Friday, August 24, 2012


Number 1119 is made up of the attributes of number 1 (appearing tripled, amplifying its influences) and the vibrations of number 9. Number 1 brings its energies of initiative, ambition and motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 resonates with Universal Spiritual Laws, having a higher perspective, karma, leading life as a positive example for others, benevolence and altruism, serving your soul mission and lightworking. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions. This makes 1119 a powerful number of transformation, personal spirituality and karmic consequences.

Angel Number 1119 is a message from your angels that a phase, cycle or situation in your life is coming to an end, and/or your goals have almost come to fruition. Your angels ask you to remain positive throughout these transitions and look forward to wonderful new beginnings and auspicious opportunities. The angels want you to remember that as one door closes another is opening, and these new beginnings and opportunities will prove to benefit your life and that of others.

Angel Number 1119 indicates that the positive energies you have been sending out are now being returned in kind, and you are being well-blessed by the Universe. Your angels prompt you to keep your thoughts and aspirations high and expect to see success on all levels. Focus upon your life path and soul mission and your personal spirituality will grow and flourish. Listen to the promptings of your soul and be grateful for wonderful blessings in your life.

If you have been feeling the inner-urge to begin a new career which entails serving humanity in some way, the repeating Angel Number 1119 may be suggesting that you begin a spiritually-based practice and/or profession or heart-based service. Trust that all you need will be provided by the angels and Universal Energies in Divine right time, and often in the most miraculous and unexpected ways.

Angel Number 1119 also reminds you that self-help is often the best remedy, and your angels love and support you in your quest to help yourself (and others) lead happier and healthier lives. Your angels ask that you have a positive and optimistic attitude about your soul mission. Know that your destiny is yours to fulfill and the angels give you guidance and support along the way. You are encouraged to shed love and light on humanity.

Number 1119 relates to number 3 (1+1+1+9=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:  
Repeating 1’s and 9’s  (19, 119, 191, 199, etc)
Angel Number 19
Angel Number 119



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you so much for this! you've helped me so much-I had a nightmare which I ended up doing my best to save a stranger from an evil ghost. Then written on the carpet were the numbers 1119-3

  2. I have been seeing 1119 repeatedly for a period of 8 years. I asked why... This year I noticed my life went into huge transformation after deep meditation for about 90 days. everything has dramatically chane in me for the much better.I burst into tears when see this. I found the reason which has change my entire life ! thanks you with greatest gratitude from my heart.

  3. 1119 was my old address, a spirit left me a audio message in morse code, 1119.21. And 321 i convetted to dinary, hexidecimal and octal. To get latatude of my last 3 home addresses. I filed civil right for womens rights to work. Im looking for a job but Im being blacklisted in my area in retaliation for complaining. Right on....convery numbets to hebrew alphabet too.

  4. 1119 was my old address, a spirit left me a audio message in morse code, 1119.21. And 321 i convetted to dinary, hexidecimal and octal. To get latatude of my last 3 home addresses. I filed civil right for womens rights to work. Im looking for a job but Im being blacklisted in my area in retaliation for complaining. Right on....convery numbets to hebrew alphabet too.

  5. this is my birthday but i see this number before i went to sleep as a kid, now i just see it all the time

    1. Same here KJ, I was born 11/19 and have been seeing it off and on for years, but these last few weeks i have seen it more

  6. This is my birthday. About 4 years ago I began to see it twice a day everyday as if my eyes were drawn to the clock at that very moment. Then on license plates, paperwork, register totals. It started scaring me. I thought something terrible would happen on my birthday. Then I read this and it brought so much in to perspective. I am not done yet but I am in a much better job, I met my soul mate and am getting married next year. Funny thing is, I don't see it as often anymore. A couple times a week. Now I see 444 all day.

  7. Please tell me what it means when I see 11:11 (and for that moment and thereafter have feelings of intense gratitude and therefore "make a wish"(set my intentions) and send energy out to my friends that need it) and immediately upon finishing that, look at the clock and it's 11:19 MY BIRTHDAY! It was really an incredible experience but not sure what to make of it...any insights?

  8. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  9. Love happens it truly does... and when it comes it rules your heart ! Much blessing to all human beings in this grand co-creative cosmic dream.

    1. Awesome comment Guilhem Fr!!! ♡♡♡
      Stay blessed people,as we all are !!!
      Shine your light brightly !!!♡♡♡
      Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  10. Thank you.. The explanation is the perfect one because im a spiritual guy.. Its been too long to wait for my angel to talk to me since I stoped meditation.. Now I get it tq

  11. So grateful!������

  12. 19 , 119 and 1119 is repeating in every moment of life.... By nature it automatic comes .... These numbers comes since my life begins..... I was searching the fact behind this for many years ..... But now i read this in this topic...... Still my searching starts and so many fact i know about this but reality still in search...


  13. 19, 119, 1119 are the numbers which repeatedly and naturaly repeating in my life..... Always I am searching the facts and meanings of these numbers from many many years and found this...... I know too many facts but Still I am insearch of these numbers..... While these my life reality facts numbers from the begining of my life...
    While my education, jobs,achievments, every actions.. Face 19, 119, 1119
    My every moment these number attached with me and thinking about it... ?
    I found this blog first time but
    Still begins my searching....

  14. I also knows some real facts about this number 19 ...... From laws of nature...

  15. 19 , 119 and 1119 is repeating in every moment of life.... By nature it automatic comes .... These numbers comes since my life begins..... I was searching the fact behind this for many years ..... But now i read this in this topic...... Still my searching starts and so many fact i know about this but reality still in search...


  16. I knows some real more world facts that i think may be someone knows which researched by myself that is ................... With me truely ..
    My nick name Roman119

  17. Forever grateful!!! Thank you !!! ♡♡♡

  18. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  19. My Name is Kai and this means that my name includes these numbers in alphabets: K=11, A=1, I=9. Number 11 appears in many different places in my life, like in my apartment number 38=3+8=11 in my post number 02360=2+3+6=11. This is not a Coincidence.

  20. Yes KJ & Rhi 11/19 is my birthday as well & ive been seeing it a lot over the past few years not only on clocks but on other things as well. It’s bananas!!! But now I know why

  21. It's crazy but I have been seeing these numbers for some yrs now 1119,119,1111,111,1019,1122 and my life is still the same. No change. I've learned that a number is just a number. The angels and universe speak to us through the heart. Most the numbers almost have the same meaning and mist numbers aren't going to change your life. You have to be the one to change. I realize that numerology is interesting but just not for me.

  22. saw the number 1411119 written in red on my wall, and immediately I woke up and saved it in my phone. But when I woke up the next morning I thought it was a dream, so I checked my phone and I noticed I had actually saved it. IM curious, what does it mean.

  23. I've been seeing a various combination of numbers... My mind tries to decipher the number into meaning that relate to the outcome of my future.
