Friday, March 16, 2012


Number 963 is a compilation of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 6, and the attributes of number 3. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 6 resonates with home and family, domesticity, expressing grace and gratitude, emotional depth, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, care and nurturing, and finding solutions. Number 3 resonates with joy, growth and expansion, spontaneity and joy, manifesting and manifestation, optimism and enthusiasm, being brave, creativity and self-expression, sociability and communication. Number 3 also relates to the energies of the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 963 brings a message to wake up to your intuition and trust your inner-voice as it serves as your inner-radar and tells you where you are now and where you need to go in your life. Listening to your intuition brings more clarity, allowing for better decision-making and problem-solving, allowing you to move forward in your life with confidence and grace.

Angel Number 963 tells of encouragement and support from the angels and Ascended Masters. Your important lightworking duties involve serving and helping humanity, and you are being encouraged to put extra focus on your spiritual life path and purpose. Your prayers and positive affirmations about your spiritual path have been acknowledged and are being responded to by the angels. Listen to your intuition and take positive action. Give any fears or worries about monetary issues to the angels and get on with pursuing your life purpose.

Angel Number 963 may also be suggesting that an aspect or circumstance may be coming to an end and this will allow for new opportunities to arise that will assist you with serving your life purpose in a manner that will utilize your unique set of skills, talents and abilities. Acknowledge and appreciate the positives in your life as when you are grateful for your blessings you unlock a powerful energy that guides and assists you on your life path.

Number 963 relates to number 9 (9+6+3=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



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  1. when i was riding in jeep I ask God to give some sign so i can continue my life when i turn my eyes every where i always see the number 963 to a plate number of a car ,tarpaulin, restaurant. i talk to my God "God is this your sign i can't understand" i feel headache in that day so i decide to research this 3 numbers ... thank you...

  2. For about 10 years I managed an office. My office was store #963. I always felt like no matter where I went the number 963 was always around. I even joked with my co workers that even when given birth I carried work with me because those were the numbers I saw on my bed rails! I finally left my job of almost 10 years to move on to a better job. I was terrified. And I would at times be at a stop light and be behind commercial vehicles that had 963 as their vehicle id # and I would automatically think about my previous job. After Google in the numbers 963 which brought me to this article I Now understand what the meaning of these numbers were and how they actually have significance in my life. From now on I will always feel how blessed I am every time I see these special numbers!

  3. For about 10 years I managed an office. My office was store #963. I always felt like no matter where I went the number 963 was always around. I even joked with my co workers that even when given birth I carried work with me because those were the numbers I saw on my bed rails! I finally left my job of almost 10 years to move on to a better job. I was terrified. And I would at times be at a stop light and be behind commercial vehicles that had 963 as their vehicle id # and I would automatically think about my previous job. After Google in the numbers 963 which brought me to this article I Now understand what the meaning of these numbers were and how they actually have significance in my life. From now on I will always feel how blessed I am every time I see these special numbers!

  4. I'm so grateful for everything, thank you.

  5. Just yesterday I made a hard decision to step away from a group of people whom I felt I didn't belong mingling with no longer. There wasn't anything negative about them what so ever, but it felt like a stagnant energy in my personal experience. I made the decision to start distancing myself from the activities of that group so that I could be more present and involved in my own tribe. I've always been drawn to spiritual numerology. Last night I dreamed of turning to page 963 in a magazine. When researching this number I found this page. I am so grateful for such positive entities visiting me in my dream to let me know I am loved and that I am doing right and good for myself. Thank you for this lovely article! <3 :)

  6. ☮️❤️🌞
