Thursday, April 06, 2017


Number 3299 is a compilation of the energies and vibrations of number 3 and number 2, and the attributes of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 3 relates to self-expression and communication, manifesting your desires, optimism and enthusiasm, natural skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, creation and creativity, affability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. Number 2 resonates with your intuition and insight, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, duality, finding balance and harmony, receptivity and love, selflessness, ambition, sensitivity, faith, trust, and your life purpose and soul mission. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, strength of character, non-conformity, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking.  

Angel Number 3299 brings a message to evaluate what you are doing with your life, consider where your attention goes, and ask yourself if you enjoy the tasks or job/s you perform each day. If you are not happy in your everyday life, think about the reasons why then look to positive ways to bring about changes that are more suited to what you truly want for your life. Only you know what is right for you and what your heart yearns to do, and it is up to you to make it so. Rise above adversity and limiting beliefs in order to manifest and create the life you aspire to live.

Angel Number 3299 can also suggest that a cycle or phase of your life is about to end and new situations better suited to your desires, needs and true self will present for you in due course. This ending (or endings) will bring new ways of being and doing and will be to your long-term benefit. Let go of any feelings of guilt or angst from the past as you cannot go backwards, but you can move forward and create a better life for yourself. Allow your past experiences to make you a better person. Learn from them and let them go.

Release and let go of any situations, experiences or relationships in your life that are no longer positively serving you, and do not cling to situations (or people) out of fear of lack or loss. Trust that the angels are overseeing your life plan and path and they are encouraging you to maintain a positive attitude and mind-set in regards to yourself, your life path and your future. Do not allow any negativity to hinder your Divine soul mission.

Number 3299 relates to number 5 (3+2+9+9=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.


  1. Dear rush-collection
    I just wanted to THANK YOU so much for this blog you have! I have been checking your blog for years now, your blog is very informative and interesting. Whenever i see these numbers, the first think that comes to my mind is '' I have to go check rush-collections blog'' :-))
    Just wanted to say Thank you for sharing all of these with us, its wonderful.
    I wish you all the best
    God bless you and enjoy the Easter weekend :-)
    /// Anna

  2. I am confident you've got a great enthusiast following there.

  3. Can somebody help me see the same number life 9 9 six everyday in everything I do related with numbers. Sometimes I see 69 96 always.. please I just clocked 30 years today and before I came to this blog. I went to the ATM to make inquiry on my account balance and this was the figures I saw. 999.66 Naira. I think I'm losing myself can't really know why this is happening to me. They found me again. Can someone help me I need a spiritual guidance. I can send u photo of the ATM I took a picture at the atm.. I can send it over to believe me..

  4. This same numbers has been going on for almost 6months now. Can u help me when they come back I get scared.999666. I even have someone number on my phone with same numbers and she's not someone I know. How I wish that I could send u pictures.

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  7. Thank you rush-collection <3
