Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Number 959 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 9 and number 5, with number 9 appearing twice, magnifying its vibrations. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 5 relates to life changes, the fullness of your humanity and human experience, versatility and adaptability, vitality, inspiration, imagination and curiosity, learning life lessons, motivation and activity, making positive life choices and decisions that suit who you truly are, and personal freedom.   

Angel Number 959 tells you that changes, endings and conclusions of some circumstances or situations in your life may be taking place at this time. No matter what is happening around you and what others are doing, be true to yourself and do what resonates with you. Find out what your own truths are, know what you want, speak your mind and live with honesty and integrity. Stand your ground and live your truths, coming from a place of love and light.

Angel Number 959 brings a message from the angels that it is time to focus upon your personal spirituality and life purpose. Your life is changing in many positive ways, and these changes will open doors for you to pursue an interest, career or pastime that matches your spiritual beliefs. If you have been dreaming of a different career or profession, opportunities may arise that will lead you in that direction. Angel Number 959 may be indicating that it is time to look to a spiritually-based career and/or practice or service-based venture or project that comes from the heart.

Angel Number 959 brings a message that your skills, abilities and talents as a lightworker are desperately needed by humanity, and you are urged to get to work on your life purpose without delay. Trust your intuition and the guidance from the angels and take action accordingly.

Angel Number 959 is a call for lightworkers to get to work. Use your skills, talents and personal tenacity to excel in your life and continue to grow in positive and loving ways as you uplift and enlighten yourself and others.

Number 959 relates to number 5 (9+5+9=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics




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  1. Cool. Thank you for sharing, rush-collection :).

  2. You are amazing. Thank you for all that you do.

  3. blessings for your profound guidance thank you ..deeply :)!

  4. thx for the info rush-collection

  5. I don't know what to say so going to go with a simple, thanks ��

  6. The Star God is here

  7. I appreciate all your guidance rush-collection.
    You have really helped me stay on track and advance me along my spiritual path. That I am completely grateful for and I thank You so much <3 <3 <3

  8. I appreciate all your guidance rush-collection.
    You have really helped me stay on track and advance me along my spiritual path. That I am completely grateful for and I thank You so much <3 <3 <3

  9. Thank you!♡

  10. Every single day, several times a day I go to this website to understand the messages the my guides send me. I have been coming here everyday for over a year and your guidance is very much appreciated. This is an amazing resource for those who seek guidance in their spiritual journey. You have helped me immensely! God bless you! <3

  11. We 144000 are awake. Yahweh's time has come. Evil has lost before it's desired wake. The Revelation has come to Fruition. Hallelujah, AUM. AMEN

    1. Indeed we all are...we have been called to arise from the slumber to awaken

  12. Forever grateful!!!♡♡♡ Thank you rush-collection!!!

  13. How can one do the above mentioned as an artist? I dont want to work in a job as I'll just end up working on the projects that don't align with my soul mission. Due to these feelings im just at home, unable to support myself or anyone much financially with little bit freelance works. Please help!!!!!! What service based or spiritual based ventures can one take?

    1. Im an artist too and this message from rush-collection/angels confuses me. And I was thinking that, for example if you like to paint you could paint something spiritual. Just my thoughts about it...

    2. I dont think the meaning is for you to change careers but more so to add a Spiritual based project to your life, this could be some simple community based service, going to Barnes & Noble asking if you can volunteer an hr a week for kids reading, work at homeless shelters, work at your local rehab center ...anything that helps give back to your Community and helps open your heart on the red highlighted link in rush-collection’s explanation above of spiritual based career or practice, it gives a complete explanation...much love to everyone on their journeys.

  14. I think you can add spirituality for any kind of job if you want to. If you are not working, still you can spread the messages you know..

  15. Thank you for all your guidance. Truly amazing. You have been my crutch through some rough phases. I'm grateful for your site. Thank you so much 💖💖💖

  16. Thank you so much for the messages I have received from your site. I cannot tell you how much it has helped me to understand my life's journey. Many blessing of light and love to you. Pene

  17. Gracias! I’ll do just that , I will continue with working from then light and will lookout for that opportunity ✌

  18. If you get a bad feeling intuition it’s better to act like a fool and be alive than end up in a ditch dead. This is the spiritual message I know it happened to me I didn’t follow my intuition

  19. Dear Joanna n team. You have done a truely spiritual angel messaging. Somehow it would be a gift for those of us that are totally disabled. I was recently diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. It would be so nice if there was a site for a for people like me. One day i will die because of this disease. They've given me about 3 years. I share this with you as every milestone i post to you. Thank you so very much. Penny

    1. I just hope your years have been filled with as much sunshine as possible. Wish I would have been able to walk beside you.

  20. I am just recently getting into angel numbers again... (I focused on it before, but I guess it slipped my mind along the way. But recently I’ve been seeing 12:12, 11:11 and so on almost every time I check the time, which I guess… it reminded me of angel numbers.) This was sooo accurate. I was thinking about things relating to the exact times described here, and I got an overwhelming feeling. I needed to find out what it was, and it popped into my head to search "angel numbers". Now everything is starting to make sense, thank you.

  21. I am completely new to this blogger stuff. Never had any social media page never will. But I have to say these messages are 100% authentic, for years I've been changing who I used to be to become the man I know I am. Along the way "for years again" I've been giving freely helping people I have never seen before, and using my profession "builder" to help those who everyone else turns away for monetary reasons. Within the past year maybe a little longer I've been noticing the more I help the more stronger and taller those Brick walls are placed before me and yes depression, and the "why!! What the heck already!!", and no help... BUT!!, as soon as I find a way around or THROUGH those Brick walls, every time there's this sense of "everything's gonna be ok you'll see", AND these messages that are perfectly placed without a doubt NO COINCIDENCE, meant for my heart only, personable, loving,pure light feelings that I Feel surrounded by telling me these tests are meant to test my abilities, my faith in hope and hope in faith, my PUSH to no matter what complete my tasks!, I realize to the average person my words here must seem like I want attention or I'm crazy, but the thing is I have to let this out, and what better way than a post full of people that can't see my face, and who from what I've been reading "feel as I do".
    Anyway, a couple weeks ago everything started to change completely, the Brick walls are a lot smaller "nothing a mental back hand can't handle", completely outrageous opportunities are all around me as if a path is laid out before my feet, and I can see as clear as day what needs to be done, what task they have been preparing me for. Everything is stages upwards stepping stones, phases, and each one meant to help me complete my main purpose,"I call it the activation process"yes I know This stuff sounds ABSOLUTELY CRAZY, but it is the TRUTH. I thought of everything that has happened to me in my 39 years being here,and I'm not going to mention any of it because if you think this sounds crazy, then the rest you would think I've escaped my cell in an asylum just to fill everyone's ears full of bs. Anyway I pretty much summed up this "process" I and I am definitely sure some of you are or have gone through. And if your still going through it, please remember " and I know how hard this is" stay positive!!, keep your thoughts positive, even though life at this point for you may suck really bad, go out of your way to help a complete stranger, most importantly don't do it expecting something in return, try to feel how they feel from what you've just done for them, imagine a complete stranger helping you out when your in need. Just be GOOD we all know the difference, just be GOOD period...Anyway I thought of this phrase that pretty much covers all emotions through this process and wrote it in the back "completely covered" part of my work notebook. And to those "believers" and there thoughts at this exact moment, share it, post it, I don't care, just understand it, and know things will ALWAYS get better if you BELIEVE.

    In order to be guided by DIVINE AUTHORITY, one MUST walk the path of PAIN, SUFFERING, and ABBANDONMENT, only to be welcomed by GOD with open arms.

    I feel better I have released all this that I had just wanted to talk to someone "tried a couple times", "family" LOL YEAH SURE, what's even more kinda funny is they know I don't lie so they were REALLY confused, hey truth is truth and thats it. Well Thanks for listening??, and remember things will always get better, Just BELIEVE.

    1. I read your words. Didn't understand everything because English is not my language. But you are right. About the pain one have to go through and about telling the things to family members and their reactions. Thank you for sharing the advice of remaining positive. I am actually in a difficult situation. I have to make a decision. I looked at the clock. It was 9.59.
      So I looked up the meaning at rush-collection Sacred. THANK YOU rush-collection, YOU ARE SO HELPFUL. But more than her words, your ones helped me to overcome the fear of the next step.
      Now it seems ti be' clear how to act .Even if at this point there is no relation to a service based career. But maybe it will be' possible in the future to match these two things together.Thank you. From the heart

    2. Thank you for your honesty and integrity in sharing your experience with others. My life experiences are similar to what you share. Give fr I m the heart without expectations. The disappointment is being taken advantage and yes for granted. Doors will open wide when both sides give and take equally.

    3. Thank you for sharing. Your message makes me feel better. I have lived a very solitary life and I basically have no friends that I share my feelings with, and no spouse. It is quite painful to live like this. It is encouraging to read your words and I feel inspired to search for friends to speak to online. Thank you

  22. Amen to the message above this..First i like to say God is Good/Great...even when what it looks like is not or what it feels like ,Ive learned I have to activate my faith .For he is faithful. "Quest to success "

  23. this message is correct! next week I have an appointment with the lawyer to protect my idea. If that is secure, I will develop it further and get started. I am eager and can hardly wait! Thank you for this message! I saw it on my cell phone when I ended the conversation with the lawyer. I couldn't get a better answer. thank you God, angels and all good powers. and Joanna of course

  24. Hello rush-collection, I just wanna say thank you, I've been receiving signs from God's Angels and the Angelic realm for months now... and with dreaming numbers something directed me to first Google biblical meanings of numbers and from that led me to your site. I'm not skeptical anymore, I can admit at first I was...But now I see that there is a light I carry inside of me and People can see it...I will go after my divine purpose In Life as a Lightworker...this describes my character perfectly. THANKS FOR YOUR FULL DETAILS, I KNOW WHO I AM AND WHAT I'm here to do. To forfill God's Purpose.

  25. Beautiful message...Thank you!!! 🥰🙏😇🎶

  26. "As you have allies within the world and within the Greater Community, you also have allies beyond the visible range of life. They are here to be a part of your education in Knowledge."

  27. All is well. Thank you. At last I have accepted change as part of my life. And those walls that were so high, suddenly aren’t. Big and positive inner and outer changes coming, I feel them.
    If this is the resultat of all the pain, suffering, obstacles and endings I can’t but be thankful.
