Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Number 953 is a mix of the vibrations and attributes of number 9 and number 5, and the energies of number 3. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, strength of character, non-conformity, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 5 relates to important life changes, creativity and new beginnings, auspicious new opportunities, making life choices and decisions, learning lessons through experience, the fullness of your humanity and human experience, imagination and curiosity, vitality, resourcefulness, adaptability and versatility. Number 3 encourages self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, being brave and courageous, natural talent and skills, friendliness and sociability, manifesting and manifestation, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 is also associated with the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 953 is a message from your angels that your prayers and positive affirmations about your spiritual practice and/or career and life purpose have been heard and are being responded to by the angels. Trust your intuition and the guidance from your angels every step of the way and you will find that positive changes will take place that will bring you success and fulfilment on all levels.

Angel Number 953 suggests that as you put your will and effort towards living your personal truths and being a positive example for others to follow you automatically manifest abundance and plenty in your life. The angels and Ascended Masters encourage you to continue on your current path. As you work on your own development, you will be filled with motivation, enthusiasm, joy and vitality. It will also compel you to consciously create from a place of love.

Be creative and follow your passions. Come from a place of integrity and speak your truths. Live in the moment, go with the flow of your life and trust your own inner-knowing and wisdom.

Number 953 relates to number 8 (9+5+3=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



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  1. Dear rush-collection, for two tests now I have been seeing the number sequence 1953. First I thought something would happen to my mom, because she was born that year. Than I thought It wanted to tell me 'a flood of emotions is coming' because I also associate those numbers with a great flood that happend here in the Netherlands that year. After two years I still don't know what 'they' or me deep within is trying to tell me. I'm much better with symbols, just tell me in my dream , I'll say out loud. :-D maybe you can shed some light? Thank you for your effort in general. Kind regards Gaby

  2. Immensely blessed and grateful, now and always !!! Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  3. Thank you so much Joanna u are a true blessing

  4. Thank you I have been really put through the ringer and I needed this message..

  5. Thank you๐Ÿ’›✨

  6. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’•❤

  7. The amo marcel ❤๐Ÿงก❤

  8. Broward county 954

  9. Im so very grateful for my Guardian Angels. Best Message ever
