Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Number 1144 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of the number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its influences) and the number 4 (also appearing twice, magnifying its energies). Number 1 resonates with new beginnings and ventures, ambition and tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, uniqueness and individuality, ambition and will power. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions, and encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and strive ahead. Two number 1's appearing together relate to the Master Number 11. The karmic Master Teacher number 11 relates to the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, illumination, high energy, creative idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity, and mysticism. Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our Divine life purpose and soul mission.  Number 4 brings its energies of effort and will, building solid foundations, working diligently towards achieving goals, practicality and determination, honesty and integrity. Number 4 also tells of achieving success and reaping the rewards for work well done.  

Angel Number 1144 is a message from your angels that you are to look to new ways to go about getting your work done more efficiently. Listen to your intuition as your angels are ushering positive energies towards and around you and giving you information about your next steps.
Angel Number 1144 tells you to keep your thoughts positive and optimistic as you undertake an important new role or venture. Your positive energies, intentions and actions will manifest your expected results. Trust your angels to deliver all that you will need in your endeavours.

Angel Number 1144 encourages you to keep striving ahead, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. You are on the right path so do not let anything deter you. Expect miraculous answers and solutions to appear as you need them.

Number 1144 relates to number 1 (1+1+4+4=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Also see:
Repeating 1's and 4's  (14, 114, 141, 144 etc)
Angel Number 14
Angel Number 114
Angel Number 144



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Im so grateful for your site ive used your site for the last year and it has never fallen short of my needs. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Your hardwork is such a blessing to us all! I will be one of the first people to PRE-ORDER this book of yours once its available. God bless you rush-collection!

  2. So many times when I see a number I come straight to your site to see what it means and if it relates to me at all. It seems that all the numbers I'm seeing contain 1, 2 or 11 which is a bit odd. Even weirder that my life path number is 44.

    1. I do the same thing! :-D I've been several times daily on this blog lately and synchronicities don't show any sign of abating. :-D Luv it! <3

    2. I do it like 20 times a day, im really focused and the signs are just all over the place lol.. this site is a blessing! Im so grateful for it and hope it continues to operate for our use in our journeys! :D

    3. Christopher SavareseSunday, March 06, 2016

      I see numbers all the time and I do go to this site whenever I have it available.

    4. Thank you. I regularly take guidance from these no's. Thank you so much.

    5. I wish to thankyou. I find I'm always referring to these numbers and love your explainations. I have numbers on a regular basis and appreciate your guidance. Have a lovely day. Xx

    6. Thank you so much for this site and I am grateful indeed that I have come across it (or better "that I was guided to come across it). I love it when I keep seeing the same numbers - - since they have become some sort of guidance for me now.
      The other day I read something like: "The angels applaud you for the effort you have put into it...." - and I did imagine the angels - sitting around me and applauding..... what a wonderful thought. :-) Thank you again.

    7. This number was shown to me in a dream a few months ago

    8. What are we to do after seeing these numbers. How do I meet the Angels ?

    9. Thank you God.I am receiving messages for my next step. I feel a miracle on the brink for me. I am open and receptive and patiently waiting for more guidance from the Lord.

  3. This resonates so much with what I'm going through right now :).

  4. Thank you so much god bless you all

  5. This site is a godsend and I visit often. Number sequences show up often. Spirit is with us. Many blessings to you.

  6. These numbers appeared for me because I needed this message right now! I am constantly guided, and am wanting to live from my higher mind in every aspect of my life. And I am finding success!!

    Thank you once again rush-collection!!

  7. rush-collection.. I have to tell you that I'm so very grateful to you and your site. How you know the language of the angels is really very profound. This number felt so good. Like drinking in water. And the most mind boggling part was that you wrote this on my birthday 2 years ago. I've been on here millions of time and each time seems to get better. Thank you for your time and your service.

  8. I am new to numerology & the signs from the Angels. I have been thru so many years of difficult tines, 2 marriages & 2 divorces since 2007. I am dealing with killer migraines, degenerative disc disease in my back & neck, & many more health issues. About a year ago while I was going thru the breakup of a 1- 1/2 yr relationship I found myself seeing repeating numbers on a regular basis. I now for the past few months am seeing 111, 1111, 222, 333,444,555,666& combinations of 1133 & ten minutes later looking up to see 11:44. Just from what I have discovered in numerology & spirituality , I am feeling so much better & less fearful of my life's journey.

    1. Shelly listen to media such as radio tv newspaper,for signs from your angels ,they always will answer and help you ,i am sending you positive energies right now,and remember everything is connected and happens for a reason,follow your inner self and you will not fail!!!!!! blessings and abundance to all and to rush-collection a real ANGEL.

    2. Yes radio sends signs. I was scanning for a good song and I heard the word books on for stations and bookstore on a fifth all in a row. I need to know what it means! But I know it was a sign from my Angels. I am keeping my eyes ears and my heart open.

    3. I see those exact same numbers all the time too :)

      Keep up the good work Shelly! And maybe look into neurofeedback for your physical & emotional ailments. I've found that it very much has helped me. May the angels always be with you (all). Sending you lots of healing Shelly!

    4. Dear Shelly leist, I am also seeing repeating numbers which you mentioned. Having extremely headache.hope your better now.how are you? Reply

  9. I'm grateful for this information. Thank you

  10. Thank U! U are the best and I always come here when prompted by the angels to understand key uplifting messages they have for me. Looking forward as we all grow and glow together!

  11. I just noticed how many people are thanking Joanna and they are right to do so. I wanted to add my thanks and share my own experience with this number which is incredible. Ever since my first experience with angel numbers (which came in answer to a prayer for a sign and which I wrote about on linkedin) the angel numbers continued. I'd see 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888 and symmetrical numbers like 404, 414, 313 etc and many 44, 55 etc. It would repeat beyond chance and often happen at the beginning of what Abraham Hicks calls a segment (walking into a room, beginning to meditate, opening a phone etc). It's happened so much I'm writing another post about it for my new blog. But this number is special. I'd looked at my little boy with autism one day and as if in affirmation I thought, "There will be miracles." A heart beat later I heard a thought out of the blue say "It's 11.44." I looked into the next room and sure enough it was. So I came to this page to look it up and noticed the last line: "Expect miraculous answers and solutions to appear as you need them." And if that was not enough of a sign when I was making a checklist of links for my blog post I came back to this page. Then I looked up and and was floored to see it was 11.44. I wouldn't and couldn't make that up. Angel numbers are real. And I am grateful. It's also just one of many example. I'm certain that is a sign of the awakening and I'm happy to hear Abraham Hicks say it's a sign of being more in alignment with the universe than not.

  12. I've seen 11:11 twice today, and 11:44 just now.

    It is my 30th birthday in 3 days. Also on 19/9 which is a 1 number.

  13. Looks like I have the same issue too. I was born on 2-11-1998 on 2:02, and 2 years to 21st century. I don't know why every time I switch on the phone (involuntarily - my body compells me to pick it up) see the time 11:44 or time like 11:11, 3:33, 5:55 or so i.e in the multiples of 11. I have clicked a hundred of screenshots of these times in my clock and also have experienced some events, such as me getting an entry ticket having the serial number as 1144. I also have my scholar number as 11116 and my team jersey number as 14. I think that nautre is trying to indicate something. I told this to my sister and she told it to her pal. They both are now experiencing the same. I don't know that it is communicable or not. I am just freaked out. Most of you won't believe but it is 100 percent pure truth.

  14. I HAVE NEVER BEFORE EVER SEEN SO MANY 1144 AND 144 and 411 in all my life. I must be doing something right. even my mileage is showing 1441144 then later it read 1441441, and I had to take a picture with my cell phone so I would remember to look up the meaning of 1144, and 444, 144. I see these number every day in every way. unbelievable...justblieve06@yahoo.com thank you for this site. I needed the meaning of the numbers.

    1. I have also. I was here to comment on the same thing and ask for a deeper explination if I can. I've been seeing 1s and 4s strong for a couple or few years. Of coarse, thank you rush-collection. Your translation has explained alot. I have an idea what it's trying to tell me. ☆Change the way you go about doing things to get things done-411 ♡But there are many different things. Apparently ignoring it didn't work. I didn't understand so I put it off a few years. LoL. Could it be time management?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This number brings, is and will forever remain the eternal source of so much for me... This is like the light to every spark that may exist... any form of 11... etc... even variations of 33 are incredible. 55 is such a commonly seen number in this world of routine, that almost everything ends in it, so the sacredness is really and almost directly taken from it. Tip--- (To all) Record or date back to the specific time you were born at... This number means much; immensely+deeply to your reality. Thank you. ~~~So much.

  18. This number brings, is and will forever remain the eternal source of so much for me... This is like the light to every spark that may exist... any form of 11... etc... even variations of 33 are incredible. 55 is such a commonly seen number in this world of routine, that almost everything ends in it, so the sacredness is really and almost directly taken from it. Tip--- (To all) Record or date back to the specific time you were born at... This number means much; immensely+deeply to your reality. Thank you. So much.

  19. I also find that: " It is also almost like it just "appears" so much so to the point it just simply becomes you and what you are ~~~ , You, yourself simply now recognize+ just know it's there and existing. It becomes you, part of your living breath. Once again. . ." ...becomes you. ~tm.

  20. Lately it's hard for me to use a lot of words so thank you so much you've ignited The Light within me to face some current Darkness!!

    1. Can i cut copy paste your comment ? Thank you Marika ... For giving words to what i feel...
      Bless u rush-collection ...
      Tahnk you so so much ..⭐️

    2. Archana, I suggest burning sage around you and your environment. It will help cleanse the negative energy. Smudge

  21. I want to say thank you because lately i have been having a lot of encounter's with black cats and i would always fear is bad luck and just tonight i woke up and saw 11:44never thought of it but just a numberthen it came backtomy head and dida reasesrch and when i read the meani g it brought me totear because there are angels that are guiding me and there for i should not fear . thank you so much.

  22. So grateful I can't find words... Thank you so much.

  23. thank you, I needed a positive message

  24. Blessings be with you all I have drifted in and out of my life directions for years and always came back to my numbers at this moment in time they are helping so much xx thank you rush-collection

  25. Thank you so much! The Angels arenalways sending me signs through numbers and i am so grateful for your amazing website that brings so much positive energy into my life! Xxx

  26. I had an exam today for which I couldn't give enough time as I was focused on my mission. I prayed to the angels and gave them my fears, asking them to guide me so I may be able to do my best. In my sleep last night I received a message from my higher self and continued receiving calming energies throughout the exam. It was a very difficult paper and I'll certainty score above 95%.

    Guys. This is real. Get on your mission now!!

    Last but not the least; thank you so much rush-collection. <3

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I have to say that i have been so lost so many years that I thought I never get through it.. hard Times.. but I started seeing these angel number 2012 and I felt something "big" (shift) was happening for me.. first I thought "ok now I finally lost it, im insane" because I saw these numbers 11:11 2121,1313 and so on. After moving another place numbers changed to three digits. Like 777, 444 ... still seeing all these numbers and now I got 818, 313, 414. 989... I still feel a bit weirded by it all but many people see them and I found out they are guiding us! Angels! So im grateful every day and feeling lucky, happy and I have grown as a person a lot and it's by Angels help and I finally see the reason behind all things that happened to me. Piece by piece I looked the signs and answers and I found, me.
    Thank you rush-collection for this beautiful blog.

  29. I think this site will help people in the months and even years to come, just as it has and is helping me. Thank you!!

  30. Thank you !!! Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  31. I too am eternally grateful for this website. It's a blessing and I'm so thankful to have this resource that's helped to change my life. ❤

  32. I am going through a difficult phase at job, work pressure, peers being non-supportive and I have strong fears for loosing and getting into financial problems along with blot on my hardwork that I have put in all my career stages. Just at this time i saw the time as 14:44 on my mobile and read through this blog to understand the meaning. Just now after reading this blog I just recalled that the new apartment that I have rented and about to shift in Dec 2017 has the number 1144.... This has given me anew hope and better trust myself that no matter what the situation will be I am getting guided by my angels. My intuitions and positive thought is my saviour and I just now started shredding all my fears while writing this comment...... Come on situation, I am ready to battle!

  33. Thank you so much so perfect for all thew work I am doing during this New moon March 17 and Equinox 20 th WOW WOW Thank you

  34. Thank you so much and spirituality i experienced long before i started to look for signs make me feel real even your write up and i do wonder who are you..?

  35. Thank you so much and spirituality i experienced long before i started to look for signs make me feel real even your write up and i do wonder who are you..?

  36. Thank you so much and spirituality i experienced long before i started to look for signs make me feel real even your write up and i do wonder who are you..?

  37. I was noticing that the block of land I am interested in buying was lot no. 11 and street number 44. I told a friend that this number was now "following" me because I see it on the clock 3 or 4 times a week.
    My friend looked up 1144 on this site and showed me what my angel number means.
    Thank you!
    I now feel confident that I should buy the block of land and change the direction my life was taking.
    I am looking forward to going back to basics with the help of my angels. I just need to sell my current place 1st. Knowing that I have the support and help of my angels means that I can do this! I really can!
    Thank you

  38. Wow! I saw 1144 after my meditation today and your explanation of its meaning was in COMPLETE ALIGNMENT WITH THE MESSAGES THAT I WAS CHANNELING . My eyes are filled with tears of joy and gratitude . Thank you for the work you do and the knowledge you share 😀

  39. I am so completely grateful for you. I am going through one of the most challenging times in my life and am seeing repeating or consecutive or special numbers close to constantly and I always know where to look for answers about the numbers communication...your beautiful site. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. It has been an amazing comfort and you have provided such easy translation for me for the plentiful transmissions I am receiving currently.

  40. Since learning of angel numbers the downloads are constant now and I always turn to this page and even use it for reference to guide others on their numbers. Thank you from the bottom of my anahata

  41. AMEN.
    Message on point.
    Blessed and grateful ,now and always. Love,Peace and Light to all.🙌❤

  42. #lovenlight #i needed this... Feels like hes talking directly to me...my angel that is... Thx bruh!!! Xoxo

  43. Barbara Pryor-SmithTuesday, October 30, 2018

    I'm grateful to know that I'm receiving help in looking for ways to adjust my schedule. I definitely need to re-work my hours on social media. I have too many projects going. This is my favorite site for helpful encouraging answers, always

  44. 1144!😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲💖💖💖🌞🌞🌞🤹‍♀️

  45. thank you, life is getting better all the time

  46. Thank you dearest Light worker 💜💜💜💜💜💜

  47. thank you so much rush-collection!

  48. So grateful I was guided to this sight. Makes so much sense and opened my mind to understanding ideas/signs I was missing. Thank you!❤

  49. Zillion times YES.
    I see this combination at least twice per day, if not many more (source is never only a clock)
    I am truly blessed and for this and all I am grateful.
    I've actually began doing my work differently...
    My current work hours are super balanced, as they have been for the past 6 months. Of course I've worked very hard for it all to manifest and I've earned it.
    And of course I do for work what I love (ONE of ALL things I love) ~work with Children.
    The above is beside and along advertising my first poetry book "Fragile Steel".
    Each day I find a new way to go about advertising and I apply it.
    I love you Angels, Masters and You rush-collection, my Earth Angel.🙏❤

    Sending much love and light to all.
    Blessed us all be.🙏❤☯️ We are ONE. #TogetherAForce #OfBrightLoveAndLight #United

  50. Thank you so much for what you do!! Bless!

  51. My son is 36 he was born at 11:44! Will his life get better?

  52. My son was born at 11:44,on October 20 1983. Will his life get better? He has been climbing up hill all his life!

  53. My son was born at 11:44,on October 20 1983. Will his life get better? He has been climbing up hill all his life!

  54. A million thank yous for this site. I just finished an energy treatment on my son and husband and maybe I had a small doubt if it helped,I saw this number and realized spirit sent me to verify I am a miraculous magician just like all of u! Thank you angels xxoo

  55. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

  56. Thank you. For everything. 💫⚡️💚

  57. Needed this starting writing my book 📕💖😇

  58. It's so nice to have this tool as a guidance... you can ignore numbers, and continue living the life as it is, or... or you can choose to raise your awareness that very moment you notice numbers and by reading Angel's message uplift the meaning of your life. Spread love!

  59. ��������������������
    Love, light and gratitude xXxxxooo

  60. We love you rush-collection ♥

    I been using your site for the last 4 to 5 years yoou are amazing 💙

    1. I second your statement all the way #SoulfulOne 🧡
      We do love rush-collection very much, she is our Earth Angel and our guiding light ✨️💎
      I've been using Sacred Scribes since the late summer of 2016 🙏❤️✨️🙌🏻

  61. به نام پدر آسمانی
    با درود فراوان بر شما استاد و پدر گرامی ، من همیشه عدد یا اعداد می بینم ، در سایت شما جواب می گیرم ، و خیلی زیاد از سایت و علم و دانش اساتید گرامی که در این سایت فعالیت دارند ، برکت می گیرم ، از پدر آسمانی برای شما عزیزان آرزوی سلامتی, برکت ، طول عمر ، و ثروت و موفقیت و فراوانی را آرزو می کنم , کاری که شما انجام می دهید و خدمت به انسان هایی که قلب خود را به نور خداوند سپرده اند ، قیمت زمینی ندارد ، از شما بزرگواران سپاسگزارم ، در پناه پدر ، پسر ، روح‌القدس و مادر مریم مقدس باشید ، در نام عیسی مسیح ، آمین ، هللویاه ، زندگی شما فرشته باران ، با احترام ، آرمین یزدانی

  62. من از سایت و دانش شما بسیار زیاد برکت گرفتم

  63. ☮️♥️☀️

  64. Beyond grateful🙏❤️
    Endless love and countless blessings to us all✨️🙌🏻

  65. I love this woman rush-collection you are a godsend thank you Asè Asè
