Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 3's and 5's (35, 335, 353, 355 etc)

When a 3 and 5 combination presents it suggests that a big life-change is headed your way. This will be of a very personal nature, most likely to do with your life purpose and soul mission.

The Ascended Masters want you to know that they are holding your hand tightly through these changes, and want you to know that everything will turn out for the highest good. There are also some new, creative freedoms to be had, so keep an open heart and an open mind.

Repeating Angel Numbers - 3's and 4's (34, 334, 343, 344 etc)

The 3 and 4 combination is a message from your angels that they, as well as the Ascended Masters, are around you to assist, guide, support and love you. 

Do not be afraid to do a little hard work and put your efforts towards your goals, knowing within that all the help you will ever need is available to you. All you have to do is ask.


Repeating Angel Numbers - 3's and 2's (32, 322, 323, 322 etc)

The 3 and 2 combination is a message that the Ascended Masters are working with you as co-creators of your new project. Your angels are busy setting up opportunities in which you will flourish. They want you to know that everything will work out well for you. Enjoy this new phase in your life.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 3's and 1's (31, 331, 313, 311 etc)

The number 3 can signify a goddess’s presence, particularly when the 3 follows a 1, as in a 13 arrangement. This is because 13 relates to the annual number of moon cycles, and the moon is associated with feminine spirituality.

A 1 and 3 combination indicates that the Ascended Masters are working with you on your thought processes. They are sending you positive and uplifting energies to keep you from feeling discouraged. They are sending you encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. 

The 3 and 1 combination asks you to surrender your goals and desires to spirit and ask for guidance in regards to what is to manifest. Ask your angels for guidance in regards to what to manifest for you.

Additionally, the Ascended Masters may be offering you advice, guidance and suggestions on your life's purpose.  Listen to your intuition and take affirmative action in that direction.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 3's and 0's (30, 300, 303 etc)

When the 3 and 0 combination presents, your angels are trying to get your attention.  

The 3 and 0 combination is the Universe's way of alerting you to take notice. The message is to listen to and follow your Divine guidance in order to take the most appropriate actions at this time.  Remember that everything happens for a reason and within its Divine right time.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 9's (29, 229, 292, 299 etc)

The 2 and 9 combination is a message from your angels indicating that you are being supported at this time. If you have lost something recently, rest assured that the Universe is busily manifesting something positive to take its place.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 8's (28, 228, 282, 288 etc)

A 2 and 8 number sequence is an indication that one door is beginning to open and another is about to close. Be sure to listen to your intuition closely as it will guide your steps towards positive and steady abundance during these changes.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 7's (27, 272, 227, 277 etc)

The 2 and 7 number combination is a message of positive news or fresh information to come.  Keep an eye (or an ear) out for signs, messages and opportunities to present themselves to you.  They will most likely have to do with inner-self issues and you are asked to listen to your intuition for guidance.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 6's (26, 226, 262, 266 etc)

The combination of 2’s and 6’s recurring in your life is a message of finding and achieving balance and of work well done.

This is a message from your angels that a significant new addition, acquisition or purchase will be entering your life shortly. The combination of 2’s and 6’s speak of compromise, love, family and home, and this repeating combination asks you to look to enhancing relationships and living arrangements.


Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 5's (25, 225, 252, 255 etc)

The 2 and 5 combination tells you to expect a change to come about sooner than you may have foreseen.  The energy of the number 5 brings with it quick changes and a sense of adventure and freedom.  The changes ahead of you may come about in unexpected ways, and the angels ask you to hold onto your faith and trust as the changes to come will be of a positive nature.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 4's (24, 224, 242, 244 etc)

The 2 and 4 combination is a sign that you will have help from spirit and the angels in making your desired transitions.  They understand your position and stand behind you in your choices as they know you are trying to bring more positivity into your life. You may need to be reminded that you are never alone.

The 2 and 4 number sequence is a message from your angels that they are working very closely with you at the moment so you are able to relax and ease your mind knowing that all will be taken care of.  You are asked though, to pay attention to your intuition and keep an eye on the repeating 2 and 4 combination, as your angels will be communicating with you through these means.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 3's (23, 223, 232, 323 etc)

The 2 and 3 combination is a message that the Ascended Masters are working with you as co-creators in your new project, idea or lifestyle choice. They want you to know that everything will work out well for you, even though at times you may feel a sense of trepidation. You are asked to relax knowing that your angels are organizing the best for you and love and support you. Enjoy this new phase in your life.


Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 1's (1122, 2211, 2122, 221, 211 etc)

The combination of 2's and 1's indicate that your thoughts are like seeds  about to sprout and are a sign that things will be going in your desired direction.  There may be some new directions or opportunities to take which will lead to fulfillment and personal happiness.  The message is to keep the faith, knowing that the Universe and your angels are behind you all the way.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 0's (20, 200, 202 etc)

The 2 vibration is all about balance, harmony, peace and love.  2 is also the number of duality and polarity.

When the 2 and 0 combination repeatedly appears in your life, the angel's message is to do with 'Divine Timing'. Certain factors need to fall into place before your desired result can come to full fruition and you are asked to be patient whilst things are being organized behind the scenes by your angels and the Universe. The message is to hold onto your faith and trust and be patient for a little while longer.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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