Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Number 949 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 4, with number 9 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, leading life as a positive example, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 4 is the number of effort and will, patience and persistence, realistic values, ability and stability, service and devotion, practicality and responsibility, building solid foundations and achieving success and positive results. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels.  

Angel Number 949 is a message to focus your time, energy and efforts on your spiritual practice and/or spiritually based career or heart-based service or project which is in line with your life purpose as a lightworker. Trust that you have all the skills, talents and abilities you need in order to achieve your goals and your skills and talents are much needed by the world. Humanity and the world as a whole needs your help and only you can fulfill your spiritual destiny.

Angel Number 949 encourages you to take an honest look at where you are spending your emotions, energy and time, and see where it is positively serving you. Focus your resources towards moving forward and do not waste your efforts on things that deplete and/or drain you. It is your choice to decide what it is that you wish to experience and do with your life and the steps you choose to take to get there. Use your energies and resources to their fullest potential and for the betterment of yourself and others.

Angel Number 949 also brings a message to release and let go of old habits, patterns, people, relationships, associations, and/or anything that you feel does not resonate with you nor serve your highest good. Be rid of anything that you feel is having negative effects on you in any way. Rid yourself of toxins and negativities and clear the way for fresher, more uplifting energies, vibrations, opportunities and experiences. Be discerning about all elements of your life and make choices that resonate with your true, authentic self.


  1. How do I decipher which paragraph to look at under a meaning of a number. I often catch the clock roll over to the next number, notice repeating patterns or catch the time at the same time each day. Does that impact the focus/meaning of a specific number?

    1. Yeah the same thing happens to me and I wonder the same thing

    2. well it is suggested that you will know which paragraph is for you because of your intuition or because of what were your toughts at the time you saw the numbers.

    3. if you look further you will see they are connected for you.

  2. Hi there! This is the beginning .with lots things are going to start in your life.if u Ching your old life.good luck! :)

  3. Good morning Julia V. Good question. I have been following rush-collection's Angel numbers since 2012. My opinion based on that is: whatever number you see, for how long you see is your number. Repeating numbers are judt like some trying to get your attention across a crowded room. I read all paragraphs of my numbers and by doing that I start to notce a recurring message-specific if you will. The message stays the same for me wheter I look up my whole number, look up the middle number of that number or add the numbers together to get a single number. To me that is the amazing thing-How the Angels can get my attention no matter what and get the message to me on a level I can receive it at. Stay True to Yourself. Peace. Storm J.

    1. I experience these messages in the same way, it's incredible. Grateful to be blessed and have guidance. Much love to you Storm =)

    2. Both as they will literally have a conversation with you through this site. The angels want you to see both and read both. Even a glance not purposely times the come in one after another...make sure you don't Read later it won't work or resonate with you any longer.. Read it they are wanting to be in full communication. I listen to my music while angels love communication through our electronics pauses my song so I'm prompted to look at the time. Depending where my thoughts are going and the want me to be aware of my thoughts. While sometimes its even 3-4x in a row or will skip one of the minutes. Even though I have yet finished the first they are aware I seen the numbers to continue with them next when you communicate with them in this form it is so personal so accurate it is them who are directly communicating with you and its empowering. The messages then appear personal its not what others will see. But for you. Gee.. funny they haven't interrupted me while I typed this message. Iv been seeing negative posts on here I was stepping in on and they kept inturupting it as one of them my page was somehow miraculously refreashed.. A little bit ago I was gonna tell an old going who came back off but was interrupted and prompted to a message basically move on and don't give it anymore efforts as its not serving you... Yea this can be a pretty epic experiance and no denying that its for you. I'm forever greatful. As I am Holy Spirit. I am I. Love and light.

  4. Sometimes these numbers are often confusing.One message is good.Second message might contradict the first message.Its positive but confusing at times. smh.

  5. you both need to dig deeper and ask the angels for help ,listen to media raido tv newspaper ,listen for key and words and phrases,these numbers are real,if you think they dont't work or confusing,you will create a reality that they don't work and are confusing ,please trust the angels this is part of your divine path,and the strength of your belief will make it so ,blessings and abundance to the both of you !!!!!!

  6. Hi rush-collection, I have a question I would like to ask you, seeing that your knowledge far surpasses anything I have seen on such a grand scale, and I too wish to help people in the same manner, whether is be with words on paper or by voice. My question is this, what can I do about beginning a spiritual profession? Many of the numbers I have seen since my kundalini awakening a year and a bit ago have been guiding me to seek out the truth of our existence to the point where I am now, and now the numbers are guiding me into the spiritual profession as a lightworker. Now, I have a good understanding of what a lightworker is supposed to do, and through intuition I have followed my soul's call to arms in the arena. But now, I have reached a stumbling block, and im not sure how to continue. It says that I shoukd get started right away with my spiritual profession, but I dont know how exactly to go about it. The numbers told me I have everything I will need to get it started but im not exactly sure how to do so. If uou have any clues, they would be most graciously appreciated! Thanks, Love and Light to all!

    1. David, what are your passions, your natural abilities and affinities, what interests you and what excites you? In what way do YOU believe that you can serve as a lightworker? Are you comfortable with the written word, or do you excel at public speaking etc? Are you computer savvy, or prefer old-school?

      Only YOU can answer these questions, and once you do, you will know intuitively which way to go. And once you commit, the Universe will open doors for you.

      The beginning point though, is up to you decide.

      Sacred Scribes

    2. Well as the Angels would have it, they answered my request. My soul mission revolves around lightworking in the method of a Transpersonal Psychologist, with emphasis on Consciousness, health, and healing. Of course I wish to work with both the ones who have found their way through me, or new people as well who have yet to find out what they are capable of doing. My life purpose is elevating the consciousness of those around me.

    3. Namaste!
      I'm so excited and happy for you! I too had cane across a stumbling block and the "God force", Angels, and Ascended masters have guided me down being a Dr. Of Nautropathy(Hollistic medicine) with a B.S. in psychology. I hope that we come across paths in life as we raise our vibrations on this Universe, healing, helping those with their help and consciousness awakening 😀
      Best wishes in your future endeavours!!

    4. I'm worried that the "negative people" this one and 919 are referring to might be my wife ..... just had a baby with her and timing is terrible, but she is just such an energy drain to me as she has been chronically depressed for many years ..... HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!

    5. Anonymous,
      I would re-read what it says from a more "self" reflection... (Rid yourself of toxins and negativities and clear the way for fresher, more uplifting energies, vibrations, opportunities and experiences.) I personally interrupt it as looking inside oneself. What are you doing(thoughts/beliefs) and what can you do differently for the betterment of yourself and others. I am somewhat new to my own experiences however, it wasn't until I chose to see what I was putting out to the universe(how I was treating/handling people, situations,my reactions,my thoughts etc.) and how my choices/views were impacting my life, relationships etc.. I follow the guidance from my Angels and now see all things so much clearer. Maybe choose to see the positive and "let go" of the negative. New does not always mean new people. I think you have the Angels guiding you to help yourself and others...Depression is a lonely place(especially after having a baby)...I think she needs your love, support and positive guidance. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Believe in yourself and your own may be surprised of what healing you are capable of. Giving up is never an option. Stay strong and ask for guidance whenever the need. The Angels are here to help, always! Blessing to you

  7. Hello Joanna

    Would singing or acting count as lightworking because although I have a few psychic gifts my whole body and soul wants to be acting and singing and performing. I do like to help people but not to make a living out of it. I will give people advice but I think I will be hapier acting and singing and that way I will be able to give people a lot more than I do now. I think I may have just answered my question but does this make sense? Please help. Love, D

  8. To anon, I was wondering the same and the answer came to me through memories of my experiences seeing live shows & musicals. The people performing are definitely doing some light working! You can feel the effects in a big number or in the days after seeing a band perform songs that touched you when you needed it most. Sounds like you know what you want to do!

  9. 132+177+286+354=949

    Each of these numbers have a higher significance with respect to longevity.

    Take your birthday two years ahead subtract 949 days. Perform an activity that raises your bodies energy level on this day. This will make you live longer.

  10. ive recently come out of addiction and have felt a malevolent force bringing about reformation in my life ive become a real life baller I realized I have been suppressing it all this time unintentionally. by baller I mean basketball but the skills ive developed have carried over to other aspects of my life with my guitar playing witch im quite profound at and everytime I look up a time that seems interesting it points me to keep at it this page is so damn reassuring its crazy its like this lady has typed what this force is making me feel im a believer now cause of the relevance in my life and as my relationship grows I become smarter faster and stronger than I ever was I have an attitude that im really starting to like. confidence

  11. rush-collection, your blog is a blessing to me and the world, thank you! Lots of blessings.

  12. Hi rush-collection, I have a question for you, hopefully you can help me. I have been seeing numbers that match the exact date, for example : 9/29 and I saw 9:29, 10/30 I saw 10:30... and so on, this has been happening to me with much frequency since September. So far in November it's happened to me every single day. Do you know what this could mean? Thank you rush-collection, your site has been of much help to me and to others as well.

    Hello everyone, what a great site. Thank you, rush-collection.
    It is so amazing how many of us are experiencing these communications through numbers, and the meanings are just right at the time:) For the last week the numbers say to me to share and support others through my natural skills and talents. Interestingly when I started writing songs with my friend philopoetician (philosopher, poet and politician) I felt the three words to bring our messages to the humanity would be: Love, Light & Life. I noticed these words on this website as well. And so I thought to share with this website's community what we`ve created and I am very positive it was created because of the guidance from above. It does happen easily when it is time to come :) Enjoy everyone.

    Please check other songs under Halina Smolarczuk on YouTube.

    And please keep sharing your experiences with numbers. It adds expands our understanding. Peace to all. Halina

  14. Hey rush-collection, Would Computer Programmer count as a light worker? I have been following angel numbers for a long time now, and the angels are telling me that the 'old' door is closing and new enters in my life in regards to career/income. But I am currently in last semester of Computer programming. And that makes me stressed that am i on the right path right career or ...hope im clear. Thank you :')

    1. Do what makes your heart sing and do it ways that help others.

  15. rush-collection I take much pleasure in knowing but it keeps telling me to go with my spiritual bass career Im looking listing and ive had a vision since a child of what im suppose to do but the unverise needs to provide. I know it will and I would love to be doing my life passion and purpose any words of advise and Id appreciate it much love and light! Thank you for your services 💓💓💓💓

  16. rush-collection I take much pleasure in knowing but it keeps telling me to go with my spiritual bass career Im looking listing and ive had a vision since a child of what im suppose to do but the unverise needs to provide. I know it will and I would love to be doing my life passion and purpose any words of advise and Id appreciate it much love and light! Thank you for your services 💓💓💓💓

  17. Thank you so very much rush-collection!!!♡♡♡

  18. Thank you! Angels keep reminding me because I didn't understand the message but now I get it. This was exactly what I needed to read today.

  19. Hi
    I have a question the number 949 is associate with a person in my life to who I adore but we could never seem to be on the same life path together. Every time I've seem to end things this number pops up every where ironically even in my receipts for paying for things etc. It surrounds me even though I ignore it. I'm not sure if like is telling me learn a "your lesson" or pursue & fight for the person you want. It's all very very confusing.....thank you.

  20. I have the same question! I however see this in conjunction not with a person but a way of being. I grew up in a cult environment and this appears every time I "slip" back into the leadership role I had. I cannot discern if it means I am to use those skills in another way because I have them, or if that is the old and I am to let go of it.

  21. One is trickery. It pleases the heart, or the human mind. The other is the cosmic truth, it pleases the soul. The number alerting you to the case. Use this to find its cosmic truth.

    Cosmic fax, I got while ruminating on our cases. I hope rush-collection will add if her connection divines differently.

  22. Beautiful message thank you rush-collection, thank you God, angels, archangels

  23. Amen!!!🙏🎈
    I have,I do and I will continue to make positive choices and such that resonate with my personality and soul!!! Absolutely always!!! 🎈🙌🍀❤#ThisIsMyWay #ToHelpOthersHealAndMakeBetterChoices #Because #TogetherAForce
    I love you rush-collection!!!❤

  24. I feel blessed guided and protected amen x

  25. easier said than done angels..I quit my job and then what? Ill end up losing money trying to start my dream career, heart based service and then going straight back to my job. It can be done but you have to be patient and be positive.

  26. I am not a lightworker nor do I have any desire to be. All these "messages" are the same. Just a tool to oppress people into a life of martyrdom

  27. How do you know what career as a light worker you’re supposed to do? I don’t get visions and meditation I can only see auras of the archangels. I’m to old to go back to school. Any suggestions?

    1. The biggest gift you can give the world is being yourself. There are many lightworkers who feel they are not adequate enough to do the job, but we forget that our outward expression of self is just as powerful as someone who "does big things." Continue to make connections with the people around you. Love yourself unconditionally. These things will magnify the energy surrounding you, fulfilling (in some aspects) your purpose on this earth.
