Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 Hi there,

It has come to my attention that there is someone trying to impersonate me and my website. They have created a Facebook page using photos of a woman who is not me. True followers of my work will know I prefer to stay as anonymous as possible - that is really NOT my style. Please do not engage with this person thinking you are speaking with me, I’ve not made a new website, although that is in the works. I have been quiet in recent times as I am experiencing some health issues. I do plan to revamp my website and release my book once this passes. I would like to take this opportunity to also introduce you to my beautiful daughters Stacey and Sarah as they will be using their physical and psychic abilities to assist me with furthering my reach to you all, so please keep an eye on this site for new information and guidance. Please note (in case you need further proof that the imposter is such) only we who control this website can link out and update it - anyone can link in, which is what the imposter has done to make it look like they are me. When my new page is up, the link to it will originate here.

 Stay tuned, exciting things to come!

 Love and light Rush Collection

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