Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Number 1919 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 1 and number 9, both appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 1 relates to creativity and initiative, new beginnings, self-reliance and tenacity, striving forwards, independence, uniqueness, organization, attainment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 9 resonates with lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, leadership and leading others by positive example, altruism and benevolence, self-sacrifice, selflessness, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, destiny, dharma and the concept of karma; the Spiritual Law of Karma

Angel Number 1919 may be suggesting that aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. Trust that this is happening for very karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future. This is preparing you to begin a wonderful new life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in the most positive ways. These endings are clearing the way for you to fully pursue your life purpose as your soul dictates. Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need along your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies.  

Angel Number 1919 is a message from your angels that a cycle or phase is coming to an end, making way for ‘new’ to begin.  Do not look upon these endings as a ‘loss’, but rather as a new beginning, opportunity or adventure. One door is closing behind you as another opens in front of you, and your angels ask that you stay positive and focused as the Universe sets you in perfect alignment with your life purpose and soul mission.

Allow connection and communication with your angels to open you up to new and unexplored knowledge and wisdom, and positive ways to uplift and serve humanity. If you have been hearing the call to pursue a heart-based project, spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, Angel Number 1919 may suggest that now is a most auspicious time to pursue your passion and take action.

Angel Number 1919 is a sign for lightworkers to get to work and shine their lights to illuminate the way for others.

Number 1919 relates to number 2 (1+9+1+9=20, 2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.



  1. I often see these numbers, also 999, but I'm confused, my thoughts are non clear about what to do.


    1. yeah its very confusing :( but i think with a little time we will know our answers.

    2. Believe me the answer will come in divine right time, patience will see you through.

    3. Just be yourself. Follow your hart. Nobody/no angle is going to do something for you as long as you sit and wait for something to happen. You are the one to start the action and as long it is action from the hart, it will work always in gourmet favor.

    4. So just go with the flow thanks angles x

    5. Just be aware of your thoughts on that particular moment and what you asked for to your angels.
      See what is happening around you when this numbers pop in and listen.

      Hope was helpful. Ciao

  2. Replies
    1. What does it mean to repeat the 39 Always Dahr

  3. Namaste beautiful rush-collection and thank you you have helped me through a huge 12 month transition and I am eternally grateful.
    In love, light and honour Gail xxxx

  4. Thank you very much dear rush-collection for making easier angelic communications between us humans and spiritual realms. If it wasn't for your decoding and making it available publicly, none of us would have been able to understand angelic signs.

  5. My angels keep on giving me these signs that I need to find a career as a lightworker. I'm going to ask for work at a local therapy clinic and I want to work doing reiki healing! I'm really excited.

  6. Thank you as 1919 explains everything for me right now and your explanation is so clear . xxx

  7. Damn accurate! My father burial video is 19:19 minutes and seconds. I became aware of it today and i had to check it. See?

  8. Since 1 month, I keep seing number 1919... I just loose my job with no good reason!! Im trying to keep faith that there is something better for me.

  9. thank you for this wisdom !! i love the angels !!

  10. Thank you, rush-collection. You have been helping me to begin a wonderful new journey with my angels.

  11. I keep seeing these numbers up to 10 times a day 1919 1111 and every time I look on here and it is relevant to what I'm thinking or talking about.
    I'm very confused at the moment and feel like somebody is trying to tell me something.
    Any comments would be appreciated

    1. A year and a half late but I hope everything has one well for you. Any wisdom or clarity to share? :)...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is the first time I have seen 1919, but 1111 is recurring for me too. :) x

  15. i have been seeing the numbers 19.19 for 2 months and 7 of my friends have already died.

    1. angelnumberserjohnThursday, February 02, 2017

      Oh my goodness. I'm sorry to hear about your loss and maybe this means you will find new Friends, perhaps better Friends.


    2. I had bad news that my beloved dog died this evening. So sad. Then I see number 19.19. Now I see number 21.21.

  16. Thank you so much rush-collection. I think I am guided towards my dream job and the old career path is ending. Thank you so much .lots of love to you.

  17. I Saw 1919 today and as I did I thought of your site straight away. Thank you for your guidance at this difficult time x

  18. I kept seeing this number 1919 for two weeks everywhere I went, and then I recieved some bad news a few days ago; My uncle passed away. When i recieved the call, after hanging up on my mobile, the clock read 1919. Was this the sign from the angels?

  19. Thank you for your blog rush-collection..

  20. This one is a doozy. On a day commemorating an important event in my life which my now-deceased father and I shared, I went to the supermarket, and bought bananas. I went to the automated checkout. It always makes me laugh because my father was an old school/old neighborhood guy, and the first time I ever bought bananas from the automated checkout, the voice said, move your bananas to the belt, and I got hysterical, because "move your bananas" was one thing he would say when impatient, it was something they all said. And of course, this day, it said it again, and I laughed, and then the charge came up: $19.19. He was born in 1919. And the meaning of this number is right on: I'm preparing to move and I've been having some unpleasant experiences: my lawyer is a jerk, all realtors involved have been less than truthful, and the people I'm buying the house from are just plain mean. I started thinking that, I'm going through all this trouble and expense, and nothing is going to change, it's just going to be the same old, same old, all over again.
    Then I got this number -- thank you rush-collection!!

  21. Thank you so much! <3

  22. thank you. first I was very sceptic about well.. everything. you helped me change that. i feel the change,with your every word I feel stronger and better within myself....
    I wish you the best that universe has to offer you cause you change the way I see the world. much loveee to all believers ♡ :)

  23. I love your blog and use it often. I see numbers all the time and I know they are signs. Thank- you much for sharing your knowledge. Blessed it be.

  24. I keep watching 1111 n 1515 n 1212 n 1221 n 1414 also 1919
    I m really worried. Please help

  25. Thank you always , each time ... ;)

  26. Thank you always , each time ... ;)

  27. oh I see these number all the time they mean nothing what so ever , some thoughts you may have had I am in the light no one dictates what my life will be like or what's good for me what else could be the purpose of life if you are not the on living it
    these angel numbers are meaning less and with out power or use

    1. I just got a strange feeling that I was the one who wrote on Friday 10/21/19 by Anonymous comment above, dejavu*** knowing, imagination, or relativity was captured in my memory . Will be hell a book, if I am right about this lol. Thanks for sharing.

  28. yes a problem the angels don't see
    I am enlightened so in the light that makes me by nature a spiritual teacher golden aura and such
    yet it does not mean I can go out and do this
    why would any one ask me for help ? in there
    world I am a nobody even though they feel me
    there is no rational basis to accept me as a teacher a medical doctor is that cos he studied it , in the light you go when you ascend there is no scientifically proven basis for that at all
    so you remain a nobody except for the angels and ascended masters they know who you are and what you have become
    nut right since when does that mean much to every one else ????

  29. Thank You. Again, Angels are showing me they're realy on my path, leading me, guiding me and confirming that I' m not alone. Giving me the strenght and couradge I' ve been seeking for. I cryed miself out of joy!

  30. I don't like seeing this 19:19 number combination. Can someone erase 1919 away :))

  31. i see num 11:11 very mutch i want to know what is mean?

  32. thank you rush-collection and thank you angels and masters for your guidance..love light and blessings G.

  33. Thank you!!! Strong,adamant,persistent and grateful -always!!! ♡♡♡
    Love and Light your way people!!!

  34. For some random reason at night time when I check what time it is 5 days in a row it's 19:19 so I had to look it up thx so much. Also I'm seeing 9:11

  35. Is designing clothes, modelling them, singing and writing a book classified as spiritual based career if it's from your soul and you want to do it and everybody sports you?!

    1. That's cool you read and respond to these comments , have u come under spiritual attack heavy in 2021?? I have been sensing a gradual disappation of these energies , yet instead of personal attacks its as thou its collective , bold attacks!! I think u once were very spiritually attuned and suffered from major attacks sending u love and light

  36. I often see the numbers 11:11,12:12,13:13,14:14,etc. I just saw 19:19 on my phone and looked up to see what it means..staying positive

    1. Heeeey i also seein this for four years now and now about 1 year ik seein everyday 5 times smth even more on my phone other places can u help me to find out why?

    2. Heeeey i also seein this for four years now and now about 1 year ik seein everyday 5 times smth even more on my phone other places can u help me to find out why?

    3. Heeeeey I am seein this numbers like 12:12 alot of 16:16 all of them diferently for four years now and now for one year im seein everyday 5 tines sometimes even moree im really interestin why im goin now throught interestin time which is quit dificult can somebody help to find out? Peace Peace Peace

  37. Thank you for this. My life feels like the fun as stopped. My job isn't working out and i lack the friends i desire. So this message reminds me to let go and remain positive. For better times are ahead or as you say sometimes in these numbers "something good is around the corner that you can't quite see yet." :)


  38. hahhaha 19.19 a wonderfull new life lol how often have I not seen this nonsens some days in whole rows 11.11 14.14...15.15 , 16,16 just cos I thought I would see them , they are just thoughts reflecting back , no angels involved , so spiritual work there you are keep fooling the people by making them thing there are angel numbers better call the thought numbers , you own thoughts reflect back just as is normal ,, the numbers mean nothing more that thoughts you had before , angels are a consciousness quite different I obviously know more than you , not surprising I entered the light 30 years ago have my guides A A Michael is one He knows belief me some day you and all the other too , have a good time deluding and fooling your self

    1. Summer Flight why leave us wondering, if you know different you should share it with us. We would like to share your knowledge I'm sure.

  39. Thank you...
    It's really answering me sth, just there are knots tied really tight inside me.
    But it told me to have a go, especially at this very moment.

  40. Angel numbers are real and have worked miracles in my life by following what God wants me to do..thanks alot to you rush-collection for ur clear guides

  41. This number 1919 is one of my favourites when it keeps repeating itself... its also the year my biggest hero was born.. my grandad

  42. Angka ini saya mimpikan 2 hari yg lalu, seperti ada suara. Hanya saya bingung gak ngerti mksdnya. Lalu aku terbangun sekitar pukul 5 subuh/pagi.

  43. 1919 appeaers everywhere. I have dose of screenshots from my phobe time I check it. Yesterday had a dinner at one place, suddenly looked up towards the building across the road and it was dared 1919..my long term relationship has finished recently...my daughter left me coming back to motherland. I felt wery lonely and betrayed. After figuring out 1919 meaning it gave me strength and beliefe it's a new biginning behind the closed doors..1💗

  44. @Unknown~Tuesday,September11.2018
    There is always a new begining once the doors that needs closing are actually shut. ❤🙏
    Faith and Trust are the keys.
    An end & new begining. Patiently awaiting...🙏❤🤗🎈
    Blessed and grateful.
    Sending love,peace and light to you and all and wishing you a blessed journey.

  45. Every time I check my watch at different times the hour and the minute are identical. Does it mean that what my angel wants to say to me is between 00.00 hrs and 24.24 hrs. It has also come down to time, today my friend sent me 10.50$ and my balance read 19.19

  46. I am seeing every all day 33' 55, 19:19,44 ,22 ,11 ,77,66 it has been 4 days what does it means

  47. Le soleil arrive tout doucement !!!!! Merci lumière de ma vie

  48. 🙏🙏🤲🤲💡🕯💖👸🏼❤❤❤❤😘😘😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲❤❤❤❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  49. Is been a counsellor for alcoholics and narcotics a heart based project and is it in line with my soul mission which im been guided towards...I can't think of nothing else what will help humanity...

  50. Gratefull for all guidance on the way! People- Lets stay Strong in the Path of Light!🙏🙏💖💖

  51. 1919! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! IAM SO READY!🙏🙏🤲🤲🏝🏝💖💖👉💕👈👉🚪👈👉😘👈👉😂👈👉🌈👈👉💏👈👉🔥👈👉🐞👈👉⚘👈

  52. Thank you for your guidance ������‍♀️X

  53. 1919! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!🙏🙏🤲🤲💕💖😘🤗💃🧚‍♀️🌟💏💓💪☝️😻💖💕

  54. I must say rush-collection is ama, ing, its my first time to comment just amazing, thank you for your help

  55. 1919! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!!🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🙌🙌👌👌💗💗💙💙💚💚💛💛🧡🧡🧡

  56. Thank you, thank you, thank you🧡

  57. That's exactely what's happening to me at this moment. So grateful for this confirmation.

  58. Was thinking about the one whom I have received countless signs he is my soulmate but unfortunately not available...yet. Just as I was thinking of him to sort of rebound from a negative thought, I looked at the clock and saw 19:19. As it happens, we both have 19 as our cosmic number. 19 is also considered as a karmic number though I view it in a positive way because 1 and 9 are just the beginning and the end of the suite of numbers, the infinite loop or cycle forming the zero. Love this number, I see it everywhere. It's also the number of the tarot card of the Sun.

    1. So even I was thinking of my soulmate, my X and was thinking to reunite with her instead of choosing the new connection which is offered.
      And while talking to my X , I see 1010 and 1919 all of sudden what does it mean?

  59. Thank you!Infinite blessings!

  60. Thank you thank you thank you. It is so beautiful and uplifting to read as I await the what will happen thing.

  61. The thank you for such a truly wonderful page that just says things in such beautiful loving ways I am learning to trust and I am learning to think in terms of faith and not fear.

  62. Yes i know but my angels jesus cant handel more lists now not going to make me stonger have to much pain axety and hearteck now 8f i lise who i thin it is i cant live with myself .i know my misson my darma and karma but it going to make my fear more bigger feel so heartbreaking and enegicold like it is more now i relly cant handel afrid it going to kill my spirit instead .my motivation and engis is not good know i need to serie but evertime am on the right a lose it so near so much pain please thank you for all then i dident know but more pain and lost now i cant put myself up from from to heal hear is inpossobile in this darkness and lonlynes please .

  63. Many blessings to all light workers we do the creators work with pleasure and humbleness

  64. Я очень вдохновлена этим сообщением от Ангелов! Спасибо!
