Thursday, August 23, 2012


Number 1112 is a blend of the attributes and energies of triple number 1 and number 2. Number 1 relates to new beginnings and starting new projects and taking new directions, motivation and ambition, progress, self-reliance, achievement and attainment. Number 1 encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, and reminds you that you create your own reality with your beliefs, thoughts and intentions. Number 2 carries the vibrations of duality and finding  balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, diplomacy, mediation and adaptability, sensitivity and selflessness. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.  

Angel Number 1112 is a message from your angels not to be hindered or held back by old habits that need to be changed. It allows for the ‘old’ to be replaced with the ‘new’. Angel Number 1112 tells you to look to new experiences with optimism as they will bring about favourable and positive effects and opportunities that will help with achieving your goals and aspirations. Angel Number 1112 encourages you to be true to yourself.

You may feel inclined to begin a new course of study or learning, be it formal education or casually researching your interests and passions.

When the Angel Number 1112 appears your angels may be telling you to look to different ways to enhance your home, garden and environment. This may also include matters within the house and family arena. Use the art of Feng Shui to usher more positive energies into all areas of your life. The angels encourage you to surround yourself with love, beauty and gaiety.  

Angel Number 1112 is a reminder from your angels to ensure that what you put out to the Universe is of a positive nature. You are asked to stay on a positive path and to use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others.

Number 1112 also relates to number 5 (1+1+1+2=5) and Angel Number 5.

See also: 
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122,  etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 112


  1. It started for me around 2009 and things do manifest. When it first started it would wake me up out of a dead sleep at exactly 1111. I had a business associate try to pull one over on me and literally try to put me in prison over some money and as I was typing the proposal I realised that the address was 1111 and it made me pay close attention to what was going on. Thank god I saw them coming

    1. I was encouraged by this comment. For me it was"1134" in around 2010, now its 20 times a day like..934...234....304...334....344...1234...always 34. Recently its been 1001...1101...1111...1100..1011. I wake up to 444...555. I get urges to type random numbers in this website as "angel number......." Joann, you are a sacred scribe!

    2. I totally get that same urge. . Nothing extreme no ocd, but always feel that push to type in angel number. .... thanks again joann xoxo

    3. BruceLeeLapierre is my web page I was brought to Heaven and talked to all God gave me a mission and Angels have been guiding me since the age of 3 i have seen events happening proof of 2 miracles 1 of Mary s and one in the Vatican The Angels have been sending me to pages on the net and giving me pages that were ripped from the bible I am from the 13th Legion of Angels in Heaven sent to earth to find the elders the 7 chosen Ones who will reunite the world in Peace for Peace and march to the Vatican God told me no one shall destroy my house or church and once there in billions marching world wide for Peace in Peace on a specific day we the 7 chosen Ones Angels from Heaven have a Mission from God There are other Angels on Earth watching and working for Peace Our mission is to clean the Vatican it is divided in 2 Faithful Priests of God and the other fallen angels and priest that do not preach from the bible and the words of God Praise Jesus the son of Satan ???? It was said in the Vatican filmed secretly Jesus is not the son of satan and satan is not god the other half of the priests are pedofiles who raped children girls boys priests nuns and adore satan they changed the day Saturday which was to be the day to go to church they put it Sunday why? to adore the sun god God said once the Vatican will be cleaned it will be known world wide and all false preachers dictators the rich the liars the pedofiles all those who wage war will be punished sevirley The people
      I have just mention will tremble and ask God for forgiveness when they hear our names and see us coming World Wide it will have a domino effect and many churches false prophets dictators governments the rich who think they are invinseable better start asking God to forgive them I went to hell with 3 Angels and I would not wish my worst enemy to go there Peace to all the time will come We are gathering world wide and we are 4 chosen there are missing 3 there is a way we know we are chosen in case one tries to desceive us Bless you all world wide Remember God Jesus Mary the Holy Ghost The Legions of Angels in Heaven and on Earth our planet which was intended for all We are all God s chosen Children World wide We are born on earth but our souls come from Heaven God is light pure energy God is love pure Love to all whom want to be at his side and evolve in Peace let this message be sent world wide warning the antichrist who put his feet in Gods house the Vatican We World Wide are getting ready with God on our side all the sinners will tremble like he did before and fail to put us in a 1 world order Will we let satan proclaiming himself God??? and All who do not apply to his new rules and religion his new religion shall be terminated God said all who accept the mark of the beast in the right hand the chip to control us as cattle will mean they have accepted the new world order and religion throwing away the Bible in flames and letting go of our Creator our Father God God said all who have the mark will not go to Heaven please send this world wide on the net
      thank you all be safe remember we Love you all

    4. Wow what a blessing your angels made you aware of the evil that was working. Praises to God because it could have come out totally different. Powerful testimony 🙌🙌🙌

    5. Bruce, Satan is inside you too, not just the Vatican. That is what happened when we accepted free will, remember God told us not to eat the fruit and Eve was tricked by The Serpent and disobeyed his command. Once human beings accepted free will, it allowed for the devil to be in our head and manipulate our thoughts. This is the proverbial angel on one side and devil on the other. The closer you get to God, the harder the devil is going to step up his game. And while you appear to have a very good understanding of how our souls operate and how all comes from God, you seem to be able to only recognize the demons outside of yourself. This happened to me when I first became aware. The whole artificial world that we have created for ourselves were ideas given to us by Satan himself. For instance, the second commandment states that thou shalt not have any other gods before him and thou shall not create any artificial life or anything that he created up in heaven or here on Earth. Every artificial likeness of anything that he created, like a stuffed animal, or a baby doll, is absolute blasphemy to God. Yet, it doesn't seem that too many people are aware of that, since we buy these toys for our children and encourage our children to love these artificial things that cannot love them back. By now, the Devil Himself is impersonating God here on Earth, so be very careful. The way he operates is so far-reaching and so suttle. Jesus said that to help a friend with a speck in his eye you first must get rid of the log in your own eye, once you get rid of the log in your own eye and you can see clearly, only then will you be able to help your friend with the speck. Don't let the devil deceive you. Miracles occur every day and in every way. God be with us all.

    6. You found 4 in 2018 and only have 3 left. How do you know, what is the way to tell. I was told to have patience and the truth will come to light. Can you please tell me more. I know about the hidden secrets of Vatican City and What is HIDDEN UNDER NEATH.

    7. I would like to know

  2. I had just got of the phone with my ex in which we still live together i heard a sound and looked at the phone it said 1111 and the time said 641i began to read today i went looking for a job they told me the lady was busy come back after lunch our roommate calls at 441 they say come they have two positions left we fling tring to get there they tell him he can't go back then say i can they closr at 500 so i hurry in then she tell me i don't know if you can go back call her in the morning i need a job if i don't pay i go to jail for a charge that's garbage its strange how this reading popped up on my phone but I'm gonna pay attention from now on

  3. I can't thank you enough...(22:7)x10

  4. Once LUFE IS YOURS (22/7)x5

  5. We should all be more aware n believe our actions are words have a direct correlation to the universe n its laws i have always been connected but recently i discovered my mission as i began to listen n take action w my. Thoughts n words n the signs in front we are in control truly of our reality IAM go there n everything will unfold thk you to our angels who w these numbers try to guide
    us to that path ...

  6. I also agree unknown 18.10.15, it's so amazing this walk of discovery with the universe, our angels, our thoughts, and the words coming out if our mouth, words are so very powerful, that's why it's called spelling, words are if you will, spells that are put into action. No matter how hard your life, as mine has been very hard from the start, give this angel number a chance, everything happens for a reason, n nothing happens by chance. We have the power to change our lives into the most beautiful garden if we just believe. I have, true, it's someone's not forgive faint at heart, but it can be done. Me n mine have, n how beautiful life can be. Blessings. Me n my kritters, please demand no kill for our shelters, and one evening a week lite a candle for all that have died, we thank you.

  7. Dear sweet soul rush-collection, your work and sacrifices has brought so much Light into the world of darkness. Your work saves more than you will ever know!!!! I wanted to let you know your wings are ready for pickup, please bring sun glasses as you will need them. Signed penny and all gods kritters

  8. I started seeing the number 1112 back in 2002 shortly after my 6 yr old son passed away. It seemed like Everytime I looked up at the clock it had a combination of those numbers in it.All these years later I still see that combination of numbers on a regular basis. I was at work today and looked up and seen 1112 on the phone clock and decided to research it's meaning.... that's how I ran across this page. I also researched angels and spirit guides and have learned I am so blessed to have found this.

  9. For the last 8 years, I've been seeing 1111 over and over. The past 6 months or so I've been seeing 1112 more than 1111. So I googled 1112, and here I am. Thanks for the angel numbers!

  10. Thank you rush-collection for this work you are doing and be blessed even more!

  11. Wow!!! On point !!! Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection !!! ♡♡♡ Stay blessed people !!! Love and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  12. all I can add is the same has been happenning to me as everyone else has shared..however Im wondering how many have experienced other things such as out of body experiences? Seeing dead loved ones while meditating? One time and only once I saw dead relatives that seemed disappointed though not a word was was needed, then when quietly I thought"why are they disappointed with me?" a bright light shined as if from another room flooding the basement like place I seemed to be in and the light said in a booming male voice" You're not doing what you're supposed to be doing"..that was many years ago and ever since Ive been trying to understand what it is Im supposed to be doing in this life..has anyone else experienced such things? Does anyone have any light to shed on what Ive shared?..Thank you rush-collection and thanks to all for sharing-T.L.C.

    1. T.L.C. your guides or loved ones are trying to tell you that you have a mission or soul purpose that you aren't fulfilling. When you meditate ask for help in understanding what it is. Ask for clarity. I too am seeking mine and I dreamed I was having an OBE the other night. It was so real I still felt it when I woke up. Good luck to you!

  13. Im born 11.12. .. :) <3 @douleurique

  14. I am constantly seeing odd numbers and a while ago I started reading their interpretation...and it always fits. :) no doubt that this is my channel of understanding them.

  15. I believe in Angels 100% and more ❤

  16. The body is an incredible machine capable of self regulation and its own sense of time. With that being said-its also capable of assimilating realities that you deem positive.
    This does not explain every account - however, i believe that physiologically, the coincidences that everyone is becoming aware off is related to this special structure within each of us.
    Look into it and research to prove to yourself. Below is a reference from a site describing the (RAS)
    “I’ve always been fascinated with superheroes for the same reasons kids are: They wear costumes. They beat bad guys. They have awesome powers. The older I get, though, the more I realize how amazing real human beings are.
    Our brains are incredibly complex. We can sift through billions of bits of data at any given time. And somehow, so we don’t short circuit, we have to organize that information. The Reticular Activating System helps with that.
    The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at our brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through.
    The RAS is the reason you learn a new word and then start hearing it everywhere. It’s why you can tune out a crowd full of talking people, yet immediately snap to attention when someone says your name or something that at applies to you.

  17. Cont...
    Your RAS takes what you focus on and creates a filter for it. It then sifts through the data and presents only the pieces that are important to you. All of this happens without you noticing, of course. The RAS programs itself to work in your favor without you actively doing anything. Pretty awesome, right?
    In the same way, the RAS seeks information that validates your beliefs. It filters the world through the parameters you give it, and your beliefs shape those parameters. If you think you are bad at giving speeches, you probably will be. If you believe you work efficiently, you most likely do. The RAS helps you see what you want to see and in doing so, influences your actions.
    Some people suggest that you can train your RAS by taking your subconscious thoughts and marrying them to your conscious thoughts. They call it “setting your intent.” This basically means that if you focus hard on your goals, your RAS will reveal the people, information and opportunities that help you achieve them.
    If you care about positivity, for example, you will become more aware of and seek positivity. If you really want a pet turtle and set your intent on getting one, you’ll tune in to the right information that helps you do that.
    When you look at it this way, The Law of Attraction doesn’t seem so mystical. Focus on the bad things and you will invite negativity into your life. Focus on the good things and they will come to you, because your brain is seeking them out. It’s not magic, it’s your Reticular Activating System influencing the world you see around you.
    Articles and sketchy YouTube videos suggest many ways to train your RAS to get what you want, but I find this method to be the most practical:
    First, think of the goal or situation you want to influence.
    Now think about the experience or result you want to reach in regards to that goal/situation.
    Create a mental movie of how you picture that goal/situation ideally turning out in the future. Notice the sounds, conversations, visuals and details of that mental movie. Replay it often in your head.
    Of course, in reality these things aren’t as easy as they sound, but I do believe that our Reticular Activating System (RAS) can be trained. It’s about visualizing what we want, and then letting our subconscious and conscious work together to make it happen.
    The idea is: If I can hear my own name in a crowd of thousands, can I also tune my brain to focus and attract the things that matter to me? I’m fairly certain I can. This is why I keep my Big List with me wherever I go, and reread it often. I have to continually refocus and remind my brain what matters and what doesn’t.
    We’re only a couple months into our New Year’s Resolutions (or in my case, Anti-Resolutions) and it’s easy to quit on our goals. If we set our intent and refocus, though, our RAS might help us out. Our brains look out for our best interests. Our RAS is filtering through billions of pieces of data so we can see and hear and be what we want to be. Sounds kinda like superpower to me.”
    Referenced from a site describing RAS

  18. Very cool RAS many 1/2 floors am very grateful. Peace kindness and happiness. Love and light working,


  19. Very cool RAS many 1/2 floors I am very grateful. Peace kindness and happiness. Love and lightworking,


  20. Much Love and many blessings to you Joanna,and to all of us.🙏😇🥰
