Wednesday, April 02, 2014


Number 1616 is a blend of both the attributes and energies of number 1 and number 6 appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 1 brings its qualities of new beginnings and striving forward, willpower, motivation and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality. Number 1 also tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others, responsibility, the income and financial aspects of life and providing for the self and others. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower, solution-finding and overcoming obstacles.

Angel Number 1616 brings a message from your angels to keep your thoughts uplifted and positive, and to let go of material matters or concerns. The focus is on emotions, family issues, your home environment and you as a person. New energies will be entering your life which will lead to a renewed enthusiasm and the angels are sending you positive energy and balance so that you are able to stay focused upon your path.

Angel Number 1616 encourages you to ask for assistance in repairing or readjusting to something that may be hindering or bothering you and causing anxiety. This may have to do with unresolved debt, a purchase or the attainment of something of importance that you are unable to afford at present. The angels ask you not to be disheartened but to maintain a positive frame of mind as they are working hard behind the scenes to fulfill your needs. You are asked to remain receptive of the gifts of the Universe.

Angel Number 1616 may also be suggesting that a new relationship is imminent, either with a newcomer or through reignited love in your existing relationship/s. Be open to giving and receiving love and do not fear the new entering your life.

Number 1616 relates to number 5 (1+6+1+6=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



  1. I have no idea how you do it, but most of the numbers on this site just seem incredibly accurate :).

    1. o me today and I was careful to remeI want to chime in here too! rush-collection does such an amazing, special job here. 16.16 was a time that appeared surprisingly mber what I was thinking about at the time. Again, spookily accurate and just perfect - thank you for time and dedication bringing this information to us. It's so uplifting...we all need that now ♡

    2. i have number 16:16 (time to be exact) "following" for years. many years. say i am just sitting and working and reading something on computer, and suddenly i turn my view onto the clock and it shows 16:16. hundreds if not thousands of times. i am very sceptical about all these "angel" things tho. but this number definitely means something in my life.

    3. Yes I agree. Amazing work rush-collection. Thank you again.

    4. thank you and glod bless you!!!

    5. I just saw the price of an audible book above the one I was checking out was $16.16 so I came to this page. Everything here relates to the thoughts I was just having, worrying about affording a medical surgery and marital troubles. I'm currently going through a dark night of the soul. I had to stop and thank my guides for their encouragement.

    6. I've been looking up your page for a good few years now, always accurate.. love and gratitude

  2. this is too accurate , im scared :D

  3. rush-collection i really need your help. on november 10 i finally understood what my soul wants and it wants a loved person, once i understood that something began to change in me i started feeling love out of nowhere, like im fallen in love with someone. the next day someone messaged me someone that i dont know, its a woman, the things that she told me, the things that she dreamed of. she was dreaming about saving someone and i think its me.because i live the way im not supposed to the way i dont want to. when we started chatting the love intesified within me. i couldnt eat i couldnt sleep until this day, it faded away now im just feeling lethargic. im not telling a lot of things to you so that i would keep it short, but i wanna a say that some miracle happend. about half a year ago i asked angels for help, when i discovered this website, they responded. i know they are with me, i need to change my life around a lot. the numbers on your website reassures me that i will get what i want, but what worries me is that, why did i feel love for no reason for someone for something that i dont know?? i have never felt true love in my life, just in my first dream when angels responded. and by the way im an empath/sensitive i think. big thanks to you in advance. sorry for any typos

    1. Maybe your TwinSoul ;)

    2. I can help if it is your twinflame, please get in touch with me. I seem to have gone in the same things as you :) 💟

    3. Hey! That's me! No, but seriously, I experienced the same thing last summer. Most intense feeling I've felt in my whole life.

      I had a dream about someone I have never met. Not physically anyways. We've actually been talking telepathically occassionally ever since :). I don't feel that crazy intensity anymore, and I've never had another dream about her, but I can still feel... that it's her. I hope I meet her (physically) sometime soon. But I have a feeling it won't happen until I've sorted my life out first hehe.

    4. Our twinsoul/flame IS that which we call God, the true essence of all Being. As I withdraw from the outer and allow IT to live its life in me, through me and AS me, then I also am finding this feeling of love. I love it and it loves me and has told me so. Its possible that someone "out there" can show up as a new or even old love or not. Just enjoy the being in love. Its wonderful.

    5. wow. i was opening netflix and saw 16,16 on a licenceplate. i was like, let me google that. i openen my Phone and saw it was 21:16. then i saw the explanation. today i met my ex again. im going to get laid guys. thanks rush-collection

    6. Is the number 1616 your angels’ preferred way of communicating with you.?

    7. Love you angels huging you strong

  4. I heard something say to me 16160 as i was falling asleep last night. Usually i would freak out if something was talking to me in my head but i was so sleepy and the message so cryptic i knew it was important.

  5. The new golden age is on its way!

  6. Today I soaked in a hot bath while thinking about my financial debt, job loss, and current health...when suddenly my conscious told me to look at the was 16:16

  7. Hello! I started to visit this website recently because I started to see often serial numbers and I'm trying to get some answers ... My question is: if I see a specific serial number when I focus on something I want and I have a specific feeling (for example, while I'm thinking of plan of mine and feel very positive and trustful that thing will go very well, imagine myself in the moment when my dream come true, what will I do etc) serials numbers that appears in that moment tell me that I'm on the right path or angels are trying to tell me that I don't have to make so many scenarios on that direction and change the direction? How can I interpret what is written about the numbers, that the numbers appear to correct my direction or to confirm that I'm on the right direction?
    I hope I made myself understood.
    Thank you in advance for reply, I really want to understand better the numbers and get some answers.!

  8. rush-collection, you are amazing, accurate and enlightening. A big thank you.

  9. rush-collection I bought this lottery ticket from a man a at gas station it was 1616 a few days later I noticed this house around where I live address was 1616 it was up for sale for years now it is sold. I don't know what means. Maybe you can help.

  10. The more I follow the more everething make sense...I am happy to be in contact with my angels and impress about it. It just make feel relief ,that I haven't around me ...i want to know more about then the connection we it.

  11. Well last night I said a prayer, and said the date my prayer was to begin, 1/12/2016. I added 11+2+2+1 and got 1616 is that right? Well the attributes of 1616 corilates with my prayer to the finest detail. This seems to good to be true.

  12. My daughter was born on 1/6/16 at exactly 5pm. She already showing very strong will and also correlating her being born at 5 also helps understand why she's so strong willed and very aware so early. When the doctor was showing us her heart on the ultra sound before she was born, the time stamp on the image was 4:44:44pm. I feel she's going to do great things for the world! Synchronicity is a beautiful thing

  13. Something magic! Ita like you are translating the personal mesaage of Angels sended to me... i no longer fell lost and back on my path. Thank you!

  14. This just blown my mind. I'm currently dealing with some issues and had to pay something I wasn't expecting. It happened so fast and I was told I had to do it today. Once this situation is resolved I will also have to make a new significant purchase (a new car), which has been also on my mind because we lost our car in an accident and now didn't "seem" the best time to buy a new car due to financial constrains. Once I was done with the bank transference I saw the numbers on my computer clock: 16:16 and decided to come here and check it. So spot on. Thank you. And thank you Angels for showing me you are with me right now. All is well. I feel ok now.

  15. This is exactly what I needed to hear at this moment. Thank you.

  16. Where I live it is 4.16.16. Which is also interesting.

  17. Thank you very much!! :-)

  18. Guess how I came about here ? its 16 th 06 /2016 and my clock read 16:16 and I was thinking of ending a relationship because I couldn't cope up financially to his expectations . and wow ! I got such an awesome answer 1

  19. What if a person writes it all over the walls while on drugs? Cause I also read these numbers have to do with the devil taking over you and your house. Im asking because we just moved in with my mother n law and its all over the room we are staying in and I want to clean it off but do not know what i'm dealing with and my brother n law did it while on drugs

  20. Today I saw 161616.. The time was 16:16 and the temperature was 16.. On my phone screen.. I know it must be important, could you please let me know.. Thank you, :)

  21. Today with all my crystals that were put for two days in supermoon, I created a grid around me. All intentions from start, ( 2 days ago) to just now when viewing how long my video of the reading was 1616
    So here I am blown away by the meaning

  22. thank you rush-collection, love and blessings for everyone :)

  23. Thanks a lot rush-collection, do keep my future love in your prayers too. The Revelation has come to fruition.

  24. Thank you Angels & thank you rush-collection!!!
    Once again on point!!!
    I believe and know that everything will fall in to place sooner than I expect!!! Love and light your way !!! ♡♡♡

  25. This is TRUTH, how did you learn all this or do you get it intuitively? How can we learn from you? I just woke to see it's 16:16 and of course that's not a coincidence for a Lightworker and Vegan, clearly a sign for my mission with people and the environment. I always wake up to 2222 numbers, 55, 33... Anyone knows a good shift is coming this year? Never before I saw repeated numbers everyday and this year is every. single. day. :) I was feeling I needed to step up more. Things are changing for the better for the planet.
    Love to all. Thanks so much.

  26. I had been seeing certain angel numbers like 11:11; 00:00; 111; 23:23; 44; 22; 17:17; etc. 16:16 is new addition to it. This is happening to me from last 3-4months. I was surprised and confused and this made me search about it. I even didn't know they are angel numbers but after coming to your write ups and predictions about angel numbers in this blog, I came to know about it. Now, whenever I see angel numbers, I go through your guidance. Thanks for helping many people so that they can understand what the angels are saying to them. Thank you angels...!

  27. Great number i just need the angels to be clearer and give me clear signs ��☺

  28. I had an experience when I was in portugal on holiday which opened my eyes to angel numbers.

    Strange, just how accurate or reassuring these messages are. Even if it's just a positive vibe being sent our way its still very useful.

  29. After guided meditation for finding a true love I saw 1616. Just like I'm being synchronized with the whole universe.And all the others numbers I see these ones are pretty accurate.Thank you My Angels,I'm very much grateful and humble!

  30. Seeing 1616 again so came here and saw that there are 44 comments showing here and just saw 33; 333 & 11 too

    Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  31. How to be more intuitive? Start trancendentalmeditation... Twice a Day and you will see..

  32. The Angel numbers have become part of my life. I see angel numbers daily. And just saw 33 again :) I am feeling humbly grateful that angels are guiding me. I am surprised sometimes that what I feel or think inside, I see angel number related to it. Really thankful to you rush-collection as you had helped me realise that angel numbers are mags from angels. Thank you as I am receiving guidance from Angels. I need their support and help always...

    Thank you Jesus!
    Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  33. The problem with these numbers, is if you keep seeing the same one over a period of time then nothing is actually changing - what good is that? Plus none of the numbers I have seen ever point to a result or a conclusion. I wonder how long it takes for people to get disillusioned with them?

    1. It's the Universe &/or your Guardian Angel letting you know that you're never alone...they're always there to manifest what you physically work on. Think *PRONOIA*whilst you work towards your goals. Talk to God/Universe/Guardian Angel(s) constantly, even out loud at home. Tell them what you want and need, do everything you can to reach and achieve your goal(s) and they should be fulfilled. If not, it means that they can see something much better up ahead for you and you're being guided towards it. Patience is key. Use intuition. I wish you all the best 🙂🙏🏽🌌☄️♥️🌈💖🌟✨💫

  34. You are an incredible light worker. THANK YOU FOR ASSISTING HUMANITY AND SHINING YOUR LIGHT!

  35. Grateful for every reminder!!!
    Thank you Angels !!!
    Thank you rush-collection,you are our Angel on Earth and I love you !!!❤
    Blessings ,love and Light to all!!! ❤

    1. Hello Silviya! I just saw 1616😍😍😍

  36. hi please dont post other posting ,0r this,all has changed I have a different guide now a pleiadian one now things will work out for me much love and light to your wonderful web site and you and every one

  37. Do not fall for this bullshit. I keep seeing 1616 over and over again.. Also the numbers 1515, 1313, 2222 etcetera etcetera. Litterly nothing special happens like if some miracle would come from the sky and deliver you a relationship, money or happiness or whatever. I'm sorry but you could land into a psychosis from this. And yes my English isn't my first language. Stop doing this to people... please... Those numbers mean nothing..

  38. hello dear!!! I love your posts, thank you for your awesome contribution to our world! <3 I would like to know how can I ask the angels for help? what is the best way to communicate with them? Thank you!!! <3

    1. There are many different ways to connect and communicate with the angels, and can be different for each person. Find what suits you best. Here are a couple of articles that may help:


      Connect with Angels

      Sense the Presence of Angels

      Signs from the Angels

      Channelling Messages from Angels

      Guidance from the Angels

      Calling Angels Into Action

      Writing to the Angels

      Love and Light,

    2. Thank you so much rush-collection for your kind help <3 I really appreciate it!

      Love & Peace


  39. yes I always have girls coming for me ,they just love the energies , and sure it s love .love is thereto share . and they now it all these spiritual energies .always have girls trying to get me and its wonder full to share love with them , to love , to make love

  40. It's so accurate, I got goosebumps damn. I don't know how u do it but keep that up ❤️ much love from India

  41. I'm so grateful for your website. I resonate every time with your descriptions and am so very grateful for your efforts that you have placed in making all of these entries. Thank you so very much

  42. Fico feliz demais, quem sabe se posso ter meu casamento reconstituído! Está sempre do meu lado...Não nos separamos legalmente! Vi esse número no relógio, como tantos que tenho visto! Esperança e fé.

  43. Fico feliz demais, quem sabe se posso ter meu casamento reconstituído! Está sempre do meu lado...Não nos separamos legalmente! Vi esse número no relógio, como tantos que tenho visto! Esperança e fé.

  44. This is so accurate it's amazing! Thank you for this. It described everything I'm going through in life right now. Thank you.

  45. Wow! I received my firts crystals an Amazonite and sunstone on Monday I've been sleeping with them beside me. Last night (Tuesday), I had a dream. At the end of my dream I was writing on a chalkboard. I wrote 1616 and 1818. Thank you so much for the clarification. Blessed be!!

  46. Today i had watch at my telephone clock at exactly 15:15; 16:16 and 17:17. I am doing some important tasks for the moment that will change my life in better, both in pfisical and spiritual world. I guess this is an answear to my thoughts to keep going on this way. I wanna thanks my Guardian Angels and the Universe for that. Namaste!

  47. Thank you for your site rush-collection. I'm feeling incredibly low after losing my beautiful dog a few days ago and was thinking about him and how I miss him in the house when this number came up on the clock. I will ask for Divine Assistant to help me get through this.

    1. This number shows that you going through bad days but It Will pass
      Every other site says this number is not a positive one.

  48. Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels!🙏🙏🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️💃💃💖😁💚💙💙💗💗❤💓

  49. Amen praise God thank you Jesus to my angels and to you rush-collection our earth angel

  50. 🙏🙏🤲🤲💖💖😍😍🍷🍷🍾🍾💋

  51. 1616! 🤲🤲🙏🙏💏💏💖💖🥂🥂

  52. 1616! READY TO BE FREE 🥂🥂💏💏💛💛🙏🙏🍷💖🍷

  53. 1616! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🙏🙏🤲🤲💓💓💏

  54. 1616! 💓💓😘😘🐞🐞👌👌🐾🐾💓💓🙏🙏🤲🤲💓💓🏵🏵🌸🌸💏💏💏

  55. Very accurate. Thank you, rush-collection. ❤️

  56. 1616! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!👸🏼💖🤴💛💛🧡🧡💏🤲🤲🙏🙏🤲😃💖💖🤩💛💛🧡🧡💏👸🏼💖🤴💛💛🧡🧡🧡💛🧡💛💛💛

  57. 1616! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 💏💏🤴💖👸🏼💏👈😂💖🤲🙏🙏🙏🧚‍♀️💖🧚‍♂️💃💖🕺🐞🐞🐞🐝🐝🐝⛴🛸🚀💸💸💸💰💰💰

  58. 1616 ! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection 💰💸💸🍓😉😉😍😍💏😃😃🌊🌊⛱🏖🏖🔥💗🔥💗☕💗☕💗

  59. "1616 may also be suggesting that a new relationship is imminent, either with a newcomer or through reignited love in your existing relationship/s. Be open to giving and receiving love and do not fear the new entering your life."
    Imminent indeed and timely. #SoulmatesUnited
    Sending much love, light and positive vibes to everyone and all

  60. Feels good that someone say this is a positive sign because all other sites says its negative.. i have seen it for a while now and im in a hard phase in life i have seen it now 5 Times in one week.

  61. Feels good someone says its a good sign.. other sites suggest otherwhise, It represent bad economy, bad love bad succsess.. clouds on the horizon.. but it Will pass... i have seen it for a few months and now 5 Times in one week in currently in a bad situation in life

  62. Hey , i have been feeling lost and down today and as i stare at the clock i felt the need to search the numbers , i usually just search if they come in sets of 3 (ex.111) and this actually looks like its writen 4 me , thank you 4 the hope , thank you for allowing all the guardian angels to channel their messages trough your page . Namasté!!!!1

  63. I love that you are always right with meaning of the numbers. I always check your site when I see these repeating numbers. Thank you!!!

  64. I love that the numbers not only feel pure but also very real. The vibrations are off the scale buzzing. The way each number rolls into the next sends a clear message from above. It ozzes class.

  65. Thank you very much rush-collection. You are my personal authority on angel numbers. Your site's interpretation of the numbers are so accurate for me!

  66. Thanks you sharing the meaning of angel number 1616

  67. A "new relationship"? Interesting. I've asked for an answer to clear any doubts about the feelings of a certain person towards me. I felt that he liked me, but I wasn't sure about it. Today he unexpectedly sent me a pretty weird message which had me wondering even more. When I looked at the clock, it was 16:16.

  68. Look at Adrienne Elise on YT for further proof of how God, the Universe, the planetary alignments, the Schumann Resonance, the Angels, the energies, etc work. Then you'll find a community of people who've gone through exactly the same as you have. Then you'll understand these miracles. Namaste 🌌👍🏽♥️🌈💖🌟✨💫😌🙏🏽

  69. Wow. Today something happened which was soooo poignant and the culmination of approx 7 years of emotional turmoil for myself and others (more them directly but hits everyone conveners if your heart is involved. And my Duaghter sent me 4 text replies all at 16:16 regarding a situation. I continued finding help for her and we finally saw the Light at the end of the tunnel when she was on her knees/last legs of hope. I told her, think *pronoia* and then I began to search. The Universe/Angels are there to guide us through vital life lessons and give us what we want/need as and when we finally need it. Blessed be. Thank you God 😌🙏🏽🌌☄️♥️🌈💖🌟☄️💫 As ever rush-collection...Thank you for all of your vital work for everyone. God bless you 😌🙏🏽🌌☄️♥️🌈💖🌟✨💫

  70. These numbers are shown to you. You are actually being offered assistance when you silently ask for help from abuve. Do what you need to do...and think *pronoia* that the angels will intervene to help you through everything. They're always by our side...and there are always tests you are put through to give you a lesson that you'll need the answer to, farther up ahead in order to attain your ultimate goal. So always always give *prayers of Gratitude* to God/the Universe/Angels when you don't feel things are going your way. It's taken me years to believe this...and now that my main ultimate *thing* has come true...I can get on with the rest of my life. Make your dreams come true ☺️👌🏽 Namaste 😌🙏🏽🌌☄️♥️🌈💖🌟✨💫

  71. Love this comment �� glad you found answers! ����

  72. Thank you, seeing this number means a lot to me! ❤️✨��

  73. As I read this on the 16th at 8:16 am, I see how aligned and perfect this message is ♾♥️

  74. God bless you!

  75. Hey rush-collection! Here again! 👋🏽😄 just been guided to this Angel number. Another regular on the round! 🙏🏽😆😂🤣👌🏽💕💝💖🌟✨💫 Much love and best regards to you 🙏🏽🥰
