Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Number 2121 brings together the vibrations, attributes and energies of number 2 and number 1, both appearing doubled, amplifying their influences. Number 2 resonates with service and duty, balance and harmony, insight, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration and receptivity, fulfilment and happiness, faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 1 signifies assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and new beginnings, positivity and achieving success. Number 1 encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and step towards new directions and opportunities. 

Angel Number 2121 encourages you to learn how to truly trust your own inner-knowing and heed its messages. Do the work to know yourself better, honestly know the good and bad in yourself, identify your path in life, and know what your true values, principles, goals and needs are. Be honest with yourself, view your life objectively, and use your awareness to move forward by making the right choices for the future. Begin to understand yourself and your life’s journey and read the signposts ahead which will become clearer and clearer.

Angel Number 2121 indicates that your thoughts are like seeds that are about to sprout and are a sign that things will be going in your desired direction. There may be some wonderful opportunities or new directions to take that will lead to fulfilment and personal happiness. The message is to keep the faith, knowing that the Universe and your angels are behind you all the way.

Angel Number 2121 also reminds you to be grateful for all the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come. You are responsible for your own thoughts and actions, and the things you think, say and do will come back to either bless or haunt you. Therefore, ensure that you send out only the highest and most positive energies. When you express an ‘attitude of gratitude’ you manifest even more blessings into your life.

Number 2121 relates to number 6 (2+1+2+1=6) and Angel Number 6.



  1. Thank you. To be responsible for my own thoughts. Keep positive.

  2. I've been seeing 12:21,21:21, 21:12 for about a week now, and the message makes sense. Thanks

  3. I've been seeing this for years. It appears everywhere

    1. Then you still have not learnt the lesson

    2. Are you saying that if u stop seeing the numbers you've learnt the lesson???

    3. No, not in this specific combination about lessons. I think the numbers are messages from Spirit guides/angels for you a this time, they are trying yo tell u something... sometimes i see several cominations in a day, sometimes i don't them in weeks. When i see a combination that gets to me i can feel it resonate with what i was thinking at that time.

  4. Can anybody confirm this stuff actually works??... as I only see comments stating that people see the numbers often or needed to hear something - what about the evidence these information is ever correct? I trusted universe several times and it failed me miserably.

    1. Yes this stuff actually works... for me.
      I know What you mean. When the universe fails you. Did you really follow your universe or a false prophet.
      When you; feel happy, get gousebumps and your energy starts flowing. You are on your path and this number message is for you, If not. this number is not for you now.
      But that's just how I roll with it.

    2. Thanks for your reply. No, I have never followed any religion or monotheistic concepts. I am just an open-minded science person who allows for big picture spirituality – I am basically not a converted materialist. Because I am an open minded person, there was a time when I allowed myself to trust the universe, to feel safe and happy and to think positively, and that was also the time when all the negative stuff happened. The issue is that when we trust and feel safe that’s we are not expecting the worse as that would be contradictory to positive thinking and this is exactly when we lose vigilance and preparedness…the fact is that no one is ever safe, we just can't handle thinking about it. Some get away with it because of their lucky upbringing and supports and others learn the hard way…

    3. I see 12:12 or 16:16 or 21:21 constantly. I am coming through a difficult period of changes trying to be open and trust. A lot of uncertainty makes me feel ungrounded sometimes and that is a great opportunity to practice my faith

    4. I have the same issue..
      I constanlty see same things..what does that mean??

    5. Practice chakra meditation to ground firm and see d improvement

    6. It's not a fairy tale. To make things work for you, you need some work. It's not about feeling safe or happy, it's about knowing yourself deeply.
      Usually, when we think things go wrong, that's when they go right. ..In other words, things happen in a way that reveals to youthe unresolved issues within you.
      There's nothing wrong... everything that happens is right at a given point of time. So, ask yourself, what are the uresolved issues you need to deal with now!You will be guided. Don't think that you will have an answer. But you will be guided to the right things to do.
      Si it's not about religion... it's about trusting ans sharpening your inner wisdom.

    7. Nothing to do with my situation...The messages are always nice .. no advice of difficulties or how to overcome or understand them

    8. The thing is, we are on a constant battle spiritually yet we are not taught to be aware of our spirit selves. We are made of body, soul and spirit. Spirit is that part of you that knows what you wish to know. Spirit is the part of you that carries you at soul level but if you are disconnected from this part of you then you are beaten daily in spirit of form and that reflects in your soul and physical body.

      I cannot say too much here. I will be publishing soon. Until then, blessings.

    9. Well, this "negative stuff" it's our teacher. It hurts, it's utter sh*t butyou know, that's life. Past 13 years have been utter bs for me almost every day, but I always hang on good moments, little things. Best things come out of the blue. I've been really patient and im the most impatient person you find! So you all can survive and be happy, end of the day it's all about your own attitude and understanding the meaning behind and having a good sense of humour. And for me personally, God.
      Bless you all. Thank you rush-collection awesome blog!

    10. Its not a matter of it working or not , its a message / insight / advice from your heavwns team or feom your own highee "self" if its a msg for you it will make sense if its not a msg it wont make sense .

    11. Its not a matter of it working or not , its a message / insight / advice from your heavwns team or feom your own highee "self" if its a msg for you it will make sense if its not a msg it wont make sense .

    12. The cards one kinda works for me but it don't happens right away maybe 4 or 6 mouths later

    13. I was having a terrible time at my workplace last year and 555 came up everywhere constantly for about 2 months until the day I walked out

  5. There are so many millions of number combinations, interpretations, instances of synchronicity, & so on, that in, my humble opinion, 'proof' is impossible...all I can say that I have just been meditating & communing with my spirit guides...glanced at the digital clock, which read 2121...spiritually 'in the moment', 2121 makes perfect sense to me...purely subjective...nothing to do with any religion, faith or belief...

    1. When you look at people like Mario Beauregard, Dean Radin and others from the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sam Parnia from The Human Consciousness Project, Stuart Hameroff, speakers from Tucson conferences, R. Sheldrake’s work, Thomas Campbell (My Big Toe) and so on… it appears that there is evidence, the ‘proof’ and the fringe yet big thinkers out there commit their lives and risk reputation to research it. They do it as they do, in fact, find statistically significant findings that can be objectively measured, which is why people like me are here…on this forum. The real issue is that mainstream do not want to face these findings and sweep them under the carpet – that’s a culture / mentality problem. If something IS out there it should be researchable in some way. Otherwise, we may end up giving too much power to the ‘subjective’ and the humanity has a history with the ‘subjective’ - history that is not pretty. The ‘subjective’ carries issues associated with shallowness, convenience, denial, hypocrisy, tendency to blame the ‘other’, narcissism, different forms of discrimination (racism is a good example), various forms of social injustices. This is why it’s important to seek the evidence of the factual, that’s not to say metaphysics or spiritual cannot be factual.

    2. You put in the necessary work and trust the process. Make the necessary changes with your Intuition.

  6. There are so many millions of number combinations, interpretations, instances of synchronicity, & so on, that in, my humble opinion, 'proof' is impossible...all I can say that I have just been meditating & communing with my spirit guides...glanced at the digital clock, which read 2121...spiritually 'in the moment', 2121 makes perfect sense to me...purely subjective...nothing to do with any religion, faith or belief...

  7. yes, gratitude very important also abusive environments & unsafe places have to challenge and leave. I saw post above, have to be aware and vigilant it is true and sometimes will be tested. Also law of polarity and opposites, yin/yang. Have to be aware & believe in Angels as Abba sang & many now discuss. Those not on the path probs think are mad. Also learning ask & will receive. Thank You & take care

  8. it was clearly stated and it will be the highest truth. ......YOUR THOUGHTS ARE LIKE SEED THAT WILL MANIFEST INTO YOUR ACTIONS THUS THE OUT COME OF IT. (Law of Attraction). Choose your own thoughts carefully for the highest good not only for yourself, but also for others,and with a genuinely good intentions. .......(LAW OF KARMA).

  9. Thank you so much!! <3

  10. Live is not made of problems but is made of solutions to keep the problems out of lift.

  11. I mean.!

  12. I looked this up after seeing that my son was arrested twice recently, and both booking times were the exact minute, 21:21. This is so appropriate to the currant situation. Now to get him to read this message....and take it too heart. It's time to evaluate his life....this is right on!!

  13. God Bless you! ;) Thank you so much ;)

  14. May I please ask a question not trying to be rude?!
    Why is it every single number I look up pretty much says the same thing only worded differently but the meaning is one over and over. This has me greatly worried anymore and I find myself reluctant to read the numbers anymore..

    1. Its repeating because your not " getti g" the msg😊

  15. They are all very similar I have found but when you get more into the 4 digit numbers they start to have a deeper meaning if you're only attracting low 1,2 numbers and numbers like 111 222 it's more basic at this point, but equally prevalent to your life path just know, that when you're getting the lower vibrational numbers, you're on the right path there's just nothing HUGE and path changing you have to pay attention to, now is a good time to rest the mind, kinda evaluate what you have goin on, you're exactly where you're meant to be, if you want to be somewhere else, strive for it, make it happen, what are the steps to do that? It's all you. Ownership for your path, like this number says.

    1. Very true it takes time to notice a diferance. The more positive you are the better your life becomes... I love and am greatful for my life

  16. This blog is fantastic...

  17. ☺I've been following your blog for quite some time now. It gives me a lot of insight to the numbers that keep coming up for me. Thank you rush-collection for writing such beautiful words of wisdom with such clarity that gives me so much comfort.

  18. Agreed. And encouragement. It's universal that we each have a purpose; they may be different, but encouraged in the same way.

  19. I have a debt to my college in the amount of $2,121.00. I have to pay in 3 payments. Which is 707. Caught my attention.

  20. This is the first time I've ever seen the number 1212, and it's so ironic that I'd see it now! So far this year has been shit, with having to need knee surgery and my weight gain, not to mention that I'm now in a position to where I have to go through arbitration to get a new car from my dealership since they sold me a piece of shit car that keeps leaking oil (thank god for the lemon law!) My grandma is now showing signs of severe dementia.-yesterday she had forgotten my name. Did I mention that my love life is in the toilet? Was feeling like crap until I saw this number. I usually see the numbers 9, 55, and 333. Well there was obviously a good reason for me to see the number 2121. Soooooooo I guess I'm just gonna try to be positive and optimistic about the near future ☺

  21. You know this is so funny because I was just writing things like that in my diary because I finally understood that by appreciating everything in your life, the most heartaching things I found my happiness. There is reason behind it all, don't blame God if you can't see the reason behind. Make most of what you have. God bless you all

  22. Replies
    1. Hi!😍 I just saw 2121 πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²❤πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’—

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. God Bless...

  24. Awesome!!! I'm always and forever grateful !!! Stay blessed people!!!
    Love,light and peace to all !!! ♡♡♡

  25. Thank You Joanna! Everything just got perfectly! Feeling grateful for your beautiful work and all insights! Love You Angelic Sister! Blessings and warm hugs from London! Thank You For Being!

  26. I just want to know why i keep seeing numbers like 11:11 12:12 15:15 and so all day long and since 3weeks..

  27. the only right thing to do is know your SELf. to know who He is, not only physically. Who is Your Higher Self or your "I AM". You are an expression of your "I AM." Then ask what the mission is for your life.

  28. the only right thing to do is know your SELf. to know who He is, not only physically. Who is Your Higher Self or your "I AM". You are an expression of your "I AM." Then ask what the mission is for your life.

  29. 11.11 as i hav experienced is a huge change. Seeing this i changed my job gracefully, i got my house shifted, in about a weeks time i miraculously got job offer and i joined. God is so there who firmly believes. And angels are always there who visit us in the form of butterfly, dragonfly, birds of different species, also leaving their presence mark with feathers..

  30. Life is like a heartbeat...up and down...if you get with the beat, the rhythm, the flow, you see these numbers. What it means is what resonates with you.

  31. These numbers start to appear everywhere it's just unbelievable.

  32. This information is encouraging attitudes and ideas that are already presenting themselves from within. Thank you!

  33. I was thinking a about doing a power spell to get a beautiful singing voice it's called the siren song but whenever I start to think about doing it I keep on seeing 2121 on my phone I don't understand what it means. What are my angels trying to tell me? Do they mean I should not do it and be thankful for everything i have in life?

  34. Dearest Benjamin Azike,what a lovely and comforting message that was !!! Thank you so much !!! ♡♡♡
    Sending blessings,love,peace and Light to you and all!!!♡♡♡

  35. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!!♡♡♡
    I love you rush-collection !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!

  36. I can feel it!!! Bless your kind soul Benjamin! I have never been spiritual, but this last month or so I have AWOKEN... I think perhaps I am special. I mean we’re ALL special of course, every person has an impact and an important role in this life, but I simply cannot find anyone who is as tuned in as I have become. I’ve been reading and researching as much as I can, and I find that people usually see one or two different angel numbers repeating, sometimes... I, on the other hand, from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep see numbers CONSTANTLY, all usually to do with my soul purpose... always positive, until I start thinking negative, then BAM... I see triple sixes, and I correct my thinking. The numbers appear as times, addresses I’m passing, liscense plates, etc; but what’s really intriguing is I get them from PEOPLE too... at work, all in the same day, people were telling me “730”... at 5:30 a guy told me “It’s 7:30”... I didn’t even ask what time it was. Then like an hour later around 6:30 someone else told me “it’s 7:30, almost that time!” Or something similar. Once again I didn’t ask. People never ever tell me what time it is, we all have phones and can see. Then just for the hell of it, at 7 o’clock I asked another guy what time it was, and instead of checking his phone, he said, “Like 7:30.” Next day people were kinda tripped out that the light in the linen closet was on, nobody knew we even had a light in there; the switch is kinda hidden. Something told me to go to the closet, and sure enough, I look up at the bare flourescent light bulb, and printed on it, drumroll please.... 730. Day after THAT I get a Lyft to Walmart to do some shopping, and the driver looked at the car’s clock and said “7:30, perfect time to do some shopping.”... Whaaat? Why is 7:30 the perfect time to shop? The universe is manipulating people’s speech for MY benefit. Also Karma has been INSTANT, and if I hope for something I always get it. My iPhone freezes on certain spiritual songs (mostly Tupac), and will freeze on things it doesn’t want me to overlook... What I’ve just told you is nothing, things like this happen everyday. I’m almost 30, and I can feel myself changing as a person. All my life I have been shy and afraid of what people think, and now that me is completely GONE, replaced by a sense of duty, love, and confidence. I’m not the same. I see a dove after I do something really good for someone or have a mentality changing thought. I didn’t ask for this, but damn, I’m sooo happy it’s happening! My mission is crystal clear, too. I’m being guided STRONGLY, much more so than any others that I can find. I just want to know if someone, ANYONE else sees as many signs as I do.
    P.S. - I felt the need to approach a “crazy” guy at the bus stop today (he’s not krazy, but people were put off by his eccentric personality, except me, of course) and he told me, unprovoked, that he found 21 pounds of aluminum cans and took them to be recycled and that he was given $21.21 for them. He said it was no coincidence. I agreed. That’s what brought me to this 2121 page... anyone else experience stuff on this level? I’m doing my best to not believe the world revolves around me, but lately it really seems like it does!

  37. So I have never been spiritual, like, at all, coulda gave two shits about God or the Source, but this last month or so I have AWOKEN... I think perhaps I am special. I mean we’re ALL special of course, every person has an impact and an important role in this life, but I simply cannot find anyone who is as tuned in as I have become. I’ve been reading and researching as much as I can, and I find that people usually see one or two different angel numbers repeating, sometimes... I, on the other hand, from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep see numbers CONSTANTLY, all usually to do with my soul purpose... always positive, until I start thinking negative, then BAM... I see triple sixes, and I correct my thinking. The numbers appear as times, addresses I’m passing, liscense plates, etc; but what’s really intriguing is I get them from PEOPLE too... at work, all in the same day, people were telling me “730”... at 5:30 a guy told me “It’s 7:30”... I didn’t even ask what time it was. Then like an hour later around 6:30 someone else told me “it’s 7:30, almost that time!” Or something similar. Once again I didn’t ask. People never ever tell me what time it is, we all have phones and can see. Then just for the hell of it, at 7 o’clock I asked another guy what time it was, and instead of checking his phone, he said, “Like 7:30.” People kept telling me 7:30, but IT WAS NEVER EVEN CLOSE TO 7:30!!! Next day people were kinda tripped out that the light in the linen closet was on, nobody knew we even had a light in there; the switch is kinda hidden. Something told me to go to the closet, and sure enough, I look up at the bare flourescent light bulb, and printed on it, drumroll please.... 730. Day after THAT I get a Lyft to Walmart to do some shopping, and the driver looked at the car’s clock and said “7:30, perfect time to do some shopping.”... Whaaat? Why is 7:30 the perfect time to shop? The universe is manipulating people’s speech for MY benefit. Also Karma has been INSTANT, and if I hope for something I always get it. My iPhone freezes on certain spiritual songs (mostly Tupac), and will freeze on things it doesn’t want me to overlook... What I’ve just told you is nothing, things like this happen everyday. I’m almost 30, and I can feel myself changing as a person. All my life I have been shy and afraid of what people think, and now that me is completely GONE, replaced by a sense of duty, love, and confidence. I’m not the same. I see a dove after I do something really good for someone or have a mentality changing thought. I didn’t ask for this, but damn, I’m sooo happy it’s happening! My mission is crystal clear, too. I’m being guided STRONGLY, much more so than any others that I can find. I just want to know if someone, ANYONE else sees as many signs as I do.
    P.S. - I felt the need to approach a “crazy” guy at the bus stop today (he’s not krazy, but people were put off by his eccentric personality, except me, of course) and he told me, unprovoked, that he found 21 pounds of aluminum cans and took them to be recycled and that he was given $21.21 for them. He said it was no coincidence. I agreed. That’s what brought me to this 2121 page... anyone else experience stuff on this level? I’m doing my best to not believe the world revolves around me, but lately it really seems like it does!

  38. I entered the station at 21:12, the train came and entered at 21:21, and I arrived at the destination at 22:11. the combination just appear three times in a row..

  39. am so glad i read this tonight my wife is having an op tomorrow i feel more relaxed i know i have angels on my side

  40. Thank you Divine And Angels for being with me.

  41. I love you Angels and you rush-collection.
    I'm blessed and grateful for all the blessings in my life and those yet to come.

  42. Grazie Benjamin, per il tuo bellissimo messaggio.
    Orietta Sestan -Italy

  43. Yes gratitude and being grateful are the most important attitude that you can say to God and Univere

  44. I been seeing 1313-1212-2121-1616-2020-1414 their are all good angel numbers but my life going down hill how to explain this

  45. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’—

  46. Awesome God and mighty are your miracles we stand it all with your holy name Lord we bow and worship you amen thanks to my spirit guide

  47. Awesome God and mighty are your miracles we stand it all with your holy name Lord we bow and worship you amen thanks to my spirit guide

  48. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’πŸ’❣❣πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ†“️πŸ†’️⬆️πŸ˜πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―

  49. Forever Thankfull! Angels, rush-collection, Guides Great Masters,all from the Light and all of You Beautifull Hearts!!! Great heart warming stories...πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘‰πŸ’–πŸ‘ˆπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🧘‍♀️

    1. Loved it and I love these comments they're from the heart, but as soon as I see the psychic readings with a charge, I don't like!

  50. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’—πŸ’—

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  53. 2121! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’™☝️πŸŒπŸ•―πŸ˜˜

  54. Releasing and letting go with love and gratitude. Blessed and grateful for all timely reminders.
    All so very relevant.
    I'm shifting work and must admit that being fearless, courageous, strong willed and self loving it's not a natural state. It requires lifetime commitment and hard inner work....I'm super proud of my self.
    Having In mind all that I've gone true throughout my life...I mean ...hats off to me. I'm my own complex and strong willed, little HERO.AMEN.
    I'm grateful sincerely for all the blessings in my life and all those yet to come. My faith and trust in my self, my own inner and outer abilities, my Angels and the Universal powers are infinite and unbreakable. I can do anything I put my mind and heart to. I can do everything. I can achieve everything I want. And so can you.πŸ™Œ❤ Do not, under any circumstances, allow anyone to make you feel small, invisible, unworthy or convince you that you cant and wont achieve your dreams. Go on, fly high.... You can do anything and everything. Sending much love, light and positive vibes to ever and all.Love. Silv.

  55. Thank you. You have been of great help to me.i think angels have been communicating with me through numbers of recent I see more often the 21:21. Thanks a lot.

  56. I experimented weak states not wanting being part of this matrix. and now I begin to experiment the invert because dude it was painful and I had a wake up but already I think in both situations this is what the matrix wants and for me this is not free will. so I do what is expected in a very small part and don't trust it. like you told yourself this is not natural.

  57. Torque Wrench LouFriday, November 22, 2019

    The time was 21:21 on 11/21 I had to come see what the meaning was. Thank you for the knowledge!

  58. My thoughts and actions, things I think, do and the energies I sent out are the most light and positive and they will come to bless me. To bless us all.
    Energy is everything and everything is energy. I express sincere gratitude for all the blessings in my life and all those yet to come.
    May all that which must come feel welcome. It will be the best, for me and all. For we deserve the absolute best.πŸ™❤πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘πŸ¦„☀️
    Sending much love, peace and light to all.❤

  59. 2121 πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸŽ‚☕☕☕πŸŽ¬πŸ“½πŸ“½πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸŽ©πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  60. 2121 Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!!🌞πŸ”₯πŸ”₯😍😍🎢🎢🎢

  61. Thank you... Love and gratitude always!!! πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯³πŸŽΆπŸŽ‰

  62. Thank you so much ������

  63. I bought a new home in 2021 and my address is 2121. This really resonates with me. Thank you! ☺

  64. πŸŒ»πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°

  65. i saw this number a couple of times and finally i know whta it means thank you

  66. Thanks! I always come to this page when I am looking for answers.

  67. I saw this number after my material arts Training and I improved and I was pretty good.I worked hard past weeks for it and to see that number that my manifestation works made me happy.I am so near to my goal.Also more opportunities appears like out of nowhere.

  68. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸŽΆπŸ˜œ

  69. πŸ™☮️♥️☀️
