifying last vision they showed me.

      Not sure what it could be.

      I notice that this write up mentions that if you experience things like this, that we should help others to see the light. Well here is the problem with that, as I well know you need to be careful who you tell about these experiences, because humans are unable to fully comprehend or understand what it is you are trying to tell them. Therefore, to show people, or to explain to them is not really a reality, because most will think you are crazy.

      That is why I think they have not visited me like they use to from the age of around 6 till early 30's because I think because I have seen some pretty hard core stuff shown to me, and that because those messages were meant for me only it appears, and because I tried to tell people about them, ultimately those people I have told bar 2 friends I know, think I am crazy that they, them out there who show you this stuff, as a protection measure have stopped coming to me because slowly it is genuinely driving me crazy not understanding or trying to decode all the stuff they have shown me in the past.

      I also went off the rails a bit with how I treated people, I became very dismissive of people very quickly when I realized that not many people have seen or met what I have met, we are talking I have met no2 here, the one below 1. It gave me a superiority disorder, which was not meant to of happened, and showing me how to become pure light and leave this existence was enough to I think make me slightly crazy as no one bar those people close to me care to listen.

      So telling people, enlightening people is a no go I am afraid, and if you have been visited hard core like I was, then it is almost impossible to get people to believe you and ultimately this will drive the one who has witnessed this stuff mad, basically.

      Oh things certainly exist, the energy form that I know, the one near me now giving me chills down my spine, knowing it does not like me talking of it, but it is amazing and I believe, I really do believe :).

    4. What did you see? Please message me. I would love to talk to you. I'm not crazy . But most people think I am. I've seen things too. I was in a mental institutions due to telling people what I saw and my husband had me commited. While I was there I saw a man look up at the twin towers and predict what was going to happen and 1 week later they went down. I believe God is wanting us to help him . Can you message me are you on face book ? How can I talk to you without every one knowing who I am. I need to talk to someone that believes mr. And yes I think the energy does not want us talking to others about him her . I sound crazy but I'm not

    5. Yes I would like to talk to you as well! I know you're not craI know you're not crazy but you have to pursue your life purpose regardless of what other people think this is the only thing that will bring you true freedom and peace of mind I would like to contact you or you can contact me at my Gmail or Google account Galactic embassy.

    6. I believe we're living in the end times. Your not crazy God is and has given people dreams and visons. This happened in the Bible. God is showing his people things, signs and warnings. You share these things you see God will direct you to who he wants u ou to tell. These things are warnings before the Lord's Return. Tell it.

    7. I have seen 1111 since I was 19 years old. Never knowing why. I'm 52 now and I am finding so much about it. I use to think it was unlucky, but now I know it is not so

    8. Enrique paniagua yes this all makes sense for so long , years i been seeing the numbers 11 111 1111 im i consider myself a seeker of truth i have been all my life like living in two worlds at the same time it has been more so in the last few years 2 3 4 or sometimes five times a day i have a strong and estranged feeling that some things or someone is trying to communicate with me a message of some kind, not in a bad way or anything a reminder are you out there ? Do you see me like i have been seeing you all my life if you read this and understand then you know what im taking about

  4. right now it is 12:12 EST... my previous message was posted 10-11-12

  5. These numbers posses me and it freaks me out a bit but it's so intense by now, I mean, I have no rest from 222- 2222 or 11-111-1111 I'm going nuts so finally I accepted it cause I got tired resisting it, then I checked online and saw a lot more people are having this happen! Hope this all is true here, and it sure is interesting! I must say, I'm about to finally get out of a 7 years depression in a foreign country and make a huge change coming out of fears of trauma I had that brought me to where I was down to begin with, so this article is definitely encouraging!

    1. I can relate with both of those numbers. The first number I saw for years was the 222, but I always associated that with the birth of my oldest son. That's his birthday. But then after 9/11 happened, I started seeing 911. THEN last year started with the 111's and 1111's.

      You are being invited. I too went through a very long depression. Mine was 15 years. The angels know you are ready and want to help you. Let them. Keep paying attention to numbers, you'll be seeing them more I'm sure. I see so many different sets of numbers and frequently. Your angels are trying to give you messages. Good luck with everything and be blessed!

    2. I have been seeing a certain set of number for some time now. 222 is always reassuring to me, I was in an ambulance once in route to hospital, and I saw a cab, with the numbers, 222-2222. I knew I would be okay. However, recently I am constantly seeing 444 and 555 and I cannot find any answers for them. My guides are trying to get my attention, but I cannot find what they mean. Usually I am very troubled by something when these numbers appear, and these numbers are new to me. Any suggestions?

  6. Well, I've been seeing the 111 and 1111's so much this past year, ever since November of 2011, but today I've been seeing them like crazy. I've even seen a few with more then four 1's. Like I'm really being reached out to, and now that I've grown spiritually, I know why today I am seeing these numbers so much.

    But it was crazy, my phone even started...I kid you dial 1111111111 by itself. I had a phone call and missed it. Went to call the person back and the phone started doing that, even when I was trying to speak.

    Then I hung up and same thing. Hasn't done it before that or since. I know what these numbers mean but love to come back and read again when I start seeing them more. I see so many and have learned so much from your blog. I hope your blog helps others as much as it's helped me. Lately I'm seeing more 777's and 888's!!

    And that's because there's a lot of good going on in my life. I even saw a 6767 and was happy to see what it meant. It blows my mind how much the angels speak to us with numbers. I see so many and it's constant. Sometimes doubles, sometimes triples, sometimes quadruples. Makes me smile.

    1. Hello, first time here. My issue started 12/26/12 when I had a resident I was very close to pass away, I work in an assisted living facility. But anyway, that night I woke up at 11:11pm and 1:11am, and almost every night since I wake at those times, at work i may not look at a clock or at home but when I do alot of the time it will be 11:11 and 1:11. I checked my miles on my car after getting gas one day and it said 111 miles to empty, i see phone numbers with 111 in it.the other day i inputted pictures from my camera to my computer and it copied 111 pictures, I had a missed call on cell phone and it came up 111, a few times I saw I talked to someone on phone for 11 min. and 11 sec.,it freaks me out. I don't really notice other numbers, just 11:11 or 1:11 HELP

    2. That's how it starts. I'm sure you can expect to see more numbers. Before I started seeing the 1's in November of 2011, I would see 222 for years. Honestly ever since my oldest son was born on February 22. That was 17/18 years ago and I've always seen that number. My mother has seen it since then too. Funnier yet, my son says he's starting to see it lately. After that I started seeing 911 a lot after 9/11 happened. For years it was just those numbers until November of 2011. I'm constantly seeing numbers now as I go down my spiritual path and in my own personal case I think it's because I had finally started down my true spiritual path around the same time. Embrace these numbers and your angels, and good luck on your path to enlightenment!!

    3. As of 11-11-11 @11:11am these numbers and so many other sequential # have come to surface since. Like every day throughout the dayAlthough the triumphs and adversaries r still playing a huge part of my life, i am confident w coming across this site and the readings that im being comforted and directed, and now i have so much hope and truly believe that the angels have broke through my stubbornness and I'm excited to experience life like I've never known with the unknown. Your post was a def ditto and i identify immensely w the other phenomenas that u have experienced.

    4. Remember that it is GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that invoke this Angelic activity: THE Highest Power to the Highest degree. *Keep your thoughts & intentions pure; mesh them with love and forgiveness...And the messages will be clear while the process expedites.

    5. I'm getting all of that. it started with me many many years ago occasionally I noticed looking up at the clock for no real reason and it being 11:11. Then as time went on it became more frequent. Then my partner passed away the night of 1/1/11. Now the appearances are exploding everywhere for 3 years now. I'm even getting repeated missed calls. Phone doesn't ring but this missed call is appearing more often as time goes on. Returning call can't be completed as dialed. the number is 800 111-1111

  7. The 1111 has inspired my form of artistic expression. All of my works end with 1111 in the name. it is spiritually guided. The 1111 thing started my journey in 1995. I call it Nonlocal designs or Nonlocal art. DFH.

  8. My son's Birthday is 11/1/1. The troubles stemming from my 9/11/1 beliefs that or own government had their hand in it, and the negativity stemming from what I've discovered; All fear based, is /has destroyed me.

    1. Ever think that 911 was meant to be? I will forever be tied to 911. I recalled an event when I was in 3rd grade. A fellow student came up to me with a book on the greatest architecture in our recent history. This was in the late 70's. He showed me a picture of the twin towers. I saw the towers crumbling in my minds eye. I told him that they were weak and that they were going to fall. He laughed the comment off as some wild fantasy cooked up in the imagination of a childs mind. I know now that the experience of seeing the towers fall in my mind was intentional. Its message was that this was preordained to happen. Just as it was no mistake that I saw 1111 on a video game that I was playing and decided to come here and look up its meaning and inevitable read your comment and delivery this message of fate "being out of our human hands" to you. We can not control the earthly powers that be. Nor can they control each other. What should you do with that knowledge of 911? Pray for brighter days. The negativity and fear will destroy anyone. So pray for positive change and that those involved will see the light and turn toward God and away from a dark path of destruction.

  9. My dads Birthday is November 11 ...never really paid attention to it before. But from day 1 of his passing away, I've seen 1111 twice a day for 4 yrs maybe missed it once or twice . I was really close to him and didn't get to tell him goodbye it comforts me .

    1. I bet its your dad reminding you that he's sitting right there with you at that very moment and that he's never left you.

  10. I always knew there was something more but didn't know the connection. Seen the 111. 1111 911 a lot and a new one I've been seeing the last couple months now. 747. I know I've grown a lot spiritualy since seeing these numbers and I wouldn't change a thing in my life right now. Seeing this website and see meaning of numbers I know I'm on the path to something good. Thanks

  11. I have been seeing 11:11 for a few weeks now on my mobile phone obviously the same time every day. So have researched for some answers -- i've discovered that it's an Awakening Code - I am already a very spiritually aware person anyway and I am experiencing some major life changes this year --- divorce , moving home and also have become a vegitarian and become so much more aware of earth issues involving animals, children, climate change, what we eat, consumerism, etc ....... I feel massive changes coming not only in my life but for humans and our planet.

  12. I have encountered this #for the better part of a decade now it has been more prominent at times however one day was going thru some serious test in regards to my health and had been pondering a negative outcome 1111 had been everywhere as I got out of my car the clock said 1111 my park lot tkt was 111 my park spot was 11 as I walked in took a #was another 11 was called into cubicle 11 at this point I'm perplexed as I'm waiting for my testing to be done I had been contemplating what this could possibly all mean .as I'm leaving the clinic I see a young women at the counter with her back to me with her hair up in a messy bun .she too had a 1111 tattooed on the back of her neck wow full shivers went thru me I had to ask her what her meaning was of this #it must of been significant to her .she took a deep breath took some spiritual angel cards out and flipped one then she responded by saying " its the conscience awareness of time " this was really all she could say to sum it up .however it really was a spiritual awakening for me as I feel completely confident in of a certain awareness that has come with my new found meaning .1111has a great significance in ones ability to believe and trust themselves conciencly .I now feel confirmed in my thoughts and feelings whenever I encounter the phenomenon... Sincerely Rose Jacques

    1. Remember that it is GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that invoke this Angelic activity: THE Highest Power to the Highest degree. *Keep you thoughts & intentions pure; mesh them with love and forgiveness...And the messages will be clear while the process expedites.

    2. So what was the outcome of your tests?

  13. I've dreamed of this 8888 .. I saw it on the table in white car registration ... Registration was at the back of the car .. I can not remember which model it was but I remember the car paint the car .. it was white

  14. Remember that it is GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that invoke this Angelic activity: THE Highest Power to the Highest degree. *Keep you thoughts & intentions pure; mesh them with love and forgiveness...And the messages will be clear while the process expedites.

  15. well, thank´s for the information, very positive vibrations in that number that appears a lot of times yersterday in my Argentinien life, thanks again, good bye

  16. I don't believe 11:11 is necessarily about alignment. At least my guide say something different. 9"11" is 11 is 2. 1111 is 4 but 11 in general is a wake up call. 1's are about manifestation but we have to remember manifestation is not simply a personal experience but the collective is manifesting a reality in a bigger sphere all the time. Now on our planet more and more people are seeing 1111 and could be a dual message. One which lets us know we are supported and the other lets us know to pay attention to what we are manifesting.

    We are very much focused on individual consciousness for the last while. But we are being "poked" at to wake up to a collective picture. If you see 1111 (which adds to 4) begin to look at the world and see what is being created. Think about the law of one. What seems in alignment in the personal realm can lead to misalignment to the whole. For example people scattering their energies focused on success, wealth and duality is creating a different scenario on a higher level of our environment.

    The 1 energies are very erratic. Asking my guide, Ariel (the angel of manifestation), about 11 11 she says 'Confusion, going in too many directions not accomplishing what you set out to do." And numerologically, 1111 with so many 1's can represent overactivity, business, many projects, scattered pursuits the 4 energy is grounding. Think about a rainbow bridge. We;ve gone up one side and found our spiritual light up at the top near heaven, the next step is to come back down. Angels and guides are lovingly poking at us to examine what we are manifesting and why.

    Allow the yin energies to come in to balance the yang. the doer, competer energy is very strong in our society. Allow yourself to be happy with who you are in the moment without needing to be, have and do so much. Find abundance in the living instead of in the dead. Return to sacredness. It is a worship of dead things that is affecting a greater tapestry we are weaving on this planet. We can balance yin and yang again. We can feel whole in who we are. We can learn to serve the whole and learn unity consciousness instead of simply serving the self and ego based desires. We can return to remembering sacredness, for when we remember it in nature and the whole we begin to remember it in the self.

    I write a lot about the messages I received from Ariel in a book titled "I am the Lotus, Not the Muddy Pond."

    1. Wow, that made a lot of sense to me. Am going to check out your book, thanks for sharing.

    2. Wow, the message ariel gave makes soooo much sense, I've been seeing this number sequence for a year now, and well, for a year i have had too much going on, not much accomplished.... now I feel as though I'm stuck in a box with no way out, I've just been trying take shake the feeling, it's becoming unbearable, but I'm not giving up, I want to find that balance and a sense of direction, I really don't have much time, I want children with me, I don't have any type of positive help in my life currently, just people I feel are using for personal gain, I want a way out...

  17. Thank you! I have been seeing number sequences so much lately, especially 1111s

  18. Me too ,have been seeing this combo so much. Just saw this combo when i was walking at sunset :) and looked mp3 player for 1111 and song just changed and it was Revolution Renaissance - Angel. That was so amazing :)
    Thank You rush-collection for your efforts, appreciated. Love and Light to all <3

    1. Did you post this on 11:11 AM? Because thats what I see right now.

  19. Very Nice website. I just finished mine and i was looking for some ideas Messages On Hold Australia and your website gave me some.

  20. I have been seeing the number 11 and 1111 for 12 years now and my bday is the 1st of October. When I first started to see 11's and 1111 and 1's I didn't know anything about the Angel Numbers and this is my first time being on this website and reading everyone's comments. When it all started, I kinda new what to look for without knowing. Sounds funny ik. But every time I seen the numbers from the beginning, the feeling that came with it, I could understand it as if someone was there whispering in my ear telling me. It was that clear to me. When I was 11, I had an accident that caused me to have JRA and in 3yrs, it it me hard. My body took so much damage I went down fast. My blood count dropped to ''2". I was rush to Albany,New York by ambulance (45 mins away). My heart had stopped twice. I remember seeing a male figure standing over me and told me it wasn't my time and I was needed and had a purpose to fulfill. Didn't understand at that time what it meant. 2 months before 9/11 I had moved to oklahoma. That's when I started to see 11 and 1111 and1's. I have followed my instincts when I see the numbers(which is a lot in a day) I have helped so many people go from the worst times in life to the best. They stay in touch with me still and a lot say I need to write a book. Not only because I've helped them, but because I have changed my life by seeing the world and everything that happens differently. I think,see,hear,smell,feel,touch and speak clearly. Everything I do, I think of every outcome possible being good or bad and I'm able to make the right choices in my life. I haven't seen a doctor in 7-8yrs and I've had my old doctors say that this is the best they've seen me. One even said it seemed like the JRA was reversing. U can call it what ever you want...I call it the power of god. You hear the saying "God works in mysterious ways" This him trying to get our attention. Some may say or ask "why don't I see it" He has chosen those who are pure at heart,mind,body and soul. Its coming and everyone knows it. Watch the news, pay attention to everything. Not just where u live. All over the world, things are happening everyday. We are the ones god has given a gift to...the gift to help change the world.The world must change. A lot of the human race as lost faith,hope,love and respect. Its up to us to help him. We are chosen for a reason. We still believe and we kept ourselves pure at mind,heart,body and soul all our lives for this. We've been part of his plan since the 1st day he made earth. That's why more and more are coming forth and speaking.

    Sincerely, Grant Conrad

    1. Grant COnrad, i TOTALLY FEEL YOU MAN, i dont think you crazy but i had the same experience as you! I was seeing 1111 every time some kind of new experience passes my way.I have been seeing it for about a year and so far the year i went through, was crazy, i went from being wealthy to living the homeless life then back to the original life, and everytime i seen it there was always a new event in my life. When i do bad, bad comes to me. When i set my mind on changing my life and do good, good things happen. When i see the numbers, i always think to my mind, what do i need to make my life better. And once i think of those objects, somehow during the day or week, i see it front my face and then somehow it becomes mine. Im talking about helpful things, can be big or small, like one time i told myself , i really need a white board to set my goals and objectives, and my dad woke me up and told me to help him clean out his office, and i went with him, and i sat in his office for a while, and then i looked around and suddenly seen a white board in a closet that was close, but something was telling me to look inside of it and then a white board was inside of it and i asked my dad if i can have it, and he said yeah go ahead. I was like wow, then i started setting my goals when i got home, and then out of nowhere i look at the corner of my screen of my computer and it was 11:11am right after i finished writing on my white new board. I tripped out, but at the same time it became a really good day for me, cuz now i have my mind set on a new future coming to me. And also when i lived the homeless life, it was such a crazy experience, and i lived at a young age. 20 years old and i knew why i became homeless and its because i made bad decisions, but then i met these really nice and cool homeless fellaswho taught me so many different things that not many people on this earth really knows about. You be surprise. I had friends who helped me out, and they said the same exact thing, "you should write a novel", and honestly i hated hearing that. cuz i hear it allot. I did what you did to when i was homeless and it was using my senses to outcome the good or bad and when i asked god to please give me a sign, i get a call from my parents telling me that they have a plane ticket for me to come back home.And before i left the homeless life and went on the airline i seen the numbers again at 11:11 am. and thats when i told myself, its time to make a change. And till this day, my life has changed, ive been getting my act together and got everything back. A house, and a life. When i got home. I felt like my prayers were answered. And yes i am pure at mind,heart,body, and soul. i would say more but there is so much to say. but Conrad, i totally understand where your coming from. And yes it is a crazy experience but also a blessing from GOD!

      Cameron Matautia

    2. Grant Conrad I felt that there was a true reason im still here, well now you have made it clearer. May God and His angels be are constant guide.

    3. Wow guys. This makes me feel better and know that I am not crazy. God is with us and we must help those in need of wise words.

    4. Awesome,glad too know i'm not the only one,God bless you all!!!

  21. It has been some time since I visited website with such high quality information On Messages On Hold. Thank you so much for providing such helpful information. This is really informative and I will for sure refer my friends the same. Thanks.

  22. I have been seeing 11:11 on the clock a few times....including today. Even saw a phone number on my caller id as 1718-000-0000. Would really like to know the leaning/significance!!!

    I kept seeing 11:11 three times before my summer holidays and two more times when I got back. A friend sent me this url and now I know.. I have received answers.. ˘◡˘
    Thank you ~

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I started out a few years seeing the 1111,but now I'm seeing doubles(10:10,11:22,12:12) and triples (222,333,444,555,888,) CONSTANTLY on receipts, signs,clocks.I'm awaken most mornings either at 3:33 or 4:44a.m.I don't know whats really going on.

  26. I have been a normal visitor of this site and I love reading blogs posted here. They are really very well written, particular and to the point. Thanks.

    dream definitions

  27. My dad has been dreaming of 11:11 and visibly seen this for over a year and on Saturday his mother took her last breath at exactly 11:11. This helped me understand what is going on with him!

  28. A Facebook friend recommended your website to me. Best site I have found in regards to angel numbers. I have been seeing lots of combinations of 3's and 6's but today when turning on my computer after a bit of a health scare the day before. The time was 11.11. Positive thoughts are my goal. Thank you

  29. hello mam,i always see those numbers on my cellphone.11:11.the first time that i saw it,i just ignore it,but when its happening to me several times,i just started to ask my self,what is that means?and i just read that if you add all those number is 4,that is the date of my birthday sept.04 1991.i was a little bit of scared the time that ive noticed that,i just though that maybe it was a bad sign,and i figure out that tommorow wich is 11 11,nov.11 is my day off.and i have something very important thig to do,so i decided to find out what is that mean,those number,and i was surprise,its not a bad sign.i just need to be a positve.i just hope its true. thank u mam for sharing this information

  30. I wake up at 11:11 ALL the time, and figured it meant "something" but had never heard of this. Now so much makes more sense, and since I've experienced multiple deaths/losses during my life (8 in one year back in 2004) it's not surprising now that this number appears to me so often in my life! Wow! What a wake-up call this is, and will certainly be paying closer attention next time it appears!

  31. I started seeing 1111 a few years ago. At first I thought it was good luck and couldn't believe that I kept seeing this number everywhere. But now every time I see the number I cringe because I feel it brings bad luck to me. Does this happen to anyone else?

    1. I was so worried about it being a bad omen but im going to see it as a angle wanted to help, so just be positive and ask

  32. 10 Apr 2013 I had a dream image of a square block of light-colored wood (Oak?) with 111J111 burned into it. The font was closest to Century Gothic. The digits were long and spaced very closely together.
    J=1 in numerology, so would this be seven 1s? Or how do you interpret when there is a letter of the alphabet included?
    A couple of mornings ago as I was waking I heard 83 11 with a brief pause between the numbers and before I could even add 8&3. I assume I'd look at those two numbers, or just 11?


  33. dear sir, very good information. im seeing 1111 almost everyday last 6years in my life. its true that many changes happened in my life. better life .. yes the angels with us.. thank you. Raja from malaysia.

  34. I have been having the numbers 11.11, 1.01, 11.10,10.11 come into my life for a long time now, at times freaking me out. They would come either on the clock or the phone manly. I come to the conclusion that these numbers were going to be either the time of death of a loved one or even my own, so much so last night I received a text from my friend at 11.11pm to tell me her seriously ill diabetic daughter was in a Bali hospital, well this feeling of dread came over me and I felt sick. I decided to pray to my angles to keep her safe and to bring her home. I hardly slept, when I did I woke to a message saying she had been moved to another hospital and had managed to eat. So for the rest of the day the news has been good and we are hoping for her home on Saturday. After reading about these numbers 1111 and the means I will to my health not worry about them and treat them like a gift, using every time I see them to ask for something nice to happen. x

  35. Hey rush-collection,

    I've actually seen 11:11 in a various amount of ways. I had a pretty big accident, and since then have decided to stop what I was doing workwise, and pursue a different path that I felt was my calling. Since then, every time I feel the weight of the world on me and beat, 1111 shows itself at the most odd but geniusly perfect times. I wrote about it in a blog post. Check it out!


  36. Hi everyone,

    This is actually weird for me to do.. im typing this out.. but thanks for all of the honest to-the-point comments.. it must be calming to know that there are ppl out there that are experiencing the similar things you are experiencing. I read all the comments, and I feel like I sped up the process of discovering all these points on my own through you people. Thanks for that. I always believed in the "law of attraction' and will always see the silver lining in every cloud... I urge everyone to be positive in every seemingly negative situation. And even more positive in the good times. Don't hesitate if you feel something is right.. do it.. getting signs in the form of angel numbers is truly a gift.. so make use of it. think positive all the time . YOUR mind is the GATE KEEPER .. and the GATE KEEPER decides whether to allow negative thoughts in or not.. or whether to allow positive thoughts in...use this to your advantage and balance your life I guess.

    Cheers. Riaan :)

  37. I been seeing 11:11 and a pattern of seeing 1:11,7:11,9:11,4:11,2:11,10:11,6:11 and I keep on seeing it for months now.What does that mean.

  38. First of all, I'd like to thank you rush-collection, for your great explanation on these patterned numbers. I'd also like to share my experience with these numbers and thus far what I have learned from it. As of now I am 23 years old and it all began 3 or 4 years ago. How? I recall being in my bed and every time I'd look at the clock I would see a patterned digit, such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55. Towards the beginning I did not pay much attention, however, it became so frequent that I finally paid attention to it. Once I noticed that indeed I did not look at the clock on my own in order to see these numbers, but rather something unconsciously would coerce me to look aside, Then after some time, I did my research and found many blogs explaining the interesting "meaning" of such numbers.After being part of these so called angels, I began doing my own tests with these numbers. As you have stated, it is true that we must pay attention of what we're thinking at the moment that we see these patterns. For instance, what I have learned is that when I am about to make a decision, specially that which I know might be against my belief or self good and then I see a number prior to me performing the act, it means that I should NOT move forward with that. After I have seen the numbers and actually performed the act without paying attention, the results have been very negative most of the times. Specifically when I have seen 9:11 pop up this for sure means not to do whatever you are about to do. Or even if you are not performing anything, that means that something or someone around you is in danger. It is funny to me when I see someone open their phones right at a patterned time and they have no clue of what it actually means, but coincidentally you were next to them. Sometimes I have told people and they think I am crazy. Thus far I have only met one person who actually experiences the same as I and you guys. Moreover, at one point in my life I did not believe in any religions. Until one friend came to my life and introduced me to Christianity. Before I get to far with that, I want to mention that at one point I even thought that I was an atheist. Until I really became spiritually involved with the higher being is when I ascertained that these numbers come from our above and beyond which has selected us to be representatives of him in flesh. Just as me. Whom he has brought to you guys to see things different and become closer to him so that we can guide other to saviors. As rush-collection said “we are being reminded that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking upon spiritual experiences. Every time I go to a church and praise the lord or from anywhere I am, I feel a connection with spirits filling my soul. And when I look at the clock and I see a pattern, I feel even better to know that God is indeed the one behind all this. My advice to any one reading this is to go to a religious place that believes in Jesus of Nazareth. You will not regret it as you were chosen to follow him and you have no other escape. I concluded my research after I read the bible and many times, many chapters and verses of pattern numbers include very beautiful and special messages that make you think twice. Of just not the actual 11 for instance, but also making yourself ask why patterned verses is the one with the most negative or positive message. I will finish this by providing the two most important patterned verses I have found which I believe are not coincidence.Luke 1:11 And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense.Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. As you can see, Luke 1:11 confirms that an angel of the lord is part of the reading. But this also confirms why many bloggers tell you that 11:11 means that there are 1,111 angels guarding us. Followed by Luke 2:11 which also confirm that Christ the Lord at one point was born to bring guidance to those who are smart and walk in righteousness.

    1. Update... My friend has died. The only person I have personally met which would also see the 11's appear everywhere. :(

    2. Wow! Amen. I see This stuff too.. a lot! I read that Luke
      Last month in bible study & noticed the significance. It's so great to see other people see these #s & understand the meanings :)

    3. I've found other faiths all have a similar message, don't be exclusive be inclusive in other words don't be selfish but giving, complete or whole not separate and alone. YouTube, fractals DNA golden rule Dan will help us understand, it helped me, a lot !!

  39. Same thing with me, but despite reading as much as I can I still can't get a handle on the meaning of 1111 catching my eye twice every day. Specifically, what message am I to discern?

  40. It's interesting I see this all the time too and the numbers are increasing on a high rate. Usually, I see 1111 and 222 or 555 quite frequently. Just today, I saw 1111 on a validation code to post a comment somewhere and that just blew me away, I mean how often does a validation code come up with a 1111. I'm still not sure what this means for me, I see it often, but it would be nice to understand.

  41. Can someone please help me with the meaning of the no 2?my little Hunter-Cade passed away last year on 02 Aug 2013,he was born on 22 May 2013. The no 2 keeps popping up and I don't know what to make of it. He was born on 22,passed away on 02,he was my 2nd son(my moms second grandson)I keep on seeing the no 2 and am very confused about it all!my mom sugested I should google the meaning of no2 but I truly do not understand it xoxo

    1. You already know the answer. Why are you asking about school and education when you know deep down that is what you want to do. Also in life no regrets! Part of finding your soul mission is following the path your heart is leading you. Let the angels guide you.

  42. Hello I was born ar 1111 my grand father pass 111 from own personal experience with 1111 it is really all top comments as well this great blog is so true in term of all stories are al most same happened to everyone mostly it happened to me as well. But I had strange experience with this 1111 for long time 1111 is pop up for last 3 years but foe some time it was not appearing for me so I started thinking what is deal why it is not showing up at that I was passing through some circumstances which ia not good and I was kind of trouble maker in my work and I knew that what I doing is no good one day I decided to stop those problems and change the way of being negative to start thinking positive be reading some books that while reading I can feel good and positive engery positive though example the THE SECRET after I started reading and being positive suddenly it came up again 1111 which made really happy for unknown reason after that my life totaly changed for example I had changed my job 4 times in 2 months and each time I change the job I get better job and offer which really touched me my life is very great way . I liked to share with everyone this personal experiences .
    At the end I would like to advise as the great writer mentioned it in his article JUST BE POSVISTE when u see 1111

  43. I keep seeing 1111 222 333 444 555 and 1222 everytime I look at my clock in any room in the house it even happens when I am anywhere else with a clock and it has something to do with energy and the world as well as the past and future
    I cannot say exactly what because you will all have to figure that out on your own but people should always believe in themselves before they believe in anything else they are a strong race and will flourish if they play their cards right

  44. My experience start from a nightmare! In my nightmare I was fighting with demons and was hard fight after I kill few of them a big one came and it was really strong then I suddenly waked up and I looked at the clock and it was 3:33 am from that night till now around two months everyday I notice the time 1:11 , 11:11 , 3:33 , 10:10, 10:01, 01:01, 2:22, 4:44,5:55 couple times a day normally! I don't know what's the message but still trying to find out!

  45. i saw this number today but i was angry and i still am i dont understand how this applies yet i see it all the time


  47. Hi rush-collection. I am 20 yrs old and I've been going through a tough stage in finding myself. I feel great now, but there is one thing that I am so confused over. And that is my education.

    I don't know if I should return to college because I'm a strong believer in having a soul mission and life purpose and my degree I'm entering is for the money solely. Plus it is respectable and it will make my parents proud who have been very strict and controlling on me. (But I also think that this is the reason why I was able to connect with spirituality early on.)

    Last night I stayed up the entire night battling the question of whether or not I should go back to school. I told myself that if tomorrow I see 2:22 on the clock then I'm going back.

    While driving to work with my sister I looked at the clock and it was 11:11. I can't specifically tell you what I was thinking about that exact moment, but i did tell my sister about how I was thinking about school and my parents in the car ride.

    When we finally got to my sister's salon, ate and settled in, I began to browse on my laptop. My sister casually asks me "what time is it" and leaned over to her phone (that I use a lot now because like I said my parents are very strict and some things happened that I have no material possessions, which I don't mind.) She clicks on her phone and there it is... 2:22PM. June 25, 2014. I stared at it long enough to witness it change time.

    I was sure I got my answer, and was super excited to fully commit into something with confidence. However...

    When I got home from work I got to talking with my cousin who is dear to my heart that is a year older than me but who looks up to me as a role model, began to tell me her frustration with school and how she swore it was useless and a waste of time and that it essentially didn't matter. Keep in mind this was the first time we talked to each other ever since she became distant towards me... (Which have always hurt me, but I still tried to mend things because she was the closest thing I had to a best friend.)

    After becoming lost again after speaking to my cousin, I went onto your forum, looked on top of the screen and it was 1:11AM.

    Please tell me what the angels are trying to tell me? Is school the path they want me to take? (When I look up things or go onto my school campus, I aggressively see the number 444.)

    Hope I get my answers. Namaste.

    1. Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels, practicality and responsibility, productivity, illumination and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and ability, honesty and inner-wisdom, determination and endurance, hard work and progress. Number 4 also represents our passion and drive and encourages us to work harmoniously yet diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations. Number 4 is also the number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. With three 4’s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced.

      Angel Number 444 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment.

      Angel Number 444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you positive energies, inner-strength and
      support to enable you to get the work done that you need to. They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Use your strong connection with the angelic realm to your benefit and be open to their promptings and messages. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance.

      Angel Number 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose and soul mission. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path. Know that the angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing.

  48. Yep i know these numbers my birthday has four 1's in it also know life path numbers

  49. I had these number hunt me for a long time now 1:11 & 11:11, I felt it was a sign but wondered if it was a good one or bad, my little brother passed 2 years ago and since its been hard to think positive, I learned to cherish my family and kids more and love my wife better but I think its because Im just scared on loosing them. Thanks to this blog and comments make me feel better, "im not alone". Even dough I had that tragedy happened in my family I am happy were im at, I feel blessed and I count my blessings every day, its just grate to feel you have angels watching over you, Ill be more aware on what i think from now on, I will set goals on a board to follow like I read someone did here, would like to learn more on this but all I can say from the bottom of my heart is THANK YOU.

  50. Ive been seeing 771 617 626 858 855 755 868 686 218 881 almost everyday this last month. Wish knew more about what the messages mean.

  51. i got more then i could have asked for from this . my greek name number is 1111 . everything in this article ive noticed since a young age. listened to my heart and made the world around me with the purest of light . though ive only just notice how much i affect people with this energy that i put off whether i talk to them or not .

  52. Today is 11-11-14 and it's my Birthday! I was also born at the 11th hour and I see 11:11 or 1:11 all the time on the clock. The number 11 has always been very auspicious for me as well. Today on my 48th birthday I have received the most expanding, healing and truly blessed awakening of my life so far. Thank you is my prayer and I am so excited to walk in possibility, light, and love for myself and the world at an even deeper level. NAMASTE

  53. To Sambozauk and Anonymous November 9, 2014 at 5:43 AM

    You/We are not crazy! During my awakening I to tried to tell family and friends. What I learned is that we all have our own time of awakening and we shouldn't expect those who are not ready to be awakened to listen. Sambozauk...your experiences remind me of some of my husbands experiences. I am so thankful to have never left his side. This past April..I had an encounter and was in the presence of Spirit our True Creator what was given to me telepathically is that EVERYTHING IS A DISTRACTION here to keep us from looking within ourselves. We are to be at peace with ourselves and free ourselves of stress. Once you realize that we are connected to our true creator and seek to look within for will be guided and given the strength to walk life on this challenging planet and it will start to become easier.

    1. No we are not crazy, my awakening happened on April 19 2013,days before that I was considering ending it all. If your considering this I beg you not to,search your heart, let go of the hurt from others and hurt from your own actions, repent,which means to change direction, let the spirit of the universe be your guide not the selfish ego, forgive others and yourself for living so foolishly and let the baggage of judgment of self and others fall away. Align or repent you heart with positive and see that life really dose have purpose. I know it's hard to see from the other side but your so close, I had to accept the truth about myself and begged God to forgive me. That day in April changed my life forever. Most people are not ready to hear the truth,they live in a bubble of self hence the term stuck in your head,consumed by self. If you try and pop the bubble they get mad and run away,I've found that if you do it slowly and don't arouse the ego you can slowly deflat the bubble. Remember love not judgment, together not separate. Peace to all my brothers and sisters =)...

  54. Same here. I keep seeing 11:11 on the clock whenever I look for the time. The funny thing is I feel as if something is directing me to look at the clock whenever I see 11:11 or 1:11 . After reading this website a while ago, I have become more aware of my angels trying to communicate through these codes and see them more frequently. I appreciate the knowledge this website has to offer and enable me to understand the messages my guides are sending me :)
    - Monique

  55. Dear Friends -

    I have been seeing the 1111 pattern for about 7 years. I have to admit that is a interesting puzzler on our routine sometimes boring lives. Specially since many times without even looking you can "feel" that the pattern is present - not only on a clock but an ad, newspaper, label etc.

    I understand that the search for an explanation and the desire for the such explanation to be magical and glorious can take us through some spiritual and religious venues for which we are prime candidates - we are felt special, different and chosen, and that is a pretty powerful emotion, specially if it comes followed by a powerful story behind. We think, that's it that must be it, i have been chosen for something special. God is looking at me, i have a mission. ;)

    Okay, here comes the less glorious neuro physiological explanation -- Our conscious and unconscious mind have a pretty tight communication pattern that retro feeds into one another - most of the time this process is subtle, however sometimes because of specific triggers, this retro feeding is locked into a loop. Conscious mind pick up a recurrent event and assigns a significance that our unconscious mind deems relevant and starts retro feeding timing and reaction when that particular event is perceived. Keep in mind that our unconscious mind is great at calculating timelines so all biochemical process can happen at cellular level, inducting intuitive perception into our conscious mind. Then based on the timing of such observations we correlate these events with everything else happening at our lives. Whoever still decides to believe that they have been chosen by supreme power for enlightenment or a higher purpose, please by all means go ahead and disregard my explanation, at the end we believe what we need to believe. Angels and higher spiritual planes opening up are a far more enticing explanation but that plain - obsessive neurological retro feeding. ONEs is the elemental unit for real numbers which is the elemental pattern our neurological pathways establish for operational baselines and computational models- so "1" is the most common number obsessive retro feeding would red flag.

    Again, whatever you decide to believe, believe that you are special no because of this pattern that you keep seeing but because you have the ability to do good and make a difference. No need for magical powers to confirm it.
    Be good, be well, take of yourselves and remember to be grateful and thankful.

  56. To a new beginning, new kingdom, new world. 1238

  57. I have been an avid follower of your Angel numbers and the abundance of information you have here rush-collection. Each day I look at the numbers that frequently appear for me and reflect on how the angels guide and respond to my requests and questions.

    Today is 1-1-15 and it is a blessed New Years Day. I awoke after a long night because I have difficulty sleeping and immediately checked my phone for the time. It was 11:11 and strong confirmation that I am moving in the right direction with my ideas for following my passion. I believe that you rush-collection are an angel that I happened upon in a desperate time years ago, and I have followed you along this journey. Thank you for being the angel you are, and thank for offering your knowledge to others. Happy New Year and Blessings all around! Connie

  58. yes=joy:)) hawi hunk1111 is here from hawaii,artistblake has 11 letters and so does blake angels love me my heart beat puts out a wave of 84ft.projecting positive thoughts to all things:the seen and unseen!!

  59. My birthday is 11/11 and I was born at 11:07 am

  60. My birthday is 11/11 an I was born at 11:07am

  61. I've been seeing number sequences lately as well such as 11:11 1:11 11:11:11 from everywhere. Just recently after i watched a video on facebook and check the comments below, i saw 11 likes 11 replies to that particular comment and another comment below it under the same situation. And sometimes i get this energy bursts within me more like a bliss because it feels really good.

  62. Go to 222 conference free feb 20- 23rd look up online. Mott auditorium.

  63. Go to 222 conference, register online, its free
    Mott Auditorium feb 20-23rd.

  64. Hi everyone I've been seeing 11:11 for about a year now I can't escape it I've tried ignoring it but it won't go away any feedback would help thanks

  65. Thank you so much Joanna for putting this site together for all to see. It has really been a blessing and has helped me to connect with my Angels in a way that I never knew was possible. Love and Light!

  66. often saw 11 11 or similar numbers such as 1 11, 1 10, 11 10 on digital clock for around two years already. sometimes for days consecutively, sometimes a few times in a single day. but often feel that things go the opposite way of what i have hoped or expected. so i really do not know what i should do, what thoughts should i have, what the angel numbers are telling me.

  67. I see these numbers... I fall asleep, and dream of what I believe my guardian angel. The first time was a male teen gave me a kiss on the forehead and I woke up feeling it on my forhead. The same thing happened a few days ago... This time my angel took forma of an elderly man. He gave me words of wisdom and he too kissed my forehead and I woke up with a warm sensation on my forehead.

    I also always feel a presence in the corner of my room. Just watching me. And when I close my eyes at night, I see a light, but open my eyes fast enough because I am scared of it... maybe god, wants to give me a message..1111

  68. 1111=


    Thru Christ Jesus

    [Philippians 2:2]
    Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

    [Ephesians 4:4]
    There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

    [1 Corinthians 12:12]
    For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

    [Jeremiah 33:3]
    "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."

    [Job 33:33]
    "...Hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom."

  69. well now I randomly stumbled upon the number 1.111 - the time it took for my script to finish its process...thats odd.

  70. Thank you I am blessed with all the wonderful comments... I have been seen the numbers frequently and see why I have made positive achievements in life... the Guardian Angels are always watching over us and reminding us to follow the path that is clear and alight...

  71. I bought this portrait of Jesus from a collector and the COA was 1111... I am very impressed for this number and the work in this portrait... It must mean something...

  72. This morning I checked the time on my phone...surprising to me when I saw 2:22 AM.I checked it again... 11:11 AM.Could someone please tell me what this means to consecutively see these number sequences together? Thank you for any and all feedback you can present to me at this time.
    Sincerely, AngelLightOfLove

  73. God 4ever!! He is the best

  74. Now i know why 1111 always appear in my daily life.Thank you for all sharing and experience. I believe God tried to speak with me through his ANGEL and telling me what supposed i do in my life.Thank you for who make this website or personal blog. Its really mean in my life.

  75. My gramps passed when I was a baby and he died at 1:11 on 11/11/11my mom did not belive it until she and I keep seeing 111or1111 on a holidays birthdays and even when someone is sad or someone who died in the family

    1. btobin722@Comcast.netFriday, August 07, 2015

      11:11 Discovered is related directly to the Bible Verses is is infact an AWAKENING. The Bible. Verses are actually the CURRENT. Time NOW as of it discovery on July 22,2015 at 11:11 o'clock if you look to the bible verses they are actually times of the clock for all Good Notice each individual throughout each day time noticed significants of importance it our Lord God trying to gather his people to know him intimately through the BIBLE word of Jesus it is absolutely mystical telepathic comunication of his Guidance. Of your lifes purposes and consultation between the Angelic Angel Guidance Googled from here of the times of notice and biblical same time the Guidance is extraextreemordinary true always ensure to do a BIBLE Direct Verse Compairson to ensure the Lord Gods is clear understanding ,please tke this seriously it is important you Know our FATHER Through the BIBLE Book of Life
      eternal. It is a wake up Jesus will be comming soon he Loves us and has mercy those who will pay attention there is a biblical verse the whole inhabitant Earth will know the truth and then He will Come will you be Happy or will you Fear Him
      God Bless You All On Your Spiritual Awakening Lifes Journey

    2. I was texting my friend and realized right at 11:11 I had told her we need to send healing love and light to the collective conscious every day how awesome

  76. i alway experience this most of the time!!!
    checking time, numbers on the street, on TV, on my phone, on my tablet, and even my trophies on my COC today is 1111! and this force me to finally search it on the internet.

    and you guys really blow my mind, its amazing!
    and thank God its real, many good things happening to me.

  77. i alway experience this most of the time!!!
    checking time, numbers on the street, on TV, on my phone, on my tablet, and even my trophies on my COC today is 1111! and this force me to finally search it on the internet.

    and you guys really blow my mind, its amazing!
    and thank God its real, many good things happening to me.

  78. A couple of days ago I wrote out an abundance check and my one and only check from my checking that was available was #1111. Thought it was a pretty cool number but now that I read this blog post I know it was meant for me to write out that check as it was aligned with my thoughts. Thanks for such a great blog!

  79. | am so glad I found this blog! I thought I was crazy! I started to notice 111 and 1111 end 2012 but not knowing what they mean ..therefore not paying much attention. following months...began to notice the repeated numbers of 111 and 1111 everywhere and many times a day...I freaked out ...until one day..I was kind of guided to do.... just try my luck google for the meaning of numbers 11:11 ( I was feeling silly as I was typing at the keyboard...) ....I cannot believe it! .......I recalled I was so happy and relief to find there are many like me....and I am not crazy! Even since then I have been keeping myself on high awareness and walking a fervent path to enlightenment.. praying ...learning about my angels and trying to understand the repetitive numbers and numbers combinations which always sum up to 11 or 111 or 1111 means...I always re visit this site and each time ...I receive a clearer and meaningful messages ..reading the blogs and all your sharing....I am so grateful...Thank you God. I want to say, I want to be a strong lightworker!

  80. Hi all,

    Many thanks to this article and all the wonderful posts. I too see triple numbers almost daily. I thank the universe/GOD and I am generally very blessed. I believe this is the way that the spirit world wants to comunicate with me/us. Just wish there was more, however happy thus far with what I get :)

  81. Hi everyone,

    I started receiving these numbers in triplicate most of the time a few years back. I believe it is the way the universe/GOD wants to talk to us. I just wish there was more or at least that I can "hear" more. I usually get at least one triple number once a day if not more. Usually when I ask for something or require guidance. And there is always guidance given. :)

  82. It's crazy I'm seeing the same numbers all day everyday of 1111 or 111. It's either the time, numbers on a sign or addresses. I've never ever experienced anything like this.. we are on day 13 of the same over and over.

  83. 1111 constantly, then when I acknowledged this and talk ed with spiritual advisor, 111, 1212, 1010, 222, 333 also very frequent. It often happens when I'm praying for myself or others. When I'm working on creative business projects to help others. Heaven is real

  84. I have a question anybody can answer. Ive been seeing angel numbers everywhere and now I get a long blonde hair strand in my bed. No one is in my room except for me and I lock them. I have short curly black hair so thats impossible. Is this a sign that one of my angels has blonde hair?

  85. I was searching something else when something i clicked led me here. i have read about this article a month or so but ignore it since it wasnt really happening to me back then. then one time i saw time 11:11 on my clock but i just ignore it and thought that that wasnt for something. after that instance, i already start seeing those sequence twice a day consecutively for more than a week now. This happens just on my clock though except that on time i visited a friend that stays at room 111. There isn't anything significant happening yet but im still on puzzle and wondering what this could be and its freaking me out.

  86. What if i'm thinking of doing a new kind of job, but i'm not confident, because i know my character does not really fulfill one of the main requirements of that job, and my voice is too soft for that kind of job.Should i follow my heart or brain?

    1. Follow your heart and take your brain with you. Love and light,my friend!!😊

  87. I have been seeing 1111 a lot recently along with others. Today I opened my pedometer and watched the step count chanel from 1105 to 1111 before my eyes.

  88. Today I clicked on the weather channel on my tablet. It indicated 11:11 (11 hours, 11 minutes) of daylight today.

  89. Intresting if we have moere common in life, egz. character , experience?

  90. Today it rained on me, but only me and the ground around me. I kept looking up at the sky for an explanation. I had to keep wiping off my cell phone screen. It was strange and I might have thought it was a dream, except for I had company, so it happened in front of someone. For a few weeks the number sequences; 1111, and 7777 have randomly shown up everywhere. When I am checking out at a store, or given to me as a confirmation number. I'm not religious, but it's on my mind. Hmm.

  91. The more I read about all your comets is the more i understand that it is with out questions that this is a message this number 11 111 1111 for the last several years now is becoming more and more frequently 2-3-4-5 times per day i have felt that someone or something is trying to communicate with me and it has led me here don't know why can you see me the way i have seen you all my life why now and why here

  92. devil's number
    if N2 is missing there is no development

  93. i have been seeing these numbers too
    every time i look at a clock,laptop ,watch , the time will be 11.11,2.22,3.33,4.44etc
    today it happened again
    i knew something was weird
    someone please tell me what might be going on..
    and for the past few days i am having dejavu's

    1. i posted the earlier comment.
      i am still seeing the numbers
      it is more frequent these days.
      it is seriously freaking me out
      i am going to consult a numerologist since i am not getting any answers here

  94. Have been seeing 1111 or similar numbers for these few years, and now i'm getting more sensitive towards numbers i see. often feel that i see many other numbers often too, on and off. dont know i'm thinking too much or it's true.

  95. I was born on 11.11.65 at 11 oclock, my twinsister was born 11.11.65 at 11.10, my mother 11/11/40.
    My son was born on 11/09. The children of my sister : 11/08 and 11/03.
    I see 11 everywhere! Sometime when I dream, a few days later it realy happens, also an aircarft accident..
    I think it's creepy sometimes...

  96. I would recommend that any person who believe in God should be careful regarding to the subject of numbers and things like this. My experience with all these numbers and things was good at the beginning, but it lead me to some kind of dark hole after a couple of months, I started to change my believes, and believe in reincarnation and things that are maybe not exactly God teaching.
    I am still kind of figuring what is the bottom of it all, but to anyone who believe in God, please think of him first, always :)

  97. I'm starting to see more numbers and advice that indicate working as 'lightworker' or towards your spiritual path. I dont know if it's true, but I really cant think of any 'lightworker' career which I would be good at.

  98. It just keeps getting better! Thank you so much for this site that I can keep referring to as these numbers keep appearing in my life. I see numbers daily. Sometimes the same sequences for a while and sometimes different sequences. I know I am receiving constant communication from my angels and guides.

  99. Hello everyone. First and foremost thank you for explaining Angel Numbers in general. All throughout the day I see triple numbers 333 or 444 1111 etc. it began with 333 I got married at 1111 and have been seeing triple digit numbers as well as 1111 since then. It's been a year now and I'm still seeing more and more Angel Numbers. What does it all mean? I see repetitive numbers at least 7 times a day everyday...

  100. Thank you, Namaste.

  101. I have been seeing recurrent numbers of 911 &1111. I also have seen visions before they happened yet when I would tell my friend about them she thought I was crazy...until they HAPPENED. Now she and other people I try to tell don't want to be around me. They say I freak them out. I was always told by my Grammie that I hold the same psychic power that she did. Yet I still do not understand why I only see the bad things that are going to happen. Especially when I don't know exactly when or where therefore I cannot stop it. I know it will be anywhere between the next 5 minutes to the next month. I feel as if I am being tortured. That I am liable for the bad because I couldn't stop it because I had the knowledge. I read here that 1111 is supposed to be positive yet in other literature it refers to the 4 horsemen, therefore would explain the bad and evil I see when these numbers show up or I just out of nowhere have a vision flash before my eyes. I need someone to talk to that believes me and will not fear me. Please anyone. Email me @ if you truly want to hear me.

  102. I keep seeing the # 333 all the time ! If I randomly noticed other #'s as well, it wouldn't bother me ! Any thoughts ?

  103. I began two years ago seeing 333 whether an address the time or on license plates, etc.. Then I began seeing 1111 . It then progressed to multiple triple digit numbers such as 444 or 666 and lately 555. I see these numbers everyday, and it is progressing. I cannot imagine what 333's significance is because I often, on a daily basis, at least five times a day, see Angel Numbers. So maybe the person that can help you, can aid me as well on my quest for an explanation or a comprehension as to why I see these numbers all the time.

  104. Hi i've been seeing 1111 almost once a month on my facebook news feed by spiritual community that i followed. Is this consider as message from angels?

    1. Is it getting your attention and making you wonder/think?

    2. It does get my attention and make me think.
      I came across this angel number when I first learn about numerology book. Then my brother birthday keep poping up in my head 11/11. Then I came across spiritual community facebook page and I followed and then very often article on 1111 poping up on my facebook feed.
      It makes me think because first I always wanted it to be the message but then if i seeing this on facebook thats mean thousands other people seeing it at the same time as me so it make me start think that it might not be the message.

    3. So i first it came across in a numerology book so im thinking numerology book of course have to cover this topic so it cant be a message for me.
      Then same thing as the facebook because it is about spiritual community every now and then they post article about angel number doesnt mean anything.
      Do you think it is a message for me?

  105. I started seeing this numbers a few years ago. At first it was 1111 but it extended to 911,444,555 as well.
    I saw this number in an astonishing ways here is a few:
    1. I set up my GPS to go somewhere and the arrival time came as 11:11
    2. I turned on a cell phone which was set up in different time zoon and it came as 11:11.
    3. I traded stock market and suddenly one stock price was 11.11
    4. I have received text message exactly at 11:11
    5. Since I shared it with my wife she start seeing these numbers frequently.
    I have lost my job a year ago and although I went to more than 30 interviews with no luck. It is very hard to get even one interview in my field and I was wondering if these are related to each other’s. Please help me with your thoughts.
    Thank you

  106. I see the numbers 11 11 almost everyday, time clocks, cell phone time and/or phones calls at 11:11. Even when driving, I would look at the car clock at 11:11. I don't usually look at the time when driving,but if I did it is always 11:11. What is amazing, I was born on 11:11; my last name is Angeles. And my birth name, I won't even write it will be unbelievable, you may say my parents were crazy, it can't be true.

  107. I see the numbers 11 11 almost everyday, time clocks, cell phone time and/or phones calls at 11:11. Even when driving, I would look at the car clock at 11:11. I don't usually look at the time when driving,but if I did it is always 11:11. What is amazing, I was born on 11:11; my last name is Angeles. And my birth name, I won't even write it will be unbelievable, you may say my parents were crazy, it can't be true.

  108. Yeah hell man
    It's so easy to say to have a positive outlook on life.
    But Wat about the person who's going through a damn situation of uncertainty. What about the truth man!
    What about knowing the real situation and then getting the person out of his fear! Bullshitttttttttttt
    Everything is just such a bullshit!
    Yeahhh huhhh I'm saying the truth nowwww.....
    Doubts are not taking over rŕrrrrrrrrrr. ..
    I just need a proper confirmation of events in my lifeeee. A damn freaking proper real n true confirmation of every single thing that went on in my life! After all... till how long will I be kept in the dark!

    1. Until you realize what you truly are. Don't fight it. Go with the flow. All will be revealed as soon as you let go. Do it!

      Love and light!

  109. So today on 5/11 at 10:11am I picked up my cellphone and the time read 11:11!😱 I looked at the clock in my car and it was clearly the 10:00 hour! It shook me to my core! What is happening??

  110. I first began seeing 11:11 in 2012-2013 I was 31 yrs old. I started an Instagram page that year (2012). I stopped seeing 1111 in 2013 and I started seeing 34 a lot. By 2014 my Instagram page had grew to over 50k followers because I loved posting inspiration. In 2014 I was fired from my hospital job and so I decided to start my own business using my IG page. It was then that I realized what I really wanted to do with my life and finally was happy but I was still seeing 34! Now it's 2016 I'm 34 yrs old and I've been operating my own business since 2014, started a hair product in 2015 and it's grown so fast with HARD WORK! I just started seeing 11:11 again so I'm wondering what's gonna happen now. I will say that 11:11 holds a lot of weight. SO MUCH has manifested since seeing it. I read that you'll see 1111 for a short time and then you'll see a new number. That's exactly what happened to me. 1111 is no joke. I truly believe in it. I enjoy working for myself. If you see this number a lot don't take it lightly but don't obsess over it either. Just let life take its course and don't be afraid to follow your dreams.

  111. For me, it seems to be a warning sign that something is not right. Sorry to say that ...if you read other commenters here, it seems to be tied to a negative event somehow. I wish I were wrong. Maybe it's just me

  112. Please help. What does it mean when the numbers are connected to a person? Like it happens often and then other syncronies at the same time when I am with them or thinking of them? I'm starting to believe it's not a good sign because this person and I are no longer talking and that is not what I want. I see 1111 and 111 and lately there are also syncronies occurring like I saw a score on tv was 97 to 111 and as I was speaking to that same someone I just mentioned who now won't speak to me and the same sentence I just said was said on the radio. Directly after I said it! Weird things like that. Please tell me why is this number and the syncronies tied to that particular person?

    1. Seems like u need to move on from that person. 1111 can be tied to new beginnings or moving on.

  113. On 11-11-2015 after a stress fracture on my left foot I decided to jump back into JV soccer and play my first high school game in months. I never realized the intense spiritual energy of the date but I affirmed that i was going to score no matter what all day. I was playing in pain but after all the frustration from being out injured I played thru it just fine and sure enough while my team was down 3-0 I won a penalty kick off a throw in from my only teammate that is also on my club team. Then I converted it. It felt like a dream.

  114. I started seeing 1111 everywhere 8 yrs ago about a month before i got with my ex and stopped seeing it 3 months later. I actually forgot about the 1111 until last March 2015 when i seen it for the 1st time in 8 yrs �� I couldn't believe I had forgotten it i was seeing it everywhere, everyday on clocks, my phone and now the shopkeeper asked me for €11, 11 �� I had no clue what was happening.... The following month in April 2015 my Twin Flame arrived �� The connection was unbelievable, I couldnt explain and 14 months later were still the same ��

  115. For years now I have seen 7:11, then later 9:11, but recently I've been noticing the previous two and now also 11:11. I've been wondering for years what that means! I finally decided to look it up when at 7:11 this morning I noticed that today's date is 7:11. It has always been so mysterious to me. I'm glad I found this site, because I'm going to pay more attention instead of thinking that it was all just a coincidence! I'm also supposed to get married soon, so now I wonder if that's why 11:11 has been recently added to the times I see on the clock! Thank you for this site! I'm going to meditate and pray more about this for enlightenment! Lisa

  116. ive been seeing this since 2012,but i dont see anything has changed significantly. same old same old. ive not had the money to step into my life purpose. so i only see this as a number now. it doesnt change reality.

  117. I keep seeing 11 11 in multiples I actualy saw them last night on the 17 th of july once on my watch and once on the oven clock. I am starting again in my life but I feel these numbers are trying to tell me something else which I dont understand but I feel something incredible will happen soon like a puzzle and pieces are fitting into place that is my comment make what you will of my Psychobabble.

  118. Is making a wish at 11:11 thing real?

  119. Thank you so much. Alot I keep seeing 11:11 as the time

  120. I see 1111 several times a day. If not 1111, I see 1110. I have an app that gives me the numeric hebrew number associated with words and my first and last name come out to be 1110. That freaked me out. I believe that the numbers are messages from God, just like when you are driving down the road at night and the street lights go out as you pass them. I also was on the treadmill once listening to Internet radio and wasn't really listening to the words, just the beat when the song buffered. I looked at the time I was at on the treadmill and it said 11:11. When the song came back on a second later it said God or the Gun. This tripped me out because I carry a gun for self protection and I feel like I rely on my guns more than faith that God will see me through it. I believe we are at the end times. I practice survival skills and teach others as well. I even wrote a book on survival because I know something bad is coming really soon. I just want to know what the messages mean.

  121. I never knew1111 meant anything. I see it alot lately. Me and my son said make wish if u ser it

  122. 11.11.2012 ( slovakia ) Narodil som sa 1.9.1991 . Dňa 11.11.2012 som nad sebou uvidel 6 trojuholnikov V V V V V V ... to je duchovne prebudenie ? prial som si aby nam pomohla ina vyspela rasa ... citil som nevedomost v spolocnost ...a temnotu ... z hlbkoeho srdca som si prial pozitivnu zmenu :)))) a hnet v tom momente som sa nad seba pozrel a videl ich preletiet nad sebou ... uzasne ...

  123. I have seen this phenomena for years on my phone,city clocks ,cars microwaves name then.I was so disturbed i looked up on google and i was thrown into deeper wilderness,occurrences multiplied i still dont understand.

  124. I'm catching my clock at 11:11 for number of years, I've seen this number 3 to 4 times a day, I know in my heart something telling me but not sure what really is, it realy bothers me when I was shopping and I look my hand watch and it was 11:11 and when I check out I got a change of 11:11 and now I finally got an answer or idea what really this means. thank you.

  125. I'm constantly seeing 1111 and that is the date of my birthday as well, I see 1212 a lot too. I wanted to know if it makes a difference in the reading. My life has felt more positive and Ive felt much better about myself. But I'd really like your intake on this. Thank you !

  126. I'm seeing these numbers for the past 3 months, my first encounter was in my dream, I was dreaming all I know my dream was a nightmare but before I woke up there was this angel on top of the roof he had a horn, as he blew the horn I woke up, very shaky, when I looked at the time it was 44444444 repeatedly, because I woke up stupid obviously it was 4:44AM ever since everytime I look at the watch all I see is 11:11AM and then 11:44AM when I travel to another state I notice Everywhere I Go if I was to look at a number I wood see these number 9999 repeatedly everywhere I go,then I look in the sky the clouds were shaped like angels they were Three Angels :) I've always known I'm not alone it just hit me they were trying to tell me something, then I knew what it was and it all makes sense now :)

  127. its noveber 11 and its 11

  128. I have been seeing 111111 for ... well, six years as a daily occurrence. Basically I was being hit over the head (lovingly and gently) by my angels, by Michael in particular, to wake up and face up to what I am.

    Long story short (dark night of the soul etc. etc.) I woke up and it's amazing. I am all I can be and so can you, just let the angels do what they do best, don't resist, don't think about it, just do as you are guided. The angels love you.

    All that shit that happens to you is an emphatic message to wake up because it's time ... When you do manage to wake up, the shit magically disappears. that's a promise!

    Love and light!

  129. Thank You Angels and rush-collection xxx
