Sunday, August 26, 2012


Number 1136 is a combination of the attributes of number 1 (appearing twice, doubling its influences) blended with the energies of number 3 and number 6. Number 1 brings its vibrations of intuition and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, motivation and activity, new beginnings and starting afresh, striving forward and progress. Number 1 also encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 1’s appearing together relate to the karmic number 11. Master Teacher Number 11 relates to the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenmentillumination, high energy, creative idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our soul mission and Divine life purpose. Number 3 resonates with growth and expansion, optimism and enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression and communication, encouragement and assistance. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that they are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 6 relates to possessions, the material and monetary aspects, love of home and family, care and nurturing, service and domesticity, practicality, responsibility and reliability, honesty and integrity.

Angel Number 1136 suggests that your prayers and positive affirmations regarding your material wants and needs (eg money, home, food etc) are being answered and responded to, and you have manifested the energies of prosperity and abundance into your life. Have faith and trust that your needs will be met and you and your loved ones will have all that you require in your lives. When you expect the best, the best is what you get.

Angel Number 1136 is a message to shift your focus from the financial and material aspects of your life to your inner-spirituality, and to what you really want to do with your life. It asks you to be true to yourself and not fear stepping out of your comfort zone to make full use of your natural skills and talents in a positive and uplifting way. Listen to your intuitive messages and take on new ventures and/or projects with enthusiasm and optimism.

Angel Number 1136 is a message to trust that your home and family will be catered for and material needs will be met. Keep your focus on practical things and release any fears of lack and/or loss to your angels and the Ascended Masters for transmutation and healing. Your angels support and encourage you to keep your thoughts, prayers and expectations optimistic and positive as this will assist with manifesting your desires.

Number 1136 relates to the karmic Master Number 11 (1+1+3+6=11) and Angel Number 11.


  1. noise of a fart ?? is this the an angel calling ?
    I m farting when I m close to someone I dislike ??
    and then I am seing plenty of numbers like 33,44,55,10,202,303,404... etc I think I see them all really the fart and numbers really makes me laugh a lot I like that that angels are laughing with me when I fart It make me feel close to them and it is what their messages is telling me

    1. I think your farts make the world light with you AnonymousWednesday, December 31, 2014
      In a very positive way.🤣😂
      Peace, love and Light to you and all.

  2. As always, the timing is right on target. Thank You rush-collection <3

  3. is this my number??? i had a ringing in my ear at this time and the light started to flash at this time so i was just confused about this number?

  4. Chris Cornell died in hotel room #1136....make ya think he faked his own death

  5. Please do not joke about these messages from the Angels. This information is real and has helped me tremendously for the past 7 years. My thoughts were exactly on the message outlined here by Angel Number 1136 and everything is applicable to me as I am in a career transition, getting out of my comfort zone and asking the Angels to heal and transmute any fear of lack etc. Thank God for the assistance of the Angels on this planet Earth.

    1. Talk the truth...
      Divine timing and guidance, be always who, you are and become the all you're created to be....

    2. Thank you and I agree wholeheartedly for t he tremendous help support and guidance - for me it’s been 5+ years since I ever first even heard of “Angel numbers” and it’s of course been a whirlwind of changes in my everyday life and what I’ve been able to learn through the transitions - but the transformation spurred by my finding these articles is impossible to even comprehend - in a positive way !!) Glad for others out there seeking to discover their own light, too - and proud of the courage to be honest with your comment here 👌

  6. Beautiful message to help with the transition of enlightenment...

  7. This has happened a few times now that im the 11th person to comment and I see 11's everywhere, clock receipts signs etc etc, it's not that im looking for them they just appear and something inside says message, just like the same a mobile phone sends you a message, strange but true..I feel blessed x

  8. I'm a master number 11. Soul Expression 3. Soul Urge 6. Then back to 11 again. I love my live now.
