Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Number 1421 is made up of the vibrations of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes and energies of number 4 and number 2. Number1 promotes creativity and creation, pioneering, action and initiative, new beginnings and motivation, self-leadership and assertiveness, striving forward and progress. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, intentions, beliefs and actions. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the ArchangelsNumber 2 lends its attributes of service and duty, adaptability and co-operation, duality, finding balance and harmony, kindness and consideration. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.  

Angel Number 1421 is a message to use positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude about your life in general as these positive energies attract abundance and manifests peace and clarity.  Have faith and trust in yourself; your skills, talents and natural abilities, and use the to their fullest upon your Divine life path. Have faith and trust that the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters encourage and support you in your endeavours.
Angel Number 1421 is a message from your angels that you are to balance your work life with your relaxation and play time. The angels encourage you to take time out to meditate, relax, revive and rejuvenate yourself. Your health and wellbeing are of the utmost importance as your inner-strength and vibrant energies are much needed by the world. The angels want you to be functioning at your optimum.

Angel Number 1421 also suggests that if you are going through a trying or difficult situation at the moment, your angels want you to know that all will work out for your highest good. Take your steps with caution and consideration and faith and trust and expect good outcomes in your life. Be assured that the angels are busily working behind the scenes and certain factors need to fall into place before your desired outcome can be reached. There is nothing holding you back or blocking you from attaining your goal and/or desire.  Show patience and feel gratitude for the miraculous solutions to appear in your life. Your positive beliefs and faith and trust in the Divine creates favourable results and outcomes.

Something new and positive is entering your life and you are encouraged to maintain hope and faith. Positive energies attract positive outcomes.

Number 1421 relates to number 8 (1+4+2+1=8) and Angel Number 8.



  1. Thank You, for my Blessings I am truly Grateful to you:)

  2. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! ♡♡♡
    Awesome message and on point !!!
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  3. Blessed and grateful. Now and always.
    Something new is entering, I've been feeling its powerful energies for a while now... way stronger of late...
    I even know what is headed my way. What I can't clearly feel yet is when exactly it will happen... only I know it will be soon and it will be an amazing surprise on all fronts. I feel it stronger and stronger...very close... What's certain that I fully trust that it will happen when Devinely right. Not before, nor after. Thank you Angels and you rush-collection, our Earth Angel's.❤🙌🙏 Blessed us all be.❤🙌
