Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Number 1147 is a number made up of the vibrations of number 1 (appearing doubled, amplifying its influences) and the energies of number 4 and the mystical number 7. Number 1 brings its qualities of creation and creativity, ambition, motivation and progress, insight and inspiration, new beginnings and starting afresh, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfilment and attainment. Number 1 tells us that we create our own reality with our thoughts, beliefs and actions and encourages us to strive ahead. Number 1’s appearing together relate to the karmic number 11. Master Teacher Number 11 relates to the principles of enlightenment and spiritual awakening, illumination, high energy, creative idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our soul mission and life purpose. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, establishing solid foundations, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose in life. Number 7 vibrates with the mystical influences of spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, inner-knowing and understanding others, dignity and refinement, endurance and persistence of purpose, good fortune and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 1147 is a message from your angels that the important choices and/or decisions you have recently made were the right ones to suit your long-term life goals. If you have not yet had to face important life choices and changes, then this is coming into your life in the very near future. Listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom.

Angel Number 1147 tells you to continue putting your efforts towards living your personal truths and walking your spiritual path, safe in the knowledge that the angelsAscended Masters and Archangels are guiding, assisting, supporting and encouraging you every step of the way. Hard work, will and effort will reap long-term rewards. Keep up the good work!

Angel Number 1147 is also a message that your repetitive thoughts, ideas and promptings from your inner-self are indicators of your next steps, and are offering solutions and/or the answers to your prayers. New spiritual and psychic experiences are changing the way you view yourself and the world around you. Allow your spiritual gifts to flourish through study, prayer and meditation.

Your angels wish to congratulate you for listening to your intuition and inner-wisdom, and for taking positive action as a result.

Number 1147 relates to number 4 (1+1+4+7=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.


  1. Dear rush-collection,
    A week ago in the night, i dream someone spell 1147 then i woke and went to the toilet, go back to sleep again, and 1147 appear again, then i toom my 3 years old daughter to pee, tha sleep again, and somebody wrote 1147 again. Until i wake up and 1147 still spinning in my mind.
    i bought lottery but not winning. I'm so curious until today i found this blog.
    thank you, this help me a lot.

  2. Firstable im amaze of this meaning someone at work just told me to remember this number out nowhere and now that i read this is unbelievable wow 1147

  3. ...Grateful!💜💙
    I hear and follow, it's not easy. I cry and smile at the same time.

    1. Same, I read this and I cried and smile, I've been feeling it in my heart and reading this is reassurance that I am in the right path and that I'm not alone, than I saw your comment, we have the same name and I felt the synchronicities of the universe working on my favor, I love being part of this world and how we are all connected ❤️

  4. Getting back into my alignment is so amazing, just being able to cry tears of joy and bliss today and have been guided through so much lately and thanks to you rush-collection you make it just so much easier for my help to communicate with me.

  5. Bless your soul rush-collection thank you so much for your work.

  6. I see the time 11:47 almost every day, and have been for about 2 years. I don't intentionally see this. I'll randomly look at my phone at it will be 11:47. I get such a weird feeling when I see this. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad but I knew it had to mean something. After reading this I am shocked. I related to everything you said. About energies, purpose, and just EVERYTHING. I always feel like someone is watching me, maybe it's the angels...

    1. Hi Trisha, I have been seeing this time 11:47 since last 1 year too. again its not intentional, just that its always there in some form or other, may be when I see a movie there will be a mention of the same number in the story. I was so curious that why is this happening. Now I read your comment here & I am shook that I am not alone.

    2. Dearest Trisha & all other fellow lightworkers,
      We are all on the same boat.❤❤❤
      We are one! United. Together A FORCE.❤❤❤
      Sending blessings,love and Light to All!

  7. I see the time 11:47 almost every day, and have been for about 2 years. I don't intentionally see this. I'll randomly look at my phone at it will be 11:47. I get such a weird feeling when I see this. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad but I knew it had to mean something. After reading this I am shocked. I related to everything you said. About energies, purpose, and just EVERYTHING. I always feel like someone is watching me, maybe it's the angels.. I don't know. I feel like I have a greater mind than others. I'll sometimes think of something at it will happen right after. I can tell what a person is like right after I met them from they're energy and I can feel things I can't explain.

    1. The feelings are mutual my fellow human. After having my kundilini awakening recently from my psychotropic endevours, I've been feeling that spidy sense feeling up my spine at every decision making and bombarded with repetitive numbers every step of the way relative as per the circumstance. A kinda 'above all' feel from the nescient humans is how I put it. Wish I had more people who I can openly discuss the realizations I've achieved over the years. Inspiration is truly information.


    2. Hi Trisha, I too have been seeing the same time 11:47 since one year. Exactly like your case. I was somehow always sure that it was positive. It really amazing to find someone who shares the same experience.

    3. We are called empaths. I see this number daily x 2/3/4 times

  8. I Understand.....
    Bless the Journey Peace to you all ~

  9. Not seeing anything positive around any number anymore. The last thought i had before this number showed up was suicide ...

  10. 'Pleased to meet yoo' black 1147. My ded red heeler with a black jacket watching over me like a gaurd. Now I know now I'm ready

  11. Grateful immensly!!!This message fully resonates. I kept being prompted to take a note of this combo many times,Yet just got around to reading it's message!
    Thank you rush-collection, my Earth Angel. I love you. Changes pending indeed and I can't deny that i feel a tad frustrated and apprehensive.For my Faith and Trust are strong! I am the force!!! I got this handled!!! The best is manifesting. I'm deserve it.❤❤❤
    Love,peace, light and blessed journeys to you all.🙌

  12. I came here because I was recently told about numerology and was interested because for as long as I can remember, I catch myself looking at the clock at 11:47 almost daily. 11:47 also happens to be the time I was born and earlier when I saw the clock it clicked for the first time that 4+7=11 so I decided to do some research on the numbers. And I’m so glad I came across this! ❤️

  13. I never took the time to say Thank you Joanna Walmsley... your powerful occurrence of messages lead me to confidently use my light working skills...I have a passion for good health and pilates, Wish me luck , I sit for my personal training fitness certification soon . p.s there are no such thing in coincidence 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  14. I never took the time to say Thank you Joanna Walmsley... your powerful occurrence of messages lead me to confidently use my light working skills...I have a passion for good health and pilates, Wish me luck , I sit for my personal training fitness certification soon . p.s there are no such thing in coincidence 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  15. I see this number all the time it's in my face 2 or three times a week I started taking pictures when I see it, not just on the clock but nearly everwhere. Eventually I quit taking pictures and quit being excited about it because I knew I was going to see it. I think this a cool explanation, but its so generalized and could apply to anybody. I don't believe this is the explanation of this obvious sign

  16. Thank you rush-collection your a beautiful spirit. I was wondering if you may be able to help me understand a couple things I've personally experienced but if you require money to help me I'm afraid I dont have none. I was in an accident 2 years ago that left me unable to work in the way I knew how. I have become homeless because of it but I have never given up hope on what I want for me and the ones I love. I need some small amounts guidance if you would so graciously bestow some help for me. My email is veronicacherry889@gmail.com thank you sweet lady if you at least say a prayer for me have a bless day and many tomorrows.

    Veronica Cherry ��

  17. I have seen this number since I was a child. Never quite understood why and now I see and feel the energy that comes with it.b I had a awakening and thanks for this it let me know that there are others like me as well.

  18. I was praying to God about my path and just talking to him like he was my dad just calm and collective :) then I just said things like I know I’m on the right path I just got back from working out and drinking water about to go to sleep. Just feeling good like that kinda good you haven’t felt in awhile you know? Then purposely looked at the time and saw 11:47 pm. Now it could lie like just any number but I felt was I was saying deeply so I was like I’m just gonna look up that time any way.. and here we are :)

  19. I am forever grateful for being guided ❤️

  20. Thank-you so much
