Thursday, November 07, 2013


Number 1313 is made up of the attributes and vibrations of number 3 and number 1, with both number 3 and number 1 appearing twice, doubling and amplifying their influences. Number 1 relates to self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, new beginnings and a fresh approach. It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress and tells us that we create our own experiences with our intentions, thoughts and beliefs. Number 3 resonates with growth, expansion and the principles of increase, creativity, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, self-expression and communication, encouragement and assistance, talents and skills. Number 3 also indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked and helping you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others. The Masters assist with manifesting your desires and help you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 1313 the number of optimism, enthusiasm, communication, creativity and expansion on all levels.

Angel Number 1313 is an indication from your angels that they are helping you to gain a positive and optimistic outlook and are helping to empower you so that you can walk your chosen path with confidence and grace and suggests that the Ascended Masters are working with you on your thought processes to enable you to make the highest and wisest choices. Be prepared to expand and develop your personal spirituality in new and exciting ways and look for opportunities to creatively express yourself from the heart. Use your natural interests, talents and personality to bring joy and upliftment to others.

Angel Number 1313 is a message from your angels that the strong connection you have with the angelic realm and the Ascended Masters is assisting you with staying positive, light and optimistic about your life. Pay close attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as you are being angelically guided towards the next steps along your path. Trust the messages and promptings and take positive action with confidence and enthusiasm. 

Angel Number 1313 indicates that you are surrounded by loving, positive energies. Make the most of these wonderfully auspicious energies and use them creatively to your advantage and to the advantage of others. It is time to live your truths and express yourself with clarity, purpose and love and be a positive light to others.

Number 1313 also relates to number 8 (1+3+1+3=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics



  1. rush-collection I just saw the number 1313 twice within just a few hours so I thought I better look it up ( I try to pay attention to signs and synchronistic occurrences )..anyway, your description spoke perfectly to what I am bringing into this new year. Good to know I am right on track:) thank you and beautifully written!

    1. Thanks Be To Father/Mother God, 1313 loud and clear and ready to do whatever necessary in order to bring me into my Highest Good to serve the planet in the best way possible! In Jesus Name...Amen ❤☀️😻

    2. I have never seen these numbers until this morning when I went to the gym, but before that, I was still in bed and I asked for Jesus and my angels to help me with a problem I have and I saw 113 calories burned at 13:13 minutes so that caught my eye and made a mental note to come look what they meant. The second time I glanced at the monitor the time read 31:31 which is a palindrome of 1313. Pretty neat! Thank you rush-collection for such a wonderful resource you made for us! XOXO

  2. After wondering about my future at the company where I am employed And whether or not my moves over the last three years were in mybest interests, I closed my eyes and nodded off. I received the numbers 1313 as if whispered to me. I have previously received 911 messages from my angels and I knew to investigate. How perfect the timing for this message of 1313 in my life. Validation that our Angels are here and guiding us. Thank You for the interpretation. Feeling Blessed!! Ross Churchill

  3. Yeah! Awesome stuff here :).

  4. Thank you very helpful! thank you for sharing

  5. This is a great uplifting message to start the new year ! I usually see the numbers 222,444,11:11,111, consistently Today was the first time noticing and being guided to the number 13:13. It has a wonderful meaning and i truly do feel this change happening in my life i am coming out of a period of depression bouts and just negative thinking. I have made so much effort to change my life for the better and here is encouragement right as i start to see the results all around me. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the work you do. Helped changed my life for the better :)

    1. Same here 'Ditto' - have come out of a long depression - have in the last few months experienced many little miracles - have also been seeing the same set of numbers as yourself - God bless x

    2. This number also came to me during a depression, I didn't feel loved, and nothing felt worth trying for anymore, I was abusing drugs and as soon as I really put my intention on getting better and fixing my life, the numbers 1313 showed up and gave me the exact answers I needed. Something interesting about me though, I cant find anyone who has had similar experiences except maybe on dmt. I did 3.5 grams of dried mushrooms around a year ago and I met these 3 beautiful beings who were made of color and were morphing sorta. They were made of red, blue, green, and yellow colors all racing around and swirling around. Their entire world was like this too, including the sky. The trick to visiting other dimensions on psychedelics (I do firmly believe I went to another dimension) is to close your eyes and lay down. The beings I met knew me and I realized that I knew them too! Not like you know your mom or your friend, but i really knew them. Imagine the best family or group of friends you could ever have. You go on adventures together and share stories and just have all of these amazing beautiful memories with them and you couldn't replace them with anyone in the world. That is what it was like. I felt like I was home with my family. My REAL family. My spirit family. Me and the entities are best friends no doubt. They told me that this is where I'm going to go when I die and that I will see them again. They also told me that they had been with me through my life and gave me a few examples of this, one was through a dream of these 3 horses and they were the same people, in the dream i knew them and loved them just like i did in this dimension, i could talk to them and as soon as i woke up I felt so alone and I looked at the clock and it said 1111 am. I didn't know what this meant at the time but I know now that they were with me in the dream, they also appear as blue orbs I think? I also see white orbs but I've seen blue ones a few times and felt that the color meant they were spirit guides or something. BUT. once i saw the 1313, something clicked and I really think the 3 beings I saw were my spirit guides or guardian angels. I read something about how they maybe have lived with you in past lives or maybe I was their guardian when they were incarnated. Either way it amazes me and it seems like the spirit guides know exactly how to show you things to make you believe it

    3. Hello Sir, million thanks. When I'm not going through a particularly good phase in life, your article about the angelic numbers is reassuring. I m now more aware of angelic numbers. I saw 1313 right now on the digital clock of my cell phone.regards

    4. I believe psychedelics helped me tune in to Gid Jesus my spirit guides they show me numbers now to give ne messages forever grateful rush-collection xxxx

  6. Dear rush-collection,
    Thanks a lot for your explanations, I have been looking for a page like yours for some time now, as certain number keep crossing my way frequently. Glad I finally got here!
    Lots of Love

  7. I check in frequently. Over time I've often thought at the enormity of making this index. Truly an amazing accomplishment! Thank you.

  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and wonderful gift! I've been coming to your site for over a year now. My Spirit Guides are more connected to me and I to them than ever before, I'm receiving an abundant amount of messages from them via numbers and meditation. Thank you so much for the interpretations!

    Peace & Blessings

  9. I have had a terrible week, with work and health and have felt like giving up and noticed the time at 1313 and for some unknown reason I felt compelled to look the numbers up here.

    It is exactly what I needed to hear. I need to stay positive and follow through with my goals; I am so close to achieving one in particular (my Diploma of Nursing) - I graduate in July if I keep going and a bad experience this week made me feel like giving the whole thing away and that it's not for me (yet I have what it takes to be an awesome nurse, I am just struggling with some aspects of work placement. I am trying so hard to do my best but feel lost in the greater scheme of things).

    I suppose because I am so unwell at the moment it hasn't helped my thought process - this message is what I need to help keep positive.

    Thank you,

  10. I thought of myself enjoying the changes in the company and becoming happy in it and i checked the watch it was 1313 and i knew i had to contact this page to understand more. Thank you.

  11. I've so much in my mind just now that I don't even know where and how to start but I'll say, it's purely mighty miracles holding around us in this present time of the world - the awakening of the called. We're really loved and so very privileged a lot by and from Heaven. These connections we've with the above show there's some superior being somewhere still monitoring the affairs of his creations. Look I've seen... let me say, all numbers, their combonations, starting from O-9, most especially 9. I am the 9th in my family and most of the things happening to me are in the 9th number somehow. I've been seeing angel numbers for long but would always took them for mere coincidences. But on this date - 12-12-12 and time 12:12am, I got compelled to know what it is all about, I thought I was possessed of some evil spirit and all that but after some months, I was lead to this site of Doreen and I got the full knowledge of everything. I posted something on mind on FAcebook hours past when am writing this, the next time I checked out my timeline before writing this, I got to know it's posted at exactly 13:13pm on the 4th and liked by 4. Although, that was not my first time of being nudged to notice that so I said let me go and read the meanings again on Doreen's site.
    Thanks to you Doreen, for the love and your ceaseless nudges to be positive always; much more of God's and angels' guidance by His grace! Peace!
    Emmanuel aka Jodekss Gloatkenf.

    1. Thank you for your comments and sentiments Emmanuel .... but my name is actually rush-collection. Thanks anyway :)


  12. :) .... thanks to u angel

  13. 1313 means something bad is going to happen to me, and its a warning sign to me. I have seen this number now on 3 different occasions and I now know what it represents bad luck.. join our number community and share your story

    1. if you focus on fear you project fear(focus on fear you belive in fear so that will happend what you expect happens, reality arround us is a projection of the colection of ideas we have or rather we belive but belief is not truned off and on so easily so if you try thsi and fail know that you are trying to convince yourself its not real and therefore its not possible for you) you might be unaware or this might be intentional whatever it is don't focus on fear i am not talking to sherry yes i am talking to you focus on love and one.

    2. Sorry but this number will only be bad luck if you believe it so.. It's not good to drag people into this belief.... rush-collections descriptions speak to me..all ive had today are positive things happen to me and I recieved this number and rush-collections description totally matched my moment and thoughts today and that asenended masters are helping me to stay positive as this is what I have been working on and i truly believe im being guided to let you know this..

  14. Thank you rush-collection, for taking the time to write all this beautiful messages and help us interpret the signs! thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  15. Hi
    I am forever seeing repetitive numbers near enough every time I look at a clock. This has been occuring for years. I started to note them down but too often to log. I never have any real look so I don't understand it

  16. All angel nos say the same thing but in different ways.

  17. This is something interesting, Got my first deck of angel cards yesterday as I am now studying the cards and little book about them, saw this 1313. It really is magical, as more I follow this never ending magical path as more it gives me messages. :) Lovely, love and light <3

  18. I went to the mini market this morning to buy some breakfast and water. The payment ended up being R$13,13. I knew I was feeling my intuition when I chosen the number of fried cheese balls. I was also thinking on buying more balls, but I had a weird feeling of not getting any more. Now I realize that my intuition was right.

    All of the wonderful stuff I'm living everyday is because I'm following my intuition all the time.

  19. Thank you so much! <3

  20. Very helpful and nourishing to hear :) thankyou

  21. Thanks alot for telling the meaning of this number,I'm really glad the angels sended me this message :-) I was in a really bad mood then I saw this number on the phone and felt that I had to look it up. I really needed to know this!

  22. I was shown the number 131313 today...what does this extended sequence mean?

  23. I always keep seeing repeating numbers like 1010,2020,1313,1515,0909,0202 ect... whenever I consciously look at watch....can anyone please help me out with any significance of this ..

  24. I always keep seeing repeating numbers like 1010,2020,1313,1515,0909,0202 ect... whenever I consciously look at watch....can anyone please help me out with any significance of this ..

  25. Ive been seeing this number 13:13 on my phone and pc everytime when I look at the time for the past year...

    1. hi like you i have seen the number 1313 at least a dozen times this year it has never ever happened before but a few months ago i started seeing these numbers over a period of a couple of weeks then it stopped and i forgot about it. then last week it started again and i have seen 1313 near enough on a daily basis in fact this afternoon i saw it again on my works pc. i don't know what it means or what it is telling me but nothing has ever happened like this before don't want to sound critical but this site and similar ones only confuse me more as to what it means to constantly see 1313

  26. I'm rediscovering life..spirituality..and cosmic love..thanks rush-collection for your and blessings to all beings

  27. I just sow 13-13-13 in a row. and an hour or so later, one more 13.first three times I was reading comments on Twitter. every time I was looking for a new comments, there was 13 new ones. and after an hour when I listened for an video in youtube, I wanted to "Like" it. and I was 13th that "Liked". what is it???

  28. i saw 13.13 today on my receipt.The explanation above is awesome,thank you,and was very happy until i read a comment of a lady saying she knows is bad luck,anyways,i'm very depressed,if anyone could help me please,and thank you all,love all

  29. Is whistle blowing considered 'a positive action' ?

    1. If it is done for the right reason/s and is for the benefit of others, then I believe 'Whistleblowing' to be a very positive and brave action.

  30. I woke up 13:13 on Fri 13 :)

  31. Awesome (-:
    Thank you for your service to the others!

  32. That's a wonderful blog! Thank you! I come to learn that sync numbers are indeed a way for angels and spirit guides to communicate with us, and it's essential to have this kind of "dictionary" to help us interpret these messages.

  33. Yesterday I saw a series of numbers 1313, 1414, 1515, 1616, 1717, 1818, and 1919 continuously. What does it means? Let me know please.

  34. Again today I seen a special sequence 1711, 1611, 1911, 1411 and 1211. Is there any meaning of this communication?

  35. It feels scary the first time when you start seeing numbers. I thought I'm going crazy.but the more I visited this site,, the more I got to understand. Now I know that every time I see them,I know that my Angels are watching over me. Thanks for reassuring me and thanks my Angels for your guidance

  36. It feels scary the first time when you start seeing numbers. I thought I'm going crazy.but the more I visited this site,, the more I got to understand. Now I know that every time I see them,I know that my Angels are watching over me. Thanks for reassuring me and thanks my Angels for your guidance

  37. Thank you rush-collection and Loving Angels !!!

  38. Tnx!! I have been seeing the nr 13:13 everyday for many years. I have gone through a very hard period in My life, while I was swing This and been very worried that I see This nr( i have letande tjat 13 relates to bad luck). It even went so far that if I saw 1313 on my watch i had to look at the clock until it passed to 1314. But I stoped to Look for about Γ  year ago and embraced the nr 1313, I still see it acouple of Times' Γ  week and My life has taken Γ  big change the latest years. So Im so relived to read your thoughts on the nr 13:13! Thanx!!!

  39. 131313 on my odometer today. Thought it was bad, like The Munsters address lol I'll roll with it now thanks for the positive spin.

  40. This is definitely spot on. Thank you for all the guidance and spiritual assistance. You are really a beacon of light to those searching for truth! Love and light :D

  41. Beautiful work supporting others and communication with non physical realm. Thank you.

  42. Beautiful work supporting others and communication with non physical realm. Thank you very much.

  43. Thank you rush-collection.
    - Spot-on.

  44. Gratitude is the best word to define feelings and express here rush-collection. Thanks for bringing positivity to us and bringing light to our path.
    Thank you so much !

    Thank you Angels !

  45. Thank you so much for this rush-collection! I come here often as synchronicities and angel numbers have become a part of my daily life. Thanks for spreading love, light and positivity. Your page is so meaningful and helpful for me. Truly grateful. Happy Holidays and thanks again!! ����❤️

  46. Hi, in last 10 Month when i take a look what time is, i very often i see nummbers like 11:11, 12:12, 15:15 ect, and thats happened many times a day

  47. When I take a look on my watch, very often i see repeating nummbers like 01:01, 10:10, 14:14, 21:21, 23:23 ect, and that happened very often since 2017

  48. I have been receiving numeric messages from the Universe in succession toward a fream I wish to unfold. Receiving 1313 today is confirmation to me that my dream is about to unfold and for that I am so grateful!

  49. Thank you for the messages I am so glad I am connecting with Angels and Acended Masters they help me feel positively this is a great eye opener for me. And a great spiritual journey I'm on thanks rush-collection x

  50. what I just experienced was extremely powerful emotional and heartfelt. I immediately knew that it was a sign from someone, somewhere or something.

    I have always had the belief in a higher power and Angels or good spirits of some sort.

    I have had small signs and indications once in awhile throughout my life when I just knew that it was if son from my deceased father or "god" or my angels. but none of those signs where as significant or as powerful as this one.

    I rarely buy scratch off lottery tickets but today I felt compelled to buy one. This ticket turned out to be a winner with two winning numbers of 13 1 number was $10 and the other $5.

    As I was driving and scratching off the two winning 13 numbers I almost crashed into a car in front of me when I looked up to notice the license plate last 4 digits were 13 13.
    This whole incident occurred right in front of the electrical company I have been working at for about a year now and have been quickly moving up and progressing in the company I know it is a sign to show this is the right choice for my career and life path.

    I also noticed that the only phone calls I received today were from my best friend at 5:13 and the other from my mother at 6:13

    Immediately remembered looking up angel numbers in the past and found your post.

    thank you so much 4 the information and your interpretation of these numbers your explanation totally relates to what is occurring in my life right now and I believe without a doubt that this is the meaning of this event

  51. Today I accidently saw 1111111, 12222, 1313, 1444,1555. I guess my thoufhts are on the right way.Aren t they??

  52. Saw this number 1313 today while trying to decide if I should keep moving forward with my business. I believe its a sign from my angels telling me not to give up and keep moving forward.

  53. Thank you thank you thank you! ❤πŸ™…πŸ™

  54. Arainna Muslim GirlThursday, July 19, 2018

    13:2 "Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without pillars you (can) see, thereafter He leveled Himself up on the Throne; (How He did so is beyond human understanding) and He subjected the sun and the moon, each one running to a stated term. He conducts the Command; He expounds the signs that possibly you would have certitude of the meeting with your Lord"

    I tried to see what he means by conducting affairs. conducting plans among ourselves. In the Quran there is vast knowledge about sun and the moon.

    This verse mentions the orbit of moon and sun, running for a fixed course, fixed time, fixed all together. the word have these meanings.

    The moon complete an 360 deg orbit, with 360/27.3days ~ 13.2, notice the position of 13:2, where it is mentioned the moon moves, the sun moves along a fixed course, orbit.

    The sun and the moon, have a relationship of time. example, in 13.2 deg orbit, the moon travels 26 moon diameters across the sky to the east. The sun travels 2 deg. It covers half a degree in the sky. Search moon 26 diameters 27.3 days 360 deg in google, click the first link.

    The sun is mention in the middle of the verse, at the 13'th word, interpreting the whole verse as 2deg. Showing the sun covers half degree in the sky.
    The total words are 26 words. Showing that the moon travels 26 moon diameters. In one day.

    There are 113 letters in this entire verse. Looking at 113 number, as the moon travels 113 moon diameters, / 26 per/day = 4.3461.. this ratio is also the exact ratio as in the number of average weeks per solar month. Because
    4.346 week x 7 = 30.42 days = go to wolfram alpha calculator type "month", you will se 30.42, there.

  55. Arainna Muslim GirlThursday, July 19, 2018

    And I saw your number 13:13, this number is connected to the angels, as the angels receives command from the lord <3 to do amazing things.

    The gemetrical value of verse 13:13 is 3737 like the 13:13 repeat. Remember the 4.346 week cycle/month we got in 13:2 ? because this is the same as 365 days / 12 month / 7 d = 4.3457.. to the 4'th average. 4.346, normally you write 4.34 as an average. But we like to get more digits for accuracy. So we use 4.345.. If we interpret 37.37 as weeks, then we have 8.6 months , 37.37/4.345 = 8.6

    The 13:13 are mentioned from 1:1 to 13:13 in 1720'th verse position. 17.20 = 8.6 x 2, just like 37.37 weeks x 2 = 17.2 months and like 13:13 is repeated twice. And even more weird.

    13:13 "And the thunder exalts [ Allah ] with praise of Him - and the angels [as well] from fear of Him - and He sends thunderbolts and strikes therewith whom He wills while they dispute about Allah ; and He is severe in assault.
    2:19 Or [it is] like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness, thunder and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps in dread of death. But Allah is encompassing of the disbelievers.

    Only two times the quran mentions thunder bolts. Ra'd, in only two verses. 2:19 and 13:13, both verses have 19 words, notice, 2:19'th. 19 as in metonic cycle. And both verses have 83 letters. repeated twice.

    The geometrical value of 13:13 is 3737 like in the ratio we got in 51'th chapter, where 360 words were mentioned.
    And the verse position is 13:13 is in 1720'th verse position. 17.2 is two times 8.6

    The angels conducted all the affairs for mohammed, to communicate his religion.

    What is more weird, if you type in the Quran search engine, the word angels, it appears in total of 88 times and the word devil it appears 88 times.

    For more search, Quran numerical miracles Facebook group.

    Like wait. I am so blessed thank you so much <3 <3

    1. Amazing...God is great,nomatter how we name Him and holly books contain numeric codes!

  56. Thank you rush-collection for your page. I constantly see repeating numbers and I'm grateful to you for giving such a wonderful place to visit. Namaste πŸ™X

  57. Today I saw £13.13 credit remaining on the gas meter, I realised it’s a sign. Thanks rush-collection for your help.

  58. I have been wracked by guilt when my dog killed a beloved stray cat I have been taking care of yesterday. On top of this, I lost my dear soulmate dog last month before Thanksgiving. It has been a rough 3 weeks and I have been in depression over these. And have been thinking never to get close to an animap again. Their deaths are too painful. I looked up and saw 13:13 on the clock heard a voice to look into it. This message is very uplifting and told me not to give up and not to close my heart. Thank you dear Angels always for your guidance and love.

  59. Do it really works like this is a very old psychology. I never believed it because I never tried it. As my lucky number is 7 so will I receive message according this or according to my birth date. As you know so much about it I am planning to order some Car Window Stickers for me and my brother which number should I consider and which number I should not consider?

  60. Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ€Ή‍♀️🀹‍♀️πŸ’“❤πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ’•πŸ’–

  61. πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’—

  62. I'm in the middle of my renovation project,very encouraging.

  63. For me it's like a conversation with the Angels,your site helps me to translate it. Depends on the day it can be several times daily. It's not always about me, about my family and friends. Helps me cope with my demons.Thank You

  64. 1313! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²⚘⚘πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ—½πŸ—½πŸžπŸž

  65. 1313! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’–πŸ’“πŸ’–

  66. 1313! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒžπŸŒžπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯⚘πŸ’πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ’‘πŸŒžπŸŒžπŸŒ…

  67. thankyou ! xxxx i was so upset just now because my dad has died sometimes i see know hope,thankyou rush-collection ,thankyou angels and thanyou dad ,big love to you all and huge love to the universe and energy that we are so lucky to be apart of xxxxxxx,mark.keggiexxxxxx 333x

  68. Hi the over and over gratitude for finding you and seeing in print the wonderful things that you are saying. I do pray for success in sharing this with you - there is a lack of techno -saviness that often stops this from occurring. this is the having the intent but authentically not having the skills or not knowing how or where to find them. The praise for something like this being made accessible to me thing. Is a miracle

  69. I just moved. My new address is 1313. My mailbox is 13. My cat is 13. I'm surrounded!

  70. 1313! Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’πŸ˜˜πŸ₯‚πŸ™πŸ’πŸ’πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸ΅πŸ΅πŸ‘ŒπŸ™Œ

  71. Please is it an angel number that appears on my phone or is just a coincidence. Most times I just randomly look at my phone unplanned and there I see like 5555, 7777, 2121. And so on please can you help me explain this if possible send me an email. Thanks

  72. I have been referring to your numerology pages for years. I go to your page above all others when seeking an explanation on repeating numbers. Please never shut down this blog. Thank you for all time ��

  73. I get numbers frequently. Not trying to sound despondent but they all seem to mean the same thing.

  74. This set of numbers is especially meaningful to me at this moment in humanity history. With all that is happening at the moment the angel and ascended masters beautiful energies are surrounding me and I am in a state of calm that I could not otherwise explain. I know they are around but what great confirmation when it's needed

  75. 1313 Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!!♥️♥️♥️πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  76. Hello you. Hope you are doing fine Thank you for what you are doing. Blisses best wishes of love andife wishes.take care as all hete Grtz Sun Aphrodiaurora

  77. Thank you! I have seen 1313 twice today. I knew it was a sign...

  78. thanks joane. I visit this site a lot of times, especially when I feel bad, and that’s most of the time in the last couple of years. reading your messages I become both happier but also confused. it’s hard to stay positive and serve others while you’re at your own bottom. it’s very hard for me to believe that angels are with me and helping me at this hour because I feel really bad, and it’s 13:13 and I read what message those numbers carry. and I really don’t feel their presence and help, and I really need it! I believe in angels and many spiritual beings, so it is very difficult for me to understand why I do not feel their presence and support. am I numb or am I doing something wrong? peace and love to all !!

  79. dear soul
    I believe this is really a sign from youre angels to keep faith because better things are coming to
    you they know that you are a beautyful and loving person and help is on the way just believe in it
    .!!! I send you all light and love..greetings from Holland

  80. Ja znam da je moja ΕΎivotan misija pomoΔ‡ invalidnim osobama, nemoΔ‡nima...Moj sin je dijete s posebnim potrebama i uz njega sam hvala Bogu 40 godina, a moja sestrična je ostala u invalidskim kolicima nepokretna i svaki dan traΕΎi me za razgovor i da ju ohrabrim da se zauzme za sebe i poboljΕ‘a kvalitetu ΕΎivota. Istina je sve Ε‘to sam dobila kao odgovor na moje pitanje na vaΕ‘oj stranici draga Joana. Hvala Vam. Poszdrav iz Croatia, iz Zagreba!

  81. Amen! It's hard time for me now

  82. Thanks so much, keep seeing 1313 a lot & 1212 & so many numbers, while out yesterday walking my dog, on the bins saw 959595 & that’s the year my mum passed away, so I knew it was my mum saying, I’m will you so thanks beautiful & love master Jesus & am doing at moment 40 nights & 40 days, with Tina Spalding it’s just started on you tube today is day 5 thanks ����❤️Love Loretta ����❤️

  83. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  84. 1313 Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  85. Thank You, my beloved guardian angels for all of your love, light, guidance of support
    I AM and Will move inwardly & outwardly with this divine message of transmission. Peace be with ALL. Namaste.

  86. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½❤️❤️❤️

  87. Hi again :). Unfortunately me and my family had to let my grandad goo this morning and join my grandma, I saw 13:13 and it just made me feel comfort after reading this because the positive energy (angels) surrounding me with love and guidance. I trust thay they will be together again now and protecting me along my path. Thank you Joanna. Love and blessings to everybody 🌍❤️

  88. Love and light to you Jay Wattz...may comfort and love surround your family!!! πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸ’ž Thank you rush-collection for your beautiful guiding light...πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’žLove and gratitude always!!! πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ€—πŸ˜œ

  89. Thank you for this guide! ������

  90. Immensely blessed...πŸ₯° Thank you πŸ™πŸ˜‡ for this Beautiful message!!!😊 Love and light to us all. Thank you rush-collection for all you do, and being the voice of angels. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ˜ŠπŸ’πŸ’–

  91. I was just wondering why I am so happy today, I seem to keep laughing.. Then I saw 1313 and decided to look it up. Thank you rush-collection, you have been the light in my spiritual journey. I'm going through a difficult time now and I keep wondering what is 'live the truth' and whether I can do it. Comforted to know that my angels are showering me with loving energies. Thank you.

  92. I just realized today that I know 2 ppl who’s phone number ends in the same four digits… 1313… and they happen to be 2 of my closest friends 🀯.
    Thanks for all efforts that went into and that go into this site!

  93. πŸ™♾️☯️

  94. Beautiful...πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°

  95. πŸ™☮️❤️☀️

  96. Thank you ❤️
