Monday, August 24, 2015


Number 2255 is a blend of the vibrations of number 2 appearing twice, doubling its influences, the attributes of number 5, also appearing doubled. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insightfulness, ambition, sensitivity, just and justice, selflessness, sociability and support, co-operation, adaptability and diplomacy, relationships and partnerships. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 5 resonates with personal freedom and individuality, major life changes, making positive choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, resourcefulness, adventure, adaptability and versatility, and life lessons learned through experience.

Angel Number 2255 tells you that important life changes may come about sooner than expected and in unexpected and miraculous ways. Have faith and trust that the life changes you are experiencing are important and necessary in regards to your life purpose and mission, and the choices and actions you have taken have paved the way for new opportunities and adventures to manifest in your life. Maintain a positive attitude and outlook and expect exciting new interests and experiences to enter your life. Your angels ask that you be open and receptive to your intuitive thoughts and feelings and take positive action as guided.

Angel Number 2255 suggests that it is time to make positive changes in your life and let go of old ways of doing and being that are no longer positively serving you. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles and look forward to wonderful new opportunities and adventures. Keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being.

Number 2255 relates to number 5 (2+2+5+5=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



  1. Thanks, rush-collection.

  2. thank very much to u ..... :)

  3. I have been using this site as a compass for the past year and a half. I love you! Thank you so much for everything. I'm an 11 and I dedicate my whole life to helping others and you have been there as my guide. Well as a tool through mine own.

    1. Same here only for a year but still it's a wealth of info. Can you put all of this in a book? If you had a paper/hardback book I'd buy it.

    2. 5 years here :D Where I've been then and where I am now it like night and day

  4. Thanks a lot Joanna, for Everything!
    You are a miracle!!

  5. I have been seeing repeating numbers for several years with increasing frequency, but it's only in the last few months that I can't deny it must mean something. 22 and 55 are my constant companions. Earlier today I struggling not to cry as I filled my gas tank (after a therapy session) as the first tear ran down my cheek, the gas pump clunked that the tank was full. Opening my eyes I saw the total amount due $22.55.
    I had to smile. Suddenly I felt like I wasn't alone. I came home and looked it up on this site and I feel better. Im disabled after a long term illness, losing my house and all my possessions for the second time. I'm moving into a used motorhome which has a much lower cost of upkeep than property. Very very frightening time. But it's also rather cheery to think that maybe I can finally travel a bit as I have always dreamed, if my health hold for short bursts . I can hope But I do wonder why such hardships have happened to me. I was good, kind,honest, always took care of myself and others... Then suddenly health gives out and I'm all alone. It's comforting to think that God has a plan. As a child I wanted to be a writer, in college I had a large following for my fictional adventures, but real life got in the way. For years I took care of my parents and my children and a husband... Now everything is gone. Even the hobbies I loved, are not physically possible for me any more. Writing is all that's left. I suppose I can do that living in a used motorhome Maybe that was Gods plan all along. I hope. I want to believe because it's time for something good in my life. And it's nice to feel like I'm not alone. Thank you for this site and the hope that lives here. Tracey

    1. Tracey your story is so inspiring to us. I'd love to follow up and see where you get in 2016.I'll buy your books for sure! Keep in touch!

    2. Thank you for sharing. Your situation is much worse than mine. I am also confused why good people always pushed into disaster. 2 of my friends who wasn't 30 yet had past away, 2 young kind hearted men, one past away just yesterday, the other left last summer. It made me think a lot. I also have a hobby like yours, I write stories sometimes. I think I was a kind hearted person, but I gave a lot of love, care and support to wrong people. Maybe I wasn't kind enough. Today I saw 2244 and 2255 and I read this article. If it is God's plan , It will be comfortable to think that way.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Tracy your story inspire me to go for my dreams as I really want to be an author and write fantasy adventures books. I wish you really good luck and thanks for inspiring many to follow their dreams.

    5. Linh knows this: as long as you love is of no importance to God what matters is your good intentions and actions to follow your good heart. Most often then not, the mind inside us get in the way and it tell us that there's a right and wrong kind of person but like some message from rush-collection website says: everything happens for a reason, even though that it appear to be something that is uneeded, that thing was a call from your soul to have a chance to act from an higher perspective.

    6. Also Tracey, I think I know what happened in your life is you took care of everyone else needs unconditionally without taking care of yours so you completely forgot yourself and your dreams so the Universe kind of helped you be in a situation where you be able to do it without anything else interfering in your projects

      If you write books I'll be happy to buy it so keep us posted

    7. The angel number I were revealed was 2355 at this page

    8. Love and blessings tracey.

    9. Omg Tracey, you are an angel. You're so divine and gracious. Only angels like you are put to help others while suffering yourself but Tracey believe in God and the Universe forever, never let go on that hope, there will be another side to infinite amount of happiness, joy and love. Please never stop writing, this world needs you :)

      Love from Paris

  6. Beautiful words Tracey. Indeed you are a writer, a talented one. Yes, it was God's plan, it always is for everyone of us... And what you couldn't do before, he's making you do now. So just keep your faith going and follow your soul path. Your angels are with you. Good luck and keep the hope alive in you. Miracles are not far. :)

  7. this site is Amazing ! i love this ! love to be connected ! feeling blessed ! Namasté

  8. Thank you for this Joanna! Only just now have I had an experience where I have realised that I need to break away from old friends fully. I gave them a second chance but tonight they just haven't pulled through. This just confirms I'm making the right decision by not going around with them any more. Thank you so much!!

  9. Dear Tracey. Today i've found your comment after reading the meaning of angelnumber 2255.
    I see different kind of numbers for many months.
    This site has helped me so much. Dont have negative feelings or thoughts because of your illness, or what you cannot do at this time. Have faith and trust in the universe and in yourself. Set your Focus on positive things like your talent for writing. Listen to your heart and to your Intuition,both guide you honestly and for your very best. I wish you strength hope love and Health.
    Mellipouri from Germany.
    P.S. Thank you rush-collection for this site♡♡♡♡


  10. Tracey you are blessed, so don't be stressed! rush-collection has enlightened you that everything happens for a reason. Your writing will have you travel and speak in your motor home and it's evident that God's plan for you is this time of solitude and low financial obligations; all this is empowering and enabling you to seek your calling. It is when we are broken that the diamond in us shines through. I think you know the answer, fear not the loneliness, many great writers have written great things in solitude, where the soul bares itself and the angels guide you; no distractions or distractors!
    I too will purchase your books I love to write as well and travel. Shine like the STAR you ARE! Listen to your soul! Follow your heart, your passion your gift.

  11. Tracy you are an Angel !!! You are an inspiration.
    I to have always taken care of everyone & still do !!!
    However for a long while now I've started taking care of my self !!!It is liberating .
    It pays of !!!
    Of course most of my friends are calling me a hypochondriac (I am certainly not!).
    I love my me time and solitude.
    I learned to look and see inside me and nourish and fulfil my soul.
    I deserve it!!! We all do!!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise !!!
    Our old habits and doings must end one way or another.We are however lucky,because we are not alone,our Angels are constantly around guiding and healing us !!!
    I see Synchronicities all the time, many of them.
    They are always on Point.
    Lessons we must learn! Wishing you Health,love,peace and Light !!!
    I will definately be purchasing your books !!!
    I see hope and positivity in your comment and that makes me smile !!!
    Follow your heart and passion ,stay strong and keep your head up !!! Miracles do happen,we only have to believe strong enough!!!
    @ashINKele I love your comment .
    Every single one of us on here deserve the best !!! Because we are all amazing people with soft and loving hearts!!!
    Thank you rush-collection for being our guiding light !!! A true Angel !!!
    Thank you Angels and Universe for making us all smile,for constantly reminding us that we are never alone!!!
    Health,love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡
    Stay blessed !!! ♡♡♡

  12. Awesome!!! Getting closer and closer !!! ♡♡♡
    Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  13. Endless blessings of love and aloha, wrapped in infinite gratitude! 🙏🌹🤗💖🕉💖🤗🌹🙏

  14. That the almighty powers may bless you, I get a lot of inner power trough positive thinking and guidance of the angels, Im so intwined with synchronicity and see 2222 ..2255..1111..2233..and so on ..on a daily basis..thank you for this eyeopener. Coincidence does not excist. I AM LIMITLESS!!

  15. I believe in these numbers and rush-collection's interpretation. Thank you for the angels numbers. I have a question though, if everything happens for a reason and is meant to happen, then does law of attraction work?

  16. Thank you rush-collection ��

  17. Open.Receptive.Trusting.
    Blessed and Grateful.
    For all the blessings in my Life and all those yet to enter.
    Amen.🙏❤ Much love and Light to all ❤ Changes bring new opportunities for wisdom and inner growth. I am ready.❤🌞

  18. Curious ... I also love to write, but since I have to take care of my family, I still have not had the peace I need to write. I like to write fiction, fantasy and short stories.
    Now, when I saw 22:55, I thought ... Who knows, one day I'll be able to write.
    A hug <3

  19. Thanks rush-collection yes this is what i want to hear amen

  20. I'm holding on to my Faith & Trust.🧘‍♀️Grateful & Blessed.🙏♥️ Timely reminder.🎈♥️

  21. Timely, yet again.♥️
    Absolutely unaware, yet welcoming of what's to come.
    Safe and protected, always.
    Blessed and grateful.♥️

  22. Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels! You keep inspiring and guiding me all the way! 🙏🙏🤲🤲❤❤🧡💗💗💜💛💚💚💙💓💖💕👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼🎶🎶🎶💓💓💓

  23. Thank you! 🙏🙏🤲🤲💙💗🤩🤲💜💜🧡💛💛💚

  24. Thank you! 🙏🙏🤲🤲💙💗🤩🤲💜💜🧡💛💛💚

  25. 2255! READY TO BE BLESSED! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🙏🙏🤲🤲💖💖🌴🌴🙌🙌🌞🌞

  26. Grateful for each and every reminder.🙏❤💛

  27. May all that which must come feel welcome.
    "I've long shaken hands with fear.
    She's gone her way and isn't near.
    Why worry?!
    Forget not.
    The above is a scribe of mine and what represents me and my inner world.
    I fear not, I've let go of old ways of doing and being. I travel forward, with the flow of life.
    It is my journey and I will make it count. While I blaze trails for all those who wish to follow.
    Sending much love and light to everyone and all.
    Blessed us all be.
    I love you rush-collection, you are one truly amazing and unique being. Thank you.🙏❤

  28. Amazing iv been seeing numbers in repatriation for 2 years I have found out that I have been chosen not of my understanding yet but I am prepared by far focused and drivin for this in what is going to happen

  29. Yes. Absolutely. I trust my "Eat to Hear" FULLY.
    May all that which must come feel welcome. I release old ways of doing and being, opening the door to the new and exciting to enter.
    I love you Angels and you- rush-collection, my Earth Angel. I am grateful and I am blessed. The best is already manifesting. Blessed us all be. Sending much love, peace and light to everyone and all.🙏❤⚡🙌☯️

  30. Grateful for this timely reminder. Amen.🙏❤☯️🕉🌟
    Endless love and light to everyone and all.🙌

  31. Actually i want to tell you that ,i continously seeing repeating number like 1111,5555,1212,1001,2222 what does it mean i dont understant every where i am seeing this type number in mobile clock,bikemeater ,in games. can u have the idea about it then mail me back. thankyou

  32. Full of gratitude.
    Thank you so very much for the daily reminder.
    I follow my intuitive guidance, I let go of control and moving with the flow of life.
    Positive believer that I am. Now and always.
    Blessings and endless love to all. Amen.🙏❤

    Much love and light to everyone and all!

  34. Amazing site thank u for giving such a nice information for us i am so greatful

  35. Sharp,as always.
    The best is manifesting. For we deserve it.❤🙏

  36. We shall see. Highly skeptical
