Sunday, August 26, 2012


Number 1133 is a combination of the attributes of number 1 (appearing doubled, amplifying its influences and also relating to the Master Number 11),  blended with the vibrations of number 3 (also appearing twice, magnifying the energies of the number 3 and relating to the Master Number 33). Number 1 carries the vibration of instinct, intuition, progress and happiness, new beginnings, creation, independence and uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. The karmic Master Number 11 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. Master Number 11 also tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our soul mission and life purposeNumber 3 brings its attributes of optimism and enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression and communication, growth and expansion. Number 3 is also the number of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within.  Number 33 is a Master Number and resonates with the energies of compassion, blessings, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 tells us that ‘all things are possible’. Master Number 33 is also the number that symbolizes ‘guidance’.

Angel Number 1133 is a powerful message to give your fears, doubts and worries to the angels and the Ascended Masters so that they can be transmuted and healed on your behalf. You have much spiritual work to do within yourself so that you are fully prepared in every way to fulfill your soul mission and Divine destiny. Trust that the angels support you completely and surround you with love and protection at all times. The angels and Universal Energies are working things out for your highest good and helping with your preparations and long-term work.

Angel Number 1133 gives you the courage to fully express yourself and live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness and use your knowledge and wisdom for the upliftment of others.

Angel Number 1133 is also a message from your angels that they are sending you positive energies and signs, so be sure to pay particular attention to your thoughts, ideas and insights as they are giving you information about the next steps to take along your spiritual path. Any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and the angels will assist you in their undertaking.

Number 1133 relates to number 8 (1+1+3+3=8) and Angel Number 8.

Also see:
Repeating 1’s and 3’s  (13, 113, 131, 133 etc)  
Angel Number 13
Angel Number 113
Angel Number 133



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. thank you so much for this :)

    1. You know I read this and I think back on this past year and than I think about my hole life, and I now "understand" that I wasn't crazy and that I was being watched, that I was hearing things. Now it's to my advantage through the power of God and his heavenly Angles.

    2. The harsh truth is there's no GOD.

    3. I see no need to spread your disbelief here. Your hopelessness has nothing to do with those who come here to see what their guides are telling them.

    4. There definitely is God and I am him!

    5. I AM GOD TO!

    6. There is no God ! Ha! If they only knew ! These numbers proved it to me. I used to be an atheist but I see these numbers now , in everything that I do.

    7. Amen, God Is Most Glorious and I pray for all non-believers to open their eyes and the scripture so they may enlighten the soul and unlearn the negative paradymes and KNOW real purpose of soul mission, amen

    8. I am being trained to be a Human Angel.

    9. This is in reply to the no God statements..u are free to believe whatever u want that is the point of free will. I think that there is proof that there is a higher power out there, for example all religions around the world have some of the same stories for example the flood, it is 8n Christians Bible as well as the Koran..sorry if that is misspelled. The tower of Babel is another example. There is a God and all religions have a lot of the same stories throughout all over the world. I think they are all interlaced with the truth but over the years man has perverted the message. I respect all beliefs but from my personal experience there is most definitely a God and even if you don't believe in him he loves and believes in you 💜 have a blessed day all!

    10. Judaism, Islam, and Catholicism are all the same religion with some minor differences.

  2. This is amazing! :)

  3. This information has helped me tremendously!! Thank you!!!

  4. Infinite love and gratitude!

    1. I have a tattoo that means infinite love and gratitude !

    2. My number is 11 my girlfriend is 33 and we seen this while we are fighting eating at the same exact time

  5. I express my heart felt gratitude for this....

  6. Doing a dissertation and have seen this twice today.Thank you :-)

  7. blessings and love to all !!!!!!

  8. Thank you!! As always-perfect timing!!!!

  9. i keep dreaming about getting kissed on cheek. once it was a girl i dont know , then the other night other girl i know kept kissing me on cheeks and i kept kissing her on cheeks, anyone know what is the meaning of this message ?

    1. It might mean that you should strive to genuinely love the females not just see them as sex objects. The repeating kisses on the cheeks might mean back off a little be more intimate and show compassion with women

    2. It might mean that you should strive to genuinely love the females not just see them as sex objects. The repeating kisses on the cheeks might mean back off a little be more intimate and show compassion with women

  10. I have been trying to find a job and i have been stressing out because I am trying so hard. I keep seeing 1133 on the clock, 1111, or a time like 4:33. It's mostly 11s and 33s. Now i know my angels are helping me and my time will come. Thank you for this!

    1. I have been trying hard to find a job too. This entry sounds just like my situation - whenever I stress out, I see 1133, 1144, 1122. Once I saw two cars parked next to each other. The license plate of one car had 3355 in it while the one next to it had 444. Please update how you come out. Once again, I am stressing out to find a job too. I have been trying soooooo hard!

    2. what rush-collection seems to be saying is the same for us all seeing this particular number and others..we are to think "out of the box" and could it be a "job" isnt what you most need as you think? When we dare to consider other options and put fear aside what other ways is there to earn our living or to meet our immediate needs?..just some thoughts to consider I think

    3. Thank you for your comment, it went right into my heart💚, feels like I needed to read this. Time for a new perspective.

  11. I see nothing but double and triple numbers all day every day. I see 101, 202, 303, 404, 505, 606, 707, 808, 909, 1010, 1111, and 1212. Does this mean I'm crazy? I'm getting a stress headache because I see the numbers and go here but you are saying the same thing for all of them but people say they have different meanings. I don't understand.

    1. Omg did u get answers? I am seeing the EXACT same numbers all day everyday. I know I'm not crazy, I believe in numerology and know the spiritual realm is communicating with me because I am awakening and my consciousness is increasing. I too have been searching for the specific meanings of each of the numbers, but I get very similar messages for all of them. I think the major message of all the numbers I am seeing is to listen to and trust my inner voice and intuition to learn to decipher the Angel's direct messages to me.... as they are guiding and aiding me in becoming my true self, reaching my dreams, goals and aspirations and living out out my true passion, soul mission and life purpose. The only thing that's been on my mind since I started seeing these numbers is changing my life, working on my personal goals and pursuing my true calling and passion...

    2. Omg did u get answers? I am seeing the EXACT same numbers all day everyday. I know I'm not crazy, I believe in numerology and know the spiritual realm is communicating with me because I am awakening and my consciousness is increasing. I too have been searching for the specific meanings of each of the numbers, but I get very similar messages for all of them. I think the major message of all the numbers I am seeing is to listen to and trust my inner voice and intuition to learn to decipher the Angel's direct messages to me.... as they are guiding and aiding me in becoming my true self, reaching my dreams, goals and aspirations and living out out my true passion, soul mission and life purpose. The only thing that's been on my mind since I started seeing these numbers is changing my life, working on my personal goals and pursuing my true calling and passion...

    3. Generally I see different numbers during the day too and when I look for the meaning, I see the messages are similar or related one to another so I guess your messages are ment to be that way too. Your angels and ascended masters are repeating and confirming the meaning of the message so that you understand clearly, I think.

  12. It is amazing.i doubt if angles support me to reach my goals and immidiately I saw this sign.thank u.

  13. It is amazing.i doubt if angles support me to reach my goals and immidiately I saw this sign.thank u.

  14. Thank you Lord my 'GOD' , thank you ascended masters , and thanks to all angels of heaven for all your blessings , guidance and help in my everyday life .

  15. Thank you for this very uplifting and inspiring message, it's great to know the ascended masters are with you and are always here to help you live out your soul purpose in the best way you can :-)

  16. Amazing info, I always see the 1133

  17. Thank you for this! :D Thank you angels and all being including the masters and spirits for your help and guidance! And thank you rush-collection! Lovely work, as always! Blessings upon you! :D ♥

  18. Thank you for this. It came at the right time.

  19. Ive been seeing this number so much and my birthday is november 33rd!!

    nah jk but Ive seen so many numbers over the years and always came to this site to see what it means.. and I happened to find this site after praying to the angels for the first time and connecting with them, then I started seeing more and more numbers, and always it has translated correctly. thank you, so much. I can see my future clearly and I see alot of wealth coming my way. If you dont have the book published by then I would love to help you with that, and if you do I will buy more copies than possible to print and give it to people.

    I have also checked out your other sites and your hubpage and youve opened my eyes to so many amazing things, thank you!!!!!

  20. Last night I woke up to these numbers:
    and last 5:24 which adds up to 11.
    I took no special pains to wake up those hours of the night. I just woke up, looked at the clock and that was the number.

  21. Love this blog

  22. For Every day - Thank you! Always grateful 💜

  23. when I have seen repeating numbers in the past, it meant that something positive will happen shortly for me. I am now seeing them again and am anticipating another positive leap forward. I hope this helps someone.

  24. Thank you so much for this website! My guides and angels have communicated with me so many times using numbers, knowing I will look them up on your website. And the message is always spot on and encouraging. 11:33 is my favourite time of day and my favourite number. I see 33's all the time.
    Blessings for the work you have done here to help me and others.

  25. Two days in a row I have seen the number 1133 makes a change from 1111 and the others 🌞 🌠 🌚 🕚

  26. So someone said goodbye on 1/1/17 at 11:33. Not to be heard from again. Is this a real goodbye. Spiritual significance?

  27. This is a good hearted Bee Hive. I may be a little older than some of you, i started to see these numbers 20 years ago.... i did not know anything about numerology, but i started following the signs and with hard work, sacrifice and a strong will i pushed's not easy....but i found my purpose and now i live everyday working with kid's in the Performing Arts and i leave my studio with a feeling of love and gratitude every day. so believe in what the world and your god is showing you, and don't let anyone make you think your crazy, cause your not, your your life has meaning and at the same time your still a piece of the whole. that's why we all have a different purpose but still feel like one! Luv Life and You!

  28. I'm seeing a series of 1122 1133 1144 repeatedly what does that mean? Whats the message behind this?

  29. How you explane that number 11has been contected with bad happenings, since 2001 .
    I don't like to do anithing important on 11th each month ???

  30. I have been seeing repeating numbers several times daily for two weeks now. It began with 555 then 22 and now 1133. What should I expect or do? It is very strongly present.

  31. Seeing angels numbers daily. Need healing and help of angels so much. Can't understand what to do ? Life like a mess. Undergoing treatment from dentist. Plz angels help !

  32. Our beautiful daughter Julie passed away on february 14th 2017. The last photo she took of herself was at 11.33pm on the the 12th February. Is there any spiritual significance to this. A few weeks before she passed away she asked me what good thinks she could do to get into heaven. It was as if she knew. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.

    1. I’m no expert, but I see numbers all the time, most notably on a digital clock. 11:33 is a powerful time and one of significance when stamped or noticed. Once Angels realize they have your attention they will communicate more. This site is by far the best I’ve found for translation of my angels. Be cognizant of the time or being drawn to numbers of any origin. I’ve gotten to wear I jot them down and refer to this site when I have time. I believe you’ll find it can be very encouraging. Your daughter could have subconsciously knew she was about to pass, the good news is at 11:33 the time of her photo, she had angels around her. And it is just as possible that the Angels may have encouraged the photo at that precise time, knowing it would get your attention. Everything has a reason and things happen in their own divine time. I hope this brings you some peace, and hopefully this site will bring you comfort as you continue to see more numbers. The double and triple digits are more obvious, but I strongly encourage you to look up any time you are drawn to the clock. The explanations will astonish you. Love & Light...

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Thank you i can see these numbers almost everiday.

  35. i am seeing so many repeating number 1133 1313 1414 1144 888 333 444 222 0202 2525 and many more on daily basis. Right now i am very unsure and tensed about current situations. These some numbers are sending me positive message. This messages motivate me to overcome this problems and positive/ significant changes are coming to you my life. Thank you so much.

  36. And I believe every word,thank you amen x

  37. Thank you Abba Father and to my Angels and rush-collection ❤

  38. 1133! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🙏🙏👉💕👈🤲🤲🤲👉🚪👈👉💪👈👉💖👈😘😘😘🔥🐞🐞🔥🔥🔥

  39. Namaste 🙏. I've been watching so many repetitive numbers. Angels are guiding me for sure .Every time I see the number I come here to find out the meaning.
    Thank you so much ❤️😀🤞

  40. I am seeing so many repeating number 11:11 in the begining, now 34, 43, 101, 202, 303, 404 , 505, 606, 707, 808 and 909 on daily basis. Right now i dont know the what message angels are trying to give me. Please help me ... Thank you so much

  41. In my Holy Bible (KJV) 1133 is the beginning of the New Testament

  42. Hit the deepest depths of my dark night of the soul. I swear, I have nearly lost my faith. I had been fasting and praying then just decided to let my body shut down from starvation because I was so depressed. I could feel my faith drying up and my memories of divine love and oneness being wiped and replaced by chaos, noise and intrusive thoughts. My heart began working hard. I lie in my bed in immense pain. Woke up, just lied there, trying to figure out if this is hell. Pulled my phone out of the drawer and saw it was exactly 11:33am. I got one last night, too. 1133. I've lost my connection to the divine and my intuition and creative talents as well. If you know what it feels like to feel God's love then have it taken from you then you understand the full gravity of this kind of fall and darkness. The dark night is the most devastating experience one can have. I don't have a lot of fight left in me, only hope that I will once again be whole.

  43. I AM...Who I AM... God has carried ME, and I know the footprints are Theirs,
    For when I am weak I AM being Carried Away to OUR promised LAND!!!
    Jesus is Alive and Well!!!

  44. Yes !!!! I can do it!!!! Thank you!!!!!

  45. Thanks!!! 😍😍😍 good vibes.

  46. 🙏☮️♥️☀️

  47. 🙏☮️♥️☀️
