Sunday, August 03, 2014


Number 1818 is made up of the attributes and vibrations of both number 1 and number 8 appearing twice, amplifying their influences and energies. Number 1 brings its energies of creation and new beginnings, progress and motivation, striving forward, inspiration, stepping out of our comfort zones, achieving success and fulfilment. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 8 resonates with personal power and authority, self-confidence and self-sufficiency, good judgement and discernment, inner-wisdom, truth and integrity, dependability and self-reliance, manifesting wealth and abundance, karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 1818 is an uplifting message of encouragement and support from your angels as your positive affirmations, thoughts, beliefs and visualisations have manifested as an increased flow of abundance entering your life. Remember that wealth and abundance come in many forms.  

Angel Number 1818 tells of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment, and brings a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and inner-guidance as you hold positive expectations and thoughts of abundance. Enjoy your rewards of prosperity and be grateful and appreciative of them.

Angel Number 1818 brings you the energies of good judgement, determination and tenacity, so do not to fear moving ahead in your intended direction/s. Your angels ask that you not stress about present circumstances, as ‘better’ is on it’s the way into your life. Have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and use them as you feel guided. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone in order to pursue your passions as wonderful opportunities will appear for you in due course. Look out for signs from your angels.  

Number 1818 relates to number 9 (1+8+1+8=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



  1. Replies
    1. yes thank you /Niklas

    2. Yes, I receive!

    3. Love and light team ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I was googling about money and cost to India since I am going to India for spiritiual trip this April and when I saw the clock it was 18:18. Thank you for sharing :)
    Thank you my guardian angels. I know they are more than 2.

    1. I saw1818 many times in clock and other places but still iam struggling and ihave no money.

    2. This message is to cast aside all your fears to implement your creative ideas. Money comes when ideas are implemented. Trust yourself. :-)

    3. Imran, hello and good blessings to you. The fact that you are saying you have no money is the reason you don't have any. This may sound confusing but it's true. The universal law of attraction hears you complaints as "I affirm that I have no money" and monetary abundance is blocked from reaching you and it sounds like that's what this angel number is trying to get across to you. I recommend you read Doreen Virtue's 'Angels of Abundance' (sorry rush-collection about plugging another person's work!), she covers in great detail the various blocks people set up for themselves stopping abundance and how to remove these blocks permanently. Try affirming to yourself daily "Thank you (whomever your God or Gods are, or just 'Universe' if you're atheist) for making sure I have plenty of money to support myself (and family, if you have dependants) always. And so it is."
      I hope this helps, may God bless you always.

    4. Thank U so so much! I have a stepping out of a comfort zone right now!

    5. I'm blessed. Thank you jesus

    6. Imran safi.. abundance comes in many forms... notice this and know what is really important...

    7. Thank u beautiful angels ready to receive

    8. i know i know finally here i'm so sorry it took me so loooonnnggg to get here, I'm allll in & there's know holding back, it's my time & my 7 gifted babies who's been waiting for this to happen. No more Darkness No more hurting myself No more all that Darkness. Thank You for being so patient & not rejecting me. My heart always was filled with LOVE but 1st time I truly BELIEVE in ME & completely falling in LOVE with Myself. Been doing the Greater Good since I was born with different paths up's & down's. I've always known but NOW I BELIEVE in ME & all my LOVE & GIFTS of LIGHT & POWER. My heart is so HUGE, I have alot to GIVE... RESPECTFULLY with so much Love & Gratitude Born on this Earth on my own & I'll leave this world on my own but in the mean time, I have a JOB to do for The GREATER GOOD, I have a story to tell & I have to share with the WORLD. THANK YOU for always BELIEVING in ME.

  3. My husbands phone number has 181818 & the meaning is all that he is. Thank you Angels :)

  4. I am really touched right now. The universe is SO incredibly kind and nice. I love it ♥♥♥

  5. Such is the message so strong I feel overwhelmed. The numbers are almost screaming at me! What is going on? I have never experienced such joy in my life with equal balance of fear. I question who I actually am. Who am I to feel the universe as such? Why do I feel like this? What is the purpose of the numbers? What is the final message? This sunk in today. This awakening. This feels like the right place to state that fact. Seriously though, what is my purpose? I have felt it my whole life? Something. Untangeble. But right there. Hidden from sight, a gut instinct. A feeling. But what was it? Is it? I am excited and equally hesitant to know. Inevitably I will find out. Patience ensues once more.

    1. It started the same for me. Its like a World of magic is opening before my eyes. Ive always knew things before it actually happens. But this. Ive felt the presense of angels. They give me pictures in my head to lead me in the right directions. And I feel that they want me to do something special. But I feel like you.
      I dont know what. Its exciting and a little overwhelming.
      I think also Im learning a lesson in trust, faith and about the right divine timing :))

    2. I could have wrote this right now, wow! Wow. Thank you for commenting. Intention is timeless.

  6. Thank you for this strong and beautiful message.

  7. How do you know if you are promted to look at the clock or if you are being guided i believe in angels but i am unsure weather its just the time or if its a message

    1. If you have it in mind to check time,then it may be that your angel put that thought in you.
      But if for no reason you just glanced to the clock then it is definitely a message.
      The key is to listen to your intuition after each glancing.

  8. Thank you my Guardian Angels.

  9. thank you my dear Angels, cant do anything right without you! love Cary

  10. thank you my dear Angels, just cant do anything right without you! love Cary

  11. thank you angels !! Much love !!

  12. thank you angels !! Much Love !!!

  13. Yip i too have been awakened. But heres the thing what if u are given all these messages saying youre on the right path( believe me its been from 11:11 right through to 0000) and everyday its 911 411 711 214 811 666 999.444 777 but yet i would rather be somewhere else than on this path at times. Its confusing yet i know the angels are right. They have always kept me safe and guided. But why do i feel theres more to it and that im missing something?

    1. Love is blind listen to your heart and don't second think anything if that makes scence.. trust in creation and all will fall into place

    2. Thank you angels for helping me secure a future for me and my daughter

  14. Merci angels your guidance is always appreciated .

  15. Humble & Grateful my sacred guidance ♡

  16. Thank you rush-collection for you guidance and help!!!!

  17. i believed.. thank u very much ^_^

  18. Thank you rush-collection

  19. Thank You so much, rush-collection. Namaste to All.

  20. Thank you angels! :)

  21. Was messaging ma sister worried as she's looking anorexic. Saying we need to meet so I can tell her my worries I looked at the time and it was exactly 1818 am very worried 😓

  22. Was messaging ma sister worried as she's looking anorexic. Saying we need to meet so I can tell her my worries I looked at the time and it was exactly 1818 am very worried 😓

  23. Thank you so much for this message of encouragement!<3

  24. I have commented on this blog before under angel number 1444 (Jade) I have a new theory about the numbers, I do think they are angels, also known as "star guides" I have seen them, they even look like stars. If the numbers are "screaming at you" you need to research something called a star seed. You may have a very special purpose here. I have been dealing with this phenomena since early 2011 and this is where my compulsive research has led me, hope it helps someone!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The same for me. I was born at 11th of June 1986, it was exactly 18:18 :)

    Since I was a kid, I looked very often at the clock exactly at this time.
    Also other numbers like 00:00, 08:08, 13:13 or 22:22 apeared. There were much more combinations like this but I can't recall them all. I think I also saw 1444 often like the blogger from 16th of August.
    I don't know what to do with this numbers, I just looked at the clock today and guess what...yes 18:18 :)
    Then I asked our friend google, just wrote 1818 and this site apeared first
    I don't know what the universe wanna tell me, I just felt my whole life that there must be more for me and until now I still feel the same.
    l often feel lonely somehow
    Have a great family with some spiritual characters.
    I can sence energy and ever believed there must be something more.
    Love to all of you!

    1. Everything on Earth & the Universe as a whole is Perfectly Timed right down to the millisecond, once you see the patterns everything becomes clear & as plain as day.

  27. i had a dream where i saw 2 angels holding 18 pieces of tread each in their hands and i have been looking for what the numbers mean. now i know. Thank God for angelic ministrations.

  28. These numbers never make sense to me. Been seeing since 2012. Its like a bad plague of unexplained irrelevant information

  29. Thank you holy angels and archangels!in full faith thank you🙏

  30. 1818 confirmed it for me! I am on the right path. Michael is with me. Things, good things, are happening all over. Be open to the Light and be all you can be.

    The time is now!

    Love and Light to everybody everywhere!

  31. grazie mille miei angeli e guide , grazie tanto anche a te rush-collection per il meraviglioso lavoro che fai , aiutandoci a metterci in contatto con le nostre guide...pace amore e gioia per tutti gli esseri e le energie dell'universo..
    grazie grazie grazie

  32. Hello everyone
    I see this number 1818 on cars nearly everyday as i am constantly on the road. What does it mean to me? what shall i do. Hiw will i kno wat msg am trying to receiv. Please help

  33. Thank you Angels, and thank you so much Jianne for interpreting the numbers for us. I was just opening my heart to Archangel Michael then looked on my phone and saw these numbers. Thank you so much - all is well. I have faith and trust my prayers have been heard.

  34. Thank you for synchronicity!

  35. being born on 18th aug. 18/08 and seeing the numbers 1800/8100/1818/8181 nearly everyday. i spot 2-3 vehicles. even my number has 18 in the end. is it me chasing the numbers or the number chasing me. lets see hoe this turns out.

  36. Thank you guides, angels and the universe for the constant love and support you provide without judgement. Honoured to be here on earth protecting nature and animals and people with your help. We will have a brighter future as one when we all finally come together. Namaste ❤��✌

  37. Thank you angels my dear guides much love !!

  38. Still waiting for that better....atleast it got me incredible cynical. Is that better? In a way, I think it is.

  39. I was thinking about my friend and my love, who is not with me now. Bt i am positive that he still loves me miss me. Suddenly i saw tge clock it was18:18..what should i think now

  40. Keep getting these 'messages'of this nature and i'm sat here wondering where is all this abundance that they keep harping on about ... nowhere to be seen

    1. Abundance comes in many forms... I used to ask myself what abundance I have in my life? Sometimes abundance of shit and probles that I, myself, created.. But, then, when I became aware of the Laws of the Universe, I saw abundance of smils and laughter, abundance of love, peace, beautiful people, and so on... It's not always and only about money...

  41. Thank you. One love

  42. I'm highly grateful for this message🙏💞💜💖

  43. 1818 is strong for me. It's that last 4 of my ss oddly. I have also chosen 8/18/18 to get married on our 8th yr. I feel this day coming and it's almost overwhelming. I am blessed. One love.

  44. Angel numbers have became a part of my life and I am feeling strong connection with them now. Previously, I was unknown about that then I started noticing and visited your site. And finally I realised these angel numbers are msgs from angels and Jesus.
    Thank you rush-collection for this help. Today, also I saw angel numbers including 1818.

    Thank you Angels ! Feeling humbly blessed and grateful...

  45. Ready to receive :)
    I am highly grateful.

    Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  46. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 love u sacredscribes. so much love. love to all far and wide. I love you all. Love, harmony, peace, compassion.

  47. Was watching Netflix and paused the show to look at the time on my phone to see 11:11pm...looked at the show and saw it was paused at 18:18..thank you Angels for your guidance and support!!��

  48. Thank you Angels i know my mum is with me xx

  49. I am so gifted to be able to see this whenever I want. This changes everyday everything and everyone. Thanks very much for putting so much work effort heart and love in this page! I am a worshiping follower sending blessing support love and peace to you and your life <3

  50. I'm thankful angels! :) <3

  51. Thanks to the angels and all for this message. But even though I see the number. I still stuck with money and I am fed up because I say affirmations and ask etc. I'm so bored of the whole process, honestly dunno what to do anymore

    1. @G~Saturday~July~28~2018 You must also act.
      What are your fears ?! What should you follow up with that you are not following? What makes your heart sing?! Think about all this and act. Nothing comes true affirmation and waiting around....
      One must act.🙏
      Money and abundance of all kinds will flow into your life once you start doing what you love!!! What are you good at?How can you contribute to others wile helping your self?!Think LEGACY. Purpose of being. Soul mission .
      Do not give up.
      Be patient.
      The answer is inside you.
      Dig deep.
      Wishing you blessed and easy journey.
      Spread your light.
      Best wishes ,
      Silviya 🙌

  52. Grateful for this timely reminder. Amen. Today @18.18 with 18% phone battery. Blessed. Amen.🎈♥️🙌🙏 Fully resonant message.♥️

  53. Thankyou fro the message. My husband has a birthday today 18/8/18. Is this a powerful number combination. Please I would love your input. Much appreciated. ��

  54. Every night. Thank you for every reminder. Grateful.🙌🎈♥️

  55. Thank you, this was my second number I wrote in my dream last night, along with 1616.OMG. This is what I've been trying to manifest. Thank you so much and thank you Angels!!

  56. Thank You Jesus! Thank You Angels! Thank You rush-collection! ����

  57. Wow 81 comments before mine 8+1=9 coincidence...

  58. Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels, thanks everyone for your couraging and uplifting messages! 1818! Brings message that my struggle with financial matters are soon over !🙏🙏🙏💸💸💰💰💰💰💖💖💖💖💖

  59. I am so happy right now. I know that angels are with me every day, minite and second. I am so blessed and love, and im on the right way to achieve everything that i wanted for so many years ahead ! ♡♡♡♡ thank you !

  60. 1818! Awesome!!!📣🎶🎶🎶🎶💖💖💖💖💸💸💸💸💰💰💰💰🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels!! Thank you Universe!!!🌟🌟🌟🦄🦄🦄✈✈✈🎶🎶🎶🎶🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🌏

  61. 1818! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!🌍☝️😂✈🚢🍀🍀🍀🚪🚪🚪🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💏💸💸💸💸💰💰💰💰🕯🕯🕯

  62. Feeling blessed!♥️

  63. I thank the angels for speaking through you, and I thank you for allowing it.

  64. Whoever is behind this website. God bless you.

  65. 1818! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 😍😍😀😀🙏🙏🤲🤲🤴💗👸🏼🧚‍♀️💖🧚‍♂️💗💗💗💗💗🤝

  66. 👉💰💰💰💰💸💸💸💸💸👈😘

  67. 1818! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!🌊🌊🌊⛱⛺🌩🌞🤝📝😇😍😀😂💗💗💗🤴💗👸🏼💗💗

  68. Thank you, I know money is always flowing to me, I love it and it loves me back💜😇💛💜💜

  69. Yesterday I saw this huge heart shaped cloud in the sky and today when I remembered it the clock was 1818💝☺. Thank you Joann and thank you Universe❤❤❤

  70. Thank you my beloved angels!!!❤❤❤

  71. Thank u Angel's for being with me in this lifetime and for ur messages I am so grateful for the messages u have been giving,,,bless me and Salvate me in this life time and I am seeking God and ur messages for the entire life of mine,,be with me through the life time guardian angels

  72. Love everything that happens in this site. It feels beautiful and joyous and peaceful.

  73. Replies
    1. Today its 18 July 2020,Mandelas birthday anniversary.. I'm napping for a split sec in front of TV & heater then as I opened my eyes time on my fone 18:18, done battery 18%, I even took screenshot! I'm reassured the universe,God,ancestors are with me & telling me something.. kinda eerie

  74. Many times I saw 1818, 11.11,0909,0808,13.31,12.21ect but I thanks to universe and my guardian angels many times but I couldn't get anything yet,. How I relive my posio thought

  75. thank you angels ����

  76. I have an english commpetition tomorrow. I'll try to relax and trust in my talent. Thank you angels.

  77. I was just asking myself if I should believe in the manifestation thing. Then I saw this. Thank you

  78. Thank you so much for your work. I keep seeing double digits and your page helps a LOT. Blessings to you!

  79. Thank you I look forward to all the abundance that’s coming to me �� love & light to all

  80. Thank you for all your hard work. I have been looking up the numbers years now and they helpful and encouraging.

  81. Thank you Angels I needed to hear this message that I am on the right path!

  82. Thank you very much �� and so it is ��

  83. Davide FraccaroTuesday, May 17, 2022

    I'm experiencing a lot of double numbers, all single digits, every day with different numbers! Yesterday, 18:18. I took a picture at the time printed on the POS machine, and at the very moment the receipt came out! Plus, the woman cashier gifted me the chocolate baklava I ordered (first time I try!) and I tip $1 (usually I never tip)... I live in Canada, so the time format should be 12h not 24h.

  84. Wonderful message...Love and Blessings to all of us 🙏😇🥰💓🌅🎉🥳🎉💖🎶

  85. Thank you 🙏🌞❤️❤️❤️

  86. Thank you so much! I needed this! Amen!

  87. Amen. I needed to read this! I was born on 6/18 and keep seeing 1818 EVERYWHERE, not just on clocks.

  88. 🙏☮️♥️☀️

  89. Just like many others I too came here after seeing 18:18 on my clock repeatedly. I really hope this is a message from my guardian angels to stay optimistic

  90. Thank you Angels
