Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Number 1930 is made up of the energies and attributes of number 1 and number 9, and the vibrations and influences of number 3 and number 0. Number 1 encourages us to step forward in our chosen direction, and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 1 brings its qualities of ambition, motivation and progress, insight and inspiration, creativity and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfilment and attainment. Number 9 resonates with leading by positive example, lightworkers and lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, strength of character and a higher perspective, generosity and benevolence, endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws and the concepts of karma and dharmaNumber 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, expansion and growth, affability, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters who help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desiresNumber 0 magnifies and amplifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with, and carries the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies. Number 0 relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects and encourages you to listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers.  

Angel Number 1930 is a message from the angels that you are being intuitively and Divinely guided along your lightworking path, and you are encouraged to continue with passion and purpose, knowing that you are fully supported by the angels and Universal Energies along the way. Live your life as a positive example for others to follow, having full faith and trust in the infinite supply of Universal abundance.

Angel Number 1930 is also message to let go of any issues or situations that are no longer positively serving you in your life. Have no fear of lack or loss as you can trust that ‘better’ is coming your way. You deserve happiness and success and the Masters are ensuring that all good things come into your life.

If you are considering a spiritual practice, career or profession or heart-based service, now is a suitable time to pursue this avenue. Using your natural lightworking abilities and talents, and living your life as a positive example for others are important aspects of your soul mission. Call upon the angels for guidance and assistance when feeling the need for concise help and/or direction. You are encouraged to continue to live your personal truths as a spiritual being, and remember that your thoughts create your experiences, so maintain a positive attitude and outlook.

Continue visualizing and taking action towards pursuing your spiritual path and know that your life purpose is one of serving and teaching others using your natural communication skills, creative talents and joyful and optimistic disposition.  

Number 1930 relates to number 4 (1+9+3+0=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.


  1. Amen!!!❤πŸ€
    Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
    Blessings ,Love,peace and Light to you rush-collection and to all other Indigos !!!❤πŸ€

  2. A Compassion I have to maintain positive vibes to show everyone and everything that surrounds me 24/7 by my mission of examples. I have that thirst for being an Angel on Earth whether healing or as a guardian to allow that the truth of Faith and Love to all shall reign. May My God Bless you all.

  3. Timely, as always.πŸ™
    I'll keep surging forward fearlessly. Amen‼❤
    Grateful and blessed.πŸ™❤

  4. πŸ™❤️😍😘Blessings and love and light to all amen
