Thursday, June 19, 2014


Number 1717 is a blend of the attributes and energies of both number 1 and number 7 appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 1 relates to creation and new beginnings, striving towards achieving goals, trying new things, self-reliance and determination, intuition and initiative, raw energy, force and activity. It tells us that we create our own realities with our actions, thoughts and beliefs and encourages us to step out of our comfort zones. Number 7 resonates with seeking knowledge, education and study and learning. inner-knowing and understanding others, compassion and empathy, spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, mysticism and psychic gifts and abilities.

Angel Number 1717 indicates that you have an important soul mission and life purpose that involves communicating, teaching, healing others and serving humanity in a manner that suits your personality and natural abilities and interests. You are to set a positive example for others and inspire them to seek their own passion and purpose. Do not allow any insecurities to hinder or hold you back from fulfilling your destiny as you have all that you need within you. 

Angel Number 1717 also suggests that you may experience good fortune which will lead to the manifestation of your heart’s desires. It is your belief that dictates the nature of your reality  -  belief and thoughts joined together. Your life changes as you change your inner-beliefs and you have chosen your thoughts and actions to suit your personal truths and values. You are to be commended for your efforts so keep going in this direction. 

Angel Number 1717 also encourages you to look to new and different ways of expanding and practicing your personal spirituality. Inspire others to fulfil their highest potential as you fulfil your own.

Number 1717 relates to number 7 (1+7+1+7=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.



  1. I see this a lot lately.

  2. Replies
    1. I see 1717, 1111, is as though the good Lord is telling me something!

    2. wow...female bassist that has been seeing 1111 or 111 literally EVERYWHERE...I am awoke

    3. I’ve started writing poetry and now hearing tunes in my head. I was pleased to see 1717 was linked with music.

    4. First I started seeing feathers in 2018, then Numbers numbers numbers all numbers all day one one one on one, 22222, 33333, 44444, 55505 etc. etc. 10 10, 1111, 1212, 1313, etc. etc. etc. this manifestation of 17 1717… Ha! Just at the right time that I’m launching my course on how to help people connect to their inner being so that they can trust themselves to create the life that they were meant to live here on this planet and serve others. Thank you so much for this page and all that you do and all of the information that you provide. Love to everyone who is awakening let’s rise together!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

    5. Your numbers have guided me on the most beautiful journey in my life. Firstly spending time with my grandchildren in Melbourne & coming away with one of the most enlightened gifts of love a grandfather could ever have. Being requested to learn on guitar the song Lanterns by Bird Of Tokyo I was practicing the chords in the lounge room when my 3 granddaughters walked around the corner & started singing the song with my playing. I had nothing but tears of joy on the magic that happened.
      Later on when Covid just hit my other daughter was kicked out of her job & house that came with it. My nephew & I went to help them pack & they couldn't take it all with them not knowing where they would be going but at least they had a camper van to move on. My son-in-laws tools, kids bike, paddle boards etc I loaded in my ute to store at my place until they settle in somewhere. But they decided to garage sale the small stuff to also help get a bit of cash together for the move.
      While there my son-in-law came around the corner with two small lanterns in his hand & I ask "What are going to do with them..?" He said "going out for the sale" I said "how much do you want for them..?" then he passed them to me and said "There yours". This just confirmed even more of the journey I now take from the words of that song.
      The words of this song have made me wake up with compassion towards our indigenous life & knowledge. More importantly I am finding their custodial ways make more common sense than the current way we think. I now walk a path even more so than ever before to return to the lands of Mother Nature rather than destroying her life till we no longer exist.
      Thank you so much for the inspiration gift you have given me.
      Love & light. Al

    6. Thank you ��♥️�� Sending lots of love to Everyone ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    7. Endurance 1717 Urh bon jour. GodJoys.

  3. I see this as well and it resonates to me; I truly feel the need to make music and inspire other in getting to know what true spirituality is.

    1. interesting you say that.. in my case i relate this number to my experience with making music.. and found some research that suggests angel number 17 is associated with a specific angel who gifts people with musical talent and expression :) after burning a white candle on the full moon saw wax melt into the shape of a music note and had my confirmation <3

    2. I have received this number on a few occasions, I am always a very happy and positive person for all the right reasons of complete gratefulness and humbleness to life. I have been blessed with the truth, Love, Happiness and positivity in recent years where as previous to that I was on a rocky path. In an awakening moment all of this came to me and I realised things that I never had before and was instantly put into a higher consciousness. It was the light that shined bright down onto me on the rocky and dark path I was on at the time and it revealed to me everything that comes with the light. When you are in a dark place it's hard to see where you are going, When you are in the dark about something it's hard to really know what's going on. To live in the darkness of deceit is to live in lies and therefore the perception we develop is all misguided and false. Sounds deep, Sounds complex, But I can tell you that the truth is only so complex because of all the lies and deceit that you have to rummage through in order to reach the surface in which you reach and see the light and the light reveals to us the truth in which we become conscious that we were once deceived. So this happened to me I had been searching for the truth all my life always questioning things thinking about life and sometimes when we think so deep into something or really start to think how are we here how is the universe here, It seems that majority of people think about it for a few seconds, Minutes and then hit a blank and think ahhh I will never really know the truth none of us do. Search for the truth and you will find it! You will fill in the blanks it's there for us to know we have just been blindfolded and fooled into thinking we will never know these things or we are not supposed to know these things. You will start to gain consciousness and grow wise, You will become aware and start to recognise things. You will start to recognise the patterns throughout society, Government, Media the bigger picture life as we think it. Why is it so wrong and unacceptable for someone to think outside the box and think of something other than fashion, Trend, Materialism, Reputation egotistical thinking? Simple because they want to keep us in the box that they created for us. Why is someone instantly called crazy when they try to speak of the truth or anything that doesn't conform with the norm? Because the truth raises our consciousness and breaks us free from the box of mental slavery out of deceit out of darkness out of negativity and straight into truth into love, into positivity and into happiness. = Humbleness = Total gratefulness, Appreciation of life. The last 2 days I slightly stumbled to a lower vibrational frequency, Where I was feeling quite negative full of worry and anxiety. I listened to Bob Marley - Could you be loved. I sang along I smiled I cried tears of pure love and I instantly felt my vibrations raise back to positivity and back to happiness. I happened to scroll down to the bottom of the page and there the time popped up on the screen was 1717. I knew straight away it was a sign as it happens frequently. I am a musician myself and I feel that this is a message of Love, Truth, Optimism, Enlightenment, Passion, Determination, Persistence, To be at one with yourself. Awareness, Realization, Soul purpose, Soul mission. Creativity, Skills, Abilities. To make a change for the better of yourself and the world. To send out love, truth & positivity to the world using your natural abilities. Find it nice to know and quite surprising how there have been a lot of musicians with this number and the connection between the number 17 :) We are all contributing in this world, Bob did his part and he knew the truths, Total love and respect to him and total love and respect to rush-collection for blessing us with this website. Love to all of you on your journey through life and God bless. x

    3. Thank you. I really needed this to move me forward in what I need to do to better my self and humanity.

    4. im also a musician, i'm a dj and producer and find it very intriguing that you guys are also music related ! i just happen to be walking a new path according to my soul purpose! wich is not easy because it asks of a lot of changes in my life ! i've been awake for a few years and see synchronicities everywhere! it al started with 11:11 and now i see a lot of numbers ! just now i started up my computer and it was 17:17 on the 17th and couldn't happen but notice it as a sign! then came here to this page and voila !! Love it that it is muic related because i am thinking a lot how to improve my producer skills ! I will continue the path of love and enlightenment ! Love is the only Truth ! Namasté

    5. Wow guys. I am a musician myself - a vocalist and a poet. I see 17 a lot. With me it also stands for union with my twin flame; him and I put together are life path 7 and 1 stands for union.

    6. Huh?! This is quite creepy. I am doing a lot of music now. Both learning, and composing. And yes I see this a lot too.

    7. Lol, I suppose The music industry will begin to shift with lots of positive, spiritual, and Intuitive light workers. There is plenty of room for those who believe they are guided to raise vibrational frequency of all listners. We are all connceted, and are being elevated to a more positive person.

    8. I'm not a musician, but I am a dancer. Therefore, music is very special to me, so I completely understand.

    9. mybe we should meet and greet!!!!

    10. I'm a musician, writer,vocalist and painter. I believe that all our talents can be used for greater things not only music.

    11. I'm a designer: fashion, graphic design and illustration. I love art!! :)

    12. Hi, this is really creepy, but in a good way! I have just finished mixing a dj set, and was thinking about my determination about becoming a music producer properly and how I feel the calling to do so. Look at the clock and it's 17.17, decide to check out the meaning of the numbers and BOOM, here I am. I was curious to see what they meant. A friend of mine has been talking a lot about numbers, and sometimes I can resonate with that, but this right here with so many creative people talking about having the same number appearing is VERY cool! Glad to be in good company!! May all our music dreams come true :D

    13. For all the submissions above related to the connect with music. Guys Music is the one integrated part of nature, that connects us to the oneness, the harmony and the constantly appropriating balance of the cosmos. Music heals the soul, so musicians normally know their gift and thru the same their soul purpose. Most musicians I meet are awakening or awakened to their soul purpose and the absolut truth. So, to all you beautiful musically gifted souls, stay blessed, love and light.

    14. This is crazy, I just started working at a music venue tonight and am a musician. I was thinking about making music and thought of wanting to hope to get there despite circumstances and jealousy/bs of people around me and saw 717 and 1717 tonight.

    15. This is great! I’m also a dj/producer and have been awakened around 2 years now and i keep seeing 17:17 a lot because becoming a huge success in my music career is always on my mind! So i know We will make it.. i also see alot of 555 222 and 111.

    16. Wow, this number has definitely gotta have something to do with art and music! I'm a musician and artist and I've been thinking about using it to help other people find their purpose. There is not a single day in which I don't see an angel number. I saw this number right after I composed a song on my piano (:I love how music brings people together.

    17. My goodness!! I'm a violinist, pianist, composer and singer (and I also love painting and writing) and I've been truly committed to every one of these professions. Now, composition is my priority and I feel a huge shift in the air, like somethig great is coming, and here I am, seeing constantly number 1717 and reading how it applies to most of musicians. This is amazing! God bless!

    18. Another musician in the house <3 :)

    19. I have had some new encounters with music and musicians over the last two years. Feel like I have become more awakened since too. Have finally taken up music lessons as a result, am listening to more music and also writing poetry.

    20. About to release a new project independently after a few years of really dark moments in the industry & I've felt so overwhelmed but having strangely tranquil calm moments inbetween this new process & in a moment after sending an email related to this project I felt a sense of utter warmth & lightness. Checked the time was 17.17.17 on my mac. What a stunning creative energy it has! Blessings to all xxx

    21. Yesterday I painted the whole day, it was as 8g i rediscobered it such a joyfull! Today i got into a art-school i have been really excited about. After my meditation lovingkindness meditation this pops up! Very Excitin!

  4. Wow!! Saw this today and this just blew me away! I always see 11:11 and 111, sometime 333 but today I saw 1717. I am currently studying to be an education support worker to work with special needs and additional needs children, and have just completed my third level of Pranic healing. So this is just amazing and total confirmation for me that I am on the right path in both areas :)

  5. just saw this yesterday when i paid my library fine: $17.17!

  6. I just saw this on my way home with the bus. This week I had a career consultation with a human design reader because I feel lost in that department and guess what, here are some confirmations on the topic. Thank you a lot for this explanation.

  7. I love this site and so appreciate rush-collection's amazing work and generosity. I saw this number for the first time today when I was thinking about a specific negative event in my life. I am starting a new artistic venture which I am hoping will help bring positivity and hope into my life - I feel I am on the right path after reading this ♡

  8. Schot in de 🌹 roos, timing is perfect 👌 Thankx

  9. Thank you so much for this wonderful guidance to Angel Numbers rush-collection. It helps me so much, I'm really grateful. Bless you. ������ xxx

  10. I see this all the time, been recurring over the past year. I love it for inspiration too. I adore this website and use it frequently, its a great way for our angels to keep us on track and always so positive. Thanks rush-collection! Love and light to everyone!

  11. Thank you for the post. However I've seen 171717 today and it seems there are no such number here?

    1. My great grandfather's immigration serial number is 171717... truly a new beginning

  12. WOW! I just saw this number today after seeing 15:15 earlier and it made me curious about both. After reading this, it is like you were just reading my mind!

  13. I was given this number last night after I made a big mistake I quit smoking a month ago and due to my stupidity I started smoking again yesterday I am a healer and teacher if angelic Reiki but feeling guilty and let down with myself now I'm hopeing this message is telling me to try

    1. And I'm reading this for tje. First time, on the 17th of January.

    2. And I'm reading this for tje. First time, on the 17th of January.

  14. My childrens father is 17 years older than me.My son's birthday is 17 days before his fathers.My daughter's birthday is 17 days before mine.
    This is too much to be mere coincidence.
    None of the births were induced in any way and just happened as they did.I did not choose a man so much older than me;that just happened too.
    So what can out 17,17,17 mean?

    1. My birthday is 17 October, the day you posted your reply.

    2. My anniversary is on October 17th 2015!! I was looking at what 1717 was, and here you are! I've also see 723 which Anon posted, July 23, 723. Numbers are amazing. 17 is also my husbands dad's Birthday 7-17.

    3. Just seen the 1717 angel number and so grateful for the message and wow how many musicians commented here is insane definitely a sign wish all good lucknon new projects new blessand loads of grattuide to this life we are in amen 🙏🏾 🌏

  15. Thank you rush-collection

  16. Same here I'm a r&b singer! I just saw this one, but see patterns all the time! i sing alot about spiritual stuff!

  17. I just wanted to say thank you for this entire resource. I use it daily. You rule!

  18. The hit 1999 by Prince was recorded 17 years before 1999. Prince died 17 years after its release.

    More to Prince than meets the eyes.

  19. musician also instrumentist vocalist poet ... 17/17 ...

  20. I'm finally getting married. On our 7th year anniversary date. 7/17/17

  21. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You couldn't help me more with your precious messages! <3

  22. I'm a musician too. The clock was 11:11 when I was reading 1717. I've been seeing it everywhere. Divine time. Lets make music together. My band name on Facebook is Indigo & The Lights.

  23. Bonjour !i keep seeing this numbers as i am on a song project. Wow magic

  24. Bonjour !i keep seeing this numbers as i am on a song project. Wow magic

  25. I've come this website loads of times ad I often see the angel numbers since a year...I have hardly ever read the comments but today very randomly I began reading and cannot believe that it's all about is my life yet I'm not doing anything as a career although I know that's my calling..jus don't really know what to do...but this message is strong through all these responses....let's see what the musical angels will have me do:-):-) love to all on the musical journey...:-)

  26. I've been seeing 17:17 for sometime now along with other numbers such as 111, 11:11, 444, 333, 23:23 etc. I was on here looking up 444 initially. I'm even more convinced now after seeing most of the commenters here are musicians. For me, that it's a sign that I must stay on track with my music goals. (I just spent the afternoon considering whether I should do real estate and delay music again).

    I haven't done much yet, but I'm even more convinced now I'm on the right track. Thank you! :)

  27. I'm also into music...I see this number often...I constantly motivate a lot of people to achieve their best, it hurts my heart when I see people that have a lot of potential end up not using their the same time, I question 'myself' because I do not use 'my' potential to its fullest. Reading this, I feel a lot better because I started feeling like I was a bit of a busy body, motivating others but not sorting myself out too...from this post, I see that I am actually fulfilling 'my' lives purpose at the same time. I have also been thinking about facing my music seriously and many other things. I am grateful that I saw this post...God bless.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I'm also into music...I see this number often...I constantly motivate a lot of people to achieve their best, it hurts my heart when I see people that have a lot of potential end up not using their the same time, I question 'myself' because I do not use 'my' potential to its fullest. Reading this, I feel a lot better because I started feeling like I was a bit of a busy body, motivating others but not sorting myself out too...from this post, I see that I am actually fulfilling 'my' lives purpose at the same time. I have also been thinking about facing my music seriously and many other things. I am grateful that I saw this post...God bless.

  30. Today this is the 2nd set of numbers I have been nudged in my ear to look at the clock. This afternoon I had a letter saying my money had been stopped due to a error through my change of address. I got upset about this and I had the intuition to look at the clock it was 14.44pm I came straight onto this site and I was told to think positive and not to worry. The lady on the phone said if I don't call you back in a few hours all was good. My phone never rang. Then I got that nudge again to look at the clock and there has it the number 17.17pm so coming back on again to read has made me feel a whole lot better knowing I have my spirit guide and my arcangel Ariel with me. Guideing me. And giving me support when in times of need. I'm still a little upset but knowing my angels are around is good enough for me. You have a fantastic website that uplifts a lot of people so thank you so much. It means a lot to alot of people coming here for there meanings to there numbers.

  31. Thank you for sharing this angelic information. I'm seeing a lot of angel numbers over the past 3 weeks and the meaning has been very meaningful to my experience. I'm a flutist and vibrational catayst. I had a vision of walking through a sacred doorway to an enormous orchestra of various types of beings. We all breathed in light and love and sent the energy out into the universe. This cosmic orchestra plays continually sending light and love to all!

  32. Thank you, im always looking at numbers and what they mean when they stand out, I talk to my Guardian Angels alot and these things give me the courage to move on wth life.

  33. This was trippled is there a meaning for 17 17 17

  34. My birth address was 1717. And im not musical but am listening to a song - Gabrielle Aplin - The Power of Love. ;)

  35. Knowing about all of your stories is a synchronicity of the Universe!!!I am both a teacher and a dancer and this week I had felt really discouraged because my health has not improved the way I had expected. Today I was really sad and then this number popped up in my mobile, I thought "I will check upon it later". I did not. However, I woke up at midnight and the first and strong thought I had in my mind and my heart was to check on the meaning of the number...and after reading I have understood so many universal and personal truths that I can barely thank with words about them!!! My chakradance project, my soul's mission, and my life purpose are clear and strong, now I am aligning with them and raising my frequency to see more and more miracles happen. Thank you rush-collection, tons of love and miracles for you!!!! And to all of the people who have posted here HEALING AND BLESSINGS ON YOUR PATH, YOU DESERVE THEM ALL!!!

    1. Shine your beautiful light Claudia!


  36. Thank you rush-collection. The angel numbers have changed my life ♥♡

  37. today.... 17:17 @ 1/7/17

  38. My angels told me, that i will give birth to my first child on 17.7.17 but i lost the baby last saturday I just wondered what it meant. Today I have quit my job and I feel so guided and blessed. I am so happy reading this :) now i will follow MY path :)

  39. I saw this on 01/17/17. I was driving by a road that I always pass by and it just so happens that I noticed one of the address numbers on this particular day, and yes it was 1717. I assured it was synchronicity working some saucee here so I was going to look it up later. But I never did because I just got busy. So today this morning I had the best meditation on my intentions for life and how I will start acting and doing more towards my goals. I've been presented new opportunities and had been just going around and around about if I should take the risk so it set me straight. So I finished and 1717 stayed in my head so I come to look it up and couldn't be more gratified! One of the insights I had during meditation was what exactly was the mission? So I concluded that my mission is to show as much people as I can how to be the best version themselves, in every aspect; physical, mental, and spiritual. But I wanted to comment just to say that synchronicity is real, no such thing as luck or chance.

  40. I really want to thank you for the beautiful work that you do! ♡ This resonates with me so incredibly much that you wouldn't believe it! Lots of love, light and gratitude your way!��✨��

  41. Wow, that's crazy. I been seeing 444 for months, started with 11:11. But I've been seeing 1717 a lot today and the last couple of days. I've been furiously working on music this week. I finally decided to really start giving it my all and follow my passion with everything I have in me. I'm very good at rapping, that's my greatest talent. This keeps popping up and it's crazy to see that a lot of you are into music as well. Yesterday I was downloading a ton of beats and I saw one called "for your eyez only" and it had 4,444 views. And then after downloading beats for hours, the program I was using didn't allow me to download anymore instrumentals. It was stuck at 111 beats. No matter how many times I tried to download more. Nuts, well everyday I keep working on music I have a ton of synchronicities so I guess I'm doing the right thing :) This just confirms it.

  42. I see this number all the time and nothing at all happens. I see 11:11 too and 14:14 and same thing, nothing happens.

    These numbers don't mean anything except I look at my phone way too much like all of you.

    I also see the colour red all the time everyday and nothing happens either.

    Are angels mathematicians? Einstein never mentioned them.

  43. Numbers 1 and 7 have always been around my life. But I only started to notice about 17 recently. What is written on the text is exactly what I've been searching for and experiencing. Just had a 17 match about the full moon and Samhain, so I'll certainly jump into those matters!

  44. It's not the most common number i see.. but recently 1717 appeared again.... mostly i seen 55 and sometimes 555 recently as big change warning/reminder and its beyond any doubt hudge changes indeed happened as my dearest close soulmate was basicly rejecting me completely ... and i was left with immense pain,grief,loss of soul,loss of sense of self... broken to pieces and my mind still kinda tries to avoid negative thoughts about what happened because i suffered so much during this relashinship my main mistakes were too much attachement clinging and MOST OF ALL mistaking soulmates soul/higher self traits with the personality she was here and now ... like all thoose higher aspects covered her lower ones... and she only cared for me as good friend and for me she's the dream woman i been waiting like for eternity resonating on so many levels... hardest lesson indeed.... BUT BACK TO THE POINT OF 1717 more than a year a go i started playing djembe drum,i had deep trauma with my first acid exeperience and soul loss was allready present but recent soulmate loss made it more sever but at the same time eleveted into digging it ,realising seeking answers,geting insights.... Music has been so important part of my life everyday music plays in the background while pc is on... i also play several other instruments and find i took some natural talents with help of my ancestors particulary shamanic ones... felt the calling of shamanism... drumming skills increased bought shamanic type drum,and since then my hearts desire was to heal/help others with music... heal with sound,arts and music are defenetly main part of who i am and what is meant for me to be in this lifetime,MY LIFE PATH NUMBER IS 7,my fav number all along,my house number is 14 (7+7) ,and i met my soulmate at 17th day... and the dream to marry her and share the same dream of healing with sound arised... too bad it all went like this for we indeed share same h earts desire.. so much resonance especially in music... recovery taking place now researching soul retrieval in particular done on oneself ... wish me luck ... thnx ... and YES THERE IS NO DOUBT AT ALL ABOUT UNIVERSE SENDING SIGNS THRU NUMBERS... THE AMMOUNT OF 55 I SEEN WAS SO HUDGE I STARTED TO PISS ME OFF... :) take care ,and with all strenght that you have make way for hearts desire to be manifested by intentions combined with actions ... PEACE ....If anyone wants to chat or just connect you can find me on Facebook - JŪstinas Roots Man

  45. Thank you so much rush-collection!!! Thank you Angels!!!
    I have chosen a job that resonates with who I am-thus Helping people.
    Along that i motivate and help my friends and relatives,I constantly research and self educate.
    I love what I do,I just love helping people!!! It makes me feel rewarded and complete.
    I know that this is my dharma,what I am & what my purpose is.
    I,like most people who have commented here love music and dance/aerobics in particular.
    I intend to enrol on a course becoming an aerobics/dance teacher/trainer.
    Besides this I love art in all its forms and I am a Professional Make up artist.
    My area is to combine both-art & music and add it to my work/daily life.
    Of course along what I currently do and always have done -helping people!
    I am grateful to have found this website,it has helped me along the way (for the past year) & it helps and will help guide my present & future!!!
    Thank you rush-collection!!!Thank you Angels!!!
    Love and light your way rush-collection!!!
    Love,peace and light to everyone who is using this website!!! ♡♡♡


  47. And today is 17.07.2017 ♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people !!! ♡♡♡

  48. Wow yes, I am a music producer / musician / artist / mummy etc :) I started seeing 11:11 lots about 18 months ago and now i'm getting lots of 555 444 333 1212 and now this 1717 and 1414 yesterday :) Feeling hugely blessed xx

  49. I see this number a lot for the past 4 yrs.. and ryms with my sis Birth date..

  50. I see this number a lot for the past 4 yrs. .and it ryms with my sis Birth date

  51. haha I see 71 comments..


  52. Wow what's going on? That's creepy. I've always been in to music but lately I just realized that I want to start making my own music. Today I was thinking am I good enough and I just saw 17:17, which wasn't my first time seeing it so I thought that I would look it up. This gives me motivation :)

  53. I had seen so many struggles. Lost my last few years..then faced betrayal when thought to get married. My life was so tough but I always wanted to be a good person. Still struggling and trying. One thing I always did was I never gave up. I always acted with kindness and humanity but always found myself with me only when I needed. Though, I trusted God a lot. Now, from last months, I have started seeing repetitive angel numbers. I was unknown to them. But, you made me aware of these messages right from angels. Now, I feel angels are there with me and they are watching, guiding me. I need their help and guidance. This made me trust on being kind and act with humanity. It encouraged me to be kind and full of humanity. You encouraged me to not leave the path of trying to be a good human. Thank you so much as you are a beautiful soul and messenger of angels and GOD. Stay blessed !

    Thank you Angels !

  54. I see 1717 a lot lately along with 777 and 7777(and many others numbers as well). What all that means??For one thing I'm sure it's surely no coincidence!

  55. I saw 1717 for three days in a row,yesterday also twice.Wow these must have very important meaning for me I hope it's a positive one.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. There was some typo mistake in the msg above.So, i deleted it and expressing again through this comment. Seeing 17:17 many times. And you made me realise that this is an encouragement to keep hope. I hope what you have mentioned about 17:17 will be fruitful to me. I whole heartedly believe in your interpretations,messages sent by angels. I really need their blessings and supports always.
    Thank you rush-collection for helping people like me.

    Thank you Angels !

  58. Thank you soooo much rush-collection...

  59. I saw 1717 today and I came here for an explanation. Even more mysterious is the fact that today is 11-25-2017 (2+5=7) ☺

  60. Keep seeing this number. I'm smart enough to know it only has meaning if I want it to. I feel sorry for those people who delude themselves into thinking it is something 'special'. If you want to see something special go look in a mirror - that's the person who will help you get on in life.

  61. This number has been following me each day for already one year.
    It all started on the 17 of February 2017.
    It's also weird Two of my Ex's birthday are on the 17.
    My life path number is 7 and my Ex's too.
    I do believe in sychronicities and I do believe I am here to carry out a mission as we are all.
    But it was said by a buddhist in Thailand when I was in my mothers stomach, that I am the chosen one, I am here to carry a message.
    Every research I've done, whether by tarot readings, palm readings, numerology etc, they all lead me to the same path, as a spiritual leader.
    I am very spiritual and also a bit psychic. Each day I try to practice and awaken more my abilities.
    I really want to help this world, but first I have to start within.
    I've had many weird occurances for the past year but i'm also so passionately curious about diving deeper into my capabilities. I know I can do so much good.
    Whenever I see 17 or 7 or 1717 whichever sequence I use it as a reminder that I am here for good things and that I am being guided on the right path.
    Peace, Love and Light <3

  62. GRATEFUL for every reminder !!! Love ,peace and Light to all!!!

  63. thank you dear rush-collection, you are a kind soul. wish you many blessings

    love, susana

  64. I'm a singer..I saw 1717 this morning..I'm very grateful to read this today...I was gifted by angels to sing in a completely different way to heal people...It's very intriguing..lilting...I am truly grateful for this gift and 1717 angel message.... It is my path..I'm on the right one....Must keep the faith that it will blossom✨
    Thank you rush-collection for your gift of numbers💖

  65. I met my girlfriend on 9-17-17, and shortly after that I began to see angel numbers frequently. 9 is also my life path number in numerology. I’m also experiencing a heightened sense of intuition and seem to be in tune with the universe.

  66. I met my girlfriend (TF) on 9-17-17. I also see 7:17 on occasion and other angel numbers. Most 11:11, 2:22, 4:44, and occasionally 3:33. When I was a kid, my best friend would tell me “make a wish, it’s 11:11”! I never took it seriously, but now these no.’s seem to be reoccurring frequently, ever since I met my girlfriend. I also watched a vid about Twin Flames and dismissed it until I realized that these numbers have a significance.

  67. On my way home from work I look at my speedometer and it was 171717. I don't normally look at my speedometer so i really noticed it. What's really crazy is that ivI' been asking what my purpose is supposed to be. I've been feeling closer to my Guides lately and last night I mentioned that I haven't seen any numbers lately. I guess they are hearing me. It makes me feel wonderful that I'm not alone in this world.

  68. Just got this today and it was like blam !

  69. Wist dat ik op de goede weg zat,had een keuze moeten maken,heb de goede gekozen , en het werpt vruchten af

  70. I love this site it is so good and give such a wonderful explanation on the numbers, I am very grateful for this site and all the work that has gone into it, thank you with all my heart rush-collection

  71. Dear rush-collection, you are the very best! There is no time that I come to read your answers for my angel numbers I meet in my daily life, that your explanation is not TOTALLY befitting. I thank you from my heart and soul for your inspiring insights.

  72. All of these comments have really made me smile. It's an exciting time. We are all moving towards the flow of creativity we are all gifted to have. Whether that's in art, science, fashion.. There's so many ways to create. And it just shows how many people are beginning to flow in the right direction.. Exciting!

  73. I just so happened to look down at my odometer in my truck, the trip said 717.9 and the mileage was 171717.9 I saw this at 11:11 pm. On September 17th.

  74. Wow,111 comments...
    Angel Number 1717 indicates that you have an important soul mission and life purpose that involves communicating, teaching, healing others and serving humanity in a manner that suits your personality and natural abilities and interests. You are to set a positive example for others and inspire them to seek their own passion and purpose. Do not allow any insecurities to hinder or hold you back from fulfilling your destiny as you have all that you need within you...Starting counselling course in March,spirit tell me what to do on a daily basis and I do it...xx I feel blessed..

  75. 👍👍🐺🐺🐛🐛🦋🦋👸🏼👸🏼💖💖🙏🙏 Iam Blessed!!!Be Loved Be Blessed Beloved Hearts! 💖💖💖🕯🕯🕯

  76. 1717! Great things are Happening 💖💖💖💖😍😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🏵

  77. 1717! 33!👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼💓💓💓👐👐🙌🙌🙌💓💖💖💖

  78. I've not long moved to a property built in 07/07/07 and the plaque is in my outside wall. X

    1. Same here, I moved December 7th last year. Door no. 3, built 7th July 2007 n plaque on my front wall. X

  79. 1717! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!💚💜💜💏💖🧡💛💙💙🙏🙏🤲🤲🧡🔥🔥

  80. Thank you! I always come to this website to check the meanings I keep getting double numbers 14:14 16:16 17:17 and 11:11 they pop up at the most reliably times and 17:17 I seen it at the movement I was about to doubt myself! Thank u

    1. Ik heb het ook ik zie elke dsg andere maar de.11:11 het meest.. de laatste tiiden meer verschillende dubble cijfers

  81. THANK YOU GOD, ANGELS...rush-collection!BLESSINGS!

  82. 1717! Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection! 🙏🙏💐🌸🏵🌸💐🌸🌸🏵🌼

  83. Greetings....thank you rush-collection for creating this site,
    It’s great to see so many musicians & artists resonate with these numbers.
    I too am a musician/producer who sees the synchronicity with numbers, saw 1717 today and came here...what a great confirmation to see!!

    stay blessed x

  84. Thank you rush-collection! I love this site and refer to it frequently. I see all kinds of numbers. Lately lots of 7's, 17's repeating.

  85. Thank you rush-collection! I love this site and refer to it frequently. I see all kinds of numbers. Lately lots of 7's, 17's repeating.

  86. My 3rd daughter I’ve always said is a gift from god. I wasn’t ever supposed to have her, due to illnesses. And well her she is a healthy happy little girl born
    1-7-17. I joked in the hospital the day prior saying it would be cool to have her born 1717, and on the first snow storm of the season (she was due 1/23/17) Well, she was born 1/7/17 and during the first snow storm. Is this my angels answering me, or angels answering her because it is her birthday?

  87. Wow! I have been called to mission and have been seeing 717 and 1717 and I sing. This is amazing.

  88. Love to everyone and joy and peace too I whatever you are doing

  89. “You may not like how things are going. You may not agree with those who seem to have power over your happiness.

    But here is a great secret of life:
    You have way more influence than you realize.

    Gandhi called this influence Truth Force - Love Force - Soul Force -

    It is the inherent power in you to conjure the truth and the very best in other people.

    It is the power in you to change people’s hearts and minds by changing the way you see them - by changing the way you observe them.

    Nobel physicist Max Planck said “When you change the way you look at things - the things you look at change.”

    Scientists have discovered that when a teacher is merely told a student has a higher IQ, that student’s IQ rises to meet the teacher’s expectations.

    Expecting the best from people, brings out the best in people.

    But the reverse is also true. Seeing the worst in people, brings out the worst in people.

    Your consciousness has the power to conjure the very best or the worst in everyone you observe - even at a distance…

    Our friends. Our family. Our children. Our co-workers. Our police.
    Even our Presidents. We have the power to change each and every one of their hearts and minds, simply by changing our own hearts and minds about them.

    We all have darkness in us - but we also have the Light -
    and in every moment we have another chance - another choice - of whether darkness or the Light is given reign over our consciousness.

    What you stand witness for in others, is strengthened in them by the power of your observation.

    When you look for the worst in someone - when you make them wrong in your mind - when you refuse to see the best in them - you are committing a spiritual assault of the worst kind - for you are testifying against their ability to choose the Light, standing witness for the darkness in them, and strengthening its power over their heart and mind.

    If you've ever faced a hostile crowd, a hostile cop, a hostile lover - you've felt the destructive force of another’s contempt for you.

    Do not give in to this way of seeing!
    Stand witness for the Light in others!

    The unassailable divine spark forever shines in the hearts of every man, woman and child - just waiting to be called forward.

    When you call on the divine spark in someone you lend it the strength to prevail in their consciousness.

    The power of your divine witnessing calls forth the truth in other people’s minds.

    It calls forth the love in their hearts.

    It calls forth the grace and beauty of their souls.

    Divine witnessing is the most powerful form of non-violence, because it heals the very source of violence - it turns your enemies into friends - even when you thought they were deplorable and wrong.

    In a place where you see no light - you make your own.

    You call upon the divine spark within you - and invite it to reveal itself in those who oppose you.

    The divine spark in your heart ignites itself in others through the blazing light of your consciousness,

    Witness for that.
    Strengthen that.
    INSIST upon that.

    The truth in me calls out to the truth in you -
    for it is only that I will stand witness to.
    It is only that I am determined to see.
    it is only that I will testify for.
    For to condemn you would be to condemn me - and we are the same.

    And so I insist on regarding you
    as true,
    and good,
    and wise,
    and kind.

    And so it will be,
    because that is what we all want to see.

    These are not my words but I think they are great for this website.


    1. Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL REMINDER...

    2. Beautiful words! Keep shining your loving light ✨️
      Endless love and blessed journeys to us all ❤️

  90. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

  91. When i was down about some heartbreak recently....a friend texted me out of the blue, saying isnt this weird? Picture of her odometer (171717)

  92. Whaow today its 17 and the clock show me 17:17 so Thank you so very much 🥰🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  93. I came here after seeing 17:17 on March 5th, 2021, Japan time.:)
    I was thinking about light painting!

  94. In reply to Anonymous,Tuesday,February 24,2015
    Beautifully expressed,in written form,how I feel and where my journey is leading me. GRATITUDE and ACCEPTANCE are my pillars. So have I, continuously been on " the road less traveled, the incessant search for the TRUTH. It has ALWAYS been my quest, like you. So happy to have fell upon 😀 1717 do I could get to read about someone else's search for the truth. Thank You. Namaste..

  95. Thankyou!!! 🙏😇💖😜🥰

  96. Wow, lovely to read. Thank you.

  97. I am dancer but also play music.1717 got me to this page today 🙃

  98. This was great thanks to the universe and source for the divine timing. I'm am forever grateful for all my blessings now and the ones to come �� �� �� �� �� ✨

  99. Exactly how I am feeling!
    Blessed and prosperous is the path we are all on.

  100. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  101. 🙏, ☮️❤️ to ALL

  102. Many thanks.Such a beautiful soul 🙂

  103. Happy New Year with Health and Abundance to everyone..

  104. I'm seeing this number quite often and maybe the universe is telling me to concentrate more on my studies. Many thanks for this free explanation.

  105. 🙏☮️❤️🌞🙏
