Monday, November 25, 2013


Number 1329 is a combination of the vibrations of number 1 and number 3, blended with the attributes and energies of number 2 and number 9. Number 1 resonates with self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative and instinct, new beginnings and a fresh approach, motivation, striving forward and progress. Number 1 encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Number 3 brings its energies of encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, growth and expansion, sensitivity, self-expression and communication, creativity, joy and optimism. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters and indicates that they are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. The Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 2 relates to duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, consideration and receptivity, fulfilment and happiness, faith and trust and serving your Divine life missionNumber 9 resonates with the ability to see things from a higher perspective, lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, leadership and leading others by positive example, inner-wisdom, spiritual awakening and the Universal Spiritual Laws. Number 9 also relates to the Spiritual Law of Karma and serving your soul purpose

Angel Number 1329 encourages you to have faith in your natural lightworking talents and abilities, and put them to good use. Trust the guidance from the angels in all aspects to do with your Divine life mission and keep up your wonderful lightwork. You are helping others by living as a positive example and shining your love and light out to the world. Always choose the path where you can do the most good in the world.

Angel Number 1329 is a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in them as they send you guidance through your intuition, visions, thoughts and promptings. Trust and believe the messages you receive and act accordingly by taking the appropriate actions. The angels and Ascended Masters know your life mission from a higher perspective and their guidance and directions come from a place of love, light and wisdom. Serve your lightworking mission with faith, confidence, trust and wisdom by living your life as a positive example to others. Know that you are well blessed.

Angel Number 1329 brings motivation and inspiration to finish a project that you have been procrastinating over, and also tells you to let go of things that no longer positively serve you in order to make room for new aspirations and acquisitions. 

If you have been feeling that some part of your life is drawing to a close, Angel Number 1329 is validation. This closure and conclusion will mean that significant positive changes will take place and/or wonderful new beginnings are on the horizon. Let the old go with love and gratitude for the service it gave you, and welcome the new into your life with optimism and enthusiasm.

Number 1329 relates to number 6 (1+3+2+9=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics



  1. Immensely blessed and grateful!!! ♡♡♡ Tottaly on point !!!
    I am in a process of changing jobs!
    Currently at the point where my job is not only unsatisfying,but has become a burden!!! My boss has been very difficult to deal with troughout the past year,however of late, she behaves unacceptably rude and this is not what I will continue to put up with or tolerate any longer !!!I've given her far to many chances and no stable change whatsoever!!! So "Time Out" pending!!! I deserve the absolute BEST and THE BEST is what I'll manifest!!! I am a person who has always taken risks and will continue in that vein,however my risks have always been very well calculated !!! This time is no exception!!!
    With little more patience and persistance all would like up magically !!! I believe,trust and know !!!♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people,as we all are!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  2. Grateful for every reminder !!!💫💥👊❤Amen!!! ❤

  3. Amen!!! I'm aboit to let go of a job shortly.
    In the meantime I'm intensively working on my business project.
    Message precise as always.
    Grateful immensly. I love you rush-collection. ❤🙌🙏🍀
    Blessed and easy journeys to all .🙌🙏🍀❤

  4. Amen thanks be to God and to my guardian angels
