Wednesday, August 01, 2012


Number 1101 is comprised of the vibrations of number 1 appearing three times (amplifying its energies and influences), plus the powerful attributes of the number 0. Number 1 relates to the attributes of new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, initiative and assertiveness, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own reality with our thoughts, intentions and beliefs. Number 0 resonates with the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies and resonates with the vibrations of eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice and is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It also suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 amplifies and magnifies the energies of the number/s it appears with.

Angel Number 1101 tells you that now is a powerful time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. As you keep your thoughts, intentions and focus on your soul mission and life purpose, your elevated vibrations attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Use positive affirmations and maintain an optimistic attitude in order to draw towards you all that you need along your path. Take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires and trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels.  

Angel Number 1101 also urged you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions at this time as they are revealing the answers to your prayers and are 
providing timely guidance. You are creating your reality, experiences and future with your current thoughts, beliefs and actions, so ensure that you put your mind to tasks and endeavours that support and encourage who you truly are and what you want to do with your life.

Angel Number 1101 encourages you to trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided. Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance from your angels and your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

Have the courage to live your passions and be true to yourself. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your inner-promptings and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.

Number 1101 also relates to number 3 (1+1+0+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:
Repeating 1’s and 0’s  (10, 100, 101, 110 etc)   
Angel Number 10
Angel Number 100
Angel Number 101
Angel Number 110



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. You have no idea how much this website helps me! Thank you!

    1. ditto! rush-collections sacred scribes have changed my life

    2. Amen, found my twin flame. Lots of love to all!

    3. I always look at your website and the way you present the information is so helpful. Thank you ☺️ 💙 💜 .

    4. Same here. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom rush-collection. xx

    5. I’m so grateful for rush-collection Sacred Scribe, I’ve been seeing repeating 1’s and 0’s as well as many other master numbers 11:11,10:11, 11:22, 12:12 1:11 and so on. I know I’m entering a major reawakening and this website has been so comforting and makes it so easy to continually reaffirm that I’m right where I’m supposed to be and I’m supported by my Angels and spirit guides. Thank you and many blessings to you. Namaste 🙏🏻

      Love and light,
      Lisa Arnold

  2. Love u. This has helped me communicate better with my angels..your truly a blessing! GOD BLESS YOU!!

  3. I love your guidance and I have shared this with my clients on FB thanking you Clare - Spiritual Pampering.

  4. Grateful for the guidance and confirmations I received through your website allowing me to communicate in a deeper sence with my Angels.You are a blessing that opens a door to BELIEVE AND TRUST. Thank you

  5. Grateful for the guidance that you provide through your websites. It has helped me develop a higher vibration to self understanding. It not only guides but it confirms the message my Angels have for me. You truly are a blessing who opens a door to BELIEVE AND TRUST.

  6. Thanks it's kinda like conformation for what's going on in my life.

  7. I totally agree with the comment from Trey Smith: " You have no idea how much this website helps me. Thank you!"
    Bleesed be )*(

  8. I agree totally with the comment of Trey Smith:" You have no idea how this website helps me. Thank you !
    Blessed be. )*(

  9. Agreed! This website helps me so much, every single day! :-) Thank you! :-) Thank you Angels and Ascended Masters! Thank you
    Guides! Thank you GOD! :-) <3

  10. Yes, like all above, most grateful for the guidence provided. Thank you xx

  11. Très juste et tellement réconfortant.merci à toi.merci à mes protecteurs.merci à St Michel.plein d amour

  12. Thank you!!!Love and light your way rush-collection!!!

  13. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! My Angels and Spiritual Guides talk to me through you!!! Love and Light, rush-collection! I'm infinite grateful for this!

  14. Great website and explanations. Thank you for the guidance. A whole new world is unfolding for me and your website helps to provide clarity and reassurance when it is most needed. Many thanks.

  15. Absolutely amazing just how much in tune with me is the information shared on these pages.

  16. Amen!!!🧘‍♀️🎈🙏🍀♥️

  17. Thank you for your guidance angels😇
    You are appreciated very much💕
    -Samantha Rochelle Davis

  18. I am so thankful for this message... Angels I pray you continue to uplift me daily... your #1 Fan . God Bless

  19. Well ..... what can I add to all my predecessors who ever posted a message on your site ..... NOTHING !!!! I can only share all their experiences, revelations and praise about you and your site. Really unbelievable. I am so glad that in my search for the meaning of coming back from time and again those returning numbers came to your site. May the positivity, love, warmth and light be spread throughout the world.❤

  20. so thankful; you're amazing! I know and I believe I will find success and happiness, & so it is, Amen. Thank you so much God and Universe. I love you Angels.. I am achieving success and personal fulfilment

  21. Thank you so much rush-collection cannot tell you how much you have helped me on my spiritual awakening. Xx

  22. Found my twin flame ... however wrong timing right now. So I move on and put all focus back on my own personal growth. Heartbreaking. This site has helped me understand. Thank you.

  23. Thanks thanks thanks!! Blessings xxx

  24. I always see every angel numbers everywhere Evey single day
    11:01,111,11:11,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999 and I'm really confused

  25. Thank you guardian angel and to my fiance SAEED from Iran he give this number Amen Jesus Christ loves you too babe 💛🙏❤

  26. rush-collection, thank you for living your light, and sharing your gifts so freely. You truly are a BLESSING.

    In deepest gratitude.
    From Soul 2 Soul.

  27. What does these numbers me,or how can I figure them out

  28. Help me figure what these numbers mean

  29. Thank you so much for this wonderful resource I use it everyday and find it so comforting and encouraging thank you xxxx

  30. Thankyou 🙏🙏❤️❤️

  31. I know who I am now and because of this website, I know where I’m meant to go and do. rush-collection, I will see you soon.

    — L.M.A
