Tuesday, July 07, 2015


Number 2106 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 2 and number 1, and the vibrations and influences of number 0 and number 6. Number 2 resonates with service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability and diplomacy, co-operation and consideration, receptivity and love, and serving your soul mission. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, inspiration and attainment. Number 1 gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones and reminds us that we create our realities with our beliefs, intentions and actions. Number 0 carries the energies of the Universal Energies and resonates with developing your spiritual aspects and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers. Number 6 relates to domesticity, home and family, love and nurture, service to others and selflessness, solution-finding and problem-solving, providing for the self and others.

Angel Number 2106 encourages you to ask the angels for help with something that has been concerning and/or irritating you and they will offer you guidance and assistance, help and healing. Trust that situations will work out for your highest good so expect wonderful things to unfold in your life in short time. You have the strength to gently deal with difficult situations and circumstances and overcome tests appearing as challenges and obstacles in your life.

Angel Number 2106 brings a message to prepare yourself for some challenges, obstacles, tests and/or difficulties that may involve another (or others). Use your natural charm and diplomacy to work through issues and trust that solutions will become apparent. Stay calm, balanced and fair-minded as you work through issues or circumstances in your daily life that need to be dealt with. Do not make hasty decisions or jump to conclusions, but rather, listen to your own feelings and inner-thoughts, then follow accordingly.

Angel Number 2061 may also suggest that auspicious new beginnings will soon appear in your life to advance you with your spiritual aspirations and life path. Your thoughts are manifesting quickly and you are encouraged to maintain a positive and productive outlook and mind-set. Remember that the more you view your life in a positive light the easier it is to manage and negotiate life’s ups and downs. Positively affirm your goals, dreams and desires to maintain a steady flow of abundance and prosperity and allow your thoughts and ideas to evolve and create your reality.

Number 2106 relates to number 9 (2+1+0+6=9) and Angel Number 9.



  1. On point , as always !!!
    At first I was not sure if that message was intended for Me,but the strong ringing in my left year was a very loud confirmation!!!
    Lately I see loads of different combinations & of course all of them are as precise & as relevant to my life's happenings ,as ever!!!
    Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!!
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  2. Im still thinking about suicide, maybe is this the whole point?? I ask god to kill me because i am so sick and tired but im still here getting all theae mumbers of faith, trust in the divine, also a lot about lightwork and connection with animals. And to keep positive and etc. how can i be positive if nothing good or positive happens? How, if im paying off a debt, i end the money sometimes with 2 dollars (but can ask money from my family to food/doctors/consultations). How to be positive with the angels, archangels, ascended masters and my strong connectio with higher beings (at least the numbers said it) and universal energies lnoqing about this , and things o ly gwtting worst? I needed my notebook, i broke the screen 3 months ago, today the charger stoped working. Whats the point of the spiritual Work im doing wiv myself if nothing ever changes for the better? I just wish to god to kill me asleep and delete and erase my existance and all the lines that are mine forever. Im truly stoppig eating and dei ling and luckly within 2/3 days be gone. Its awful to live in a planet money based and no one will like my art or me being a spiritual teacher or healer. Somwtimes i dont know if i should believe these mumbers. Im so lost. I just want all to go away cause theres is much more happening. No reason for living ill kill myseld. I dont have money to travel, i cant sell my art, im away from my dogs and away from nature or pool or water. Life is awful. I live in a dangerous place and city, there are no public parks or pool. I just wish to be erased

    1. You can do this!!! Within you lays massive strenght. You can overcome any and all obstacles. Choice is yours!!! Believe self,you deserve it !!! Love self,you are worth it !!!❤❤❤ Sending love, peace ,light and many blessings your way. ❤🙌

    2. I wish you well, Unknown poster.

    3. if you're still reading this then ask God to pay off your debts and work through him. If you're still worried about money then invest in $GME and hope it's true.

    4. If you're still reading this then ask for God to pay off your debt and then work through him.

      If you're still worried about money but have paid off your debt then invest in $GME and hope it's true. Good luck.

    5. Hope you're okay and life got better for you.

  3. All obstacles will be overcome & solutions found.Amen!!! I am the force !!!❤❤❤
    Blessed and grateful.

  4. As above!!! I am here now. Let's climb each hill as we get to it.🔥
    U fear not.♥️
    Grategul and blessed.

  5. Gently does it! I do not fear, nor worry. I have all the power and strenght within me to meet any challenge head on with the solution. I travel with the flow of life, fully trusting that as long as I am true to SELF everything will shift smoothly. I got this well handled. Amen.🙏
    Blessed and grateful.❤🙌

  6. I have the strength, wisdom and determination to deal with any and all situations in my life.
    I fear not. I remain present and trusting. Here in my now. Now.
    I positively affirm my goals, dreams and desires and always maintain a steady flow of abundance and prosperity. I allow my thoughts and ideas to evolve and create my reality.
    And so it is. And so it will be- always and forever. 🙏🙏🙏❤🤍🕊
    Endless love, light and blessings to us all.
    Beyond grateful to you, rush-collection. I love you.🙏❤🙌
    As bellow, so above. We are ONE.
