Sunday, February 26, 2012


Number 944 is a combination of the vibrations and attributes of number 9 and number 4, with number 4 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, strength of character, non-conformity, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 4 resonates with patience, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, conscientiousness, progress, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life, and relates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 944 encourages you to re-organize your priorities and take responsibility for your own choices, actions, personal growth and all aspects of your life. Love and nurture yourself and others and focus upon your own goals, values and life path. Focus on being your highest and best self and speak and live your truths. Focus positively on your own energies and be your own powerful guide.

Angel Number 944 is a message that the angels and Archangels are supporting your life purpose and are encouraging you to look into spiritually-based work and/or career path or service-based project or venture. Your life purpose involves serving humanity using your lightworking abilities, so set your goals and pursue your aspirations with enthusiasm and passion and trust the workings of the Universe. You have all the skills and talents you need in order to fulfill your spiritual destiny.

Angel Number 944 may also suggest that it is time to let go of a situation that has now ran its course. As one door closes, another opens, and the angels are helping you to open those new doors of opportunity and help you heal from any pain, sorrow or feelings of loss that may accompany the transition that you are now undergoing. Use your creative mind to establish a plan of action, then move to the next level of your life.

Number 944 relates to number 8 (9+4+4=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



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  1. rush-collection, could you please please tell me what the definition of a "spiritually based career or profession" is?

    1. It may mean as a lightworker, bringing upliftment and inspiration to others Meliss. Oh Sorry I didn't see this until now. You posted the question 5 1/2 years ago! :o

    2. Can anyone tell me why I'm see angels and Jesus and now eagles and unicorns and double digits everywhere

    3. It means being of service to others, by prayer, or teaching or preaching,,pastoral field,..that kinda all sum up with being an empath, or majic worker as well, spell craft, these all fall under your question

  2. A 'spiritually-based career or profession' :

    teaching others, healing (in all its forms), coaching, serving (as in hospitality) and serving humanity in a positive way, health care, counselling ... the list goes on.

    For more about spiritually-based careers, see:



    1. Thank you!!! I have much appreciation for you and your work :) Big hugs!

    2. As SOON as I said out loud that I want to spend ALL my time serving others as teacher of natural talents I immediately received this the EXACT right moment-I affirm that my journey to serve HUMANITY starts today..thanks rush-collection!!!

    3. Does personal training and coaching fall into this? I mean I know I heal in other ways too by providing unconditional love and the like. But it's not quite tangeable.

    4. I would like to talk with you.

    5. I am in spiritually based work already and yet feeling nudged to shift focus, still in the spiritually based arena though, a deeper kind of healing. Love this.

    6. What about being an artist

    7. Yes of course, you can definitely be you could teach others how to heal by painting it soothes me and all I do is pain rocks with a good message on the back that I hope inspire people and leave them around where ever I go maybe to bring a smile to someone whom has has a day

  3. Hi All,

    Enlightening article. I have a currency note with the no. 000944. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact on

    Vidhi Agarwal

    1. You should not financially gain on Angel Numbers. You should concentrate on lightworking. Shame on you!!

  4. Thank u for all that You do my dear rush-collection. I'm very thankful for everything.

  5. Thanks you everything you do. I'm very greatful for everything you do

  6. Thank You So much for putting your time in writing in so much detail ! I really need guidance at this point of time in my life and i am following through this with all my heart .

  7. There are no words to express how grateful i am to you rush-collection. Your words have saved my life over & over again during my spiritual journey these last 10+ months. I didn't't think it was possible for so many upheavals to take place in such a short period of time but am also so blessed to have developed such a strong connection with the higher realms Throughout. I have learnt so many lessons & have grown & evolved to a spiritual level I wasn't even aware of before I started my spiritual journey. I have one question to ask of you if you have the time, please.

    How do I let go of someone I just can't bear to not have in my life? We both know we have to walk away from each other, but just the thought of not being in each other's presence is unbearable. The emotional and physical pain that we both feel in our hearts is unlike any other pain known to us. We know we were brought together for the greater good & to shine our Light & Uunconditional Love to the world But we just can't let each other go.
    What is the next step we need to take, ensuring we continue to make the world a better place???

    1. Sounds like you're both twin flame. Flames are never apart etherically.

  8. Hi
    Back to back I keep seeing
    Angel 722
    *Angel 744
    *Angel 822
    *Angel 844
    *Angel 933
    *Angel 1022
    *Angel 1055
    *Angel 144
    *Angel 444
    *Angel 1222
    1010 - 1022 - 1033 - 1044 - 1055
    1122 - 1155 -1222 -1233 -
    544 - 244 - 444 -
    644 - 833 - 533 - 433 - 440 - 755 - 855 - 344 - 355 - 3355 -
    7044 1033 1122 1022 1044 1055 1244 1255
    It's driving me a lil crazy

    1. Cant believe it, I do though...those are all the exact same numbers I see everyday along with 911 and 1111. It's been a while going on now and was driving me a bit crazy also with the whole list. I now start to let a few different ones resonate in between and it first mixes things up a bit then, noticing right away that they connect exactly to being in that moment in time. I just go with it now. part of my daily life and does explain very much of what is going on or feels like is going to happen.

    2. I need to talk to you rush-collection I just found out I'm a light worker I'm trying to figure out all of this so I can fulfill my divine life purpose... I've been recieving messages in numbers for months.. And everything is finally coming together.. I would just love someone educated to talk to about all of this..

    3. I too am being inundated at the very least over 20 times a day, every day, all week long, month too.

  9. rush-collection and here it goes again 7:33 7:44 every time I look up at the clock....
    rush-collection do you have any other explanation on seeing numbers like this I've done reseach but I'm still at a lost ???
    If you can, please and thank you.

    1. What do those numbers mean to YOU? When you notice the numbers appearing, what are you thinking? feeling? doing? planning? What personal relevance do the numbers have for you? The Angel Numbers (although they have a generic energy/message) are personal to each individual as each person is on their own path.
      Listen to your intuition and inner-knowing ...


    2. Much Love <3 rush-collection!!!!
      I thank You!

  10. The meanings fit so well. They know exactly where you are in life. They are among us, like spirits or ghosts in movies but it is real. Angels may not be able to stop all of the evil in the world but they can assist you to do so with your flesh body, in my opinion.
    Not only do I see the numbers but I once saw a quick bright ball of light that was a luminating white at my home office desk. It was as if it was sitting in the chair and then stood up right next to my globe. When I looked it up they say there are a few different types of Angels, and a lot of them don't even have wings. It's like they're an energy of light. I dunno, but it's an amazing experience.

  11. Hi, iam seeing these no's.since quite a long time. I have seen no. 17171 in my dreams. Can you please guide me throuh.

  12. I've been seeing numbers for months.. Tonight I finally figured out in a lighter worker? I see 111 & 911 all the time... I know I'm blessed and surrounded by angels I want to know how to fulfill my life purpose email me please id love someone educated to talk to about all of this I don't want people thinking I'm crazy but I want to help people! Especially those who've lost a loved one...

  13. Hey Madie,if need someone to talk to Im here for ya. My email is I could offer some advice, however I'm still learning too. Considering I've come to terms with my gifts for the past 2-3years now. :D <3 and light

  14. Hi, I've been seeing angel numbers for months upon months.. I know it corrilates with God and angels and stuff.. At most I see atleast 12 or more angel numbers a day, it's weird because I am learning a language (japanese) and what's odd is when I started focusing on learning japanese. One day (a little more than a week ago) I went to check the mail and on top of the mail box was a pamplet 'Awake! Breaking the language barrier' right away I was a little freaked out.. But also surprised like a kid when opening a present.. My guess (and my mother, which is also seeing angel numbers) is that it's God's will for me to learn japanese; and many other languages I bet! The pamphlet correlates with God and preaching the gospal in other languages.. I'll be honest, I am a young teen, and if me and my mother's interpretation is true, all I have to say is, that's one heck of a goal. What are your thoughts?

  15. Hi rush-collection, taking a moment to share gratitude with you as your amazing body of work is currently the conduit between myself and the angelic realm...I am receiving guidance with regards to massive life changes and my life purpose role showing men the path to their own evolvement...a collective new's a confronting and challenging space to walk into, well outside my comfort zone, made doable through your vast library of spiritual insight or messages..thank you

  16. Forever grateful!!! Thank you very much rush-collection!!! Love and Light your way !!!♡♡♡

  17. Hi rush-collection,
    1:44,2:44,3:44,4:44,5:44,6:44,10:44,11:44,8:44,9:44... numbers appearing continuously in daily life for last 2-3 months. I want to know what they are trying to tell me.

  18. Is owning a restaurant a spiritually based career? This is my passion

  19. GratefulπŸ™‰πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ€—

  20. When you notice numbers repeating google the time in the Bible! It's Angels trying to get you attention and Lord in heaven!sit be still , listen 😁

  21. Thank you Jesus abd to my loving angels for the reminder thanks to you rush-collection

  22. Thanks ve to God and to my loving angels

  23. Hi, can you please tell me which number to consider as angel number as I see 144,244,344,444,544,644,744,844,944...

  24. Thank you spirit x Love and light, I feel protected day and night. X

  25. I find very real comfort in reading and trying to make sense of the Angel numbers. I'm slowly beginning to realize their importance in my life and the lives of everyone and everything around me. Thank you so much for all your good work. I pray that the angels and creator continues to work thru me and help me to do the creators good work.

  26. I have this odd sense of knowing that doing exactly what I need to do for myself will also help others…

  27. I know God is sending this message constantly through the universe. I don't know how I am to it. I tell and share my testimony constantly with people I encounter. I feel the pull of God wanting me to be more public. I'm just unsure of how to do it. I'm such a loner. And I know blessings come in uncomfortable situations. I'm afraid I guess. I don't want to not honor the path which is destined for me. What should I do to be more comfortable in public situations. All those energies drive me to want to be alone.bits as though I can feel the entire rooms emotions.

  28. I am just now tapping into myself trying to find out what is my life purpose. I have been seeing Angel Numbers for a while now and this message is one of many that I received just this morning. I am trying to get a better understanding of what this really means. Can someone please contact me and give me some advice on what this Angel Number is trying to tell me. I really want to fulfill my life's purpose and goals but I really don't know where to start. Please Help πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  29. It is a reminder of your Divide nature and to remember who you really are

  30. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’žπŸŽΆπŸŒ…

  31. Wow !! 944 and we meet again. I can truly say 944 and all Angel numbers have been a compass 🧭 in my life.. about five years later I MADE IT. I OVERCAME . IM FREE. I HAVE A PEACE OF MIND. IM LIVING MY BEST LIFE. Thank you Angel's
