Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Number 989 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 8, with number 9 appearing twice, doubling its powerful influences. Number 9 encourages setting a positive example for others, lightworkers and lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, generosity and benevolence, influence, an expansive viewpoint, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws. Number 8 relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma, inner-wisdom, personal power and authority, manifesting material abundance, decisiveness, discernment and good judgement, inner-strength, dependability and self-confidence. 

Angel Number 989 is a strong message that some aspects of your life will be coming to an end or closure. This may be due to an issue or situation no longer positively serving you. Look upon these changes and endings with a positive frame of mind as you will find that once completion or closure has come to pass auspicious new opportunities will present that will be better suited to your skills, talents, wants, needs and destiny.

Angel Number 989 brings a message that it is time for you to grow beyond any limiting, hindering and/or negative beliefs, thoughts and patterns that may be holding you back in any way. Be mindful and pay attention to your behaviours and you will discover that when you consciously choose to change your beliefs and behaviours you begin to view events with fresh eyes and are drawn to higher and more positive and productive beliefs and actions.

You are encouraged to live your life as a positive example and to illuminate the path for others to follow. Trust that you will be fully supported by the angelic and spiritual realms as you fulfill your destiny.

Number 989 relates to number 8 (9+8+9=26, 2+6=8) and Angel Number 8.



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  1. In service I am grateful! 💜

  2. Always and forever grateful!!!
    Thank you !!! ♡♡♡

  3. Gratefully blessed!

  4. Before waking up one day I was taken in a trance, I appeared to be carried along in the air. I was seeing a line of shops with inscriptions of positive affirmations like "I have, I am" I saw about 6 shops in the same Line. All these shops had a common number painted on it the number is 9899. What's does this mean?

    1. (I am going though something similar) It could mean that there are negative beliefs and behaviors you may have in place that are rooted into your self conscious that you consciously act out without realizing, also the affirmations are probably a reminder that you have and are the strength/adversity needed to overcome whatever it is you are going through. The extra 9 added at the end would just be the strengthened influence of the 9. Shine your light brightly!

  5. I saw 989 in my last night

  6. Wonderful message...Thank you 🙏😇💞 Always grateful!!! Love and light to all of us...🥰

  7. The synchronicity of this is just incredible!

  8. These messages are always timely! 💕💗✨
