Sunday, June 19, 2016


Number 2959 brings together the energies of number 2, the attributes of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the vibrations of number 5. Number 2 brings decisiveness, diplomacy, charm, partnerships and relationships, co-operation, consideration, receptivity and love, adaptability, balance and harmony, and living your life path and serving your soul mission. Number 5 is the number of life changes, personal freedom, idealism and motivation, cleverness and intelligence, opportunity and expansion, making positive life choices, adaptability and versatility, doing things your own way and learning life lessons through experience. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 2959 brings a message to notice repetitious thoughts and visions, feelings and dreams and/or auditory messages and follow the voice of your intuition. This is your opportunity to make things happen the way that you want them to.

Angel Number 2959 can indicate that a current situation or circumstance will be coming to an end soon and you will be able to find closure. The finishing, conclusion or ending of a phase, cycle or situation in your life has been a long time coming and is most necessary to ensure that all goes according to your life plan/chart/blueprint. This important ending will bring about changes to the way you view things and will also bring opportunities for you to follow your own lead and do things your own way, to suit who you truly are. 

Angel Number 2959 encourages you to release and forgive situations, circumstances, yourself and other people for any hurts and/or regrets from the past. The spiritual lesson of forgiving and forgiveness is one that every soul must learn in order to find true healing for ourselves. Choosing love and forgiveness is one of the highest of life lessons to be learned. If you hold onto the past, which no longer exists, you are using up valuable space in your life and preventing the wonderful new stuff (ie. Relationship, romance, job, career, home etc) from being able to enter. Releasing the past and forgiving frees you up to live and love in the present moment.

Continue confidently along your life path, live your personal truths and principles, and have faith that all is going to Divine plan in your life.

Number 2959 relates to number 7 (2+9+5+9=25, 2+5=7) and Angel Number 7.


1 comment:

  1. Amen!!!🎈🧘‍♀️
    Sincerely and immensely greteful!!!
    Thank you so much rush-collection!!!❤
    I love you !!!🎈
    Sending much love and Light to all!
