Thursday, August 20, 2015


Number 2222 is a powerful number that vibrates to all of the attributes of number 2, amplifying and intensified. Number 2 resonates with service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, co-operation, consideration, receptivity and love, understanding, personal will, the ambition, sensitivity, just and justice, selflessness, sociability and support, attention to detail, decisiveness, intuition, caution, flexibility, grace, devotion, mediation, partnerships and relationships, encouragement, faith and trust and serving and living your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 2222 encourages you to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life, no matter what the circumstances. Trust that everything will turn out for the highest good of all in the long-term, so do not put your energies into negativities such as fear or worry, but rather, be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved. With positive affirmations, visualizations and a firm belief in yourself, you will manifest the best of outcomes in all areas of your life. Maintain your connection to the angels and the Universal Energies, and listen to your intuition and angelic guidance.

Angel Number 2222 reminds you that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. Maintain a positive attitude and a strong connection with your higher-self and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings of many kinds in Divine right timing. Keep up the good work you are doing as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition. Keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.

Angel Number 2222 also reminds you that love is the most important thing of all. Loving yourself is the key ingredient for good health and wellbeing, and love of the self, others and of life connects you with the energies and prosperity of the Universal Energies. Self-love brings self-expression and allows for creativity and fulfilment. Love yourself and love your life.

Number 2222 relates to number 8 (2+2+2+2=8) and Angel Number 8.



  1. I'm experiencing spiritual transmutation at this moment in time. In deep appreciation for the love besotted upon me and being one with the universe. The Angel numbers on this website have helped so much as I have spiritually transcended. So grateful! Thank you! My heart is full of joy!

    1. I couldn't have expressed this sentiment better. I am so grateful for the positive insights shared on this sight. It deeply helped me along my journey. Thank you for saying this for us.

    2. And thank you Dorothy for helping me recognize all of what this meant to me and to understand my experience.

    3. Just had a very powerful meeting with my guides and a few acended masters i felt a very powerful emotion and chills down my back as i looked in the mirror my phone and a seperat battery charger blinked and i instinctively opened my phone to the transfer from 22:21 to 22:22 and my battery was on one percent i have been successful communicating the past few days very life changing and asuring what does this mean especialy if i am a light worker?

    4. Perfect timing - gratitude ��

    5. It is, this is Clear.great is self Love.

    6. Perfect timing as it's been a tough week with heaviness burdening me. I will indeed keep faith and a healthy perspective on things. Thank you!

    7. Cograts.. She accelerated my Seth into the light...

  2. I wake up in the middle of the night and see these numbers cane to me while my eyes closed then when i get my phone it is 2:22 AM

    1. Wow! An msg definitely stems behind this.

    2. I normaly go to bed at 20:00, because I have to get up early. My life isn't going so well and sometimes when I go to bed, it costs me to sleep and I turn around, watch my clock and it's 22:22.

    3. ..any better since 22.2.2016 Jason ?! :)

  3. Thank you my guiding Angels. I trust in your guidance and Love you have Always shown me. I truly needed to read this tonight. Lord I give you all my worries and Trust in you and my Angels. Amen.

  4. i need talk about your post please contact me rush-collection wilson sousa (@djwillmc)

  5. every single nigt for like 4,5 months i wake up or see this numbers,last year i was 333,explain me

  6. Theres this girl i really like and have been thinking about her lately and every night when i check the time its 22:22 always! Does this mean i have a chance with her? What does this really mean ?

    1. Go for it :) spread the light together and keep the love coming and be happy whatever the outcome is...ask for more signs and you shall get more guidance

    2. Everyday, 3 years. I've seen 22:22.

  7. Hello rush-collection, I would like to thank you with all my heart for publishing this wonderful work which has helped me so much in the time of need and given me direction when I was lost. I see these numbers very often especially in the times when I am most stressed or lost. Reading this has made me believe that there is something out there that is looking out for us always. Thank you rush-collection.
    Best regards,

  8. Hello rush-collection, I would like to thank you with all my heart for publishing this wonderful work which has helped me so much in the time of need and given me direction when I was lost. I see these numbers very often especially in the times when I am most stressed or lost. Reading this has made me believe that there is something out there that is looking out for us always. Thank you rush-collection.
    Best regards,

  9. With youtube I have found meditations to reprogram my subsoncious mind. I'm not aware of my believe system in my subconsiuous mind. And i know that it creates my reality. That's why I'm reprogramming my subconsious mind. So I can creat a reality that I want

    1. Inteligentna cura :p Lijep Pozdrav

  10. I understand, but it's hard when you love someone so much and it abruptly comes to an end. I feel tingly inside. Not a good tingle, but an anxiety consumed tingle. Like someone dear just died. But I know he's bad, so I'm trying for me, To love myself.i just want this feeling to go away. Makes me cry. I know I have to move on.

    1. love yourself first, then you will attract the love you deserve. Keep strong xx

    2. This is just another chapter in the book of your life... Love yourself first, then you will attract the love you deserve. Be strong xxx

  11. Hello.. i read about angel number 2222.. infact since long z num sometimes 22 then 222 or even 2222 appear infront of me .. but nowadays zis num comes to me mostly any form zis number comes infront of me.. i really need ans.. anyone can help.. contact me in fb krsna ashish.. or mail me in

  12. Here's my car reading on March 25th.2016...222222...I took a picture of it....wish i could show you(can't upload it on here) Was keeping an eye on the reading because I was waiting for my angel to show up.....just wanted to share this.

  13. I just did the math if I sold my house and the outcome per month was 2,222.22. Freaked me out. Is it a sign to sell? Because i'm so torn about it.

  14. Thank you!! So helpful! <3

  15. Hello everybody. Pls know that I am shaking while writing these.. More than a year almost everynight I see 22:22 on my bathroom or kitchen watch screen. When I go to bathroom ot is 22:22 or just go to kitchen to have some fruit again same situation... then i fell a big thinking to understand what this is all about. Just 5 minutes ago, stupidly i entered 2222 on google and now I am at this website. If somebody tells me what happens I will be really appreciated. Thanks and thanks..

    1. Merhaba Cemal. Paylasiminla ilgili konusmak istemistim eger senin icin bir mahsuru yoksa lutfen benimle irtibata gecebilir misim? Simdiden tesekkur ederim.

  16. When I started seeing numbers a couple of years ago, 2222 was the first of the sequences... Just after I ended a very long and hard relationship (of over 20 years).Before all that though, I had a very powerful dream of meeting a the point (crazy I know) where I actually started looking for her in my waking life! Now's here's the thing. I found her and I believe I also have all the signs of having found my twin flame. She lives in another country and we've both flown over to see each other on many occasions. The numbers haven't stopped, from 1111, to 1717, 1818, 2121...i could go on! Now it's currently 33s 43s and 44s, oh, and 444. I think that when you see a certain sequence of numbers and you figure out what it means and act upon it, the number sequence will change, ready for you to deal with the new topic/challenge at hand. This is just my own opinion of what has happened to me, as well as other events too many to mention. But many thanks for leading me to this site, truly a wonderful eye opener!!

    1. This sounds so similar to my story. Mine started with 1111, 111, 11 when I finally had the nerve to leave a 16yr abusive marriage. It hasn't stopped, just numbers change and I've learned so much morespect on a...spiritual level. Very interesting & cool.

    2. I agree with this completely. The first time i became aware of numer sequences was when I Randomly kept seeing 2020 and it was a colleague that introduced me to angel numbers. Some months later I met this guy in the same shop 3 times in one week. I had known the guy from several years ago when we shared the most sweetest kiss i had experienced. So in the shop we got chatting and it materialised that he was separated from his wife due to her cheating so needless to say we got together. One night we were chatting about strange things happening and that was when i told him how i lept seeing 2020. He then turned roumd and told me that he was a member of some club and his membership numyis 2020. Totally adore this guy but he’s still hurting and it’s been on and off for a year, mainly off, however I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him and his kids. He wants to take it slow and I’m more than happy to do that because I can be quite vulnerable at times and don’t want to mess it up

  17. Gracias rush-collection, gràcias a todos los àngeles y seres espirituales que nos estais ayudando.

  18. Gracias rush-collection y gracias a todos los àngeles y seres espirituales que nos estáis ayudando desde otras dimensiones. Esta wep es un portal de luz infinita.

  19. Thank you so much precious rush-collection <3 I am so grateful for this beautiful site. I use it every day and working on my spiritual growth. Sending you lots of love and light, blessings.

  20. Thank you rush-collection for how you explain the Angel numbers
    Today I experienced the help of the Angels and Archangels
    Given the fact that I am very interested in numerology and the meaning of numbers I often see double or triple digits or four digits on the clock or other devices or license plates etc. but I have never stood still by the meaning when seeing those double numbers. At least I thought they must mean something.

    Today I was distressed. I had to move my car from across the street to another parking spot because tomorrow there will be some construction work. When I wanted to move my car it appears that the battery was dead. First a bit of panic, but I know someone who can help me. I send him a message but he never returned it. I was somewhat disappointed since I have helped him out a number of times and never want something back or even expecting something back.
    Then today I saw 444 three times and 888 one time within an hour or four.
    Now I wanted to know what that would mean. So I found your page and read the explanations.
    Then I asked the Angels and Archangles to help and support me.

    I know I could call my brother but he was about to leave for Asia and has little time to do other things than preparing for his trip
    Yet I did. The first person mentioned is his son in law by the way..
    My brother rushed to my house between all his own busy work and said 'Come let's do this' But I am physically and visually a litle disabled and my energy went down from all the distress and worries that my car could be towed away.
    I told my brother that this is not going to work, just the two of us and him with his heart condition..
    He tried to calm me down and took me outside. Once we were finding out how to do this I noticed my young neighbors sitting in the window. In a reflex I went to them and ask them if they could help us. 'Sure'they said and showed me their muscles.
    To move the car took less than five minutes and I felt so grateful.
    My brother had to admit that that was much easier and quicker than when just the two of us pushing the car

    Back in my house I realized 'the Angels made me to ask the neighbors'
    I thanked the Angels and Archangels and then I got emotional

    From now on I know where to look them up when I see more than one digit numbers wherever.

    I hope my Englisch is good enough for you to understand what I just wrote.

    With respect I send you warm greetings from Amsterdam Netherlands


  21. I had been seeing 222 for many years in the strangest of places, sometimes more frequently. I came to understand that the number is an affirmation of being on the right path, without any knowledge of what I read here. So you can imagine how incredibly spiritually uplifted I feel now!

  22. I had been seeing 222 for many years in the strangest of places, sometimes more frequently. I came to understand that the number is an affirmation of being on the right path, without any knowledge of what I read here. So you can imagine how incredibly spiritually uplifted I feel now!

  23. thank you so much for the beautiful site, it changes my life. I always felt connected to numbers for an unknown reason, but now it makes perfect sense now that i'm entering in my 22 years thank you. with all my respect.

  24. Thank you so much

  25. Last night I had a, well not really a dream but I didn't see anything but I heard voices there were three different voices and they all said 22 so I made a memo of it woke up the next day and found this and it all kind of makes sense now because I fear a lot of things and I don't love others and life as much as I should sometimes and this made me really happy

  26. When i was questioning how i would know how to communicate with angels, I was sitting in the car at a gas station- my husband asked if I would finish up when it was done. I was slightly annoyed as the weather was quite cold out. I checked the pump- it was still going. Checked again- done. The numbers on the pump?? 22.22. Without hesitating I jumped out and unplugged the gas pump with a big smile. I didn’t know what it meant but I knew it was a sign!!! And fast, too! The second I got back in the car I looked it up, and what did it say..??? HAVE FAITH.

  27. 22:22 yes! A romanian from France ... that's the "$ecret" "" love is the most important thing of all. Loving yourself is the key ingredient for good health and wellbeing, and love of the self, others and of life connects you with the energies and prosperity of the Universal Energies. Self-love brings self-expression and allows for creativity and fulfilment. Love yourself and love your life ""

  28. 42 comments, it's everywhere )

  29. Your website is an absolute blessing!! Wish you much love and luck

  30. I was born 22:22, lets see if this means something.

  31. I believe, I believe. I met my soulmate in the most inappropriate set of circumstances. He was constantly seeing 555, while I was seeing 2222. We are both awakened manifestations of the cosmos, so we knew that it was the universe in it's infinite magic and humour, communicating with us. We took the leap of faith, (leaving our families in order to be together), turned our lives upside down, and every single day the universe gives us something to remind us that we are on our souls path. Some days we become complacent, and the car will break down...we write a long lengthy gratitude list, and the next day, we receive something beautiful, or the car will right itself. The magic is real.

  32. I have been seeing these numbers for several years and just prior to meeting my twin flame I was constantly seeing 1111 or11:11. I am now seeing 2222 and I know that I am evolving to a higher spiritual dimension and so is my twin flame. It is an incredible journey. Thank you.

  33. my car was 222222 at odometer and i was checking clock at 22:22 so i had to know what the hell is this. No ragrets. ALl the best for you. Have a lively life and happy.

  34. I love this! So accurate <3

  35. I see this number ALL the time. Including the following numbers. 111-222-333-444-555 and 1111

    Why am I seeing these numbers all the time? Not one day goes by without me seeing them.

  36. Thank you, things becoming loveable %)

  37. I love my self & love life!!!
    Namaste!!!Love and light your way people!!!Love and light your way rush-collection!!! Always and forever grateful!!!♡♡♡

  38. My life turned 360° and I feel helpless.
    Then the numbers came into my life and give me guidance. Now I noticed that everytime I have to face a difficulty the right numbers show up in time and make me at ease. Thanks rush-collection

  39. Thank you so much love & light 🌠

  40. Je vous remercie sincèrement pour tout ce que vous faîtes. Tellement d'amour et de lumière...

  41. Am I the only one feeling like crap and keep receiving this number everyday?! Not sure how to turn things on a better direction and keep this angel near. I feel he will be pretty over me soon! :p

    1. Angels are never over us !!!You keep receiving this message because you have focused your energies on the "feeling like crap " thingy !!!
      The Angels love us ,they are sending your healing and loving energies & keep reminding you to LOVE YOUR SELD FOR WHO YOU ARE !!!
      Surrender your fears and worries to them and be grateful for everything that you are and what you have (no matter how little that might be )!!!
      Focus on the Good , so the Good gets better !!! Repeat this as a mantra until you feel it !!!
      Stay blessed as we all are !!!
      Love,peace and Light to you and all!!! ♡♡♡

    2. Yes sometimes I find this number coming to me when my vibration is really low. Tonight I came to this page with the same type of thought truly wondering what is the use of living this life. I believe the Angels sent me here to remind me of all the blessings that I have had on this journey. Also to congratulate us for the strength we display continuing this soul path. Sometimes it seems that we are given a more difficult path to follow. The Angels want us to know that we are doing great and we are on the path that our souls have chosen. Stay strong they are with you and your life is about to take a major turn for the better 😇💥😇✨✨🙏💕💕🦋🦋 God Bless you 🦋🙏🦋🦋🌸🌸🌸🙏😇😇😇😇😇

    3. Absolutely so @Susan!!!I totally agree with you on all fronts.
      Sending you much Love,peace and Light and blessed and easy journey !🎈🍀❤ #TogetherAForce

  42. "love yourself and love your life" what a big bullshit! selflove snd love for the world is the root of all evil!
    There is only one law: love your neighbour as yourself and god above all!

    1. The law is live your neighbour as yourself. If we do not love ourselves how can we possibly love our neighbour? Self-loathing and self-hatred spews over onto our neighbours. They see how we feel about ourselves and they step in to join us in the abuse we are dishing out on ourselves. Self-love works the same way. Everything is energy. Send out the I hate you energy to yourself and what do you think you are sending to your neighbour. The universe hears I love you whether you tell it to yourself or to your neighbour. Who do you talk to more often? The universe hears every message you send. Self love is a message of universal love.

    2. @Susan,an awesome response!
      @Proof Yourself ,sending you much Love,peace and Light and wishing you a blessed and easy journey.
      Self love is the key!
      If you do not approve of or love self first ,no one will.
      Exactly as Susan said.
      Everuthing is energy.
      What you sent out to the Univerce that's what you receive.
      What you saw,you shall reap.
      Surge forward fearlessly.
      Do not give in or give up.

  43. Thank you for enlightening souls ! Your guidance is helping us a lot. Whenever we see any angel number, we come here to get a help in understanding messages from Angels !

    Thank you so much !
    Thank you Angels !

  44. Love this site, LOVE IT, LOVE IT and absolutely LOVE IT some more. Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angelic Realm :-)

  45. Absolutely love this site... when I started noticing number sequences I have began my research..and I can't be more happier for this site !! Currently noticing mainly 555, 4444 and 2222 also 1133 and 1111 and many more. When i feel anxious about something there are always certain number sequences occur encouraging me to be positive and reassuring that everything will be fine !I love my ANGELS!:) 💗

  46. Hi I was born on the 22nd and since 2014 Ive been seeing recurring numbers. Its 2017 now and the loudest number just happened to be 22. Tonight my friend randomly told me the time is 22:22 from nowhere but after following up on this site I've found peace.

  47. Thank you for all the work you have put into this site and for sharing it with the world 🙏✨✨😇💕 my faith was depleted tonight as I am going through this Ascension process and my energy was low as I try to find my way through another night alone but not alone I remembered that I had forgotten to look up s number from a dream message. When I see Angel numbers I am usually drawn to look them up here as I find your detailed explanations provide more accurate information and open me to further messages from my Angels and acknowledge the messages that I have been receiving. Often when I am in a lower vibration and finding myself doubting my path or even the assist in in I am prompted to look up a number that I have forgotten to look up earlier and I find so much hope and inspiration that I am brought back to the faith that there is a purpose. Being reminded of how many times I have reassured others of this by my Angels as I read. The gratitude that is expressed at this particular number is quite uplifting 🙏✨✨😇💕💕💕 Thank you God Bless you 🙏🙏🙏💥🦋🦋🦋

  48. You are the light, you are the angel - these messages are just a distraction. Magic doesn't happen, miracles are from stories - you want a new path or direction you have to do something about it. Don't get caught up in the nonsensical belief that some higher power is supporting you - they aren't. It's just you. Thinking positively and waiting for divine intervention will bring you nothing but misery and despair. Put all your efforts into what YOU can do and stop going on pages like this which ultimately disempower you.

    1. Of course we are all Angels and we contain the Light !!! Of course we have to put all the work !!!
      However ,this messages are inspiring and comforting and loving !!!
      I'm curious to know what brought you here if so you think !
      Love,peace and Light to you and all !!!♡♡♡

  49. I focus on the Good,so the Good gets better !!!♡♡♡
    Grateful for every reminder !!!
    I love you rush-collection !!!
    How grateful I am to have found your bundle of wisdom and guidance !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!

    1. You are such a great spiritual girl and i would like to meet you. Much love <3

    2. Much love right back Anonymous!!! Would be awesome to connect ! ♡

  50. My birthday contains only number 2, that is 22.02.2000. Does this mean all what is writen above?

  51. Every night !!!♥️🕊🎈
    Grateful for every reminder !!!♥️♥️♥️

    1. Hey again, could you pleaaasee check your google hangouts, you have message request. Thanks and Happy Women's Day <3 <3 <3

    2. Hey Alden, hope you are well. Sending much love,peace and Light your way !!!❤

    3. I'm well, thanks. Same for you <3!! How can I contact you Silviya please I need to talk to you.

    4. You can use my full name and find me on FB . I have a different profile photo there ,but you will recognise me . Looking forward to connecting soon ,
      Love and light to you 🙏❤

    5. Okay, thank you much for ur kindness. I think I send u friend req, Im from neighbor country. Blessings! <3

    6. Please do try again Aiden Aiden, as I don't think I've accepted it.
      Please do message me first , so I know it's you and state "Aiden Aiden" as an intro . Thanks a lot .
      Blessings your way .🎈❤

    7. I understand, I think I send u friend request but Im not sure is that ur profile. Would you tell me some of information about you on profile (where r u from and date of birth myb). And thank you alot ❤

    8. Okay, but I think I did send u friend request and message but Im not sure is that your profile. I would be happy if you could tell me some of your informations about you that I can see on fb (where r u from, city, date of birth etc.)
      Thank You too for allowing me to contact you!!

    9. Hi Aiden Aiden,
      What I can tell you is describe my profile photo.
      I'm with a hat and a purple/red skirt in front of a building in Spain.
      No info is showing on my public profile I'm afraid...
      Hopefully you will manage to find me ....
      Thanks a lot.
      Love,peace and Light your way!!!🎈🙏❤

  52. I was thinking about killing myself, with tears in my eyes and extremely sad due lots of things, when I saw this number.

    1. So was I. The love of my life was suddenly engaged with Another but still wants me in hos life... his father turned suddenly ill and passed away 24h later this Syndat. I was with "my love" and his family in the hospital and helped them with everything. How can I go on with everything now? And then these numbers keeps apearing. How can I Interpret them? I turn to God and Angels for help and strength...

  53. I love this blog, has helped me alot with my life.

  54. I felt compelled to appreciate the great work of this site as many times when numbers have appeared, I come here to find the meaning and it immediately speaks to me and resonates with whatever I am currently going through.

    This 2222 has been the latest and it couldn't have come at a more better time when my spirit was feeling a bit low and confused because things seemed to be going against what my intuition was directing me to go but now I understand better why this is happening.

    I send gratitude for this...

    1. Always easier helping everyone else instead of just being able to wait trust and not worry about what it's going to happen for me. People get happy relieved and trust in the process... I have still issues with creating this for me and my life. I have to connect myself with the angels as they are constantly trying to lead me through this.

  55. Numerology keeps popping up in my life, finally started to trust it. Energy is the binding factor in all religion. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. it simply changes from one form to another

    1. Absolutely @Terrry Jones!
      Energy is everything and everything is energy.
      As above,so it's below!🎈🍀❤
      Love,peace and Light to you and all!🍀❤ Blessed and easy journeys. #TogetherAForce

  56. I love myself and the life which offers me so many blessings. I am so happy and thankful that I have all these experiences and this people who have changed everything. I am trusting that everything is going to be good for me and my loved ones. I am looking forward to be more balanced with all important things I do care for. I am blessed by how I can get in touch with you whenever I feel like.

  57. Went through the door of my kitchen and for obvious reasons my microwave flashed in my eye. I turned my head and stood and stirred the number "22:22" for about 10-15 seconds, followed by a VERY strong feeling that came through me. Have previously received these numbers as symbols, but never the number "2222". When I read February 6, 2016, I felt the same chills and then began to cry, followed by a huge suction. Thanks for not being the only one.


    Love to the people.

  58. Grateful for every reminder.🧘‍♀️🙏❤💥Timely.Amen.🙏

  59. Sending love,peace and light to all & wishing every one a blessed and easier journeys.❤🙏🙌🧘‍♀️ #TogetherAForce #LightworkersOfTheWorldUnite

  60. Thank you. That was beautiful, and just what i needed to affirm and reinforce the message i got today. You are a truly beautiful, generous, selfless and gifted soul. Live and light ♡

  61. Thank you for this.. as I have been building up my self worth this reading has made me understand my truth.. I’m officially startingbbe comfortable in my own skin.. and accepting myself.. thank you thank you..

  62. So appropriate for me kept seeing 2222 all day and now understand why. I am in the middle of treatment for breast cancer and was so down hearted today and know now that my angels are trying to tell me that everything is going to be alright thank you blessings and love to all 🌈

  63. So appropriate for me kept seeing 2222 all day and now understand why. I am in the middle of treatment for breast cancer and was so down hearted today and know now that my angels are trying to tell me that everything is going to be alright thank you blessings and love to all 🌈

    1. I pray supernatural healing in your body right at this very moment! I pray healing fire in your spirit to overcome and defeat amy and every obstacle, human or not! The Creator of All is with you qnd has blessed you this day. Rejoice in your spirit for your healing. Where two or three agree as touching any one thing, so shall it be. I am in agreement with you in pray for your healing. God blessed you

  64. I always see 2222 numbers everywhere. I thought its just me and then i read this comment section a lot of you have same experience. Interesting

  65. Thank you for your magnificent Guidance not 🙏🙏🤲🤲🌞🤩🤩🤣😂😊👸🏼😍🤗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  66. What more do I need? Thank you! It may be a simple philosophy but it seems to bear fruit in my life. When you are in the gutter you have the opportunity to look up at the stars. And every single photon that nourishes your eye is a celebration. I was broken now I'm fixed. Even ordure when pushed hard enough may become a diamond. I'm not there yet nobody ever will get there but with faith, trust, generosity, kindness and love I'll keep aspiring to be a better man. We are both reflections of God and Satan balance is everything. Its been a long tough slog but without my friends watching my back laughing rebuking and caring I wouldn't be here. I won't waste any time anymore time to forgive my innumerable mistakes and incredible successes and move on with my life. God exists keep the faith. X

  67. Love is the most important thing of all!!! Love is all and all is LOVE.

  68. Grateful and blessed as always.♥️♥️♥️

  69. I am truly grateful for your amazing site rush-collection 🙏..your insights have helped make sense of the information bombardment and really give a huge lift at the opportune moment. I wish you whatever you wish . In gracious gratitude 💫

  70. Thank you so much, I love myself and I love my life 💛 I am so grateful for life

  71. Oh .. I seen in my smartphone screen so this message from Univers 22:22, thank you I Love Myself and Love for Life... "sing BTS~Intro Epiphany (Love Yourself)

  72. I feel blessed guided and protected x

  73. 2222! Tremendeously Blessed! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection !🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲💖💖🐾🐾🐾🌄🌄🌄

  74. 2222! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! IAM SO READY!! 🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲👉💕👈👉💖👈👉🌄🌅👈

  75. Today I saw a bus with the number 111 on it, I actually see this bus alomst every day on my way to work and from work. But today was special, we were driving behind the bus on our way to the store and just as we were going to turn right another buss comes pasing by with the number 111 so theyre were two busses passing eachother both with the number 111. That to me is divine timing, im also born 11:11 o'clock in the morning, I dont know exactly what it means but I guess I have some kind of mission here. I dont like to feel entitled or something but it's really wierd..

    1. Dear Anonymous, you are unique.
      Find that which you LOVE, that which makes your heart sing. Do that.Be the light you wanna see. Be you. Follow your own intuition. The numbers are simply disclosing what is already in your mind. It is your intuitive guidance. What's your truth? Follow that. Always.❤🙌🎈 Sending Love, Light and positive vibes to you, everyone and all.🙌❤🎈

    2. PS. As above so below. We are one. Together A Force of Bright Love and Light. United. JW+SD🎈❤

    3. Thank yoy Silv, you're an angel ��
      I know my calling, and it's trough music and people like you give me that extra push to create a better world. Everyone here gives me hope and that is really what's needed in ghis world right now, hope and belief ��

  76. Thank you �������������� X

  77. Thank you so much �������������� X

  78. Thankyou
    For everything 🎁❤️
    I feel realised

  79. Grateful. Blessed be all.
    For all shall turn out for the best, as it always does.❤☀️🙏

  80. Thank you, rush-collection
    This number is showing up for some time now and I now smile and feel a surge if energy in myself the moment I see it .
    Something tells me, the universe has my back ....
    God bless,

  81. I need to learn to trust this surrendering ...

  82. I have been seeing this number since trying to commit suicide, but I was revived. I have no idea what it wants from me, my situation is not improving.

  83. In my dream I saw 2 endlessly recurring. Just a seemingly endless list of '2' until I woke up. Should I just amplify the meaning of 2222?

  84. gratitude to you for such lovely interpretations

  85. Today I have had 1010;1111;1212;22;22 is that a good sign? Feeling positive xx thank you to my angels

  86. Today I have had 1010:1212;2222 is that a good sign from my angels xx

  87. Hi again. Think this is the first time I have seen 2222. So overjoyed to read the very inspiring interpretations. Look forward to more miracles happening.

  88. Thank you rush-collection💜💙

  89. Wow!
    I received 11 Number 2's yesterday.
    All at the same time.

  90. The time to rejoice is here blessed be

  91. today I got my reiki master certification in my email and they were my 2222nd email lol.

  92. Love and gratitude always!!!🎉🎶🥳😇🙏💖🥰

  93. Almost always that I see at the block. That's not sooo muts. I see a lots of 11 11 and 1212 and 21 21 now today it was 2222.kind of new for my I think. This make my come to this site. Numbers speak I can feel it.

  94. with infinite LOVE and LIGHT THANK YOU


  96. Thank you so much rush-collection for your work and great intentions!

    For everyone who also see the number 2222 daily, I'd like to tell you that this may be due to your Angel's urgent attempt to start communication with you.
    Sometimes they use the sequence of "2" (22, 222, 2222) or 23, 2323 to make you understand that they have something significant to inform you about. The way they communicate varies, but I guess I good idea will be just to listen to your intuition or feelings. You also can try to visualise the figure made of of light using the power of imagination.
    Feel relax if you can, and do not be afraid if the figure starts to move or behave a bit out of your mind control to show/tell you something.
    That what helps me a lot.
    Take care and stay healthy!

  97. I was born may 22 1988 522 is a angel number which I believe im a guardian angel I see 222 522 888 1111 225 all day everyday im glad I found this cause I been lost for years til I turn 33 when I changed

  98. Thank you so much for this beautiful and useful site the angel numbers are compeletly true i belive that they really support and help us in a correct way💙

  99. 2-22-2022.
    Auspicious day! Thank you for the supportive information.

  100. 🙏, ☮️❤️

  101. Self love and thanksgiving dinner to all the beautiful things creative people from reality into dreams to come together reality journeys illuminate my thoughts in love to you guys

  102. ❤️🙏❤️

  103. I love this page! Always to the point and very helpful. Thank you!

  104. 🙏☮️❤️☀️

  105. 🙏☮️❤️☀️

  106. Thank you for having you angel
