Saturday, September 29, 2012


Number 1217 is a blend of the energies of number 1 (appearing twice, magnifying its influences) and the attributes of number 2 and number 7. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations of self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative and instinct, achievement and success, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1 relates to new beginnings and reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 governs relationships and partnerships, encourages balance and relates to our Divine soul mission and life purpose. Number 2 also resonates with adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, consideration for others and service and duty. Number 7 adds its influences of mysticism, spiritual development and psychic abilities, an understanding of others, independence and individualism, knowledge and wisdom, endurance and persistence of purpose.

Angel Number 1217 is a number that promotes and enhances your personal spirituality and spiritual connection, and encourages you to pursue your soul purpose.

Angel Number 1217 is a message from your angels that your positive attitude, thoughts and affirmations are working and are now manifesting your wants and desires into your life. Your angels encourage you to keep up the great work you have been doing.

Angel Number 1217 asks you to continue doing the spiritual, emotional and mental work you have been doing as they are having many positive effects on your life. The angels encourage and support your spirituality and are with you for guidance and assistance whenever you ask for it. Trust that you are living your Divine path and fulfilling your life purpose and soul mission.

Life works itself out in ways that we could never have thought of, thanks to our angels.

Number 1217 relates to the karmic Master Number 11 (1+2+1+7=11) and Angel Number 11.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I'm so happy I found this. I have been searching for the meaning for a while...1217 is my Bday and I always look at the clock or happen to see a billboard or something with this number. Thanks for the confirmation that its not JUST ME experiencing this!! -Charity

  2. 1217 is my birthday and evey day I see to tell the time it's 12:17a.m. or p.m. what it mean that's why I had to look it up.

  3. 1217 is my birthday and I've noticed for about a year or two I keep seeing this number day and night. I felt I had to look it up.

  4. My birthday is 1217 and for the past year or two I have seen this number daily at times. Clocks, purchase amounts, addresses I felt I had to look it up.

    1. I have the same B-Day .... and the same thing happens to me but all my life and I'm 43 now

  5. 1217 is chasing me in my relation with the only man i loved .. after 3 years of love and instead of coming to marry me he broke up with me on 12/17
    But i can't get over it till now that i still love him. Every time i check him (online/offline) that number shows up into my face 1217 or part of it. Some times it's 0712 1217 .....etc.
    Plz plz plz i need your advice if it's an indication for any thing?

    1. 1217 follows me around. It was the date the one girl i really loved and myself got together. Years on and off. I know what you mean.

    2. 1217 follows me around. It was the date the one girl i really loved and myself got together. Years on and off. I know what you mean.

  6. My Birthday is 1217 as well (1976) and I am shocked to see that the very same thing happens to me almost daily for my entire life. I see that number sequence daily and finally today I look it up. What an awakening. I've been to many card readers and psychics this year for clarity and they all independently said that I need to use my gifts. I'm still not quite sure what they are. I think I'm psychic, I think I am a healer and reading this adds more to the mystery of my lifes work. I, at 39, am wanting to fulfill my souls purpose.

    1. I could have written your post, I am in EXACTLY the same situation, born in 76. Funny, how as we reach 40, a realization is to occur; do we search it out, or let it's realization reveal itself to us??? Abide, I suppose...

  7. Wow! I have been 1217 like cray for a long while now. Looking a the clock on numerous occasions and it being 12:17. Needless to say, 12/17 is my birthday. I just decided today to Google it and see what comes about. Funny thing is, I have been seeking Peace, cleaning my soul and I have a indescribable joy. I am happy I found this!!

  8. My birthday isn't 1217 but my birthday is 0212 And my bf is 0717. My third bf in a row to be born on the 17th of a month July August November 17. But just recently I have been seeing 17 everywhere my phone will be 17 per cent or 17º or 1217 time or 17 on anything. Packages tv pretty much any where with numbers i have pictures and screenshots to prove it.

  9. Im 26 today 121791 with witb sixs kids a daughter wit5 the birthday 6910 the same da as her mother 6991 wbo i meet the day after my grandmother funral the day after my twin brother's birthday 8297 its 7 yrs sense my grand mother died and in her belly will b my 7 child wbat am i

  10. I have struggled with infertility for 15 years, the number 1217 had followed me around. I would see it everywhere in the time. I thought it was just the day of San Lazaro, a saint in my families religion. A month ago i was late on my cycle and took a test. I found out I was pregnant, when I grabbed the phone to share the news with my mom I noticed it was 12:17 am. I’ve always known this number resonates deeply with me, that night I was truly grateful I have my angels on my side.

  11. Wow!! I too both see this number on the clock every time it is 12:17, and also share the birthday 12/17...1977!! I just decided after all these years of seeing this to look up the meaning of the numbers. I ve always known these numbers had great significance. Especially being that I share this birthday with my grandmother that passed away when I was a child. Everything these numbers stand for is something I've known all along...Funny how many of us are connected on our spiritual journeys. God Bless��

  12. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!😇🍀🎈♥️
    Thank you rush-collection,you are our Angel on Earth and I love you !!!♥️🍀
    Blessings ,love,peace and Light to you and all!!!♥️

  13. 12/17 is my Twin Flame's birthday, and early on in our relationship, we both started seeing 1217 occur in our daily lives, and as time has passed, it has been happening more and more frequently. We both see it in the oddest of locations/ways, not just a time on the clock, and it has become "our number". We have said that whenever we see 1217, our thoughts automatically turn to each other, and it lets us know that everything's going to be ok, regardless of any struggles that we may be going through at the time.

  14. I feel protected and guided always x

  15. I wanna accomplish great things in this life ...Thank you Angels for Keeping me .Psalms 91 Universe/God (source)

  16. I see from the comments 1217 is a very special number. I am grateful to have received this message!

  17. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  18. Hello to all that share the same bday as me 12/17!

  19. Thank you so much beautiful Angel's

  20. Thank you.. 😊
