Sunday, August 23, 2015


Number 2249 is a combination of the vibrations of number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, the energies of number 4, and the attributes of number 9. Number 2 resonates with service and duty to others, finding balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, partnerships and relationships consideration and receptivity, fulfilment and happiness, faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 4 relates to effort and will, patience and persistence, realistic values, ability and stability, service and devotion, practicality and responsibility, building solid foundations and achieving positive results. Number 4 also relates to your passion and drive and the energies of the Archangels. Number 9 tells of endings and conclusions, inner-strength and strength of character, personal authority, selflessness and philanthropy, leading by positive example, spiritual awakening and awareness, lightworking and serving humanity, and the Universal Spiritual Laws

Angel Number 2249 tells you to be willing to let go of negative beliefs, fears and/or doubts that may be hindering you or stopping you from fully stepping forward on your chosen path. Some aspects of your life are coming to an end, and you must prepare for major changes ahead of you. Consider where you are now and where you wish to be, then make the decision to be rid of stifling old beliefs and thought-patterns. Your life purpose entails standing in your own truths and being a ‘wayshower’ for others, so choose to see yourself in a higher light and consciously live and present the highest and best of yourself.

Angel Number 2249 prompts you to make time to be of service to others and humanity as a whole. Have faith and trust in the angels and your spirit guides as they help you with all aspects of your soul mission. Be open to receiving their guidance and assistance and take appropriate action/s. Trust that the hard work and effort you put towards achieving your goals will pay off for you, today and in the future. The angels encourage and support you on your chosen path in life.

Angel Number 2249 may also indicate that a project or cycle is ending and you are asked to look to your achievements and successes. Take the lessons from the experiences and use them to your future advantage.

Number 2249 relates to number 8 (2+2+4+9=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



  1. Amen!!!❤
    Immensely blessed and grateful,right now and always !!!🎈
    " Your life purpose entails standing in your own truths and being a ‘wayshower’ for others, so choose to see yourself in a higher light and consciously live and present the highest and best of yourself."
    I am proud of my self,sencerely proud !!! ❤
    I had lost my self,my confidence and self belief,but hey ....roll back couple of years my journey of rebuilding my self started and I am now proudly stating that I see everything from a way higher light than I ever did ,plus I've grown in wisdom and internal strenght tremendously !!! I have always made a positive difference in people's life's & have always been an influencer ,I've always felt different to all my friends and most people around me...and I liked that and now even more so !!!
    I've always done what resonates with my beliefs and always strived to help & I'm proud I am who I am,grateful for all I am and all I have within me and out ,I'm grateful for all that is yet to come !!! ❤❤❤
    I see the massive difference I make in people's life's daily & the fulfilment and strenght it gives me are absolutely enormous and indescribable!!! I am the "WAYSHOWER" indeed and people are awakening and seeing my light ,following and surging forward !!!
    Step by step I'll achieve grand things ,because it is posible for one person to be the influencer for many !!!
    Thank you Angels and you rush-collection!!!
    You are my Angel on Earth and I love you !!! 🎈❤🦄🙏
    As you have already told me "LIKE ATTRACT LIKE" !!! That is the pure truth !!! ❤
    Sending much love,peace and light to all!!!
    Have a blessed journeys and DO NOT EVER GIVE UP !!! ❤❤❤ #TOGETHERAFORCE

  2. 🙏 I repeat all I've stated above.♥️ AMEN. Grateful for this timely reminder.Peace,love and Light to all.♥️🙌🙏🎈

  3. Yes.Yet again. Timely.
    Looking back at when previous reminder has been sent helps tremendously with firmly making my current decision.
    I let go of struggling old beliefs , fears, opinions , ideas and all that do not linger serves me!
    I'm grabbing my lessons and off I go. Traveling safe along my path knowing that I'm never alone and I'll always be provided for and protected. Because I follow my soul's call and do what feels resonant with me, my beliefs and life purpose. Immence gratitude your way Angels and you rush-collection. I love you so much. Blessed truly.
    As I type the message is 33 and 2303...., needless to say more. You are here Angels, with me, I feel your presence.❤ thank you.
    I'll do what I know I must.
    I'll of course carefully consider my options and assess my final choice.
    Pending shortly....
    I deserve the best and so I'll manifest.

  4. Thank you loving Jesus and to my angels

  5. Thank you ��
