Monday, April 28, 2014


Number 1691 is a blend of the attributes of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the vibrations and energies of number 6 and number 9. Number 1 adds its vibrations of new beginnings and starting afresh, creation and projects, pioneering and progress, self-reliance and taking action, intentions and innovation, attainment and fulfilment.  Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities and experiences with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 6 brings its attributes of providing for home and family and the material aspects of life, responsibility, adjustment, finding solutions, grace and dignity, co-operation and compromise, and unconditional love. Number 9 carries the energies of leadership and inner-strength, humility and humanitarianism, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, endings and conclusions, charity, altruism and benevolence, the Universal Spiritual Laws, your Divine life purpose and lightworking.

Angel Number 1691 is a message from your angels to focus your energies upon your spiritual practice and/or career and your Divine life purpose. Maintain a positive attitude and optimistic outlook to manifest your desired results and outcomes.

Angel Number 1691 is a message to maintain a positive attitude about the purpose of your ‘being’ and follow the guidance sent to you along the way. Trust the messages you have been receiving as they are guiding you towards new beginnings and opportunities that will assist you with serving your life purpose and soul mission. Your angels encourage and support you, and are with you every step of the way along your spiritual path. You will have all that you need in every way in order to walk your path with confidence and self-belief. Remember to love yourself as you send love and healing out to others, and let your inner light shine brightly in order to illuminate the way for others.

Angel Number 1691 is a message to stay focused on your Divine life path and soul purpose and trust that in doing so you are leading and teaching others by being a living positive example. Your angels ask you to use your manifesting tools and talents to create opportunities to connect, share and teach others.

There is wisdom in the depths of your being that calls forth what you need, even if you choose not to invite it.  If you choose to invite it, then you begin the process of connecting and re-connecting with the hidden parts of yourself.

Number 1691 relates to number 8 (1+6+9+1=17, 1+8) and Angel Number 8.



  1. Hi rush-collection, Thanks so much for this site! Would you mind elaborating on this quote? "There is wisdom in the depths of your being that calls forth what you need, even if you choose not to invite it. If you choose to invite it, then you begin the process of connecting and re-connecting with the hidden parts of yourself."

  2. Hi rush-collection.
    I am a nobody, ex childrens home boy.
    Zoom through 41yrs from that am 57.
    I saw a Shamen last yr & after she smudged me i stopped drinking.zoom forward 10mnths.
    She also recently said am in my last incarnation.
    I 've been very depressed despite my awakening ln last wk.
    Seeing your 1691 message woz nice, thanku so much.
    I just gota try pick me up

    1. You are not a nobody ❤️ I’m sorry you’ve been feeling depressed. Continue to follow the number signs - the very fact that you can notice them is very rare. Your intuition is strong! Most people only notice triple numbers. Your angels love you and will keep sending you numbers, animals and other synchronicities 🥰
