Sunday, September 30, 2012


Number 1225 is a compilation of the energies of number 1 and number 2 (appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations) and the attributes of number 5. Number 1 resonates with new beginnings, initiative and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, striving forward and progress, achievement and success, attainment and fulfilment. Number 1 encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, and reminds you that you create your own reality. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, faith, devotion, insight, co-operation, partnerships and relationships of all kinds, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine soul mission and life purposeNumber 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, adventure and life lessons learned through experience.  

Angel Number 1225 is a message to release all negativity and let go of the ‘old’ that no longer positively serves you. The angels are asking you to change something in your life that is making you unhappy or unhealthy, such as a bad habit or toxic relationship, so that you can make room for positive new experiences and opportunities in your life. Move forward with faith and confidence and get ready to have some activity, action and adventures.

Angel Number 1225 is a message from your angels that the life changes you are contemplating and/or experiencing will be to your benefit, and your angels ask that you trust your intuition and follow its direction. Your angels are offering you guidance and assistance ... all you need to do is ask.

Angel Number 1225 encourages you to believe in yourself and your Divine life plan and soul purpose. Live your life as per your true self.

Number 1225 relates to number 1 (1+2+2+5=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.


  1. Hi, can u plzz help me so I can what to do, This number appeared to me in a dream and then, the next I go to work, I got fired from my job

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. maybe your job loss was the "negative" that had to be shed so that you can look into something more rewarding and fulfilling. Have been wanting to change jobs or change the direction of your life period? Your job loss could be a blessing in disguise..

  2. That means that, that job wasn't meant for you and that you are ment for something better.

  3. Grateful !!! Immensely!!!
    Blessings and love to All!!!♡♡♡

  4. I recent bought a painting with the initials INRI and then a cross just 2 lines. above the horizontal line are letters 1225. The pictures look like a body with a round head and something like a knife in the shoulders. There are 12"figures" around the painting. Unfortunately, the artist has passed away so I cannot ask him.
    Any ideas with he had in mind thanks. It is quite nice and not as creepy as it sounds.

  5. I recent bought a painting with the initials INRI and then a cross just 2 lines. above the horizontal line are letters 1225. The pictures look like a body with a round head and something like a knife in the shoulders. There are 12"figures" around the painting. Unfortunately, the artist has passed away so I cannot ask him.
    Any ideas with he had in mind thanks. It is quite nice and not as creepy as it sounds.

  6. I recent bought a painting with the initials INRI and then a cross just 2 lines. above the horizontal line are letters 1225. The pictures look like a body with a round head and something like a knife in the shoulders. There are 12"figures" around the painting. Unfortunately, the artist has passed away so I cannot ask him.
    Any ideas with he had in mind thanks. It is quite nice and not as creepy as it sounds.

  7. INRI stems from the Latin phrase ''Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum'' meaning ''Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews''. That was the notice Pontius Piolate nailed over the cross where’s Jesus was nailed, dying. It appears on many crucifixes as those letter symbolize a true Christian lies there.
    Jesus Christ was born on December 25. (1225) and had 12 disciples.
    It sounds like you have a Christian painting of possibly Jesus Christ’s crucifixtion. The 12 bodies were possibly disciples praying for Christ as he prayed for his enemies.

  8. Avonlakeaj, I am not sure if still have your painting described above but I was lead here again and completely forgot about this post before today. I was curious if you could upload a photo of your painting as I can see it clearly in my mind and think it’d be neat to compare. I could also share my email with you, if you didn’t mind and if this was even still in your possession.
    Thank you very much!

  9. I have been seeing these numbers in many different orders for a couple weeks now. Everyday for the last five days. I have been praying so very hard to bring us health and new things we have so many broken things please send us in the direction of new people new things new life joy peace happiness no more negative scary stuff.

  10. Hey rush-collection! been following your page for a while now , been a huge help though this ball of wool of my life , sorting it bit by bit , thank you for all your effort , wish you all the best!

  11. I keep seeing this number when i look at the time at work and its my month and day of my bornday

  12. Thank you!!! I really like what Angel Number 1225 stands for. Lord help me to stay True to my convictions.

  13. 1225 is the Lords Birthday 🎂 thank you GOD for all your blessings and for protection . Amen

  14. i am born on Christmas and because of history i know who i am i would never be a christian or asociate with any cult or of religious miss understanding finding my self spiritually ...i am committed to my memories and past lives ...and to be as positive loving and walk with integrity is a enlighten path may old foot step lead me too as well as take me back to truth of life..... why we are here Love

  15. ❤️❤️❤️
