Friday, August 24, 2012


Number 1122 is a blend of the vibrations of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its energies, and also resonating with the Master Number 11) and number 2, (also appearing doubled, magnifying its influences as well as resonated with the Master Number 22. Number 1 instills the attributes of creation and new beginnings, attainment and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. It also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. The karmic Master Teacher Number 11 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, devotion, insight, co-operation, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. The number 2 appears twice, strengthening the influences of its vibrations and relating to the Master Number 22, which is Archangel Raphael’s signature number. Number 22 denotes the Master Builder, dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, the future and evolution, Universal Love, personal power and charisma, service, philanthropy, common sense and practicality. This makes number 1122 a powerfully charged number that resonates with your spirituality, spiritual path and life purpose.

Angel Number 1122 asks you to step out of your comfort zone, leave behind the ‘old’ and outdated, and make a concerted effort to steer your life towards a more spiritually-based life and lifestyle. Find balance in all that you do and ensure that the reality that you create for yourself is the one that you desire. Angel Number 1122 encourages us to release our fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose.

Angel Number 1122 asks that you stay on a positive path and use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. Use positive affirmations and visualizations to enhance energies and draw them towards you. The more you focus on the positives, the quicker they are manifested into your reality.

Angel Number 1122 is a message from your angels and Archangels that you are to stay focused upon your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires.  
Number 1122 also relates to number 6 (1+1+2+2=6) and Angel Number 6.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 112
Angel Number 122



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. This is amazing because I keep seeing this number "1122" on my computer and this scenario is exactly what I'm going through, a new beginning and manifesting my desires.

    1. I'm resonating very strongly with you. Can you please contact me when you see this.

    2. Me too! This is exactly what has been on my mind and i find that i either glance at the time and it's 11:22 or i see the number while I'm working! THANK YOU rush-collection!

    3. My son was born at 11:22 am
      My older daughter at 12:33 PM
      Myself at 1:44 PM
      Their Father at 2:55 PM !!!

    4. My name Robert 11, Louis 22, Pogany 33
      birthdate 10 30 19 51 totals 110
      time of birth 12 10 pm

    5. This is my Birthdate numbers. I can definitely relate to everything that is represented here. With my birth year added I get 3,6,9

    6. Feeling tremendeously blessed, thank you πŸ™

    7. Thank you, rush-collection! You did a very good job, love the way you explained it. Couldn't be better! Really helps! Gracias gracias gracias

    8. Thank you, rush-collection! You did a very good job, love the way you explained it. Couldn't be better! Really helps! Gracias gracias gracias

    9. 1122 is my birthday I keep seeing it everyday in the morning in the evening even when I pause the television I see 1122 I keep wondering what this means.

  2. Been seeing this a lot lately. Thank you ♡

    1. You did that on purpose didn't you :P

    2. Wow....I was sort of laughing at myself as I googled "meaning 1122" as if I was really going to get any meaningful answer...but I have to say...this is a number that has recurred throughout my life...more during certain phases than others, and this is so right on the mark as being the basic theme of my life and especially in the late 90's and early 2000's when this number was showing up at unbelievable frequency....on reciepts...applied for a p.o. box and was given box 1122...I was even born at 11:22 am....the list goes on and on.... It was delightful to find this :)

  3. These messages have been guiding my Ascension and my soul mission which is to live out the life of a real superhero of humanity by the name of Positive Man, The Most Positive Man in The Universe Defender of Humanity through the Universe to infinity!

    And then travel the world to meet every single culture on Earth inspiring and igniting their passions and help them fulfill their dreams!

    1. I think you should make positive man a book character in addition to being positive man in real life of course : )

    2. I am on the same path

  4. I am always seeing the numbers 1122 or just 22. I should mention that my birthday is 11/22/1976 and when added it is 11. My daughter was supposed to be delivered by c-section on 6/9/2006 and I of course added the numbers and it didn't connect with me. Well she arrived one day early on 6/8/2006 which equals 22, what are the odds that we both have master numbers as our path numerology numbers?? I have always felt that I've never fit in with anybody else and since I was little I have always questioned WHY ARE WE HERE,why IS there an earth?? I do think I am sensitive and have some ESP, knowing when the phone is going to ring, saying things in my head and then somebody says the same exact thing I was thinking and etc...there have been too many for it to just be a coincidence. I don't know what my purpose in life is? And my daughter who is only 7yrs old is starting to show some signs of being sensitive. I guess I'm writing just to see what your thoughts are??

    1. My toughts on this would be to shine your light and love the way you are passionate with, check the things that passionate you the most and express yourself in them whenever you feel like it. Your mission there maybe is just for you to be You and share your Gifts with others or use them in a way to enhance life of others.

      The more we express compassion and service towards others, the more the Universe has ways to rewards us. The ultimate spiritual component of our evolution and conciousness is Love, no not the love as in a human emotion but the Love expressed with your Spirit, from your heart, if you dont know how to express it ask the Source or God to help you give ways to express it daily

    2. My born day is the same 11/22/71 and I have the same thoughts as you.I can tell what my wife is thinking. And I always look in the sky like at night like someone is watching me.Sometimes I think I'm a star child

  5. Thanks for 1122 and the message! As always came at the right time! These messages from the Angels are helping me to maintain my vibration in the most positive and highest way ...

  6. Ok, can anybody explain me what is happening? Someone who's 'level up' please? I am seeing all kinds of numbers quite some time now... I got used to them. Although there are numbers with special meanings for me which are constantly in my life somehow.. I had a close connection with my Mum (who passed away 12/12/11 - and I had to mention her, don't know why!).. Anyway.. 11 and 22 are very present in my life. Always been there.

    The thing is.. I was recently seeing 11:22 every day - twice, morning and evening (11:22, 22:11 ;) ) and today I had a car accident and I remember clearly that when it happened it was 11:22am - because I checked the hour that moment and smiled, as always.. And booom. My car in a ditch, I'm in hospital for 10hrs. But I'm alive! Nothing really happened to me nor car (except that it was taken by gards/police in Ireland, and I have to pay 400e to take it back, but that's a different story? )... So, I called my ex-husband straight from the ditch, and I checked the phone - I called him at 11:24! So it is a proof, I didn't make that up - but I guess I shouldn't tell that to anyone anyway, right? What a pity :/

    Oh, and my mum's birthday is 22/11/46 - does it matter?

    Can anybody help me figuring out what could it mean? It has to mean something right?? But what? :(

    1. Hi Apata I'm a lightworker which means I am to be a light of hope for the world I am here to teach and to use my natural talents in the world. The meaning of the number is simple if you are seeing it often means that the angels are guiding you to pursue and spiritually based life and or profession. Don't be afraid of the promptings they are there to guide you and assist you always. I'm glad to here you weren't hurt in your accident. If you are confused ask the angels for understanding on what exactly your purpose is as a twin flame. That's why you are seeing numbers you are a twin flame and part of God's heart. All twin flames are connected to God's heart so we are all cells and we feel his heart if you feel a warm feeling in your solar plexus that is God's heart pulsating. There is thousands of twin flames uniting to begin their soul mission on earth and I have began my steps in beginning mine and I can't wait to contribute all of my talents and wisdom that I have obtained and sharing it with the world. Don't be afraid and follow the promptings that the angels give you..God Bless and peace be with you.

    2. Hi. I love your answer...and I have another question...Can I pursue my life purpose without my twin flame? My life purpose is to write and educate, and mostly to help children. I've never met him/her. Thank you for your answer :)

  7. Spirit downloads of feeling, knowing, loving wisdom at 4:11 am on 11/22/2014 of course it's Archangel Raphael :D <3

  8. This defines my choice on a Reiki guide. The one I lean towards has her address in 11 22 so I know my path is with her. Thank you.

  9. It seems so easy for all of you. My family and the whole world needs help its 11:23 again and i have no idea what to do and where to start im begging to feel suicidal about all this

    1. You are not alone in this regard and is often a symptom of the shock reality check which manifests when you begin to wake up and see the world for what it presently is...

      very similar to what Keanu Reeves experienced in the movie The Matrix....

      I can help you with this. .....

    2. If you need someone to speak of about experiencing phenomena, constant Synchronicity, or personal troubles I am here for you... chrisfilms84@gmail

    3. Yes waking up from the matrix is painful for the ego,the bondage of self,breaking the chains of judgment of the ego, my true inner self always at conflict with the ego or better put my ego at conflict with the truth. Judgment of others is always rooted in the ego and is only judgment of self therefore false,not true.he who will not forgive must judge,for he must justify his failure to forgive.resentment kills the soul,be free of the judgment the world teaches,not separate,but one.

  10. Thank You so much.

  11. Today is Christ the King for Catholics, November 22, 2015. I just had the date and time Synchronicity. Which happens a lot of times in my experience. Thank you for giving it meaning.

  12. My mom passed away in 12/31/14. The last thing she said (yelled out) was 1 1 2 2. The way she said it was one one two two. Can someone help me understand the meaning or what she was trying to tell me?

  13. I see 11:11 now all the time, the obvious twice a day - but also see 11:22 even more, so came to this site... Wow.

  14. I am always seeing 11:22 and it so happens to be my birthday. Its starting to freak me out

  15. I seem to always look at the clock and see 11:22. Its srating to make me think something bad is going to happen to me at this time as i was born on this date.

  16. I am always seeing 11:22 and it so happens to be my birthday. Its starting to freak me out

  17. I am always seeing 11:22 and it so happens to be my birthday. Its starting to freak me out

  18. I was born on an 11 day (5/20/48), in a 22 year, at exactly 11:22 am (recorded time). Yikes.

  19. I feel like the angels drew me here to see the message and the word dreams BC I have seen/heard the word dream 10-30 times a day for the last 6 months sometimes in the most divinely orchestrated way

  20. This is going to be out of topic but is it normal for a twin flames to look the same, I found mine we are like twins with differences....

    1. Yes ... and it is very common.

    2. I look very much like my twin flame.. only we're also the true yin/yang.. me blonde and blue eyed, him black haired and brown eyed

  21. Ohh god!! Thanx for the article.. Would like to know more about it

  22. Ohh god!! Thanx for the article.. Would like to know more about it

  23. Hello,
    Can anybody guide me please?
    like most of you,i started a few months ago to see the famous 11:11.
    But after its all started...from 111,222,333, until 999
    12:12 and 12:11,22,33,44,55,almost each our of the day its followed by 11,22,33,44,55.
    22:22 and i could continue with all the numbers.
    i started the seek on the internet what it means,but to be honest I'm lost a little bit,in what to believe.
    Thanks in advance for any comment

    1. It means you are probably in contact with your twin flame, those are all twin flame numbers, if you havent recognized your twin flame yet then you are just working on self mastery and making progress ;)

  24. Hey I am a 16 year old boy I have received many numbers like 1:23 922 1111 and 1122 this has been going on for awhile now until I found my passion for being a musical artist these numbers keep pushing me to follow through with my dream and everytime I have a inch of dought 1122 comes up I barely know what any of these numbers means but I research them can someone help me , my email is

  25. I see a lot of repeating numbers. Almost every repeating pattern u can think of. I tried ignoring them but still, they won't leave me. I once saw them before four years back and now I have been seeing these repeating patterns since last September. My friends told me that it's just a coincidence. But one or two times can be a coincidence but how I can ignore when I see them often. For example, I saw 111 just before sleeping and 1122 when I woke up. Can you tell me what this is??

  26. I feel compelled to share with you…because you sound like me…this started happening to me, too in the past year. I can’t say that I ever noticed it before. If your friends are telling you it is coincidence, you probably don’t have anyone to talk to either ( I don’t because none of my friends or family believe in this stuff, I am in the Baptist South if that explains anything to you). If you are seeing lots of multiples (222,444,333…any number repeated), you could have come in contact with your Twin Flame. Have you felt a strong magnetic pull towards any particular person around the time that you started noticing the numbers? It doesn’t have to be a person that makes sense either….mine wasn’t…. I used to have physic dreams when I was younger, but I think that I closed myself off out of fear. Anyway, last fall I met my Twin and even though I’ve never really talked to him, it sparked a lot of stuff for me. The numbers were first…then, I felt prompted to meditate every day. After that the dreams returned and I realized that I am an empath. I just want you to know that you are not alone and it is not a coincidence…I can’t tell you why you are seeing them, but you are waking up to something special…live from your heart and learn to focus on the unconditional love that is within us all. It helped me to see things more clearly….

    1. Thanks a lot for your reply. Nobody responded properly when I told them about the numbers.

    2. what else can we do???????? MC

  27. I see 11:11 all the time & just recently 11:22 also, had my first born on 11/22/04, amazing!

  28. these are so vague - anyone and anything could say " ugh, ok"

  29. i wake up at 11:22!!!! so now what? meditate?????? to find a concrete answer?? i need to find my life purpose!! NOW!!! MC

  30. Since nine months minimum daily one time i see on my cell phons 1122. Means when I switch on my cell the time is showing 1122 Wasim WhatsApp # +923004553977

  31. 1122 is my bday. Born 1973. Interesting read

  32. Thank so muchπŸ’•πŸ’–

  33. Last night I was sleepy, couldn't get to going down for the night. So I got up meditated and just gave up gratefulness for the small but palpable steps in improving my financial and professional situation. I finished meditation at 11:22.
    And still woke up at five am for work too!

  34. Thank you rush-collection!!!Love and light your way!!!♡♡♡

  35. I keep seeing so many repeating numbers and they are all telling me things I need to learn and know. I have been working on some art and was thinking of trying to sell it so I decided to create a piece just to sell and right as I was thinking about it and saw 11:22 on the clock. I think art has always been my passion and I think the angels are telling me so too. Thank you! <3

  36. Oh yes and seeing this on the day of the full moon... I am ready to receive new blessings! πŸ’œ

  37. Whenever I had queries in my mind or I am feeling confused or stressed, I get an answer to it through angel numbers. I come here to translate those messages and to my surprise, it is like my answers to my queries or messages. Thanks a lot becoz I feel more optimistic by imbibing positive thoughts then by ignoring negative thoughts. It gives me strength to stay positive and a new energy to move ahead to continue towards my life aim.
    Same happened today also. It makes me more spiritual. Thank you so much.

    Thank you Angels !

  38. I was born on 11/22. I see this number often. For me I think it is a reminder as to why I incarnated into this world.

  39. I've been seeing 1122 quite a lot plus 111 since starting on my journey. I just came out of a meditation at 11:22 and burst out crying as I met my spirit guide but didn't catch her name this time.
    Love and light lovely people xx

  40. Grateful for every reminder & they are always present !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

    1. Thank you for being so positive throughout this site! You are a beautiful light! Much love and many blessings! ❤️ Nicole

  41. So my brother moved out today,. I know it’s for the best and he’s moving in with someone he’s known nearly all his life. I know why this has happened and what to do. Change and lots of it. <3 Love and light. Follow the number s and trust your intuition. Life purpose and soul mission here I come. Stay healthy and blessed. Faith and trust. xxx

    1. Amen to this Jo Duthie!!! Be kind and gentle with your seld and keep up the faith and trust !!!
      Much love,peace and Light to you! ♥️🎈

  42. I saw 661122. I saw this before i declined the call of a close friend. Out of fear for what would i say for not contacting him for so long. I am not a social person. If only i had searched its meaning before he called. I would have found courage to pick it.

  43. LOVE this! Been seeing 1122 and 1111 a lot lately. Excited for the future!

  44. Ive been ignoring all this signs for decages but until recently im no longer afraid to follow the messages. Thank UπŸ™

  45. Grateful🧚🏻‍♀️πŸ€—

  46. Weird because today is 1122 and i just so happen to read angel numbers when they keep occurring. I saw 2222 as my score on a game, then looked up the meaning also noticing today is November 22 11th month 22nd day. I read about all the strange sequence number patterns i see continually. This seems to be real involving angelic guidance, spirituality, and the law of attraction...goosebumps!

  47. This is not all right. 1122 means you are getting ready to have amazing things happen you in you life. It means you did a fantastic job and to keep it up. Your almost there

  48. I needed this amazing message...I hope these continue to keep me on track thru the New Years 2019πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  49. Seen this number 3rd day on the trot, must be trying to get my attention...x

  50. I've been seeing 11.22 a lot over the past few weeks, even saw this multiple times in a day. And my bday, 11.22 -- definitely need to figure out what this means for me, what I need to do / change and carry forward. Thanks for this post, definitely helps.

  51. My entire life was a big mess. Since the last year i am going through a very big transformation. All my fears and insecurities coming to the surface in order to be healed. There is only one way to heal them. I finally understood the purpose of life is to have love in the heart no matter what problems i have. I know that I have created all my problems because of my past thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Self Love is the way out of mind hell people. That's the meaning of 1122. Light and Love. KX

  52. I am seeing this number 1122 several times. but i have no idea what is life purpose is . I dont even know which carreer path I should go. I have tried a few totally different carrer path and I am still lost. I want to help people

    1. I think you should start meditating for this solely purpose, stop using the mind and start feel what your heart said. Dont let ego makes the inner voice unheard. Good luck :)

  53. You should start meditating solely for that purpose, listen to your heart and dont let ego makes your inner voice unheard. Good luck :)

  54. I thought I'd look up the meaning for this number because it is my birthday 11/22

  55. Interesting how I had always seen sets of 3 numbers (111,222,333,444,555). Once I paid attention, I received my first 1111 number and I really paid even more attention. 1122 has been the number appearing the last few days and finally read what was said.

    Question: our they want to build a relationship with us? is it a conversation one can have through words and meditation? I've been doing a bit of this and now I think I am more in tune with the numbers that are appearing. Does this gets stronger as I build trust and a relationship with the angels?

  56. I am seeing 11:22 frequently thes past few days, I also see 112, 111, 115, 113 frequently, theres also sometimes I often see twin numbers like 10:10 or 11:11 ,12:12. Can soneone tell me what is the meaning of this, I mean, am I blessed? I am facing a big challenge throughout my life, I have anxiety now because of that.

  57. Thank you so much.πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’š❤

  58. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°☀πŸŒ»πŸ’–πŸ€—

  59. I’ve been seeing this number a lot lately! Even my fiancΓ© today sent me a message at 11:22 today. This resonates so much with all that I am going through at this time. Thank you! πŸ™πŸΎ ♥️♥️

  60. Just put away the game system πŸ’Ž Thank You

  61. Gracias,Gracias,GraciasπŸ™

    Bendigo tu vida y a todo el universo πŸ’›.

    AmΓ©n πŸ™Œ

  62. πŸ™☮️❤️

  63. 2nd time trying to post this comment.

    I’ve been consistently seeing angel numbers 11:22 wether am or pm… and I typed a google search, I came to see on the results one with my name on it, clicked it, and came to read your amazing and well written explanation w incredible messages. Thank you so much rush-collection from the future. This feels like a true matrix bending moment lol.

    rush-collection from 2022.

  64. πŸ™, ☮️❤️ to ALL

  65. Thank you πŸ™

  66. Can anyone help me out?..

    I keep seeing the numbers 11:22, 717, 222, 444 constantly for the past month & I’ve also randomly added up numbers & they always seem to equal 12..

    What does it mean? I’m so fascinated with this sort of thing, and I would really love to know how to properly understand!

    My mum once went to a clairvoyant a few years ago, & they mentioned that I’m going to meet the man who I’m going to be with for the rest of life , he is a bit older than me, and apparently I’ll be introduced to him by someone starting with the letter “R” at around the age of 26. I didn’t necessarily believe that was going to happen, especially when they mention the letter of a person, he’s gonna introduce me, it seemed a bit too specific. However… My mum recently, again went to another clairvoyant, and they had mentioned that The partner I’m with now I’m not going to be with for the rest of my life, I am going to meet someone else very soon…
    I’m 25 this year.
