Friday, October 05, 2012


Number 1234 resonates with the compilation of the qualities of number 1 and number 2, and the attributes of number 3 and number 4. Number 1 promotes new beginnings and starting anew, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 resonates with service to others, diplomacy and compromise, balance, flexibility and adaptability, duality, encouragement and kindness. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 3 adds self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. It indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose.

Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self. Number 4 encourages stability working steadily towards goals. Angel Number 1234 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.

Angel Number 1234 is often seen as ‘steps’, with subsequent number sequences (eg. 567 ... 789 etc) appearing once the 1234 sequence is acknowledged and recognized, and the ‘steps’ and actions taken by the individual. If feeling any doubts or fears about which actions to take, ask for guidance and assistance from the angels and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Know that you have all that you need within to achieve your goals and aspirations ... you just have to make the choices to do so, and take the appropriate actions. Have faith and trust in yourself, your angels and the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 1234 indicates that you may have to put some hard work and effort towards a new project, venture or important life-change, and these will be of long-term benefit to yourself and your loved ones. Trust that the work and effort you have put in towards achieving your goals and aspirations will be well worth your while and you will find long-term success and personal fulfilment.

Number 1234 can also be seen as number 1 (1+2+3+4=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.


  1. I have been seeing this number often and without intention. while trying to sleep at night and working in office i observed i accidentally look at the time many a times when its 12:34 in the clock. It must be after seeing it mire than 50 times (trust me, all unintentional) i decided to check what it meant on the net.
    Very happy to see it being a positive sign..!!
    My personal life is going through a huge change and my professional life is in a bit of trouble... guess i'll have to just focus and ask for answers within.
    Thankyou for writing this very important piece of information.

    1. Exactly Word for word what im going threw with numbers. 1234... 111 222 ect. I was a lil freaked out by it... Now im at ease

    2. I have been seeing this number, as well, in time form. I thought it was weird, but I was told to look up what it meant and I'm happy it's positive.

    3. i see these number all the time!! Everyday i see these number, i thought i was self conscious at first but i mean seriously everyday analog clocks, microwave, wrist watch. i was talking on the phone the other day and hung up exactly at 12:34mins O.O i couldnt believe it so i researched it and am Very happy with the answer because i was begining to think it was a bad thing, things aren't going to great, but now i feel like i can focus it all on something more positive. Thank you for the encouraging words.

    4. i keep seeing this pattern in time form too..totally unintentional..glad that it's a positive sign..


    6. Even am seeing the same time 12.34 most of the times in my life.

    7. Oh my goodness! Yes word for word I have been going through this same thing! I am happy to now know what this all means. Thank you so much and yes, my personal, professional and spiritual I feel has truely transformed over the last 6 months that how,long I've noticed everytime i look at the time unintentionally it is 12:34 !

    8. I am the same way. I catch it daily without even trying. I look up and everyday night and day I catch it. I thought it had to have some kind of meaning so I also decided to look it up and see what I come up with. Glade I did. It fits me well!😊

    9. Me too. Shall we get started? I see this number all the time. It brings me a good day. I know. Everything lines up. I feel great change and professional turmoil and changing yet loving relationships. I think is a sign to begin the oath of ascension.

    10. Exactly the same. I see 1234 all the time. It always indicates a good day. Everything lines up. I am also having personal and professional turmoil and change. I have trust in the universe and the process and I say let us all begin the oath of ascension.

    11. I know this is long overdue but please understand that you have every attribute of being successful but you got to find with inside yourself the hunger to serve Humanity people lie numbers don't always follow your numbers over your guardian angels reminding you how important your purpose really is are so mission on this planet is to serve But please understand that serving could be you finding what do you like to do the most and inspiring somebody else to occupy their time with them inspiration rather than allowing their mind to wonder and suffer from chemical residue from their past best explained by dr. Joe dispenza

    12. SAI that sounds like a psychotic episode or an onset of schizophrenia I recommend you seek medical and psychological care immediately because if you dont it will only continue to get worse. I know this may seem like signs but it's more likely the hallucinations the number could even simply be from paranoia induced hallucinations or confusion. Please go find help soon while you are still coherent enoug, you have a son and need to be able to be capable of taking care of him so please if you not for yourself do this for him.

  2. Replies
    1. The moment I got to this page! . . .so are Angel Numbers part of my life purpose and soul mission?
      I actually pause to think about it . . . and I am a person who actually likes numbers very much. Since I was young, far back as I can remember. My alarm clock is usually set to repeat digits unless there is a constraint of the schedule. I remember birthdays far more than anyone's name . . . matter-of-fact: I hardly remember the names of anything Movies, Songs, Artists, Titles, Places, Shows, Authors, People from the past (as far back as yesterday), Programs, Actors, Announcers, and even some family members . . .
      I see repeat digits all day, most days, sometimes not, probably at least one in every day. My work has touch screens that I am in front of 90% of the time, the military time with a order total and change on a receipt used to fascinate me so much, I'd collect them. People who have met me once or twice are always impressed at my ability to remember their birthday . . . of course that's easy when I just categorize and associate. My favorite game is Poker . . . and I love/collect deck's of cards. I have a small list of other unique things I'm good at but still haven't narrowed down what I would enjoy doing everyday that's personal, where I am passionate, and past the test of time. 9 years of incomplete college and 5 majors, last being statistics. Moving to Sedona I've now pondered with metaphysical career's . . . but never considered any serious pursuit, I wouldn't even know where to start. I'm not sure posting this will bring about any answers, but I always hope that something someday soon will be clear for me. After reading a few of these, figure the moment Angel Number 1234 loaded from firefox as my computer clock read 12:34pm [MST] it must mean I need to follow my gut and post. Don't know if/where it will lead . . . so replies? anyone? =] NamastafterNoon <3

    2. Keep following your soul friend.... your story gave me warmth.


    3. I agree with Stacey. I'm in a similar situation in that there are huge changes going on in my life now, and I can feel that I am manifesting the next step, though I dont know exactly what it will be, either. Hopefully tuning into the excitement rather than the fear, since I sense a total transformation coming on.
      Nice to have this site, huh? (Thanks, rush-collection...)

    4. Whoa. I just realized that I must have started writing that post at 12:34...:-)

    5. @layla Wafiyyah
      Me too. Huge changes. I am 43 and have been a pediatric occupational therapist for over 15 years. It's was a huge decision a couple of years ago to quit. Being a parent with 4 kids that's a big source of income to let go. I was burnt out and lost my passion. I focused my time with my own kids and also on my own spiritual growth. This year was interesting how I first opened up to numerology and started seeing 11:11 within the same month AND my daughter who turned 11 with a life path no. 11 as well. I opened up more to seeing the synchronicity in everything. It's just trying to process moving forward as I have let go of past beliefs and understanding and going in a completely different direction in my life. I still have a great deal of resistance due to conflict resulting from fears. Thanks for your post in reminding me to focus on excitement and not fears.

    6. @---namaste
      Yes! This is wonderful! I just got 12:34 (AGAIN) and came here to reread the post and saw more communications (this time from you) it is truly wondrous! At times I do get dragged down by my negative voices, but all in all the change is shaping me into a whole new person it feels. That doesn't mean that it's easy, but I do sense the proverbial Light at the end of the tunnel... I am learning whole new ways of BEING.
      Thanks for reaching out and touching virtual fingertips here!

    7. These posts are a bit old. But, they are relavent now, in 2018. So, maybe this will be relavent to someone else down the line.

      About the same situation, here. Almost 43. Had a good career. Quit a few yrs back. Everything is changing. Old friends, family, the way I look at the world. All changing. Constantly. Afraid, a lot. But somehow know that all of this is for the good. The new life ahead of me, just starting. Purging all of the nonsense out of my life.

      Sit in the eye of the storm. Move with it. Do not run. In the eye, is where you find your answers. Truth resides there. Keep going. Do not be hindered by others. Everything is and was meant to be. A little surrender and acceptence will go a long way, here.

      Good luck to Everyone. I will All of You, all the blessings to be had.

    8. This is interesting. I see 3 digit numbers daily. Sometimes numerous times. Four digits 1111 1234 2222 all the time. I know spirits are guiding me and i love it. The thing thats frustrating me and im not sure if anyone has wittnessed seeing letters numbers different symbols transpaerent people ( spirits) basically seeing thru things. Now at first i thought okay this cant be happening. My kids think im out of my mind. Doctors try and give me pills. Etc. I see stuff on a daily basis. Mainly buried people and teasure areas. Why i dont know. I have angels with me but why can i see things others cannot. Ive been told my birth chart day month year time all is incredible. Has anyone ever been thru this or is going theu it. Seriously im not making this up. Sometimes i wished i was. its gets scary at times and sometimes u say i cant see things but i still can. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you

  3. I've been seeing 1234 everyday & the connection to the numbers w/ my life is profound.

    Thank you SO much. <3

  4. My husband sees these nu often nd we started noticing that unintentionally whenever he sees watch or clock anyvehere the time shows nu 1234 and we were thinking that it must have, some significance. After reading your article I am relieved that it has a positive meaning but I wonder as nothing new s coming his way though he is trying so hard
    thank you so much

  5. I LOVE that I see 333 and 1234 very often. I'm glad the ascended masters are helping guide me.

    1. It started 12 years ago when 1111 was the first, years later I learned the significance. Now I am seeing long sequences like 123456, 4 times a few days ago. Today I sold a ring at cost to a lady, hours later I realized she was awake but unaware. I asked her permission to teach her some truth, and stated that we are, in reality, all teachers to each other. We messaged for an hour. She mentioned she was a teacher and her husband was in school to become one. Guess what, I went to college to be a teacher. Chance and coincidence are illusions. We are guided to where we need to be at this great time. Nameste

  6. I have been bombarded with number sequences starting a couple years ago. Lately everywhere I look I see them. I give thanks and acknowledge the angels, ascended masters, universe, god, goddess. I see it as a reminder to keep up faith in good times and bad and as a hand held out to lead me through the tremendous leaps of faith I have to take these days especially.
    Thank you for this treasure chest of inspiration! And thank you for bringing together all us of like mind and kindred spirits. <3

  7. I had 12:34 on my clock tonight after hinting a message of love to my new found prince. I'm so glad to know this, thanks, my intuition was right the entire time. I felt it deep in my heart that he's the one since the night we spent time together :) I hope you find this message, Brad. May we have a great future ahead of us.


    2. Awww... sending you Love Jenna!

    3. I think what happened Jenna is that you just got the wrong Brad :)


    4. Unknown
      could it be that you are taking steps towards something more significant, something you aren't able to perceive yet or are not having awareness of.
      what other number sequences are seen?

  8. This must pertain to my creative project

  9. As soon as I saw 12:34 on the clock, I knew it meant something. And I know what it is I need to do right now, and yes, it does take a lot of energy and determination, but I'm certain I can do it :).

    Thanks for making this awesome website, rush-collection!

  10. I had to laugh with appreciation when I saw this number listed in the Angel Numbers…

    Several years ago I started seeing this number a lot & it occurred to me to remember what I was thinking about just before I saw them. Once I did, I knew it meant "take steps"!

    Reading the posts: I'm sorry Jenna's "steps" didn't work out the way she wanted them to but I'm quite sure the situation worked out the way it needed to.

    Sometimes we have to have a painful conclusion to get our attention- possibly because we keep repeating a pattern that really isn't working for us & need to change it. Likely, there were other 'hints' before the painful conclusion but we didn't want it to be that way & kept pushing without remembering that, when other people are involved, it's not just our choice as to how the issue will be completed. :o(

  11. I have been seeing 11:11, 11:12, 9:11 and 12:34 a lot lately. And, I was born at 12:34--just an interesting tidbit..........

  12. I just understand and I have just started writing about numerology and numerologist.

  13. For the last two weeks I kept on seeing 12:34 very often every or every other day. First I thought its accidental but after repeating the last time I saw it (today) I was in front of my desk at work and just decided to search if there is any meaning and this was the first page that came up. I am a spiritual person, I meditate and I do yoga and I'm very grateful for this sign and your explanation story.
    Thank you, I can not explain how much this story means to me!

    Love to all,

  14. Three years ago I start seeing 1234 all the time while starting a new business. After researching I knew it was a angel telling me that everything would be all right. I still see it often. While on patrol as a Chicago cop I've seen 1234 on buildings, clocks, license plates and on squad cars. On Today's date I'm writing this because this morning I got a text message from a old high school at 12:34 am which contained a link to a song on YouTube. I hit play and there was a picture of two angels along with a awesome spiritual song. I'm such a believer that two months ago I got a tattoo of the Wrigley building clock tower as part of my arm sleeve.The Clock is set to....... 12:34
    It's real people. It happens to often not to be and it's puts a big smile on my face everytime I see 1����2����3����4 ������

    1. This is encouraging as I see 1234 often and your words regarding this number resonate within my soul...Namaste✨ Love & Light

  15. What about 1241? I've seen this number sequence in many forms for years.

  16. What about number sequence 1241? Its followed me for years in different forms

  17. I have been seeing 1234 on my clocks daily for about a year. Something draws my attention to the clock at 1234, am & pm, even tho i dont really want to know the time. Thank you so much for publishing this website & keeping me from freaking out! Blessings of Light & Love to you!

  18. This has given me a complete understanding of all of my life's changes. God/Goddess bless you and Blessed Be

  19. I have to add another here. Can you explain what it means to see the numbers (12:34) on digital clocks twice in a 24 hour period? Today is the only time that I can recall this ever happening to me. I have found out who I truly am and I have been revealed my life's purpose. Can you help me understand this one? Thank you so much. Blessed Be

  20. from reading all your comments, I think that you've all gone Looney. you're putting your faith in numbers, Angels and superstitious reasoning. you're supposed to put your faith in God and Him alone. The Bible says to disregard the foolish things of the world not to be seeking after signs and wonders of the earth. But to put your faith in Him. you're putting more faith in numbers and angels, which is causing confusion amongst you all.for example the Bible says not to talk to the dead or to pray to angels are idols or two man, only to him. but look at what happened with Mohammad. He said an angel,, a bright angel of light came to him and gave him the Quran. now according to the Bible, Satan comes as an angel of light deceiving whom he may devour. when you read the Quran it is full of wickedness and destruction, leading to the deaths of millions. We need to put our faith in things above and not in the things of this world. Putting our minds on the things that are of God not on the things of aliens, angels, ghosts,or superstition. I'm just saying

    1. Well, 'unknown', this is Anonymous here. If the numbers are a sign from God (doesn't God also send signs to His faithful to help them in their spiritual journey?), what is wrong with that? God sends many signs to us which help us when we are having problems in life and to help guide us to the Light.
      I don't doubt that satan is always and has always tried to deceive man, and I believe that he has masqueraded as God many times (like in demanding the first born son of every household be sacrificed). However, satan is also used by God to test man. So, in a way, satan is helping us grow spiritually. If you think about it, it's true. If there was no evil in the world, how would we grow? As Jesus said, "Love thy enemy as he will show you the path to God". Anyway, I'm digressing. We aren't praying to numbers. At least I'm not! And, we aren't praying to Angels, or idolizing them (at least that wasn't what I was doing). I KNOW that God is the highest, and that we aren't supposed to pray to anyone else but him. But, wasn't Gabriel a messenger for God? So, aren't Angels servants of God? Don't angels deliver our prayers to God Himself? Those are questions you may want to ponder. Have a great day!

    2. Great response Anonymous. I agree totally as this is not something that we are in control of us as to reason why we are also seeking clarity. Sometimes we are too spiritual that we are no earthly good. Balance is necessary. I've been seeing 11:11; 1:11; 12:34, 3:33 ; 4;44 and 5:55 often. Why would anyone want to ignore something is happening beyond our/their control. It's awakening and inquiring minds want to know.

    3. This all doesnt mean that anyone is to worship angels or numbers. We all have guardian angels and spirit guides that look after us, this is how they send us a message. When you see these numbers your never looking for the time, something just happens to make you look at it. It doesnt mean its evil or bad, the supernatural exists and is involved in the lives of all. No one is setting altars up or bowing down to these entities. There is good and bad in all, its part of the duality of life. Its not about religion, its about spirituality and the recognition of the divine Creator. The world is full of many religions all claiming to be the right way. Does that make them all wrong and only one right ? No they are all correct to an extent but only half truths are told in organized religions. Also it was man who documented religion and it has been seriously diluted through the centuries. Some intentional and some because of translation language barriers. All living things on earth has a soul and is part of the Creator. If you value and respect all life, you respect yourself and the Divine Creator as well.

    4. Are you just visitng or were you born on this planet? The Bible has many atrocities. Enough said.

      Some people, like myself, have seen them randomly. Not that we don't see other numbers, it's just when you notice a pattern...

      If you had continued to see 777, or 666 you wouldn't be here.
      I've been seeing this number in clocks for the past week or so almost twice every day. Long story short,I've found a great job by means of a friend I haven't had any contact with in 30+ years, moving closer to family, etc.
      This is the break I was looking for when I moved from the Midwest to the West Coast. I'm on an extended trip to see family and all came about during my extra week visiting. I wasn't searching for the numbers, they were just there.

    5. And as I read this I randomly looked at the upper corner of my phone, and it is s 1:11..I wasn't looking for the numbers, they were just there! I have been getting the 1 repeatedly shown to me. 1234 ads up to 1 when reduced to one digit. I think you for that story, how perfect, your last week spent visiting and all feel into place. I pray to God that will happen for me too, I have sacrificed much personal gain just to heal my physical women's, finally able to go back to work now, but don't know which direction to go, and want to move, but not sure where it will take me. Having faith.

    6. And as I read this I randomly looked at the upper corner of my phone, and it is s 1:11..I wasn't looking for the numbers, they were just there! I have been getting the 1 repeatedly shown to me. 1234 ads up to 1 when reduced to one digit. I think you for that story, how perfect, your last week spent visiting and all feel into place. I pray to God that will happen for me too, I have sacrificed much personal gain just to heal my physical women's, finally able to go back to work now, but don't know which direction to go, and want to move, but not sure where it will take me. Having faith.

    7. And as I read this I randomly looked at the upper corner of my phone, and it is s 1:11..I wasn't looking for the numbers, they were just there! I have been getting the 1 repeatedly shown to me. 1234 ads up to 1 when reduced to one digit. I think you for that story, how perfect, your last week spent visiting and all feel into place. I pray to God that will happen for me too, I have sacrificed much personal gain just to heal my physical women's, finally able to go back to work now, but don't know which direction to go, and want to move, but not sure where it will take me. Having faith.

  21. Wow...this blew me away. I have been seeing 12:34 on the clock for a long time. I've been procrastinating, hemming and hawing about trying to find a church that would fit, and as I was sitting at the computer emailing one that may be more in line with what I'm searching for, I glanced at the clock and it said 12:34. Something urged me to check out what the numerology was all about, and I was guided to your website. Coincidence? Heck no. Thank you for your help!!! Numerology is a very new thing for me to look into, I thank you for your help!! Sending ~~~~~~great vibes your way~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Jenny :D

  22. 1234=1/ANGEL=15751=1/SPIRIT=1 THE WORD ONE=7//TWO=4///THREE=2////FOUR=6...7426=1/ ENERGY=6..[1234 divided by 6=205.67]born in 1967 from 906 606

  23. I've been seeing the number 666 a lot is my present days and I was wondering if the dreams I've been seeing about Satan and a guy named Lucifer mean anything. Whenever I think real hard about anything, the word "Antichrist" always comes to mind, it's really quite strange. Please guys, help me.

  24. Hi, I've been seeing the number 666 a lot recently and I was wondering if that meant anything. Also if it helps every time I think hard about anything or whenever I pray with my daughter Lucifer, the word "Antichrist" comes to mind, please help, I want my lord Satan to be as proud of me as possible, after all, that's what we're all here for...

    1. 1022081.6069... 666 has nothing to do with anti-light; 666/135[SUN] the light. relearn yourself and travel to the 4th dimension, there you'll see Satan as a lower conscious. By using that name with El Lucifer im confused never heard of such name lux is and away will be a judge in the house of Ma'at domain of set. Your lord satan might be human

    2. Funny because my friends call me Matt and my last name is luxford lol

  25. I've been a woman who sees 12:34 since I was a young girl. This number sequence always makes me feel like it's from my dead relatives and angels. It tells me I'm not alone and that they still see and guide me. I'm getting it tattooed on myself someday. It has brought me comfort for close to 35 years...Thanks for reading!

  26. thank you ! love this site ! love the universe !

  27. Had a reading with a lady who had some abilities and was asked by her what the sequence of number I see were. initially I did not connect it to anyting but then she said she saw a clock and instantly I remembered. Since I was a young by as for back as 5 years old this 1234 sequence has been shown to me on clocks. It happens randomly just about once a week sometimes several times a week. For many years I just felt like it was good luck, but now after my reading and reading this I am wondering if there is something more spiritual to it all.

  28. Perfect! Just what I needed to hear. I've been seeing 1234 so much while I work on an ecourse about Angels, and now I feel like the message is to keep going and that this project will bring me fulfillment and awesomeness :)

  29. George Gabriel HarrisMonday, February 08, 2016

    I've been seeing this number pop up yearly ever since I was a child, I know everyone sayings are good,but I fear that something bad might happen soon for the greater good,, I've never met anyone yet that remembers their dreams like I do,does anybody hear think it might be a warning to get ready & brace yourselves for impac. I know I'm right, just like I know all of you are really good with children &animals,,, and that nobody seems to have heart ♥ like you do,,may your angels bring you back home safely,see you on the front lines, peace...

  30. 1234 combinations mean that what you are thinking about has no value to your life and you need to forget it and do what you are doing and complete your tasks.

  31. I keep seeing my birth date 0323
    Does that have any special meaning?

  32. I keep seeing my birth date 323
    Does that have any special meaning?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  33. Dob 7/10/87 i keep seeing 711 911 1234 11:11 222 333

  34. What does all these numbers mean and i prayed to my agels and one of these are scrip in a bible my granddad and grand ma gave me.... i have 3 angels my dad and his parents and we were all close im 28 and have not lost my faith but found out i have ms. Me and my mom has a bad relationship and she had been very wicked lately ... ive just been to myself and away from my family working on my body inside out and my son.... 911 711 11:11 1234 12:34 2:22 3:33

    1. I believe I have read a book by Cyndi Dale, it may have been her that mentioned the MS is a disease that actually is a self imposed curse of some kind, maybe when you were little you absorbed the toxic energy of some adult or a parent, or out of your compassion you had tried to protect loved ones from the energy of about wicked family member. You do realize that all disease is linked to the energy of our entire being, including your auric spiritual bodies, the star can be healed, you are the one that has to keep faith and ask Jesus Christ to help you. That is all I wanted to mention for the fact my brother faced that same past and he too battles with MS, though he is a very strong soul and difficult to get along with, he took on some very scary things as a young child being the first born, he somehow is a warrior still.

    2. I believe it was Cyndi Dale who said and one of her books that multiple sclerosis was a type of self-imposed condition caused from trauma at a young age dealing directly with absorbing the wickedness of a family member my brother has multiple sclerosis and he two at a young age had dealt with my very evil grandfather and the abuse that went rampant between our family before I was ever born I wanted to mention that the woman he married was definitely my grandmother who was able to outlive him she didn't see a doctor for over 30 years she prayed to Jesus Christ and he always cured her even though my brother is difficult to get along with he is still a warrior to this day and he still battles has Ms he has yet to find Christ

  35. I saw the numbers 1234 come up in my life unintentional 5 years ago. I thought I was going crazy. 1234 showed on clocks cell phone price tags and when I bought gas and retrieved my gas receipt the time was 12:34. Not to long after I got a new job making more money and I enjoy doing the work to this date. Now I have been seeing it happening again. Wow!! I don't know what will happen to me but I want to very positive.

  36. I saw the numbers 1234 come up in my life unintentional 5 years ago. I thought I was going crazy. 1234 showed on clocks cell phone price tags and when I bought gas and retrieved my gas receipt the time was 12:34. Not to long after I got a new job making more money and I enjoy doing the work to this date. Now I have been seeing it happening again. Wow!! I don't know what will happen to me but I want to very positive.

  37. My husband passed away last year and have been seeing 12:34 on my clock and TV shows everyday since and decided to look it up, I was surprised to find out what it meant.

  38. Why are we seeing these numbers and not other people? I don't get what makes us so deserving of all of this guidance.

    1. It's not a matter of deservedness, it happened to those who are ready to see them. We don't know how many thousands of people who may be seeing the signs, but I'm sure they are here on this planet dealing with life just like us. And it takes time for expanding energies to touch touch our minds, while all of us here on the planet try to learn all we can, we are all on a different page and grow at our own rate, so it makes sense that you would possibly consider that only specific Souls would experience these things, but we all are Spirit.

  39. Why are we seeing these numbers and not other people? I don't get what makes us so deserving of all of this guidance.

  40. I also have been seeing this number ..all the time ,then i didnt see it .But its back , I want to know if someone is trying to communicate with me ?also i have strange things happen with birds ,a hawk flew into me the other day and i caught it ,and set him free ...i was on my Harley then a bit later a hawk flew right in front of me again ..strange then my numbers begain again.what is this?

  41. Birds of all kinds are messengers from the spiritual realm.

  42. Ren Rochelle,

    Sounds like you are moving in the right direction. Moving to Sedona is the perfect place for you to go. It's one of the most spiritual places in the world. If you are wanting to open up your chakras and learn more about your life path / purpose it's the best place for you to be. Stay "open" and willing and your guides will lead you to where you need to be. Make sure that you are specific in what you ask your guides. For instance, ask them to bring Positive Engery people into your life that will help you on your journey. .... I wish you Love, Light, & many Blessings. 💖✨

  43. i have been noticing a lot of numbers that are not necessarily sequence but they have a pattern such as 546 or 768. The smaller number is always in between the two number that should be next to each other. What does this pattern mean? It happens a lot with 324 and 879 too

  44. Are you a poet? You have a nice rhythm to your writing.

  45. rush-collection, are you a poet? You have nice a cadence in your writing.

  46. The birthdays of my Twin Flame and me add up to 12/34 or "1234". What is its significance? Thanks.

  47. Most interesting - I've been seeing 222 all my life, mostly on clocks and in the past few months I've not only been seeing 222, I've also been stumbling on 111, 444 and 555 way too many times than to not notice this phenomenon. Experiencing this, I purposely wouldn't look at a clock to make sure I wasn't looking for the numbers, you know... me being a scientist and skeptic! Most recently it's morphed to 11:11 and 12:12... and today, low and behold... 12:34.

  48. I play league of legends, and individual score is tracked in the */*/* format that is kills/deaths/assists.

    I have noticed these numbers for some time now, more and more.

    This most latest one I was in a live practice game of LoL and noticed my score at 1/2/3. No biggie, I've seen it before.

    A few minutes later after more interaction I noticed it at 2/3/4.

    Ok that's getting weird right.

    Same exact thing a few minutes later at 3/4/5.

    That and I've been seeing the clock at 4:20 am the past few days.

    I understand what they're saying, but do you have any incite I may have missed on the whole situation?

  49. I play league of legends.

    The score format is kills/deaths/assists.

    After a few minutes I noticed my score at 1/2/3.

    Then a few later at 2/3/4.

    Then a few later at 3/4/5.

    All within the same 30 minute 15 second game.

    My score ended at 9/5/9.

    Any insight I may have missed?


  50. I'm so greatful for this. Thank you!

  51. Always I show time 12:34 at this time

  52. Many more time I am see the clock at 12:34 am/pm ...?

  53. Today first I saw 123, then 789 and when I got back home, 12345 was on my phone. What does it mean? It's like one circle and it started again? :) or im I progressing at all? I feel likd I have! Thanks for angels and God.

  54. So I've been seeing repeating numbers like 11:11,1:11,2:22,3:33,4:44,5:45 7:77 and tonight I just saw 12:34 there all in time format I've been trying to not think to hard about it because I've been told to just let it play out and it'll turn out the way things are supposed to be. I have been looking into spiritual awakening it just came to me out of the blue nothing I really ever thought about, I'm new to all this and I can definitely feel a change and I'm glad I came to your site! Does anyone have any pointers on how to do all of this stuff, like I said I'm new I don't fully understand what all of this means. I'd like to but I'm a little scared, idk what to expect or should expect, I've been feeling very emotional ���� and this has just hit me all at once, I felt a tingling sensation on my forehead like above my nose in the middle idk if that means anything, I'm just putting that out there. So please any tips and pointers would be great. I'm also trying to understand the repeating numbers, and see if it's just me over thinking it and it's actually just the time, or if it actually means something.

    Yeah hank you

  55. This is totally awesome. I been seeing 1234 for the past 10yrs.

  56. It's getting very clear! Seeing 12:34 almost every day. I saw 678 the other day

  57. Anyone else notice she posted this four minutes after 12:34?

  58. It's literally 12:34am right now & my battery is on 44%....I love my Spiritual Family, they love & CONSTANTLY provide for me❤

  59. I have been seeing these numbers for months. I mean close to a year. However, I have not noticed anything great taking place in my life! I am not sure where my career is going. In fact, I am not certain how long I will last at the workplace. It appears any day they might let me go. My personal life is no better. There is "chaos" in my life however I don't allow it to bring me down. I hope these numbers really mean something positive for me since my life has been a constant repeat of failure and unhappiness. Again, I make the best of every situation.

  60. To Danny Brown's comment on May 9,2017 about questioning a Post made: "Anyone else notice she posted this four minutes after 12:34?"
    Danny, I have 3 clocks I 'see' a lot in my home. I try to keep them in sync (one is my computer, 2 are hand set). Often these three don't match up for various reasons.
    Very early this morning I saw 12:34 on my desk clock (as I write this it's: 1:11PM). I noted 1234 in my diary. This afternoon I saw it on my bedside clock, and decided to look up the meaning on this website. At the time I noted that all three clocks were 2 minutes apart, & the computer clock was 4 minutes ahead.
    What it tells me and I hope helps you realize is that from whatever vantage point one may be witnessing the 'first sighting' is the one that gets your attention.
    I'm not judging how someone else 'sees' the time but I am aware by my own experience that we all have different nudges by the angels to 'see' what we need to see.
    My elapsed time in writing this comment and thinking it through has taken me 11 minutes it's now 1:22 on my desk clock. I hope this helps explain some anomalies we may notice. Blessings to you and all who come to this site.

  61. This comment was made at 12:34

  62. Awesome message!!! Saw 1234 on a car number plate today !!!
    I've seen it before,but it was a wile back...
    It fully resonates with my current situation !!! It is uplifting to read all the comments,pretty much all of us are on the same boat !!!
    We must take that step!!! ♡♡♡
    Immensely blessed grateful always !!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

  63. ����‍♀️ it's numbers ppl number it's Just numbers . humanity has lost its dam mind

    1. Just wait... Don't be so crass. It might happen to you. Blessings.

  64. I was tired to seeing this 12:34, in the morning and in the night... I'm so confused now about what is it?? i have taken a lot of screenshot of my phone with this type of time... Means if there is anything that life gonna want me to do?? I'm fed up... thinking about this

    1. I feel it's better to not feel too strongly about it, it is only meant as a sign to communicate with your own consciousness, about what is needed in your life, and what you want to give up in order to go in a direction that really serves you and your true happiness. Don't be afraid. You can take risks that come from your own heart. Breath into your v open heart. It has the answers. Only you will know when enough is enough. Blessings.

    2. It's just telling you to make your own course, choose the things in life that make you happy, not follow time after time, day after day the same choices that don't actually help you feel fulfilled

    3. I feel it's better to not feel too strongly about it, it is only meant as a sign to communicate with your own consciousness, about what is needed in your life, and what you want to give up in order to go in a direction that really serves you and your true happiness. Don't be afraid. You can take risks that come from your own heart. Breath into your v open heart. It has the answers. Only you will know when enough is enough. Blessings.

  65. Thank You so much !!!
    In a very important life change of mine I was in front of a number 1234567 that came in not by random but to inform me that was all allright

  66. I had a dream last night that my ex had texted me the numbers "1234" and was amazed to see its true meaning. But does it mean anything when it's coming from an ex? he's going to Australia for a year and I can't help but still want him in my life. I'd like to think that manifestation will bring him back to me after the year...if anyone can help me out on this topic it would be greatly appreciated x

  67. I’m wondering what you make of seeing 111 222 333 444 all at the same time? (I’ve also been seeing 1234 for the past few days).

    Thank you so much for your blog, I have learned so much and have received so many comforting messages because of it. 🙂

  68. I often see 10 11 12 13 or 11 12 23 14, what do these consecutive numbers mean? Thanks

  69. Im so blessed... On yesterday I'm pumping gas , the meter stopped on $12.34...Thankyou Angels

  70. I'm on the right path thank you x

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Thank you Universe/God... sometimes I don't know which way to go and what actions to take,i need you every second, minute of the hour.

  73. I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  74. I was born at 12:34pm and I always see it, almost everyday 🖤

  75. Not for me. It's only meaningful if you want it to be

  76. I've been seeing 1234 twice a day everyday for years. I think its my dad. 1 word 2 say three words 4 you. But idk

  77. Meditate , you must get in balance with your inner powers ! You are not crazy . I would rather challenge you to look within yourself and let the Universe guide you towards your true purpose.

    Good luck !

  78. It’s incredible to learn the meaning behind ‘1234’ its been a few years that I've caught my self catching the time as 12:34. No Matter where I am something urges me to check the time. I could be in the kitchen and glance over at the time on the microwave or stove. Or often look at my phone or sitting at my desk at work look at the computer screen. It’s been quite profound. Learning about this sequence gives me peace to know that angels are constantly watching over us. Thanks for educating me and I have made peace learning about it!

  79. I've been seeing this number back to back & I'm glad I finally researched its meaning. This is great confirmation for me & my path.

  80. Usually I am prepared for 11:11 in the morning. I have kind of trained myself to be present during this time. I don't know if this is for better or worse. However, without thinking much, I often catch 12:34. This angel number feel especially powerful to me right now, especially because it feels like I am seeing it due to divine intervention rather than human intention. I trust my angels!!!!!!! Thank you for your messages, love, and support. I will not give up.

  81. P2500. 12345678
