Sunday, January 05, 2014


Number 1444 is a blend of the vibrations of number 1, and the energies of number 4. With three 4’s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced. Number 1 relates to the attributes of new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, initiative and assertiveness, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own reality with our thoughts, intentions and beliefs. Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels, practicality and responsibility, productivity, illumination and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and ability, honesty and inner-wisdom, determination and endurance, hard work and progress. Number 4 also represents our passion and drive and encourages us to work harmoniously yet diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations.  

Angel Number 1444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are offering you positive energies, inner-strength and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to. They know and understand that you have been working hard towards your goals, and encourage you to look to new and different ways to go about getting your work done more effectively. Listen to your intuition as your angels are intuitively guiding you towards new and different ways to get things done efficiently and effectively. Use your strong connection with the angelic realm to your benefit and be open to their promptings and messages. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance.

Number 1444 encourages you to stop feeling stress, anxiety and worry over your financial situation or issues as these negative emotions and energies block the flow of supply and abundance into your life. Your angels ask that you focus upon positive affirmations and visualizations, intentions and prayers to manifest your desired outcomes. Give your worries over to your angels to transmute and heal and trust that the work you have been doing will have long-term rewards.  

Angel Number 1444 suggests that your past efforts will bring about the results you have worked so hard for.  

Angel Number 1444 also suggests that the angels are assisting you with fully aligning your vibrations with your life purpose and soul mission. Trust the work you are doing now, and have done in the past, will reap rewards as you serve your Divine purpose. Take action as you are guided and do not be afraid to step in the direction of your dreams.

In following the path that you wish to pursue, go within and be in constant contact with your Higher-Self and bring forward the guidance and insights regarding your next steps and destination.

Number 1444 relates to number 4 (1+4+4+4=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



  1. OK, so I was being out, and I thought: "Hey! Maybe that's the solution? To stop worrying and just start having fun, and take this whole (financial) situation more lightly?"

    10 minutes later, when I've come home... I see this:
    "Number 1444 encourages you are to stop feeling stress, anxiety and worry over your financial situation or issues as these negative emotions and energies block the flow of supply and abundance into your life."

    Wow! Thank you so much! Both you rush-collection, and my angels :).

  2. Several days of 1444, 1414 and 4411...

    1. Me too, but for months. With and with out the 1s. I also look at the clock at 44 min past the hour frequently throughout the day. At least since July.

    2. Me too for months and the angels are surly speaking now

  3. rush-collection-
    I thank you so much i an inspiration. I love it. I ask you though, what.are.the names the speak of.? I know.raphael and.paha.have back already in meditation and.reflection and transform and.trascend, i am learn begin to channel them fully. I think something.well any advice is welcome! Keep translating the beautiful language that numbers.share.with you and.we.will always!!thank you thank you thank you!!!!

    1. The 4 Angels are Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Uriel. Call upon them anytime. They are always with you waiting for you to ask them for help.

  4. I was cooking and thought about the sort of fears I have with different people and how we create our own reality and everything happens for a reason. We get the lessons and challenges we are meant to get. At core everybody has a lovely soul. And how unreasonable most fears are because if I put the fears aside and think about these people i realise that their actions prove that I can trust them. Even if they have an unusual personality. It's me projecting my fears onto them. So just trust the universe haha. Then about 10 mins later 14.44 hahaha ;)

  5. Thank you.i need to relax about financial worries as unemployed currently.

  6. Thank you I need to relax about money and my career in fashion. As I need to be more in tune with my intuition and inner guidance.
    Thank you my angels. Thank you for your support and guidance.

  7. I see 14:44 on the clock everyday and have so all my life. Also watching soccer matches I never fail to glance at 14:44. I see it everywhere, in the odds when I play on a match 1.44, place bet for a 1000 and the payout is 1444.44. Bought a car that turned out to be 4441cm long specified in the manual. etc etc etc interesting to read this about 1444 here, Ive known for a long time that I create my own reality and have been able to change everything to a point that I am totally free and realize that I am a living human beeing and nothing that society tells you.

  8. Thank you! I always come back to this site as Spirit guided me here not long after I started looking into numbers x S3 x

  9. Stopped a video, came back to it and saw it was at 14:44 exactly. Reading this, it resonated especially right this minute!
    <3 Thank You

  10. Just what i need to hear, praise the Lord ♡

  11. Incredible very good

  12. I thank you ALL for sending all this long time every possible support and help!
    Grateful! 💜

  13. Thank you. I have been seeing many repeating numbers daily for the past days, 1111,444, 2222, etc

  14. Thanks and blessings

  15. Last night i dream a pyramid. I was in the pyramid with my wife. She found a key. With this key i opened a box. There was a wife told me: "write this: 1444". I wrote these numbers.

  16. Thank you so much!!!! This helps me enormously! I have been wondering about these numbers, because I see them everywhere! 144 and 1444 and 44.

  17. Been seeing this number to many times when i glanced to see what time it is on the phone. Thank you!

  18. Having prayed for help in my healing work..I opened my eyes and saw 1444 my heart and soul is filled with joy..Thank you X

  19. Just prayed for help in my healing work..opened my eyes to 1444..filled with joy in my heart and soul...Thank you X

  20. Hi rush-collection is there a way to talk/chat with you personally? Thanks

  21. These numbers are a constant and for me and have been for years! And I've lived by these numbers more recently than ever and I've never felt better within myself for doing it!

  22. So much 💖💖💖 thankyou

  23. :) I promise I'll done my life and divine purpose

  24. Always and forever grateful!!! ♡♡♡

  25. these numbers just remind me I'm a failure.

  26. Spot on again! rush-collection, the lightwork you do is truly a blessing and inspiration! I have been conciously embarking upon my spiritual journey for three years now. I feel so blessed to have come so far and eagerly anticipate the unfurling of what's to come. In a serendipitous sequence of events, I was guided to your site back in April. I have come here for guidance every day since. I receive a heavy influx of messages on a regular basis so much so,that I carry a pen and pad to keep track of them all. Sometimes, I miss or forget some of the numbers,but I don't fret over it. I tell myself that the message was not for me or of little significance. There are often so many that I look at the list and let the numbers choose me instead of reading them sequentially. Sometimes days go by until certain numbers resonate. This system serves me very well. I have learned so much from the light you provide on all of your pages. I have strengthened my connection to the spiritual and angelic realms. Automatic writing has helped me tremendously! I love it! I can't articulate the rush of joy/confidence that comes from finishing up a session and then receiving the same message via angel number right after! You are a beautiful, powerful spiritual being, rush-collection. The work you do is allowing millions of others like myself awaken to the true beauty,power and spirituality within ourselves. Though we all have different gifts,paths, lessons to learn, and outer purposes,etc.,our inner purpose is the same.We are all the same. Together we raise the Collective Conciousness and heal our world. I love and bless you all!

  27. @Flyhigh_Vi-Wednesday 9th August,
    My experience it's so like yours.
    Some days I am unable to go true all messages I receive or again like you ,find that some doesn't quite resonate with me at that moment & let the numbers choose me !!! :-)
    I simpatise with you on all fronts!!!
    Stay blessed,as we all are!!!
    We all have one purpose -to help heal,lighten and raise the Collective consciousness!!!
    Thank you rush-collection , you are an Angel and I love you!!!
    I can't thank you enough for the light you have been for me !!! ♡♡♡ I love you!!!
    Love ,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  28. I miss my soulmate. I'm stressed and worried about that. I want to be with him. And we never had chance to really talk when me met but I know he's my soulmate and I missed him everyday since we met and it's been neaeu a year. I want to see my soulmate.



  31. Il n'y a pas un seul jour ou je reçois des messages chiffrés comme 1717,1818,1212,1444,1555,1313,1919 etc...Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont bavards ses anges et archanges mais que je remercie ici pour leur aimable coopération en cette vie. Merci également à se site pour ses toutes ses lumières.

  32. Grateful for every reminder!!!❤💫💥🍀👊

  33. I was just sitting in a parking lot I was one of three cars. A car pulled in with the license plate 1444 parked right in front of me slightly to my right. I see nonstop angel numbers every day and have been following this site and other sites I know it means good things and good changes as my awareness levels are continually heightened now for every situation I am in.

  34. I am Grateful for all of your hard work on this site and the readings. A very effective tool for communicating to the angelic planes. Thank you, rush-collection, you have made an impact. Love and light, my friend.

  35. I'm so grateful for all that you do my dear sister , i send you much love and blesingss

  36. I was coming from the car garage thinking at home about all the cost that I need to pay this month and then this sign appears so i now know What to do thanks

  37. I am gratefull for your translation of this message. I have recieved it and will follow it accordingly. Thank you for your Help.

  38. I haven't got a pot to piss in. So I don't think it's anything to do with my finances. If I ain't got any then there's nothing to worry about. So that leave . Healing. I'll settle for that.

  39. Guides angels. Im broke. Alone. Having many passions but not sure what I want to follow. Im a muso a giver. Empathy. Im also lost. Please give me some more promts.

  40. 14:44 pm in East Berlin. , 4th of July 2018 today , great! Just decided to be more angelic today walking past the kindergarden. Amazing! B

  41. What an Amaezing message thank you universe thank you FATHER in HEAVEN..thank you kind ANGELS and ARCHANGELS.ASCENDED MASTER.Espirit guide .I Looove it Sooo much I'm so thankful and honor.for Sooo much your messages you have an Amaezingly kind soul❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏😊😊😊😊

  42. Hi Joan
    Thank you so much for the message this is really true im related to this angels message oh i love my guardian angels and angel numbers❤❤❤��

  43. Dear Johanes
    Thank you very much for your generosity to offer such a interesting and accurate content
    It really helped me
    Wish you the inner best ��������

  44. 1444! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!💗💗💕💕💖💖💏🙏🙏🤲🤲🔥🔥🐞🐞⚘⭐

  45. Thank you loving Father and to all loving angels including rush-collection

  46. I'm just not sure what's going on with my relationship. I miss him. I have been trying to call him but he's not taking my calls. Should I just leave this or keep trying?

  47. I see 1444 almost on a daily basis. If it's not 1444 it's just 144 or 444. Its left me wondering why I'm seeing these number 3 0r 4 times a day. Reading your comments on here and what rush-collection has wrote has helped me to understand I'm guided and helped every day. Its bought a warm and confident feeling towards me.

  48. Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!!🔮🍃🦄😍😍😍

  49. I’m moving to a new house on the block number of 1444. I found this website on the 4th of June at 3:41. All this after finding a $2 bill in the pocket of jeans but have no recollection of obtaining it.

  50. 1111 and 1444.
    Dreams come true by visualising and working towards goals.
    I AM in the proces of.
    Everything fall to the right place. Just wonderfull to create the life with a purpuse.

  51. Tallulah BelleFriday, July 21, 2023

    Hey rush-collection! 🌸💕💖💝🌟✨💫 My eyes just went to this as I took out my phone! Usual scenario lol. I often feel like my actions are literally guided in remote control by Higher forces almost all day but definitely every day 🙃🤯😁😂 This is a regular Angel number for me. Many Blessings and fortuitous abundance to you rush-collection 🙏🏽🥰👌🏽🌸💕💖💝🌟✨💫
