Saturday, August 22, 2015


Number 2243 brings together the attributes of number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, the vibrations of number 4, and the qualities of number 3. Number 2 adds its energies of diplomacy and co-operation, adaptability, consideration for others, finding balance and harmony, duality, devotion and selflessness, faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 4 relates to diligence and determination to achieve goals, building solid foundations for the self and others, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life, and resonates with the energies of the Archangels. Number 3 resonates with optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, optimism and joy, natural talent and skills, expansion and growth. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters who help you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires.

Angel Number 2243 brings a message to pay extra attention to your dreams, daydreams, visions, recurring thoughts, ideas and feelings. Take the time to meditate, connect and communicate with the angelic and spiritual realms to find balance and clarity and take action as guided. Invest in yourself and your spirituality and know that you have the abilities to manifest your highest ideals and aspirations, whatever they may be.

Angel Number 2243 reminds you that you have been given your creative abilities for important reasons, so look upon them as a blessing and a useful tool to use throughout your life. There is beauty in your creativity, and you are encouraged to spread this beauty and allow it to touch the hearts of many, far and wide. Your creativity can manifest and be expressed in whatever way your heart and soul desire.

Angel Number 2243 also tells you to use your natural communication skills to bring love, light, harmony and joy into the lives of those around you and beyond.

Number 2243 relates to Master Number 11 and Angel Number 11 on the higher plane, and number 2 and Angel Number 2 on the lower plane (2+2+4+3=11, 1+1=2).



  1. Amen!!!😇
    Immensely blessed and grateful!!!♥️🍀🎈
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♥️

  2. This poem is about the love in my life,
    She is not my girl
    She is not my wife.

    She is the one I love the most
    She is the one who scared the ghost.

    She is the one who helped me to walk
    She is the one who taught me to talk.

    She is she is everything to me, if I was an apple she'd be my tree.

    She is there when im sad
    She was there when I was bad.

    She is my love but not my lover, I just wanted to say that I love my mother..x

    1. That is one amazing poem Shaun Hessey !!!❤🌟
      Grateful and blessed for each and every reminder. I love you Angels and you rush-collection. My Earth Angel.🙏❤ Love, peace and light to all.❤

  3. With all the people who use this site, why is it only a certain few who see numbers what add upto 11. I feel blessed guided and protected, thank you spirit x

  4. I woke up from a dream with this number in the tip of my tongue, I remember in the dream this number was very important as it was an address of a place I needed to go. It is times like this I love the universe.

  5. My love

    We love sitting in the garden in spring, having coffee while listening to the birds sing.

    We like camping in a forest with the dog, just sitting there, next to a fire-burning log.

    We love the birds, the bees, and the sound of the wind, rushing through the trees.

    We like walking hand in hand barefoot on the beach, skimming stones on the water, to see how far we reach.

    We love playing in the snow late at night, making snowballs for the dog, which he would bite.

    I love my girl; if I were an oyster, she'd be my pearl.

    We both like lying naked in bed, re-enacting the night we wed.

    This is what I would like to do, keep on dreaming, and it may come true.

    Thank you. 🙏

  6. Cancer.

    Cancer took my sister last week, she used to be strong, but it made her weak.

    It made me cry, and I felt sad, looking back on the good times we had.

    She was always, always there for me, but I had to say goodbye and set her free.

    I sit and daze and wonder why she had to leave; she had to die.

    I've asked the Lord to take care of my sister and give her our love from her grandchildren, my mother, father, and brother.

    I stand alone and look at the sky; I want to be there, but it's miles too high.

    Goodbye, my love, until we meet again; rest in peace, out of pain.

    Thank you. 🙏

  7. The line.

    Dangling by a thread or a tiny bit of string, I wish that phone wouldn't ring.

    Is it the man from the gas, or is it the man from the water, trying to remember, everything her daddy taught her.

    I'm always on that line, hanging by a thread, thinking anxiously, as thoughts run around my head.

    Maybe it's one of those days where everything goes wrong, perhaps I should meditate, listening to the lyrics of a song.

    Thank you. 🙏
