Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Number 2323 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 2, and the vibrations and qualities of number 3, both appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 2 resonates with faith and trust, balance and poise, insightfulness and sensitivity, partnerships and relationships with others, ambition, sensitivity, encouragement and happiness and pursuing your life purpose. Number 3 adds creativity, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, ‘faith hope and charity’, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked, and help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others. The Masters also assist with manifesting your wants and desires and help you to find peace, clarity and love within.

Angel Number 2323 is a number that is primarily associated with creativity, manifestation and directing energy, and encourages you to express your personal freedom in unique and innovative ways.

Angel Number 2323 is a message to stay positive and optimistic about your future and destiny, and give any concerns, fears and worries to the angels for healing and transmutation. Using positive affirmations, maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on a successful and fulfilling future will manifest your wishes, wants and desires into your life.

Angel Number 2323 brings confirmation that your prayers are being answered and the angels are watching over you, guiding, assisting and ensuring that your wishes come to fruition. Things are coming together for you, bringing balance and stability to many aspects of your life.

Use your Divine abilities to guide your thoughts, intentions and actions in positive, uplifting and empowering ways, and express your truths with confidence and communicate with others on a spiritual level.

Number 2323 relates to number 1 (2+3+2+3=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



  1. thank you dear, for your hard work as messenger, and for spreading light for free!!!!!!!

    1. You are amazing, the knowledge and continuing spreading love and guidens among us all is truly something I feel a part of.. thank you for you being you ����Blessings all the way. Namaste ✨

  2. Hi rush-collection is all maya..

  3. All is maya, yet what you perceive as Truth is truth. Yet, there is a Truth that is the cause of All. The Truth is All is joyous Light and Life! All is God and God is All. Man is All and Man is God. From these Truths you shall find All. Know you are Eternal, Endless, Perfect and Beautiful. You govern your own fate. Bless you!

    1. We are not perfect. Believing we are is the biggest obstacle for humans to become who they truly can be. Humility is basic: Not self indulgence. Acceptance yes but not acceptance as perfect perfectionistisc egoic beings.

    2. Thank you so much for your message.

    3. Amazing..following numbers of late ..simply divine
      Guidance and confirmation of thoughts
      Thanks you xx

    4. Thank you we are happy now, we are well, we are free from pain and suffering and we are at peace. I love you. May we be joyous and abundant in all things for our highest good!

    5. Thank you so much for your uplifting words. I currently walk through a psychotic episode (3rd time) in my life. I go through all the shortcomings of my life choices. I see it clearly that everything is Maya and I try so hard to make sense of it all. Its working some times but then and again I'm loosing it. Its like if the universe attacks me with guilt. Sometimes I have these moments of relief and I feel whole again. Is this Life???

    6. Your angels are saying forget the past, psalms 51 is your prayers. Ask that you be delivered from guilt. God has forgiven you so please forgive yourself.
      Your life is beautiful and colourful. Believe it and live it. God be praised

  4. Thank you! For everything!

  5. Thanks Angels. :)

  6. Much gratitude for your presence!

  7. Immense Gratitude for the Love & Hope you Share with All of Us....Many Blessings & Light your way.. <3

  8. I love feeling primordial wisdom bless you all

  9. thank you... thank you ... LOVE your work... LOVE .. THANKS .. many blessings for you

  10. I must admit that I follow this blog for several months and it's truely helps to see things clear in my life! I discovered 2years ago that I had paranormal/shaman gifts. First I thaught that I was crazy and fell into a very dark period in my life. But this blog helped me a lot to accept myself for who I really am!! It gave me a clear and logical view about my future goals. Again thanks a lot xxxx keep up the good work everyone and don't forget to stay positive... At anytime :D. R.Geldhof from Belgium

    1. Perfect words x



    3. Exactly what happened to me. It's so amazing I feel so alive!

    4. That numbers is the last four digits of my new passport, what I can take meaning of this 2323?

      Means is it very lucky for me?

      Can you please clear me more with this number

      Kenny Peter

  11. I read your blog every day. It's so inspiring and help ful. Thank you! 💕

  12. I was listening to music on YouTube while writing my fantasy novel. I happened to glance at the time on the video and it said 23:23. I looked it up, and thought it was quite funny that 23 resonates with creativity, talent, and self-expression! I feel as if writing is my life purpose.

  13. Recently met a guy who I really connected with and might start a relationship with after many years of being single I've felt ready and been hoping to manifest a knew and beautiful relationship I 23 on my phone battery percentage and the time on the clock 23:23 after we messaged each other about hoping to get to know each other. I hope it's positive as I feel it is

  14. See it every night😄. Grateful ! 💜

    1. Like you Tatiana, I see it endlessly for more than two years. Without a miss,every single night. X
      Blessed and grateful.🧘‍♀️🎈🙏

  15. Thannnnnkkkk youuuuu 2323!!!!

  16. Interesting. I never really heard about numbers before but the strangest thing happens to me on a daily basis. Many many times when I look at a clock the numbers 1 and 2 are showing. Like 1212 212 112 211 and all the other combos. Can anyone tell me why this happens? Just last night I woke in the middle of the night went to use the bathroom and wouldn't you know it 221 was displayed.

    1. It is a way to communicate with you😊!
      Maths and numbers are universal language and carry vibration, so your Angels/ Spirit Guides want to talk to you and use numbers for that. rush-collection has a gift to receive a clear meaning for each combination which helps us to read all messages through numbers! Pay attention to your thoughts, intentions or words when you notice numbers.
      You have an ability to shine your inner Light brightly 😊 and by doing that you can help all other people and Earth.
      Listen to your inner Voice and follow your heart in everything you do! And know You are The main Authority!

  17. Thank you! ��

  18. Maravilloso! Bendiciones desde Venezuela. Excelente trabajo

  19. thanks it really help so much to read that cause i saw those numbers

  20. Thank so much... your work is appreciated and ur help for humanity is valuable !!!

  21. hi angels. thanks for the love and care <3

  22. thank you so much ..xx

  23. Thank you Ascended Masters,Thank you Angels,Guardian Angels,Thank You to all Universe!

  24. I have been seing 23.23 for years! I just happen to look at clock and it's there. In fact have looked at the clock whilst on this phone and since seing 23.23 I have seen something 3 so 3 seems to stand out for me. I hope angels are looking out for me because I sure do need them....

  25. thank you rush-collection..I really needed to hear those comforting and uplifting words in this and blessi gs to all creatures

  26. Thank you. Your work and sharing is inspiring and much appreciated. x

  27. It's 23:23 and 23rd here too. So funny.

  28. Cool info... just saw 23:23 and found u on google

  29. Fantastic as always. Keep spreading light. You words are always inspiring x

  30. Dear rush-collection ! I apreciate your work very much and it is of great help in my life as I begin to understand certain things better. From all the material on the internet yours is So good and easy to understand !
    Thank you for doing it !
    Namaste !

  31. I was just in a tough time emotionally and I meditated for a while, asking for strength and clarity. I was looking for clarity so it would show me a way to channel my emotions through personal creativity. When I opened my eyes the clock was 23:23, and here I am writing a big heartfelt thank you.

  32. Amen!!! Always and forever grateful!!! Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels !!!
    Stay blessed people !!! Love,light and peace to all !!! ♡♡♡

  33. Amen to that ❤️ I Thank You from the bottum of my Heart for sharing Your gifts and wisdom for Free ❤️

  34. I just wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to the author for all the hard work. Your words helped me through times. It's hard to explain it in words. Your words were so powerful they literally was the only thing that calmed me and made me not cry. Xoxo. Sending you positive vibes.

  35. Awesome message!!! On point totally !!!
    Thank you Angels and Universal Energies!!! Thank you rush-collection for being our guiding light throughout our journey!!!
    Stay blessed people,as we all are !!!
    I'm grateful & appreciative of all I am ,all i have achieved this far and all that is yet to come !!!
    I feel happy,light and content !!!
    Always and forever grateful !!!
    Love ,health,peace and light to all !!! ♡♡♡
    Keep up the faith!!!
    Everything is possible!!! Everything!!! ♡♡♡

  36. Thankyou beautiful soul for all of your insights. You have no idea how great a light of hope & joy you've been for us reading your messages. It's so incredibly huge hearted from you. Blessings all the way from Ireland ☘️💗😌 x

  37. I often see 23:23 these days. I had started seeing certain angel numbers from 3-4months. Thanks for enlightenment ! Becoz of you I came to know about angel numbers.You describe them beautifully. You are doing a noble work. Thanks for your guidance !
    Thank you angels !☺����

  38. Grateful for every single reminder !!! I love you rush-collection !!!♡♡♡

  39. Thank you so much ❤️🙏🏽❤️

  40. My angel always directs me to your guidance. Thank you. Lots of love. Brent

  41. Thank you defo need guidance from angels. Besoin de guidance des anges Am asking for signs as too scared to go out due to hate and crimes everywhere as under spiritual, linguistic & political attack as had all my life. blessings namaste

  42. Me & @Jo Duthy see this every night in the form of 2233 2332 or 2323 ,wile we chat... It's absolutely wild. ....#LightworkersOfTheWorldUnite #Togetheraforce
    Today me and No Duthy met for real at last.Thanks to you rush-collection,we found each other on here,that's how we met. Thank you for the light you are spreading all over the world . You are our Angel and I love you.❤🙌 Blessings and love to you and all.❤

  43. 23:23 on 23rd had to smile and referred to your blog Joanna. Now feel wonderful because I understand the great positive message from ascended masters and angels. Thank you for your help it is accepted in deep spirituality now feeling at one at last:)!

  44. 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you 🙏 🙏🙏
    I’ll be thankful as long as I live ❤️

  45. If you don't mind me asking, what does it mean to communicate with others on a spiritual level.

  46. Every single night.🙌
    Strong prompt at 23.23h without a miss. Night after night after night.Grateful beyond words.🐞🎈🧘‍♀️
    Everything is indeed coming together for me. Blessed.🙏

  47. So grateful thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen Om Sat guru

  48. Very Grateful for your loving knowledge of the Angelic realm, you have helped me and a lot of other people find our way to a better life with Angels helping us. Thank you rush-collection Blessings much love ❤️ xx

  49. I've been using your website for some time now, ever since I finally noticed the angels communicating with me through numbers. This website has truly been a Godsend. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and beautiful explanations. Much love, Jade

  50. 2323!🙏🙏🤲🤲💗💗🌱🌱🌟🌟

  51. Every night.❤ Grateful and blessed.Amen.🙏

  52. I started hunting for an answer when I realised that I was seeing numbers that followed a particular pattern. Truly grateful to you rush-collection for your blog. 🙏❤️

  53. 2323! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!!😘😘🤲🤲🙏🙏💖💖😀

  54. 2323! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🍓😉😉😍😍💏😃😃😂😂🌞🥝🌴🌊☕💗☕💗☕

  55. I am blessed. Thank you so much ���� X

  56. Thank you so much. I am blessed ���� X

  57. 2323! Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!!🙌😘😘👉🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲💖💖💕💓💓💓❤💘💘

  58. 2323 Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!!💓💓💕💕😘🐾🐾🎉🎉🎉🎉💓💓👉🙏🙏🙏😍

  59. A heartfelt thank you, for all the work you do. These messages you share have helped me find the right path for months now. The lift me up, when negativity is heavy on me, and help me see things clearly.
    I am so thankful for your angels and guides that have led you here and helped you help others. May you be blessed with love and light from Source, may your angels and guides be blessed with love and light from source. Thank you ❤️

  60. ....Wopila....

  61. This is important for our individual guidance.
    Thank you for bringing it to our awareness.
    Love and light.

  62. Thank you for this insightful reassuring message. I feel blessed to be on my journey and seeing this combination of numbers. I know my angels are around me and I can certainly confirm that everytime I see my special numbers, you successfully translate their messages to me. So I say thank you to both you and thank you Universe 🌍😊🙏 sending Love and positive vibes to everybody

  63. Merci Merci Merci
    Gratitude Infinit😁👋🙏

  64. It's undeniably true. Jesus and the Angel's have rescued me! I am facinated. Big things on the way💪

  65. Thank you rush-collection for this priceless diamond of a website.

    This number has been showing itself to me for a while now. What I've just read above all fits perfectly with what's going on in my life. I'm so glad I've believed, followed the Angelic signs against all of the odds. I could right more but if we focus on the bad experiences from the past they'll still be controlling our present and I want to keep my vibe high so am only focussing on the good vibes these days. Remain forward looking and work towards your goals and remain in constant communication with your Angels and Guides. They are always with you. It all works. Stay blessed ♥️🙏🏽😊😁👌🏽

  66. Wonderful message... Thank you for every timely reminder!!! Love and light to all of us 🙏😇😜🎶🌻💖

  67. Infinite thanks,love and blessings🙏🌷🦋

  68. i am reading you for a wile , i have to say my faith is stronger and stronger , sending you love light and peace , i know i will be ok . This is Brigida by the way :) numbers and timing are an absolutely true thing . much love from Porto , Portugal . I am healing , in the process, cry a lot still, but that is only good, old pains are supposed to go. bless you

  69. Thankyou so much for your guidance...I am truly grateful ❤️❤️

  70. 11.11 twin flames please contact me 01603580200 we need to talk we are here forna big reason much love jodie xxx

  71. 11.11 if ur seeing it ur a twin flame lightworker

  72. Thank u for ur devine guidance love and peace to u all

  73. Thank you!🥰🥰🥲

  74. I keep seeing 2323 on a daily basis. Thank you for such an uplifting message. Amen 🥰☮

  75. Replies
    1. March 5th


      READING: Philemon


      Philemon’s name means: one who kisses,
      one who’s affectionate.

      Onesimus his runaway slave, his name means: usefulness.

      Now imagine someone in your life who should had been useful to you robbed you and ran-away from your affections or vice versa you being the runner.

      The resentment of someone betraying your friendliness.

      The harm caused by wanting to be useful and someone wanting to enslave you, while being affectionate.

      The apostle Paul sent word to his friend Philemon whom he had fathered in the faith; with news his slave was found.

      Paul urge his friend treat him like you would treat me, Paul using statements like

      ‘I’m sending my heart back with him’

      ‘maybe he left for a season to return a brother beloved forever’

      'remember how I gathered you and you owe me your life'

      Paul urged!
      Saying 'I would rather keep him with me but I send him back with my heart'

      Beloved a return is coming your way someone who ran away from your affections is now ready. Have the knowing to give them the kiss of friendship.

      After all they are returning with the heart of God.

      Keep in mind the runaway slave went from slave, to brother, to bishop, to ultimately being successor but only after he was set free by BENIGN AFFIBILITY!

      By doing so you open the door to return yourself to someone's affections you ran-away from.

      Jesus loves you and so do I.

  76. My nephew's birthday is today. He is 23, on 4/23/23.
