Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Number 933 is made up of the attributes and energies of number 9 and number 3, with number 3 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, non-conformity, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 3 relates to self-expression and communication, manifesting your desires, optimism and enthusiasm, natural skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, creation and creativity, affability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the vibrations of the Ascended Masters.

Angel Number 933 is a strong message for you to let go of any situations in your life that are no longer serving a positive purpose. Allow the old to leave your life and do not cling to situations out of fear. It is of the utmost importance that you hold a positive viewpoint and have positive expectations about yourself and your future. Your thoughts create your experiences, so ask your angels to help you maintain a positive attitude and outlook. Do not allow any negative aspects to hinder or stop you. Your angels and the Ascended Masters encourage and support you, always.

Angel Number 933 indicates that you are fully supported, surrounded and loved by the angels and higher beings of the spiritual realm. Know that your soul purpose is one of serving and teaching others using your natural talents and creativity. Be open to receiving your well-earned rewards and blessings.

Do things that make you feel creative, joyful and loving as by doing so you open yourself up to receiving more positive experiences and opportunities. If you are truly passionate about something and wish to pursue it, align your life with your desires and intentions and create opportunities for yourself to indulge in your passion, whatever it may be.

Number 933 relates to number 6 (9+3+3=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.


  1. Thank you, rush-collection, for all of your hard work; linking us to the angel/spirit realm! You have done an amazing job on this website!

  2. Yes thank you. I'll forever be grateful.

  3. this is the most wonderful thing i could hear right now. thankyou so much for all of the positivity and inspiartion your giving to the world! thankyou for making this available. :)

  4. rush-collection what does it mean when it says allow the old to leave your life.The old is a broad word.It could mean anything from job, music, friendships, family gatherings me.

    1. 'Allowing the old to leave your life' .... yes it is a broad word and could relate to just about anything. The thing is, you are the one living your own life, therefore it is up to you to listen to your inner-wisdom and know yourself well enough to know what it is that you are to let go of. It is up to you to use your discernment in your own life.

    2. Thanks rush-collection, so true, I'm not so shocked you're dead on. I had a dispute through email with my best friend and cousin of 60 years, just today. Now I'm seeing this. I was already questioning that perhaps our relationship was changing. I definitely am not the same person I was last week. Our relationship has remained the same. For me, this is letting go of the old that has outlived it's positive usefulness.

    3. My twin flame and I are profoundly connected and his life and this reading seems to describe him.Fear has paralyzed him due to a deeply harsh and oppressed life as caregiver to the aging mom who abuses him and always has. I feel certain I am seeing numbers on his behalf. :'(

    4. You received the number, why assume your twin flame doesn't have access to God, the angels and his own guidance system?

  5. You are a true blessing...God smiles on us through you.

  6. Yes rush-collection, you are one of those who have paved the way into the trusting of my own intuition. I have used your numbers as a springboard into receiving the messages directly from the Angels, Ascended Masters Archangels, and my Higher Self. I see the messages everywhere and now trust myself to read them, too. Thank you for your part in this great gift!

  7. Thank you so much - I have waited so long for this, without knowing what the message would be...

  8. Your website is very helpful. Thanks for putting your efforts on these..Thanks for making me understand...May God bless you always rush-collection..

  9. Angel numbers are proof of a God for those who question his existence. I've believed in God by choice since a child when offered by a neighbor to attend church at the age of 5. 12 is the age I started attending church with a friend. I haven't attended church in a long time but in my belief what's most important is your personal relationship with God through prayer.

    I am greatful for the work that rush-collection does, without her ability and efforts all of us could never understand what these numbers mean.
    I see the numbers everyday and it could happen ....maybe 30 times a day or nearly every time I look at the clock. 944. Just happened again! She says they whisper in your ear to look at the clock. It is a phenomena that solidifies life purpose and spirituality. It gives me a reason to follow my heart no matter how many obstacles I face. Thank God! Blessings and love to all!

    1. I feel the same way

    2. Thank you for YOUR lovely post too, Amanda

    3. Its a shame that many people don't believe in the spiritual, tried telling my two closes friends about all the wonderful knowledge & wisdom I have discovered these last few years but they both got angry with me. To them there is nothing special about reality, we are born, we get old we die nothing else, tried many different ways to get them to start discovering what reality is & every time I failed. I am supposed to be a spiritual teacher, & healer in this life so may numerology tells me & these angels numbers.

    4. Awsome post Amanda!!! Stay blessed,as we all are !!! ♡♡♡
      Love and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  10. Amen..
    I see 933 nearly EVERYTIME I look at a clock...or a licence plate in front of me that reads 933***...its so cool..
    Im 29 and I have been seeing this number since I was probably 15 or 16 years old. How do I figure out what this means exactly?

    1. You are soon to be finished with your first Saturn return. Things should become clearer to you then (and easier for that matter)
      It's a wonderful time you are coming into (after the age of thirty, approximately) and since the who planet is going through a major SHIFT in consciousness, you will be in the position to soar...

  11. ((( <3 ))) Thank you for all you are and all you do for All Thank you for being apart of this Divine Journey ~ Namaste

  12. Blessed ((( <3 ))) ^ the above message I sent to you as I was guided to it I recognize the numbers next to it our my birthday 10/26 with a 5 in the Middle I am Grateful and thankful to you and all that's Divine Bless Have a beautiful blessed day ~ Namaste

  13. Thank You soooo amazing!!!

  14. Gee guys, just gee !!!gee as an encouragement you know .... Just Gee !!!
    yeah Gee guys
    keep on going

  15. Numerology Is a Gift a clear indication that we all should listen to what the numbers tell us, Thank You Joanna, Your a Great Light Worker.

  16. Thank you! And that you posted this at 9:38 is even more validation! Thank you x

  17. ((( <3 ))) ALL that's Divine Bless you ALL on your Journey Thank you rush-collection Blessings to you Love and Light~

  18. Hi rush-collection.Why is it sometimes we feel like scared or defensive when it comes to letting go?Sometimes I get confusing messages from myself or angels...signals that point to mix things that makes me confuse.

  19. I have the same quote that pops up all day everyday. I have a Pinterest. But for some reason people seem to pin the same pin all day. And I know it's a message. Because when things start to become in pattern like that. It's a message. One day I just had the feeling to look up at the time when it was sent to me. And I googled and of course found you. This has been a part of my life now because this quote continues to pop up every day all day and every time it pops up I look at the time that it happens and then I come to you. These angels have helped me in a tremendous way. I literally feel like I found a friend in these angels they talk to me all day with these messages and it's absolutely amazing. Anyways I'd like to tell you what the quote says that pops up. It says, Don't talk about your goals for the new year just sit back and watch boo. So I honestly I feel like the new year is going to be amazing. Because of how this quote continuously pops up in pattern. Really excited about the outcome of all of this. And I want to thank you. You have a gift and I think it's amazing

  20. I have the same quote that pops up all day everyday. I have a Pinterest. But for some reason people seem to pin the same pin all day. And I know it's a message. Because when things start to become in pattern like that. It's a message. One day I just had the feeling to look up at the time when it was sent to me. And I googled and of course found you. This has been a part of my life now because this quote continues to pop up every day all day and every time it pops up I look at the time that it happens and then I come to you. These angels have helped me in a tremendous way. I literally feel like I found a friend in these angels they talk to me all day with these messages and it's absolutely amazing. Anyways I'd like to tell you what the quote says that pops up. It says, Don't talk about your goals for the new year just sit back and watch boo. So I honestly I feel like the new year is going to be amazing. Because of how this quote continuously pops up in pattern. Really excited about the outcome of all of this. And I want to thank you. You have a gift and I think it's amazing

  21. Battling with relationships is the biggest one in my life right now.
    So it was a message as I expected...
    rush-collection is a translator.

  22. Hi Jeanne. I have a question to ask you although I may know the answer but then I could be wrong. I see double numbers everywhere. It doesn't matter what time of the day. Every time I look at the clock it's a double number. In my mind I want to think that it's a message from God telling me that I'm on the right path and I'm in flow with the universe. But I could be wrong so I wanted to hear what you thought.

  23. Thank you rush-collection!!!Thank you Angels & universal Energies!!!With gratitude,always!!!♡♡♡

  24. In process....♡♡♡
    I've closed one door already ! :-)
    Thank you rush-collection!!!Thank you Angels!!! Always grateful ♡♡♡

  25. I drempt of this number after asking my angels or spirit guides to help me. I know I have a lot of negativity in my life. I have always been a very upbeat caring person who loved everyone but, my whole life has been surounded by negative people. I would help them as much as possible but. The darkness has seem to over come me. I am still fighting and struggling to be happy & free spirited again. I know what this number means but in order for me to do thatI would have to walk away from all my family & friends my boyfriend. I try to see the good in them but they all get pleasure in trying to put out my light. I have no where to go. I spent most of my life working with kids and I have no savings. I've asked the angels to help me. I was seeing number 58 or 85 for the longest but nothing ever come from it. I have many great ideas but no funds to help start them. So its a blessing to see this number but also very frustrating.

    1. Read about Empaths and Narcissists and it all become clear to you. It is necessary to leave the murky waters of our muddy gene pools. And Soar at last. Lots of best to you.

  26. ^Above anonymous I understand where you are coming from in recognize that I have endured the same in my own life and made a continuous decision to free myself from it and those who cultivate it. Liberation and the leap of faith trust in yourself and in all that's divine Shine your light go to the places that resonate joy love light Peace and power up Trees Ocean Land you are worthy of living a beautiful life and embracing this life for the highest good of yourself and all. I wake the day and give thanks everyday for all the love this life has giving me and all the love I continue to give this life with every breath and every step. I send love in light to you and lift it up that you are blessed to heal for the highest good in all the areas that are in need of healing and that you have the Courage Strength Wisdom Love for your own being to see it through Bless your dreams goals and aspirations and give thanks to all that's divine for helping you to Fulfill them and bring Joy Peace love and light to you even in the darkest times you are blessed to see it Through. Peace~

  27. πŸ’œπŸŒŸπŸ’œπŸŒŸπŸ’œ

  28. What if you know you cant even help yourself and know you cant help anybody who does not want to be helped

    1. Help your SELF first, to help another. We can't help someone who refuses help. They must want to and set intention and focus upon it. They must ask for help. They must seek and accept it.❤πŸ™Œ
      Sending endless love your way. And remember you are always RIGHT. When you say YOU CAN'T & when you say YOU CAN. CHOICE IS YOURS. YOU GOT THIS. RULE YOUR WORLD. CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY. BE LOVE.

  29. We teach by example...If we want to share our strength and understanding of Gods presence in our life we need to live our lives as examples... Like children mirror their parents you'll find others watching asking ?'s and this is when you'll find the opportunity to share and teach those who don't think they need to learn anything...So be your best selves and others will follow... Because in your heart and mind you know you are Gods vessels here on earth teaching by example...Hod speaks to us in many ways... I hope my thoughts here help some to let go of the burdens of thinking because your a teacher that you have to use force when teaching...I don't have all the amswers by a long shot,But I do believe God taught by actions and kindness and he never forced his message...Free will free to decide on how we want to either exist~Live~ or thrive... I choose to thrive...

  30. rush-collection please help me to have a positive attitude and Outlook along with my other send it master

  31. I fell asleep half way through reading the Ascended Masters HubPage and awoke with it still on my phone screen. My eyes were directed to the clock at 9:13 and 9:33. These make perfect sense right this very minute after yesterday's activities. I fell back to sleep between these numbers as I was reading into the early hours. I've had spiritual experiences all through my life but due to no one having as profound and deep experiences as myself I've been out on a limb until recent years (within the last 7, and I'm now 52) when I'd actually been spiritually guided to a spiritualist church (I don't attend there now due to time constraints) where I made a couple of spiritual aquaintances who I've remained in contact with and become friends, and they've helped me, by explaining their own and other people's experiences in order for me to understand the plethora of different ways in which the spirits and the Higher realms present themselves, helping to stop feeling so out on a limb and isolated. In July this year I became unemployed and so the 24/7 tension I'd feeling was telling me I had to be out of there, and now with all of this free time (I'm on unemployment sick, healing from the build up of stress), the Angel numbers which I'm directed to are becoming more and more numerous every day, buildimg up my confidence and guiding me to bring closure to a very long term and deplorable situation. Yesterday alone, my eyes were directed to 12:12, 6:22, 1:44, 1:11, 22:22, 16:56, 18:58, 19:22, 21:48, 23:44, 10:04, 10:24, 10:44, 02:02, 11:11, 11:41, 11:42. My Angel numbers yesterday were shown in various ways, on digital clocks on my phone, microwave or bedroom clock radio, microwave timer countdowns, going to message someone and the last time they logged off and numbers shown within images or other means. I always make a note of what I was doing immediately beforehand and it always makes sense, always correlates and it is always with such acute precision which can only be believed and understood if you've experienced it. Pure connection and guidance. The way I explained it last night to someone who thought I might be being "a bit too imaginative" was by texting back to her that I do not *choose* to look or wait for these numbers. My eyes are directed to them and it's always 'patterning. In these instances, it's *never* numbers e.g. 13:49, 17:23, 15:29, 16:35, 13:42, 3:52, 4:27 or something to this effect, and *then* she began to understand. Those who have eyes to see and those who have ears to hear.... I must remain positive and forge on ahead. Best wishes to all of you on your journey too :)

  32. What happens when the opposition hasn’t shown their faces; even though God Almighty has; and told God they’re sorry? Why should I keep pressing on with kindness and love as the other force keeps me from doing God’s work and feel they can win after losing! They’re checking the wrong mirrors and have obviously been mistaken our kindness as a weakness! I swear that I will never let up on justice for all those deadly sins thrust upon me, without mercy, without just cause! I’ve shown the kind of mercy and forgiveness that no one else on this planet would’ve been able and show! That’s my facts and that’s the fact of the matter! So many have profited off my good name and the God of God’s! So many people are speaking God’s name and the name of Christ by showing no love for me, based off of human judgments and stipulations that I’ve said are my coping mechanism while opposed to this extent! I’ve never said I wouldn’t change, I said I can’t and it’s because the faith has been drug through the dirt enough already! I can’t and won’t walk around with a chip that will have my fuse shorter than it’s been cut down unto from the hateful actions of other people’s actions toward me for my whole life! I was 7/28 and my nemesis was 8/27 and put here 30 days after my birth and showed no mercy in her pursuit to kill my heart and soul. I’m done with the savage bullshit from hatered and envy fisplayed by lessor human beings who can’t hold a candle to My ass when we speak heart and soul! I am nothing without God and only by His grace and Mercy did I get this damned far! I’ve done my best to keep my integrity and morals in tact, even with it being next to impossible! I’m proud to say, I’ve done well! I’m okay and just wish to try and help the ones who don’t deserve the ways and manipulation used, to see them uninformed and without a lifeline, to see they make it onto the next levels of this ascension process! I won’t stop to see I’ve given my all and that will be determined by the ones who think I’m talking out of my ass over here and can make a joke out of a faith that has been a lifeline for so many of God’s people, the faith our loved ones turned toward when dealing with life and the disappointment brought by the systems we were forced to abide by; without consent! It’s become a joke to these Godless people who just made a maockery of the faith, with their lacking faith and casting aside of evidence and proof backed by facts and God, Himself! Now, I’m feeling that God wants to see those people fix that of what they’ve made a spectacle and stop the degradation of something His only Begotten Son has given up His life for! It’s simple and my patience has, and continues, to wear thin! It’s only been a lifelong fight to get this far without the deadly sins getting the best of me and keeping my gratitude and compassion in tact.

  33. I was just sitting here daydreaming about composing a ballet or some type of creative work. I have no idea where to begin, or how to even create those opportunities, but I'm hoping my guides just what to do, because I am at a loss.

  34. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  35. Its been about 1 year now that ive been seeing different numbers. And your always right on Q. I know it might sound silly but some times I'll have a long conversation just with seeing different numbers over and over. Its like while im reading one message im thinking of another question and then another number will pop into my head & i will put that number in my computer and the answers are always right on. Or before im done reading one I'll see another number without thinking of a question and its asking me or telling me something that i had forgot about. I get a laugh sometimes it can go on for 30 minents. Im sure you know what im talking about. Thanks so much for your sight knowledge & faith. Sue☺

  36. 933! READY TO BE BLESSED! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘‰πŸŒžπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‰πŸ’–πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‰πŸ™πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‰πŸ€—πŸ‘ˆ

  37. 933! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! πŸ₯‚πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ€²πŸ™ŒπŸ’πŸ‘ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸŒ·πŸŒΌ⛱πŸŒ€πŸŒ€πŸŒ€πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸ‘Œ

  38. 933! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! πŸ€²πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’–πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ΈπŸΌπŸ˜‹πŸ€²πŸ§š‍♂️🧚‍♀️πŸ€΄πŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’ΈπŸ‘‰πŸ™πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒπŸ’πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

  39. Love to everyone here in the comment section. I see this number quite a bit. It definitely has massive meaning for me.

  40. How very TIMELY & ON POINT.
    I was passing by a random house on my way to work this morning and the alarm went on "twit- twit" twice only... at 9.33am(GMT) precisely.
    So yeah this was the moment when I was actually asking my Angels and Masters to surround and shield my sphere from all that isnt light and positive. I asked them to take away all fears lurking, all anxiety, worries and negative thoughts...heal and transmute on my behalf.
    I spoke to FEAR.
    Sending endless love and light to everyone and all.
    I feel with my every fibre that something AMAZING & GRAND is coming my way..., it is obviously overtaking and exciting and frightening all at once.
    Hence I'm patient, loving gentle with Self. I am trusting my intuition intensely.
    πŸ™❤ May all that which must come feel welcome. I am safe, in my now and here. I'm blessed and I am grateful for my Angels and Masters presence, love and healing. Amen.

  41. Thank YOU! LOL = πŸ˜†πŸ’œπŸ€£

  42. I had pbs channel open and the “the longevity Paradox” the presentor were talking to this audience and the audience is abviously trained to act like enthusiastic smile and hummm at the same time. He says the bocterias in your guts are so important. He place a woman picture on the screen and asked audience about guessing her age. I said “105” then people said 80, 90, and he said she is 105. I looked at the clock and was 9:33pm then looked at the date 9/3/2020. I said I have to record this. Gave me issurance that I am on the rigth path. Thank you Joann making the page available for us.

  43. Thankyou so much for sharing this ❣️

  44. Why do Bad things keep happening to me when I see the number 33?

  45. Why do bad things keep happening to me when I see 33?

  46. I see 933 a lot, and it is a bit confusing to me, as I have a son with a disability and a lot of attention goes to him, sometimes negative,from him, because of his mental health problems, so does that mean I let go of him, which I would never do. Please help me to decipher the meaning ❤️❤️

  47. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–πŸŽΆπŸŒ…

  48. πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’žπŸŽΆ
