Thursday, August 23, 2012


Number 1113 is made up of the attributes and energies of the number 1 appearing three times, amplifying and magnifying its influences, and the number 3. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations of new beginnings, striving forward, motivation and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality. Number 1 reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and actions. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, expansion and growth. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. 

Angel Number 1113 suggests that some obstacles and/or upheaval may be taking place in your life at this time. This is taking place for karmic reasons that will break new ground for you and may turn out to a ‘blessing in disguise’. This will bring about new opportunities for you to grow on all levels; emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and the angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully and be open to auspicious new opportunities arising in your life.  

Angel Number 1113 is a message from your angels that you are being guided and assisted with pursuing your life purpose and soul mission. Trust that the angels and Ascended Masters are by your side as you go through transitions that will bring you into perfect alignment with your Divine life purpose. If you are unsure of your next steps, ask your angels for guidance and assistance.

Angel Number 1113 is a message to listen to your intuition and take action accordingly. Use your manifesting abilities to draw towards you the circumstances and situations that you want in your life. Do not be afraid to take on new ventures and/or projects as now is an auspicious time to take new directions in your life. The angels and Ascended Masters are with you, guiding and assisting when asked.  

Number 1113 also relates to the number 6 (1+1+1+3=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:  
Repeating 1’s and 3’s  (13, 113, 131, 133 etc)
Angel Number 13
Angel Number 113


  1. This was amazing! I have been seeing this sequence for over a year. It's also my sons birthday. I have been through so much with him and I always knew that there was some meaning behind this sequence of numbers. This article has really explained a lot. Thank you

  2. wow! this number was popping up in my dreams -again and again. And, I am glad I checked what it really means. Thank you rush-collection.

  3. Thanks for the insight, it makes a lot of sense. I was mostly seeing 11:11 for a while and then it started changing to 11:13, and saw it too often to dismiss it. I wondered what had happened to the elevens. This also included 1:13, 3:13 etc. Occasionally an 11 would show up but not like it used to.
    And you're right about the upheaval too, which can be overwhelming at times.
    I appreciate the message and the insight. Seems I haven't being paying attention to my messengers.
    Thank you.


  4. A toy came on saying its learning time everyone aleep the time was 1113

  5. A toy letter box came on while everyone's asleep saying its learning time the time it happend was 1113 does this mean anything

  6. 1111, 1113, 1115,1117,1119....everyday.More then 40 numbers everyday...the same numbers...I stopped writing them down, stopped reading the meaning (only sometimes to remind), I just thank my team and keep going. They can't be just text message , right? They something else as well?

    1. Dear Tatiana ,I sooo agree with you!!!
      What you describe in your cmoment above happens to me too!!!
      I do exactly the same as you!!!
      And that is- follow my intuition and stay balanced and grateful for all the guidance and direction I receive on daily basis.
      The synchronities I see now have changed greatly & I've noticed that when my mind is quiet,I get to see less amount of combinations,however when my mind is racing I see a lot of them and they are pretty much the same!!!
      I now see combinations way different than before,they are way way more precise than they use to be!!!
      My pat is clear and I feel immensely blessed and grateful for all the Universe provides me with & for all the new opportunities yet to come !!!
      Stay blessed,as we all are !!!
      I would honestly love to somehow connect with you & for this I hope you'll get to see my comment !!!
      Love ,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  7. I just saw this as a double, the date being 11/13(/16) and the time being 11:13pm. I am under alot of pressure in regards to changes going on in my life and my body. I just wanted to say thank you for a bit of insight.

  8. I get 1113 everywhere, time, of cohese when it was 11/13, text messages come at 1113 and even the mileage on my car. I can't escape it lol. Reading this is EXACTLY what's going on. The upheaval is insane. Every day something bad happens and I don't mean braeking a fingernail, I mean big stuff, like washing machine going out, next day, window in my car won't go up all the way, next day sewage backs up in basement, next day check engine light comes on, next day roommate steals from me and I had to kick her out, next day, she steals even more from me on her way out, next day get a light bill where $710 is added onto my bill from same roommates unpaid which I had to pay, next cat is very sick and keeps vomiting everywhere, next sewage problem caused flea problem.. When I say it has been something every singlr day I mean it has been relentless for months. Finally after months of misery, financial devestation, extreme stress and worry, moving and attacking one problem at a time I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel (I think, God I hope so) but I also feel it's not over quite yet. How long does this karmic debt go on? I have known for a few years that I have a karmic debt because it started with the usual 1111, then 11's then 13's and 13's are still everywhere. It's just been during these months of upheaval and extreme hardship that I've been seeing 1113. I thank my guides but if there is something I need to do to surpass this nightmare, I need to know please. Somebody please help me.

    1. Kimberly, I just wanted to say to you that you are not alone. Remember everything does happen for a reason, even though it seemd unnecessary, and unfair. I feel the energy of your words, and it is something that I have been feeling also. The financial hardship, loneliness, lack of trust worthy and loyal friends, the confusion and uncertainties have been nearly unbearable. Mind you, these issues that I speak of, I have been been enduring for years. When you have a problem or problems that are prolonged, the natural human tendency and reaction and/or belief is to think that we must be doing something wrong or that WE must be wrong, or else we would not going through the hardship we are experiencing. There are a few things I would like to point out to you:
      #1. Remember, these hardships/struggles are Divinely placed in your life by Spirit/God/Higher Self for your own growth and evolution. The areas we are tested in, highlights the weak and under developed areas that need to be changed.
      #2: Is there a virtue or spiritual trait that needs to be learned? Do you need to trust more? Or surrender? (Are you fighting the process?) One thing I discovered through the journey,is my insatiable need to be in control. If not my way, there's no way. That was something I had to break. When you are holding on to something so tightly, it does not allow the solutions and positove outcomes to freely flow in your life. Also are you worried, stressed, and extra critical and/or harsh towards yourself? How is your mindset? Is it negative? This is a deterrent of the things YOU DO WANT. You're attitude and mindset do ultimately determine what you will experience. POSITIVE THINKING is everything. From my own experiences of constant disappointments and things going totally left, it forced me to change how I thought. After all, what happened was exactly what I expected. So with all said, if you are not in the habit of thinking yourself up, get started. Positive in, positive out. It is EVERYTHING.
      #3: The last point I wanted to make is, the chaos/upheaval/turmoil we are going through is always a sign that our new beginning has arrived. The upheaval serves a cleanser, a detoxification of the old and decayed that needs to be be released and cleared out, so it is POSSIBLE to have the new come in. Whether this chaos is manifesting emotionally, mentally, physically, or financially, trust that it is needed and necessary part of your journey. Yes, it doesn't feel good, and it hurts but it is the breakthrough. The best way I can liken it to is giving birth. The greater and the more frequent the pains are, the more you can be sure that the baby just about to pop out. Spiritual labour in this instance, is painful and traumatic, but it IS GOOD.
      Kimberly, just know that you are a spiritual warrior, and as one you have chosen to take on what most souls are not equipped or spiritually evolved to handle. The best students get the hardest tests. Your soul knows you can handle it. You have your angels and spiritual guides.Have trust and patience. All is well.

    2. @ SomeoneSometimesNamedSims I sooo agree with you !!!
      Faith,trust and positive thinking are the keys !!!
      We all are spiritual warriors, indeed!!!
      Immensly blessed,spiritually evolved and well equipped souls to conquer and overcome any and all obstacles that come our way !!!
      I'm sencerely grateful for all the healing energies , daily guidance and assistance I'm receiving along my pat!!!
      Dear Kimberly,keep up the faith and stay strong !!!
      Trust,believe and know that the light at the end of the tunnel is ahead, I already see it & believe that you & all of us Indigos will see it too !!!♡♡♡
      Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡
      Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels !!! ♡♡♡

    3. PS. I think we all are this synchronities , so we come in here to check the meaning and help heal and nurture one another !!!
      The numbers connects us all!!!
      Even if we see them in different times of our life !
      We meet here, read each other experiences & stories !!!
      We support each other greatly & I think this (on its own) is a massive miracle !!! So dear All hold on to your Faith, trust your intuition,believe in your self & most of all believe and know that we are thought cookie's and we will rise up and shine true any & all hardship in life!!!
      Because we can !!! ♡♡♡
      Love and Light to all!!!

  9. yes this is so nice love the angel numbers
    I have a friend who was almost a criminal stole things always violent hes got 2 cars a girl that loves him and many friends lots of monye I have always been spritual and been good and hunest and have nothing , no one loves me my car is broken almost no money and not had girl friend for 15 years and the last hated me , spirtual things so good for you , yes sure fantaies that finish you off and bring you nothing good please delete you horible angel number site I dont need your fantasies I want a life

  10. Even my phone number and with 1113 that's how I'm being bombarded with these numbers for years now.. one time it was raining buckets and I went to my backyard and I look down and in the dirt I found 11 cents (1penny and 1 dime)

  11. Even my phone number and with 1113 that's how I'm being bombarded with these numbers for years now.. one time it was raining buckets and I went to my backyard and I look down and in the dirt I found 11 cents (1penny and 1 dime)

  12. For a few months now i began seeing crazy numbers in different forms 11:23 11/23 or 11:11 1-1-1 now im seeing 777 and 13. Now today im seeing 1113 or 113. I saw 666 on the news today too.

  13. My daughter was born at 1113 pm and when i was in my 2nd year of high school i had a dream that i would have a baby girl....6 years later she was born...i see this number all the time and the funny thing is my favorite number is 111....and has been for as long as i can remember....she is now a seanor in highschool and we talk about this combination of nunbers all the time 111....1113...she is my saving grace and has always and its strange thing r great to think apon....

  14. Wow wish I had read this sooner. Ever since summer last year I had been seeing the numbers 1111 and 1113 all the time. Spot on about the upheaval. Might I add that that was the worst year of my life. My Dad had a mental break down thinking we had been taken over by Aliens, my cousins little boy died of a brain tumor, my Mum got diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 3 months later, my uncle was found dead in a river and my dog had to be put to sleep. Not to mention all the electrical equipment breaking around me. I mean who has a washing machine, not 1 but 2 tumble dryers, a hoover and speakers break all in a short space of time. Thankfully things have finally calmed down although I am starting to freak a little as I'm seeing the 1111 numbers again as well as 444.

  15. This puts a big smile on my face , without the angel numbers I don't know how I d handle the hardship and the obstacles in my life or where I d end up probably losing my mind or my self .. these angel numbers hold me up keeps my head up .. I now smile on every bad thing that hits me because I know everything will be allright , the bigger hits gives me sense that I'm almost there arriving at the most blessing place or receiving .. thank you ..

    1. #Cherrylene Bruins,I'm so with you on this one !!!
      Sending blessings ,peace ,love and Light to you and all!!!🎈🍀❤

  16. Amen!!!🎈🙏❤
    #FearNot #Surrender #AdaptToChangesGracefully #BecauseICan 🎈🍀❤

  17. I have been seeing this number for over 10 years now, every time I look at the clock no matter the time of day or night I always catch it at 11:13. I am actually born on 11/13 so I know that this has to mean something.

  18. I use to hate this number but I embrace it. My son b-day is 11/13. Yes, the upheavals are there to purge and to shake things up in your life in a somewhat negative form but it's bringing attention to what needs to handled for more positive outcomes. It also helps us deal with our emotions better. I always remain calm when I am seeing this number but I use to panic and wait for the worse to happen. There are other numbers that come behind seeing 1113 pay attention to those as well. The other numbers I see are 1013, 222, 444 and that lets me know no matter what I am protected by the angels and (222)I need to not get too emotional or act out of character. I always say this affirmation, "I will not argue or allow negativity in my life' because we can't control what's coming anyway, we can only be prepared. Even though sometimes being prepared doesn't stop the shock of certain events. Blessings, love, light and Peace!

  19. To Angel love thank you for your comment Tues 29th November 2016, it is inspirational! I need to hear these words, Thank you!

    1. Ive been looking at this website for YEARS! But I’ve NEVER read the comments, and today was the first time, I did! And I was drawn to that entry too! It was so MOVING and INSPIRING and HEATFELT! 7years now and we’re both still acknowledging that reply. This is the year of 7, must be relevant!🙏🏽

    2. 🙏 FAITH, Stay STRONG, TRUST, BELIEVE, Stay POSITIVE, everything happens for a REASON.

    3. Amen 🙏
