Friday, August 24, 2012


Number 1123 resonates with a blend of the energies and attributes of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its influences, number 2 and number 3. Number 1 brings new beginnings and starting anew, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 1 appearing together resonates with the Master Number 11. The Master Teacher Number 11 relates to the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenmentillumination, high energy, creative idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. The message of the Master Number 11 is that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our life purpose and soul mission. Number 2 relates to service and duty to others, diplomacy and compromise, balance, flexibility and adaptability, duality, encouragement and kindness. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose. Number 3 adds self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 1123 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. It encourages you to get things in order so that all will run smoothly and as planned in your life.   

Angel Number 1123 is often seen as ‘steps’ and actions taken by the individual. If feeling any doubts or fears about which actions to take, ask for guidance and assistance from the angels and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Know that you have all that you need within to achieve your goals and aspirations ... you just have to make the choices to do so, and take the appropriate actions. Have faith and trust in yourself, your angels and the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 1123 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.

Number 1123 can also be seen as number 7 (1+1+2+3=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you SO much. Would this be the same if I every night see the number 2311?

  2. Hi Heidi,

    it makes no difference whether it is day or night :)

    Sacred Scribes

    1. I just figured out that my son is angel 0331 he was born leap year March 31st year 2000 and I am angel 1123 his mother and born on nov.23rd 1980. I forgot I lost my memory some how but God let me feel my wings last night. Please help me 331 is very angry with me. And has ran away and will not talk to me. And explain things. See he knows what he is I just found out what I am.

    2. What do you mean love?

    3. I know this is old but I think the op meant “does it mean the same if it’s backwards” bc she asked if 1123 is the same as 2311. Bc it may not have the same implications regarding the “step by step” meaning, right? I only mention this bc I was kinda wondering the same thing.
      I love your site. Thank you so much. Your interpretations are so much more detailed and specific without being too wordy. Thanks so much for all you do!

  3. Replies
    1. It's my birthday too!!! And I see 11:23

    2. It's my Birthday also and I see it every day also. It give me peace of mind to know the angels are watching over me.

    3. These are the beginning numbers of the Fibonacci series in mathematics.

    4. Its my birthday and I see it every day as well! I thought I was crazy

  4. Synchronicity! I just set up a public page on Facebook (number 3 energy) to promote spirituality (11 energy)and to help connect like minded individuals in my local community. I was a bit apprehensive being the introvert that I am going so public with my beliefs. Before stepping away from the laptop I looked at the computer clock and it said 11:23. Guess Im heading in the right direction (2 energy)

  5. I just had the craziest dream where in all the situations I was an extremely powerful person, but someone or something was trying to kill me, I had friends trying to help to stop it. But every time they stopped it is saw 1123.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    1. Maybe it means you fear your growth and your friends save you from hurting your own growth?
      either that they do or that you wated them to

    2. Past life memory. =( You were working old memories out, which is a very good thing. It is also helpful in the sense of making you remember that you were and more importantly...ARE a very powerful person. You are most likely a reincarnated "Wise One". That is the feeling I'm getting with this. I'm sure by now you have figured this out though...LOL. May this interpretation help another ascending soul. Much love.

  6. My bday is 11/23/72 I keep seeing 1123 on clocks the computer, page numbers tv channels etc... Explains a lot after tea this article I am in transition.

    1. Hi twin....we have the exact same birthday! Born on Thanksgiving. I also see 1123 everywhere.

  7. Iam experiencing this most of the days. How funny it sounds a was thinking about coincidence. But waking up at 1:11 and that kind of things were making think about a biological clock or something. But one day my clock shut down and resets it self. I didnt program it either. Strange enough i was still confronted with 11:11 22:22 and more from that clock.

  8. This makes so much sense. I see this number every night, I was born on 11/23 and I see this every night on my clock. My life path number is 11, and I also see 11:11 every night on the clock.

  9. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  10. I was born on 11/23 and my husband and I both see 11:23 on clocks daily. I have been trying to figure out what my life purpose is. Is that why we keep seeing it, because I haven't figured out what my life purpose is yet?

  11. I see permutations of 1123 together with 1128 all the time in sequence after one the another, wonder what it means?

  12. I was born on 23rd Nov and I keep seeing number 2311 and 1123 often lately. Wonder what it supposed to mean.. Between,Im planning for a new venture but at the same time a little confused on whether i should start it now or prolong it to gain more insights.. is this a sign tht i shd execute the plan already? Appreciate your feedback. Thank you and Happy New Year 2017!

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose

      ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at

      this time.

      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Everyday at 11:23 my radio turns on.. Witch has now brought me to this page i know i was born to mother and take care of kids one in witch has a few different dissabilities but i feel a emptiness lile there is so much more i need to open myself up to in life so thank u this was very helpful everyone..

  15. Everyday at 11:23 my radio turns on.. Witch has now brought me to this page i know i was born to mother and take care of kids one in witch has a few different dissabilities but i feel a emptiness lile there is so much more i need to open myself up to in life so thank u this was very helpful everyone..

  16. My birthday is 11/23/1996 I have seen those number so much in my life it makes no since... this past time I was just sitting and thinking about life and without reason or thinking I just picked up my phone and once again I saw the numbers... some one tell me what's going on

  17. Thank you rush-collection , Angels and Universe!

  18. Thank you for explaining...

  19. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!Now and always !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  20. Grateful for every reminder !!!♥️🙏🎈🧘‍♀️🍀♥️

  21. I hav been seeing double digits. It started with 23:23..tats my birthdate and then aftr tat 11:11 nd today i saw 22:33 and 23:11.. I m confused with the pattenlrn. Plz someone help

  22. I go to your page regularly to reference meanings of numbers i see. I look for help a lot, theres a microwave in my kitchen that has the time on it, today i just happened to go in there and look at the time at an only when it was 11:23, then 1231, then 123, cant be a coincidence, something may be trying to tell me something lol, probably calm down with things and take them a step at a time, and begin a new probably, just wanted to say thanks for what you do, helps me a lot.

  23. This is absolutely true thank you 😊❤

  24. For many years I only remember the bad dreams I have and rarely remember any other dream. But, last week I dreamt of the number 1123 and I remember dreaming that I must remember the number. I don't remember any details about the dream other than a strong sense that it meant something important. So, here I am.

  25. I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  26. I am 1123 and only just figured it out I forgot some how,my son is 0331 is birth day is on the 31st of March and year 2000 my birthday is nov.23 1980. I could not understand why my son was acting like a mad man so I looked up his birthday was blown over what I had discovered. Please contact me asap I need help. He has been very angry with me because I don't remember anything. Ny email is

  27. can you help me know what would "Tartia" or "ziaron" would mean. i saw these words in my dream but cant found any stuff on google , only number meanings are given .
    Few following too i have seen in my dreams, "black", 51117, 211B . Let me know if any idea anybody is having .

  28. Thank you so much, I'm grateful for everything!

  29. I see the numbers 1123 and 23 anytime, anywhere. At home, in the car, outside and while watching a movie. I'm not superstitious, but I'm increasingly thinking about what's really going on?

  30. I was born on 23/11/96 and I've been seeing 11:23, 23:11 and 11:11 a lot. I feel a connection with my angels. It's all real.
