Sunday, December 22, 2013


Number 1400 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 1 and number 4, and the powerful vibrations of number 0 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 1 brings with it the attributes of self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, action and progress, new beginnings and a fresh approach. It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress, and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose and resonates with the energies of the ArchangelsNumber 0 magnifies and amplifies the energies and attributes of the numbers it appears with, and resonates with the Universal Energies and the God force. It stands for potential and/or choice, and is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.

Angel Number 1400 brings progressive change, renewal and growth, and tells you to share your knowledge and wisdom with others. It also tells you that what you put your intentions and efforts towards will reap long-term rewards. If you take action with caution and wisdom you will be successful in business, money matters and life in general. Begin worthwhile projects now that will bring long-term benefits and future success.

Angel Number 1400 encourages you to put your efforts and focus towards your long-term goals and aspirations. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and overall outlook are being boosted by your angels so that you can continue to manifest all that you want and need in your life. Building strong foundations from well-laid plans ensures future progress, stability and success and your angels encourage you to work with your natural passion and drive.

Angel Number 1400 may also indicate that your desired outcome will happen in the very near future. Have faith and patience and do not try to force things to happen. Trust that all happens in Divine right time and in Divine right order.

Plan, create, take action and succeed.

Number 1400 relates to number 5 (1+4+0+0=5) and Angel Number 5.



  1. I am so happy, rush-collection. We have won. No negative force can ever stop what we have accomplished in this realm finally. The Revelation has come to Fruition. Hallelujah, AUM. AMEN

  2. Trippie Redd 1400 -RAKOSANO

  3. 14 hunet shit bih


  5. 1400 nah m sayin bih ohio gang shit bih

  6. I just got my new massage license for a new state: 14,000.
    I love the symbolism of this number. It's a wonderful statement for beginning again in a different way. Thanks so much!

  7. Amen to this.🙌
    "Pan,create,take action and success."
    The message is totally on point , as always.
    Grateful and blessed always.
    Sending love,peace and blessings to all. Have a sunny journeys. Do not give up.♥️ #YouAreTheForce

  8. Blessed and grateful. Thank you Angels and you rush-collection. Our Earth Angel. I love you.♥️🙌
    Sending blessings , health,peace, love and Light to all.♥️

  9. Saw this number twice related.

  10. about time ,talk about being patient,all the best skinny love

  11. Thanks to God er al Guardian Angel and Archangels, Ascended Masters and Angelic realm and plain ol people like Joann...appreciate and am humbly grateful. Love and light.

  12. Grazie 😊❤
