Friday, February 03, 2012


Number 929 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of the numbers 9 and 2, with the powerfully influential number 9 appearing twice, magnifying its vibrations. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 2 is associated with balance, harmony, duality, peace, adaptability, service to others, diplomacy, receptivity and love, charm, understanding others, mediation and co-operation, consideration, faith and trust, your life purpose, support and encouragement.

Angel Number 929 is a message from your angels that you are being fully supported at this time as you find balance between your day to day life and your spiritual quest and/or journey. Angel Number 929 tells of endings and conclusions leading to changes that will see you being more open, creative and joyful. Stay balanced, focused and open during this time and you will find that these endings and subsequent changes will be to your highest good. If you have been intuitively feeling that a part of your life is coming to a close or end, Angel Number 929 brings a message of validation for you.

Angel Number 929 also tells of living your life as a positive example to others in your daily life. Have faith and trust in your own skills, talents and abilities to serve your Divine life purpose with the help and guidance from the angels. Trust that the work you do will serve others is very positive ways and the angels encourage you to continue upon your current path.

If you have lost something recently, Angel Number 929 suggests that you rest assured that the Universe is busily manifesting something positive to take its place. Number 9 suggests endings and conclusions leading towards the new. Number 2 strives to find balance and harmony, therefore what is lost will be replaced.  

Number 929 relates to number 2 (9+2+9=20, 2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.



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  1. rush-collection, Blessed Be!
    This page has been of utmost help to me, recently I have been called to my life's mission, and I quit my job through the guidance from Spirit. So many number sequences have started appearing. 929, 131, 454, 868, 707, 212, 838, etc etc. they have colluded to tell me to remain steadfast and I have regained and continue to maintain my yogic meditative practice now that I have the time, my intuition has gotten so much stronger. I want to ask Do you do personalized readings ?

    And what is meant by balance between spirituality and my every day life ? Shouldn't one incorporate their spirituality into their everyday life indefinitely?

    1. Same here, Ive been experiencing combinations like that too. Its really satisfying how I ran into someone who experienced the same thing as me... no I know that Ive been on the right path so far. I thought i was doing everything wrong, but i guess not.😀

    2. It's saying to find balance. If you're human you can not spend your whole life wrapped up in the spiritual realm. Although it would be nice ;)

    3. Balance is just that. As you awaken to your spiritual purpose, it can become easy for the spiritual being that is apart of you to take over. We are triads: a body, a spiritual entity and human mind. All must be honored in turn. Loving your friends and chosen family through the mundane (drinking coffee, seeing a B film, etc) is human. Pointing your compass toward personal enlightenment in order to work on global enlightenment is spiritual. One aspect may not understand the other, but to be "human" is to orchestrate. I hope this brings clarity to the awakening.

  2. I went from aspiring to be a hero to aspiring to be the antichrist but damn im just gonna be an inspiration to the freaks thankyo with love namaste

    1. As long as u aspire to something greater than yourself ricky, ur on the path.
      Om Shanti

  3. Im having hard time with my marriage as my husband wants a divorce. We have two beautiful little son that makes me hard to just throw it all away. Then, each time these numbers are repeatingly shown to me. It is said that "what is lost willbe replaced". Does that mean I am losing my marriage completely and be able to have another marriage? Anxious

    1. I can only give you advice from my personal experience, but I think your guides are trying to tell you to let go of any situation you can't control.If your husband wants a divorce,there is nothing you can do about it, because he has free will. Your guides and angels are trying to reassure you that no matter the outcome you will be OK. That definitely means you will find love again, whoever and whatever leaves your life is always a reason for it, and it/they are always replaced with something or someone better.

    2. Im in the same situation, or maybe not. She left me, its painful but stil some ting deep inside of me told me its allright and everyting happens for a reson. The same night on the bus, on my way to my parents place some ting happened that I will remember for ever. My angels started to talk to me, not whit word, more like intuitions. I felt I had the opportunity to ask my angels whats going on and why. So I took up my phone and I watched the time. Every time I went to check the numbers meaning I started to cry. The massage from the numbers went all the way down to core and in to my heart.

      Im on my way to do what I always known I wood do and I have faith and trust in my own skills, talents and abilities to do it, my divine life purpose! And now I know I will do it with the help and guidance from my angels.

      Bless you all and bless you all Angels and bless you ROSANDA! <3


    3. Same here. Not sure.
      Came across this testimonial:
      Let's hope everything settles for the best.

  4. I've been getting serial numbers for abouth a year first I was very skeptical about this, but I've come to accept that these are not coincidences, these are truly angel messages, thank you dear Angels for reassuring me in times of darkness that no matter what, I was going to be ok. I'm not afraid of my future anymore, I have learned a huge lesson in life, and I've leaned to let go, to trust, to believe that everything happens for a reason but must of all to know that everything is going to be ok...:)

  5. Hi loves. Just decided to decrease in hours in my present job to attend to the job search. So thankful for this opportunity, the amazing staff, the incredible team, and the great chance I have had to serve and to learn. I am thankful for this amazing company for having me and for allowing me to find my Divine Path. Love them and so grateful for them and so thankful for the opportunity to find something more in line with my Soul's Purpose. Thank You, God, Guides, and Source. Saw this number after an amazing Team meeting tonight. Synchronicity is amazing. So much love to you all.

  6. Number 9 suggests endings and conclusions leading towards the ‘new’.

    What does this mean ?
    I just had a fight or possibly break up with my fiancé.
    Does this meassage mean that I have lost him ?
    Ending towards the new ? I don't get that part, can anyone plese clarify for me ?

    1. Same here. Cannot say.
      Came across this testimonial:
      Let's hope for the best.

    2. New in the angelic realm is not what the human part of your triad "thinks." You may have seen this number after a fight with your loved one but that doesn't not validate that it is over, only that some way of being is. This could be many things: how y'all communicate, putting your past/or their past over your future, one person subconsciously putting the other before themselves (in a universal joy not selfish way).

  7. Grateful for 909, 919,929,939,949,959,969,979,989,999...
    For rush-collection, for your support my dear Angels!💜

  8. It's been really amazing to visit your page and connect to all this content.. thanks a lot! Stay blessed!

  9. This is so sweet, thank you 🙏🏽🍑

  10. Thank you thank you thank you! Blessings for you all kind ones. Be beautiful and shine!

  11. This page is really wonderful... It helps me everytime... when my spirit guides and ascended masters say things to me... Everytime I see a number being repeated... I open this page to see what my spirit guides and ascended masters want me to know... And I always find a meaning... Thannnnk you.. rush-collection

  12. Thank you angels thank you thank you God. Everything is in divine right timing💙

  13. Thank you very much 💕 I will stay balance as much as I can . Whatever that is lost or whatever that I let go will be replace with positive manifestation :) I trust my angels and my intuition and I will do my best to make my spiritual path come true 😌 may love and light be with you. going to rest now :) tomorrow is await 😌

  14. Last night I dreamed of 929 had no clue what the numbers means My boyfriend passed away March 23,2018 It was a sudden death the number I am dreaming is it a sign from him?

    1. Hace años era domingo en la tarde, tomaba una siesta después de almuerzo. Cuando estaba en el límite entre lo dormido y lo despierto, sucedió algo extraño. Una voz me gritó "929",pegué un brinco y quedé sentado y asustado, pues fue una voz muy fuerte. No sabía que significaba eso. Al día siguiente jugué ese número a loteria y me gané $500.000 pesos colombianos 🙏

  15. Thank you! This page gives me so much courage.

  16. Im just soooooooooo grateful that i found you!!! Im thanking my angels for leading me to youuuu!

  17. Derek
    I see alot numbers an see things before it happen an can heal others an myself how will i no when my awakening has ended

  18. I believe our awakening ends when we shed thiscshell n take spirit form

  19. Grateful🤗🧚🏻‍♀️

  20. I've just given up weed after 13years of continuously smoking every day , It was apart of my higher calling in life and is now aligning me with more of myself . I used to always see 656 and misinterpret it as someone dying , now I recognize it was apart of me I was yet to let go of so new can replace it, I'm a Gemini and my readings for December was old doors closing and new doors opening , so 929 has really resonated with me . Thank you for your light services and guidance this page offers :) :) :) Grateful

  21. Amen praise God hallelujah we serve an awesome God amen

  22. I'm really grateful for everything, thank you.

  23. Everyday I find your wisdom to be lighting the path to my own journey. I cannot begin to express the gratitude and respect I have for the gift you have given the world, and myself especially. Continue to shine your boundless light rush-collection. We can never be thankful enough for your gifts.
    Eternally grateful,


  24. good content very helpful thanks

  25. This whole thing is frustrating. There’s no origins of where how or why these numbers show up. I’m about a year into seeing these numbers and it’s mind boggling. I first started seeing the numbers, then recently started sending the numbers or knowing that a number sequence was present. For instance, what seems like every time I go to grab my phone... there’s a number sequence. 111, 11:11, 10:10, 12:12..etc..etc.. I’m always looking up the meanings and what not. That being said... these numbers are ultimately leading me to zero fruition of what they are saying. Very, very frustrating...... Feel like I’m always stuck at culdesac going round and round.

  26. Thank you guardian angel and to my fiance SAEED from Iran he give this number Amen. ❤

  27. Thank you thank you thank you

  28. Thank you for your time and efforts to provide for us.

    I read as my attention is drawn.
    Shaired with others. Namely my wife Sarah.

    Grace peace and love appreciation too you.
