Friday, February 21, 2014


Number 1517 is a blend of the vibrations of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes and energies of number 5 and number 7. Number 1 encourages you to step forward in your chosen direction/s, and reminds you that you create your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 1 resonates with insight and inspiration, creativity and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfilment and attainment. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom, individuality, cleverness and intelligence, and life lessons learned through experience. Number 7 vibrates with the influences of mysticism, spiritual awakening, development and enlightenmentpsychic abilities, empathy, inner-knowing and understanding others, dignity and refinement, persistence of purpose, study, research and education.

Angel Number 1517 indicates that new opportunities will present in your life for you to take full advantage of and you are encouraged to explore the exciting new possibilities. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and you will find that all will work out for your highest good. Go with the flow and ease into the new and different with confidence and enthusiasm. Your soul chooses experiences for your own growth.
Angel Number 1517 is a message from your angels that the changes happening in your life will bring you into full alignment with your true spiritual self and your life purpose and soul mission. Take the time to meditate and listen to your intuition as the angels are guiding you through life changes that are leading you towards wonderful new beginnings and opportunities. Trust that all is going to Divine plan in your life and you are fully supported in every way. You are encouraged to follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels regarding your next steps.

Angel Number 1517 may also be indicating that it is a perfect time for you to explore, learn and expand your personal spirituality. Knowledge can be acquired, but the wisdom to use it comes from the inner-voice within us. The only qualification required of anyone who wishes to follow the path of peace, harmony and love, is the desire to do so.

Number 1517 relates to number 5 (1+5+1+7=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.


  1. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!! Love,peace and Light to All!!!
    Thank you rush-collection!!! Thank you Angels !!! ♡♡♡


  3. Gracias a ti amor de mi alma ❤❤❤😍💍👑🥰👄💕💋❤

  4. Yesss... Amen 🙏💝🌹
