Tuesday, August 05, 2014


Number 1829 is a blend of the attributes and vibrations of number 1 and number 8, and the energies and influences of number 2 and number 9. Number 1 brings courage, progress, willpower and ambition, new beginnings and starting afresh, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, finding success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 8 resonates with karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma (Cause and Effect). Number 8 adds its energies of inner-wisdom, personal power and authority, manifesting material freedom and abundance, dependability and self-confidence. Number 2 adds its vibrations of diplomacy and co-operation, consideration for others, finding balance and harmony, service to others, devotion and selflessness, faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 9 relates to leading by positive example, lightworkers and lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws.

Angel Number 1829 encourages you to find balance in your material and spiritual worlds, and use your natural abilities to manifest abundance and prosperity so that you can share it with those who need it. Have faith and trust that you will always have plenty to care for yourself and your loved ones as the angels and Universal Energies will ensure that your material needs are always met in Divine right time. Know that you are able to confidently serve your life purpose and soul mission, with your wants and needs being met along the way.

Angel Number 1829 indicates that you will be totally supported and guided by the angels and the Universe throughout your daily life. The examples you are setting by living your truths is encouraging and teaching others to follow suit. Your angels encourage you to live your life with passion and purpose and keep up your great lightwork

Angel Number 1829 may also indicate that an end to a cycle or phase in your life awaits you and this ending brings new blessings into your life. Call upon your angels to comfort, support and guide you to your next steps. 

Angel Number 1829 reminds you that you are responsible for how you act and react in any given situation, therefore choose to make clear judgements and respond in a calm, honest and thoughtful manner. No matter what comes your way, you have all that you need within you to face and overcome all with integrity, wisdom and inner-strength.

Number 1829 relates to number 2 (1+8+2+9=20, 2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.



  1. Thank you rush-collection, for translating these messages. I'm forever thankful : )

  2. Grateful and blessed.🙏❤
    The choice is always mine.
    100% and all the way.🌟
    Sending much love, light and positive vibes towards everyone and all.🙌❤

  3. Fabulous! Really needed that. Bless you angel <3
